A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1813 Hundreds of races in the spiritual world turn things upside down

Naturally, the Jiaochi youth didn't know this, and Han Li himself was overjoyed.

Although he knew that after being tempered by the mysterious energy, the golden body of the Brahma Saint would definitely be very different from before. But I didn't expect that the golden body would show such great powers after just trying it casually.

You can actually seize the opponent's treasure directly!

Although this kind of seizure was somewhat unexpected, and what was taken was not the opponent's magic weapon, it was still shocking.

Han Li suppressed the joy in his heart and patted the Tianling Cap with one hand.

With a "swish" sound, a ball of black light flew out from his head and disappeared into the golden body in a flash.

On Jin Shen's face, his eyes flashed with black light, and his figure suddenly swayed and disappeared into the misty green light.

Han Li then suddenly opened his mouth, and a ball of silver flames spurted out. In a flash, it also disappeared into the light curtain.

The golden-horned young man in the sword array originally made a quick gesture with a frightened and angry look on his face, wanting to summon back the silver ruler. However, upon discovering the actions of the golden body and Han Li, his face became stern and he suddenly regained his composure. .

He took a long breath, scattered the spells in his hands, and suddenly shouted loudly. With a shake of his shoulders, a huge blue spell appeared from behind.

This dharma image is five to six feet tall, but its body is covered with scales, its eyes are as red as blood, and there are densely packed bone spurs like horns on its head and limbs, making it look extremely vicious.

What’s even more shocking is!

The hands of this Dharma minister actually held a weird and unusual treasure.

One thing is a long-handled strange hammer with three monster heads inlaid together.

The other one was a triangular shield as smooth as a mirror, but with billowing red flames flying out of it.

The young man himself narrowed his eyes slightly, took out a strange spell with one hand, and muttered something solemnly.

Apparently, when this young man from the Jiaochi Tribe saw that Han Li's magical powers were far more powerful than he had expected, he finally gave up any trace of neglect he still had.

Finally started to take it seriously.

But since he was still trapped in the Chunli Sword Formation, how could Han Li let him cast spells calmly.

After a hint of coldness flashed across Han Li's face, the sword skills in his heart started to increase again.

In the green light curtain surrounding the sword formation, the light flashed wildly, and green lotus flowers surged out from it one after another, and then turned into countless lotus shadows and flew away into the sword formation.

For a time, the entire sword formation was filled with green lotuses flying around. Lotus flowers, big and small, were either in bud or about to bloom. What's even more mysterious is that at the moment when these green lotuses appear, a stream of strong floral fragrance fills the entire sword formation, making the scene in front of you seem real and illusory. If you are not careful, you may fall into the beautiful scenery and lose your ability. Extricate yourself.

However, when the golden horned young man looked at these green lotuses, he was not fascinated by the beautiful scenery. Instead, he saw at a glance the murderous intentions hidden in these green lotuses. As soon as his face sank, the blue dharma appeared behind him and he killed the long-handled monster. Hammer shook at these fallen green lotuses.

The three monster heads embedded in the hammer's head opened their eyes and opened their mouths.

White gusts of wind, crimson fire waves, and silver arcs surged out from the hammer at the same time.

The fire borrowed the power of the wind, and the fire assisted the thunder tail. The three instantly turned into a huge wave of three colors, and rolled straight into the air with great momentum.

Almost at the same time, the surface of the flying green lotus also flashed with green light, turning into countless green sword shadows, shooting down overwhelmingly.

The sword light and the three-color light waves collided together.

Even though these long-handled strange hammers are extremely rare treasures, the power of the seventy-two green bamboo bee cloud swords is far from what it was in the early stages of refining the void due to Han Li's great improvement in cultivation and the help of the sword formation. .

Even though they are just sword shadows released by the flying swords, the power of each one is in no way inferior to the real flying swords. After such a torrential downpour, the three-color huge waves were pushed back step by step, making them unable to resist for a while.

The young man was slightly startled, but immediately felt a cold snort in his heart.

The blue law-like arm moved and threw the triangular shield into the air.

This treasure looked like a fire attribute. After circling around, it turned into a fire cloud as big as an acre and boomed upwards.

The fire cloud rolled down, and countless fist fireballs and wisps of crimson light flew up.

As soon as many sword shadows came into contact, they were instantly reduced to nothing by the power of the true flames in the fire cloud.

The temperature in the entire sword array suddenly became extremely high, as if people were in a furnace.

The fire cloud and the three-color light wave released by the strange hammer combined to protect the young man tightly in the air. Even though the sword light in the air was as dense as a violent storm, none of it was missed.

As if it were impregnable!

At this moment, suddenly a cyan light curtain dimmed behind the young man, and a big golden hand grabbed him like a cattail leaf fan.

Before his big hand could grasp it firmly, his five fingers made a sound of "chichi", and an invisible force fell on the Jiaochi youth.

