A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2368 The True Immortal Comes to the World Jinhan Immortal Palace

The golden runes that were originally flashing faintly on the ice wall suddenly lit up.

Then the strands of white light in the ice peak condensed in one place, suddenly transforming into a little man about a foot tall.

This little man's eyes were closed tightly, his whole body was covered in light, and his appearance and clothing were all the same as those of the old man in white robes.

When the old man outside Bingfeng saw this, he raised his arm and put a finger between his eyebrows.


A milky white crystal thread shot out from it. After a flash, it penetrated the ice wall and disappeared into the forehead of the villain inside.

After the villain's expression moved slightly, his eyes slowly opened.

The light in a pair of pupils was flickering, and turned out to be red gold.

"Thank you for your hard work, but the thing is finally done. As long as we can get the Thread of Time, we can shorten the time of refining this guy below by more than half. In this case, I can also breathe a little relieved. Otherwise, it will really take a long time. If it takes tens of thousands of years to refine, I'm afraid there will be some unforeseen trouble." The villain said slowly, and his voice was exactly the same as the old man in white robe.

"If this is the case, naturally it would be best. However, those few Thunder Night Talisman are a bit of a pity. These talismans were originally intended to be left to a few highly valued younger generations in the clan to help them survive several times. Used for the Great Heavenly Tribulation." The old man in white robe sighed.

"There is nothing we can do about it. I brought some magic talismans and elixirs from the fairy world that were not found in the lower world. After so many years and several catastrophes with my clan, they have now been consumed. I want to impress these few people. In the existence of Mahayana, there are only these few Thunder Sky Talisman. However, the ancestor Shi Xin unexpectedly fell, and instead two Mahayana people from the human race came. This was an extremely unexpected thing. These two Mahayana Han Li, weren't they the same ones that day? A human boy who entered the demon world with Qianqiu and the others?" The villain said with a golden light flashing in his eyes.

"It is indeed this newly promoted human race Mahayana. I don't know what happened to them in the demon world that day. Qianqiu and the others all fell and died. Only this person escaped unscathed and survived the catastrophe as soon as he returned to the spirit world. He became a Mahayana monk, and even easily severely injured a Yaksha Mahayana in the Mahayana ceremony. His strength is far beyond the comparison of ordinary Mahayana monks." The old man in white robe said with a bit of dignity, as if he was explaining to the villain, but also as if he was looking after himself. Just talking to himself.

"It seems that this human boy really entered the Spirit Cleansing Pond and swallowed the Pure Spirit Lotus, otherwise he would not have such strength. This is good! The greater his magical power, the more he can enter the minor Shura world and obtain the Thread of Time The more you are sure, the better." The villain pondered for a moment before replying.

"That's what I think too. Otherwise, if the ancestor Ao Xiao came with Mo Jianli, I would never agree to their deal easily." The old man in white robe chuckled.

"Well, since things are going well, let's continue like this. Now I must concentrate on refining the true soul of the Golden Immortal below, and I will leave everything outside to you to deal with. Unless those people come out of the Small Shura Realm , otherwise there is no need to wake me up again." The old man in white robe said without hesitation.

"Okay, you can just refine it with peace of mind. You and I are originally one. If you can refine the Immortal Soul Pill as soon as possible, I will benefit a lot." The old man in white robe smiled and made a seal with one hand. Point a finger at the void inside the ice wall.

"Bang" sound!

The villain just nodded, and his body turned into little auras and disappeared.

Then the old man turned around, but without seeing any movement, a light flashed under his feet, and the teleportation light array appeared on its own.

After a buzzing sound, the old man vaguely disappeared from the space.

In the True Immortal World, on an endless continent, neat and square spiritual fields are being cared for by countless farmer-like people dressed in yellow costumes.

Upon closer inspection, these "farmers" all have identical faces and dull expressions. They are actually lifelike humanoid puppets.

In these spiritual fields, most of them grow a kind of huge rice with main stems as thick as the mouth of a bowl, which exudes unimaginable pure spiritual energy. Taking a sip can make people feel refreshed.

In the void of more than a hundred feet of farmland, there are acres of various colored spiritual clouds, on which sit people wearing long robes and holding various utensils. .

These people were either alone or in groups of two or three, no matter how old or young they were, all dressed as Taoist boys. They patrolled back and forth over the large spiritual field, and from time to time they activated the objects in their hands, causing the spiritual clouds under them to release a burst of energy. A burst of clear rainwater comes to water the spiritual field below.

And higher up in the sky, more than 10,000 feet high, there was a sea of ​​rolling fog. It swept around and the edges could not be seen, as if it enveloped the entire continent.

In the sea of ​​fog facing the spiritual field below, spiritual birds and beasts were shuttled back and forth, carrying people in different costumes in and out of the sea of ​​fog.

Suddenly, a roar of dragon roar came!

There was a flash of crystal light on the horizon, and a blue ice dragon more than a hundred feet long suddenly appeared.

