A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1812 Hundreds of Clans in the Spirit World, Silver Ruler and Golden Body

The next moment, a black light flashed a few feet in front of Han Li, and a black spear appeared strangely. With a flicker, it turned into a black light and shot towards him.

Han Li reacted very quickly. Almost as soon as the black spear appeared, he opened his mouth and a golden arc shot out, hitting the black spear.

Although he didn't know what magical power this spear had, judging from the faint bloody aura coming from it, it was most likely an evil weapon. It should be just right to restrain it with the evil-proof divine thunder.

But a scene that shocked Han Li appeared!

Wu Zhao suddenly had a flash of inspiration and turned into a faint shadow, flashing past.

The golden arc seemed to hit the void, unable to stop the spear at all.

Originally, this spear was already within easy reach, but now it showed such strange magical power. Even if Han Li's physical reaction far exceeded that of ordinary monks, it was impossible to avoid it.

As a result, with a "bang" sound, the black spear pierced Han Li's body firmly, and turned into a ball of black light and exploded.

Han Li was hit by a huge force and couldn't help but take a step back, but he was unharmed.

Even though the black light after the spear exploded was dark and cold, like the light of the Nine Netherworlds, it was blocked by the black armor that appeared on Han Li's body.

This attack, which could definitely kill an ordinary monk with one blow, was mysteriously destroyed in a flash of black runes appearing on the surface of the magic armor.

Han Li and the young man's expressions changed at the same time.

Han Li was naturally shocked that the other party's attack was so weird that he could even ignore the evil-dispelling divine thunder. If it weren't for the Heavenly Demonic Armor protecting the Lord on its own, he would have suffered a big loss right away.

The Golden Horn youth was surprised that the almost invincible "Yinling Spear" unexpectedly missed.

You must know that this magical power has killed countless opponents for it, and less than half of them were beings of the same level as it.

A strange light flashed in his eyes, and he stared at the black armor on Han Li's body.

Although it was the first time for the young man to see this magic armor, from the black runes and the ferocious and abnormal shape that appeared on it, he could naturally tell that this armor was unusual, and he felt happy instead of angry.

"Okay, very good. This armor of yours is good, I have decided to buy it." The young man said "ok" two times in a row, and said solemnly.

"Really? If you have the ability to take it away, then go ahead and take it!" Han Li was naturally furious when he heard this, but he just replied calmly on his face.

"I don't just want this armor, I also want to take your life with it." The young man with golden horns sneered, put his hands together in front of him, and then separated them.

A silver short ruler suddenly appeared, and an astonishing amount of spiritual pressure shot up from the treasure into the sky!

Han Li's eyes were fixed with joy, and his heart was filled with fear.

Because after scanning with my spiritual eyes, I found densely packed runes on this short silver ruler, all of which were silver tadpoles.

Almost without thinking, he shouted in a low voice and made a seal with one hand.

Suddenly, countless cyan light spots appeared in the nearby void. In a flash, they grew in size and transformed into a palm-sized cyan light lotus.

At this moment, Han Li activated the Chunli Sword Formation, and then flicked his sleeves to one side, a white shadow shot out, and after a circle, a crystal python more than ten feet long emerged. .

With a swoop of its head and tail, the giant python wrapped around the six-legged lizard, which was covered in bruises and had just burst out of the golden halo, with a huge mouth full of fangs and bit it away.

The six-legged lizard was frightened and angry, spitting yellow air from its mouth and grabbing at it with its claws.

The two bit together at once.

Han Li was very relieved about the psychic puppet.

The giant lizard beast has already been checked, but it only looks like an intermediate level of refining the void.

Although "Baby" is one level lower than him, there are two ice attribute treasures in his body. With the blessing of power, he is not much weaker than the opponent.

In addition, it is a puppet, so it is naturally easier to fight in hand-to-hand combat. Unless there is fatal damage, the power will not be reduced at all.

Therefore, as soon as he used the puppet to restrain the opponent's spirit beast, his mind was completely focused on the young man in the sword formation.

At this time, the young man had already raised his hand and grabbed the released silver short ruler. He looked up at the surrounding green lotuses with a trace of disdain on his lips.

With a flick of his wrist, there was a buzzing sound from the silver ruler in his hand, and the shadows of the ruler appeared, but they were condensed and not dispersed, making it look mysterious and unusual.

The corners of Han Li's eyes twitched, and without saying a word, he made a sword move in his heart.

The green lotuses all around swayed and swayed, swelling several times in volume, and with a burst of energy, they suddenly turned into a green veil of light.

The golden-horned young man felt that the surrounding scenery was blurred. After a flash of green light, he was actually on a green grassland.