The young man felt the air tighten, and his surroundings suddenly became as fine as steel, binding his body tightly. Even when he suddenly broke free, he could not move at all.

And in a flash, the big golden hand reached the top of his head, and grabbed it down without ceremony.

At the same time, there was a flash of silver light on the green screen on the other side, and a silver firebird about ten feet long rushed out with its wings spread out. When it opened its mouth, a stream of silver flames rolled out.

Faced with a precarious situation, the young man from the Jiaochi tribe showed no panic at all. He even showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He stopped speaking the curse and sprayed out a ball of seven-colored flames.

Under the flow of seven-color spiritual light, a small clock with a pure white body appeared in a flash.

After the clear and pleasant sound of "dang" was heard, an incredible scene appeared.

Han Li, who was outside the sword formation, suddenly became conscious when he heard the clear sound. Then the surrounding scenery blurred. For some reason, the man turned upside down with his head down and his feet in the sky.

Not only that, the entire sword formation and everything in the sword formation also showed strange things.

The sword light that originally shot downwards suddenly deflected, and the cyan light curtain on the opposite side shot away, erupting with a loud rumbling sound.

Seeing that the golden giant hand fell on the opponent Tianling Gai, the void below was slightly distorted for some reason, and the golden-horned young man disappeared strangely. Instead, a silver firebird suddenly appeared below more than ten feet away.

The golden hand grabbed several slender fire feathers of the silver giant bird.

With a "soar", the fierce silver flame bird rolled up unceremoniously and wrapped the golden palm in it.

As for the silver flame that the bird originally sprayed out, it hit an unknown location in a flash.

Han Li couldn't help but be shocked. Without thinking about it, his body swayed and he immediately returned to his original state.

At this moment, another clear cry came, and the entire sword array seemed to be affected by some mysterious force. The cyan light curtain twisted and deformed, and immediately shattered inch by inch as if it was overwhelmed.

The green light converged, and the surrounding void shook, revealing seventy-two green flying swords.

The Chunli Sword Formation was broken open so easily.

The golden body and the silver firebird stayed where they were, looking as if they were at a loss for a moment.

This scene shocked Han Li.

What kind of treasure is that little clock? It has the legendary magical power to reverse the universe. When the bell rang just now, he seemed to sense a trace of the power of law contained in it.

"Could it be that this treasure is actually..."

Han Li's expression changed continuously, but he was not an ordinary person after all. With a flash of blue light in his pupils, he immediately swept away everything in the void within a radius of more than a hundred feet.

As a result, his eyes immediately focused on an empty place. The black energy between his brows condensed, and a dark eye appeared immediately.

As soon as the black light flashed, a pillar of light as thick as a thumb spurted out and disappeared into the void in a flash.

After a "boom", the golden-horned young man stumbled, and appeared from the void over there in a rather embarrassed state.

"Destroy the Dharma"

As soon as the young man saw clearly the third demonic eye between Han Li's eyebrows, he suddenly lost his voice.

At some point, a pair of blue armor appeared on his body. As soon as Fang stood firm, he immediately waved his sleeves.

There was a flash of blue light from behind, and the huge dharma figure holding two treasures appeared again.

The young man grabbed the air with one hand, and with a flash of seven-colored spiritual light, the small white bell appeared and was held in his hand.

The moment Xiao Zhong took possession of it, the look of surprise on this Jiaochi man's face disappeared, and instead he looked at Han Li with eyes flashing.

Han Li showed no expression on his face and waved to the golden body and the soul-eating fire bird. Suddenly, after a few flashes, they all appeared beside him strangely.

At almost the same time, the seventy-two green flying swords suspended in the surrounding air trembled, and suddenly turned into dozens of green lights without any warning, and shot straight towards the Jiao Chi tribe youth.

As soon as the sound of "chichi" broke through the air, the next moment seventy-two sword lights teleported to the front of the young man and slashed down randomly.

The Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword's escape speed was so fast that the corners of the golden-horned young man's eyes suddenly twitched. However, in the face of so many astonishing sword lights, he ignored it and just stretched out a finger to flick at Xiao Zhong.

With a "dang" sound, circles of white waves surged out from the bell and faced dozens of sword lights.

As soon as the two came into contact, dozens of sword lights flashed with green light, and the original shape of the flying sword, which was about a foot long, suddenly emerged. After several rounds of light waves passed by, all the flying swords were silently shattered, and finally turned into nothing.

When Han Li witnessed all this, his expression remained unchanged, but his pupils suddenly shrank.

Just now he could see clearly with his spiritual eyes.

The white waves emitted from the small clock are just spatial light bands composed of countless slender spatial cracks.

These cracks are very different from ordinary space cracks. Under the control of Xiao Zhong, they appear and disappear quickly.

Even though the Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword was extremely sharp, how could it withstand the cutting caused by the force of space? It was divided into countless small sections in an instant.

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