A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2367 The True Immortal Comes to the World Bingfeng

"As for the Shura Spider, Mo once heard a powerful person say something about it. As soon as the larvae of this thing are born in the Shura world, they have terrifying strength above the Nascent Soul. As the larvae grow up, this monster The supernatural power has also been soaring all the way. When it becomes a true adult, its strength is almost infinitely close to that of a Mahayana existence. Some of the Shura spiders with extraordinary talents may even become extremely powerful beings comparable to true spirits. Fellow Taoist said The Shura spider that can refine the thread of time must at least be an adult!" Mo Jianli said slowly.

"Brother Mo has an unusual understanding of this Shura world monster. I have not concealed it from several fellow Taoists. Indeed, only adult Shura spiders can extract the thread of time. And basically, only three-headed Shura spiders can extract one. A ray of time comes. Of course, if you encounter the powerful Shura spider that Brother Mo mentioned, one crystal core is enough." The Spirit King replied with a strange color on his face.

Mo Jianli smiled bitterly and asked no more questions.

After hearing this, Xue Ran and Hei Lin couldn't help but look a little gloomy again.

After a while, Xue Ran asked coldly:

"The world of little Shura is already full of dangers, and the adult Shura spider has some weird magical powers to control time. Even if it doesn't have the magic power of the Mahayana phase, I'm afraid it won't be any easier to deal with than the ordinary Mahayana phase. If you want to refine the thread of time, I'll wait for one person You have to kill at least three heads to be able to do it. Brother Ling, don’t you think it’s inappropriate to ask us to worry about our lives in exchange for just one Thunder Sky Talisman?”

"Inappropriate 1, I don't think so. In addition to the Thunder Sky Talisman, I also took out two Shura Hearts. Given their rarity, their value is only slightly less than that of the Thunder Sky Talisman." That's it. Besides, the small Shura world was famous for its many rare resources many thousands of years ago. If you enter it, even if you can't find the Shura spider, you will gain a lot from other treasures. You can keep these things for yourself. , I will not take any more cents from you!" The old man in white robe said with an unchanged expression.

"This is different! The Heart of Shura is originally a necessary thing to enter the world of Little Shura. No matter who Brother Soul King asks for help, he will take the initiative to give it out, so how can it be counted in the reward? Besides, the Heart of Shura can be divided into two parts Second, we will only stay in this world for about ten days, and we have to concentrate on looking for Shura Spiders, so how can we have time to look for other treasures? Hey, brother Ling, why do you use these false words to push us away. Besides, even if we really get lucky in the small spirit world and find some good treasures, how can it be compared with the risks we take. When our cultivation reaches our level, our own safety is the most important. Between the two of my brothers So the reason for asking for the Thunder Sky Talisman is to avoid falling in the future calamity." Xue Ran laughed and said rudely.

Mo Jianli's eyes flashed several times, obviously agreeing with the words of Xue Ran, a foreigner.

Han Li and Hei Lin, one looked half-smiling, the other sneered.

After hearing this, the old man in white robe frowned, and after scanning the faces of Han Li and others, he said in a deep voice:

"Four fellow Taoists, since you feel that such a deal is unfair. Then let's do this. As long as you can retrieve the Thread of Time from the Little Shura Realm, in addition to the Thunder Night Talisman, the treasures in the catalog that I just took out can also be used. You can choose any three. This is my final bottom line. If you are still not satisfied, then leave on your own. I would rather find other people for help."

When he said the last few words, a trace of solemnity appeared on the old man's face.

"Choose three more treasures! Okay, it's settled. As for the cross-border magic circle going to the Little Shura Realm, Brother Ling has already prepared it. My two brothers can't wait here long." Xue Ranwen With a smile on his face, he agreed without thinking.

"Don't worry, Fellow Blood Daoist. The teleportation circle has been prepared a long time ago, and it is on the Holy Mountain. As long as a few of them are willing to set off, they can be teleported to the small Shura Realm immediately. Brother Mo, Fellow Daoist Han, how do you decide?" "In the face of the old man, He also flashed a smile and said confidently.

After Mo Jianli's expression changed for a long time, he gritted his teeth and replied:

"Mo Mou must get the Thunder Sky Talisman, and he is also willing to give it a try in the Little Shura Realm."

"Since Brother Mo is willing to go to the Little Shura Realm, Han will naturally go with him. But I have one more condition. I want to locate the coordinates when I return to the Little Shura Realm. I don't need to worry about Brother Ling Wang. ." Han Li touched his chin and said lightly:

"Fellow Daoist Han, what does this mean? Can't you trust me?" The old man stared at Han Li's face intently, feeling a little unhappy.