I saw the sound of wind and thunder all around, and the blue ice dragon flew over the spiritual field like lightning.

If such a huge creature appeared in public in front of ordinary beings in the spirit world, it would probably not only scare people out of their wits, but also attract countless gazes.

But both the "farmers" who were tending the spiritual fields below and the Taoist boys who were driving the clouds and mist mostly turned a blind eye to this.

Occasionally, a few Taoist boys looked up and immediately lowered their heads as if nothing had happened.

Only two Taoist boys, about twelve or thirteen years old, with fair faces and red teeth, showed a look of surprise after seeing the ice dragon high in the sky on a spiritual cloud.

"Isn't that Mr. Li? How could the Immortal Palace that I just left a few days ago come back so quickly?" A Taoist boy murmured.

"Seeing how hurried Mr. Li is, it seems he must be doing something important and it's not going well." Another Taoist boy.

"Maybe. But Lord Li's strength is enough to rank among the top 100 in our Jinhan Immortal Palace. What can't be done in this immortal realm? Tsk tsk, if disciples like you and I can get Lord Li's Except for some guidance, it’s a blessing from heaven.” The first Taoist boy said with a “tsk-tsk”.

"Stop dreaming. Disciples like you and me are only the lowest level of beings in the Immortal Palace. They are half disciples and half handymen. How could a being like Master Li take a fancy to you? However, senior brother, my spiritual body has been condensed. At 70% chance, in the next election, you might be able to pass the test and become a qualified disciple. By then, you will no longer have to waste time on such mundane things." The second Taoist boy curled his lips. , lowered his head and looked at the jade plaque-like thing in his hand, and suddenly said with some longing.

"What, senior brother's true body has reached 70%, and I have just reached 50%. It seems that I have to hurry up and practice. If I can't become a disciple in a few years, I'm afraid I will be kicked out of the mortal world and have to stay. It's the lower realm." The first Taoist boy was surprised when he heard this and became a little frightened.

"Actually, it's not bad to go to the lower world. It is said that except not being able to live forever, you can enjoy all the other things you want." The second Taoist boy chuckled and said very maturely.

"I don't want to go to the lower world. I must become a disciple of the same level as my senior brother." The first Taoist boy was extremely determined.

"In this case, junior brother really needs to work harder. If the true body cannot be condensed within five years, the criminal law deacons in the Immortal Palace will not show any mercy." Seeing this, the second Taoist boy smiled unconsciously. He was restrained and spoke seriously.

"Thank you for your advice, senior brother. I will definitely work hard." The first Taoist boy nodded repeatedly.

Just as the two Taoist boys were whispering, the blue ice dragon that was thousands of feet high in the sky swung its tail and plunged into the sea of ​​fog, flying all the way higher.

In an instant, it flew tens of thousands of feet into the sky.

The mist suddenly dispersed, the blue ice dragon rushed out, and another world filled with spiritual energy suddenly appeared in front of him.

Above the rolling sea of ​​mist, there were hundreds of mountains, large and small, densely suspended there.

The largest of these peaks are tens of thousands of feet long, while the smaller ones are only three to four thousand feet tall. However, each of them is covered with exotic flowers and plants, and some exquisite pavilions and pavilions are built on them.

Between the peaks, there are rainbows connected like arch bridges, and from time to time, some men and women in long gowns and palace attires pass by lightly on them.

What a fairyland scene in heaven.

The blue ice dragon let out a long roar, twisted its body, and flew past the mountains without stopping.

After passing several peaks in succession, the ice dragon arrived at the center of the mountains.

There, surrounded by more than a dozen peaks, a huge palace like a city floated impressively.

The surface of this palace is magnificent, with countless runes flying around the entire palace. At the gate like a tower that is more than a thousand feet high, some golden warriors holding weapons can be vaguely seen, and a silver plaque hangs above it with the words " The inscription is inscribed with four huge gold characters "Jinhan Immortal Palace".

The blue ice dragon blurred and came to the front of the palace gate. The light on its body dimmed and it transformed into a tall, thin, black-faced Taoist priest.

Wearing a Bagua Taoist robe and holding a silver silk dust in his hand, there is not a trace of fireworks in his body.

Among the group of golden-armored warriors standing in front of the palace gate, several people immediately came out to greet them, and one of them, who seemed to have the highest status, bowed slightly and asked in a neither humble nor condescending manner:

"Master Li, are you coming to the main hall of Immortal Palace now? Do you have anything to do?"

"I have something important to do and want to see the palace master." The black-faced Taoist priest said without thinking.

"This is not very convenient. Today is not a day for discussion. The palace master should be practicing in seclusion and will not meet any adults easily." The soldier showed a troubled expression.

Hearing the words, the black face's face darkened. Just when he was about to say something else, a majestic voice suddenly sounded in the ears of both of them at the same time.

"No need to stop him, let Li Ming come in and see me. I'm looking for him for something."

"Yes, Palace Master! Master Li, please come in." The armored man was startled, clasped his hands into fists, and hurriedly stepped aside to get out of the way.

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