"It's nothing. I'm just used to controlling everything unknown in my own hands. I hope my Taoist friends can help me. I know the teleportation circle quite well. It shouldn't be too difficult to use the magic weapon to slightly change the coordinates of the teleportation. Things." Han Li's expression remained unchanged.

"What Fellow Daoist Han said is also in my opinion. Xue also knows a lot about the magic circle, and he set the coordinates when he came back. If Brother Ling doesn't agree, I will doubt Fellow Daoist's sincerity. When Xue Ran heard this, he clapped his hands and laughed, and then said to the old man in a tone of laughter.

"You are too worried. Since you all have this intention, you can set the coordinate plate by yourself when you come back. It is best not to go beyond the area of ​​our spirit clan. Otherwise, if you come back late, I may misunderstand you. If something unexpected happened to the Fellow Taoist Association, the Lei Xiao Talisman may be disposed of separately. You should know very well how hot these talismans are. After I leak their existence, there may be more talismans soon. My friend came to visit me, so I can't keep them in my hands for too long." The old man in white robe's eyes flashed, and he agreed without much insistence.

"Haha, brother Ling, don't worry. With the power of my brother's blood, I should be 70 to 80% sure of finding the Shura Spider. After only ten days, you and I will each get what we got." Xue Ran showed a satisfied look, replied with a laugh.

"Fellow Daoist Han and I will do our best after entering the Little Shura Realm." Mo Jianli said with a soft breath.

"Very good. Since the four of you are fine, let's stay here for one night and make some preparations. Early tomorrow morning, I will send the four fellow Taoists into the small Shura world." The old man in white robe regained his composure. Then he slapped his hands several times with "papa" sounds.

Suddenly, the side door opened, and several young women in palace-like clothes walked out. After bowing to Han Li and others, they stood respectfully on both sides.

Xue Ran nodded, then stood up with Hei Lin and followed the two women towards the side door.

In the blink of an eye, the two figures disappeared from the hall.

At this time, Mo Jianli hugged the white-robed old man with a fist in his arms and called Han Li to go down and take a rest.

After Han Li stood up from the chair, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he suddenly smiled and said to the old man in white robe:

"I still have something unexplained in my mind that I want to ask my Taoist friend, but I don't know whether I should ask it or not?"

"Oh, fellow Taoist, just ask if you have anything." The old man in white robe was a little surprised, but said with an unchanged expression.

"I heard some rumors from the outside world, saying that since the spirit clan established its foothold in the spirit world, the spirit kings of all generations are actually the same person. But I don't know whether this is true or not. How long is the real lifespan of brother spirit?" Han Li With a smile, he asked something that made Mo Jianli next to him stunned.

"Haha, I have heard some of these rumors myself. But of course they are nonsense. The women's race has appeared in this world for millions of years. Even if the catastrophes of us Spirit Race people are farther apart than other races, How could he live for such a long time? However, in the history of our clan, there are indeed several generations of spiritual kings who have reigned for a longer time. Perhaps because of this, some unknown foreigners spread rumors and spread rumors. ." The old man in white robe chuckled and explained a few words.

"I see. Han also said that the spirit world is not a true fairy world, how can there really be existences with a life span of more than a million." Han Li smiled and nodded slightly, and then he and Mo Jianli were led by two other women from the spirit race. , walked towards another side door.

When the two figures disappeared behind the door, the smile on the face of the old man in white robe who had been looking at their backs suddenly disappeared.

"Hehe, the real world of immortals! Could this boy have noticed something? But there are more than one or two people who have asked me directly in front of this king." The old man in white robe murmured a few words in a low and inaudible voice. .

Then the old man in white robe suddenly made a seal with one hand, and after a flash of white light on his body, he disappeared in a blur on the spot.

A moment later, deep inside Fuling Mountain, in a pitch-black Guiyi space, a milky-white light array flashed in the void, and the figure of the old man in white robe emerged silently.

Han Li glanced at the pitch-black void around him, frowned, but immediately shook his sleeves high into the sky.

Immediately, more than a dozen balls of light flew out, circled and danced for a while, and then hung in the sky.

Then the old man made a gesture with one hand, and these light balls suddenly became dazzling, making the entire space extremely clear and unusual.

Only thirty or forty feet away from the old man, there was a crystal-clear ice peak more than a thousand feet high, with a blue light flashing on its surface, and a huge golden rune covering most of the mountain.

And through the translucent ice, a handsome young man wearing a golden robe can be vaguely seen at the bottom of the ice peak. He is unconscious and tied up with talismans.

Between his eyebrows, there was a golden pattern that was the same shape as the runes on the ice wall.

Seeing this, the old man in white robes stepped forward without hesitation, reached out with his arm, and pressed a palm on the ice wall in front of him.

A wisp of white light surged out from his palm.

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