There are no more than a few inches of tender green grass under your feet, mixed with wild flowers of different colors, and there are faint sounds of birdsong all around. As soon as you see it, your heart will be filled with excitement, and a laziness and tiredness will immediately rush into your heart, making you feel like you're about to fall asleep!


The confused look in the golden-horned young man's eyes flashed away, and he immediately came to his senses, his face darkening.

The silver ruler in his hand suddenly flew out in front of him.

Countless feet flew out at the same time, but suddenly gathered in front of him, transformed into a giant feet several feet long, let out a dragon roar, and slashed down with a gleaming silver light.

There was a loud sound of wind and thunder, and where the silver ruler fell, the silver talisman rolled, and the space rippled and twisted, as if it was about to cut open the void.

The surrounding area seemed to be a piece of mirror that had been forcibly broken. After a faint green cloud appeared, it disappeared into countless fragments.

However, the surrounding scenery blurred and replaced it. But the young man was in a tall dense forest.

All the trees are green and tall, straight and straight, with extremely dense branches and leaves, almost covering the entire sky.

There was a violent shaking like a mountain shaking, and the surrounding trees trembled and fell down one after another, turning into countless thick green trees, which fell straight on the young man's head and face. .

"Hmph, it's enough to cast the illusion once. If you want to repeat the same trick again, you are really seeking death!" A ferocious look flashed on the young man's face, and with a flick of the silver ruler in his hand, dense shadows of the ruler surged out from his body, and silver light burst out. Wherever it passed, all the green shadows were easily shattered by a single blow, turning into little auras and disappearing.

This silver ruler seems to have some special ability to restrain illusions.

With a flash of silver light, all the ruler shadows gathered together again and turned into a silver ruler, heading straight towards the green screen and striking away.

A scene appeared that made Han Li's pupils shrink.

The moment the silver ruler was about to hit the green screen, the light shone so brightly that it was almost impossible to look straight at it. Under the cover of the dazzling light, the ruler suddenly split into two, leaving behind a shadow of the silver ruler that was the same as before, but the real body blurred into the void and disappeared in a flash.

If Han Li didn't dare to look down on young people and kept his spiritual eyes and magical powers open at all times, he might have been deceived.

At the moment when the silver ruler's shadow hit the green screen and erupted with seemingly astonishing silver light, an almost imperceptible slight wave appeared above Han Li's head just a few feet above Han Li's head, and the silver ruler appeared strangely. , and fell down without hesitation.

Silent and without the slightest hint of wind.

In an instant, the ruler landed just a few feet away from Han Li's head. With another flicker, a huge amount of spiritual pressure exploded, and the blow was struck without any concealment.

The pieces of this treasure are flashing with silvery clouds, and the momentum is truly astonishing.

But at this moment, a golden light suddenly burst out from Han Li's Tailing Cap, and a golden palm covered with purple runes appeared from the nearby void in a flash, and with a lightning strike, it broke through the heavy silver clouds. He grabbed the silver ruler in his hand.

When the silver ruler trembled, it suddenly made a shrill scream.

"Bang" sound.

Silver light and purple-gold light intertwined together, erupting with an earth-shaking loud noise.

Circles of air waves visible to the naked eye surged out from the center of the explosion and dispersed crazily in all directions.

The silver ruler was shrouded in a thick layer of silver light, and it stretched and contracted desperately, as if it wanted to transform and escape from its grasp.

But the five fingers of the golden palm were like hooks. Even though it was resisted by the spiritual light emitted by the silver ruler and could not really be grasped, it was still slowly closing inch by inch.

The young man in the sword formation, using some kind of magical power, seemed to be unaffected by the illusion of the sword formation, and could clearly see everything on Han Li's side. He was so shocked that he couldn't help but look angry and frustrated.

Without thinking, he shouted in a low voice, then made a secret with one hand and quickly rushed towards the direction of the silver ruler.

There was a "boom" and thunder roared loudly.

Silver arcs shot out from the silver ruler. In a flash, they directly hit the golden palm, causing bursts of thunderbolt sounds.

But even though this palm is extremely tough, it can't help but tremble slightly under such ferocious lightning strikes.

When Han Li saw this, he laughed.

The sleeve robe suddenly flicked into the air.

The golden light in the air was lowered, and a two-foot-tall purple-gold figure suddenly emerged.

Three heads and six arms, with an expressionless face, this is Han Li's golden body.

At this moment, the golden body was not only covered with purple runes on its surface, but the aura it emitted also turned purple and gold.

The purple-gold palm holding the silver ruler was one of the six arms.

I saw two of the three heads lowering their heads slightly, opening their mouths, and spitting out two streams of golden light. In one roll, the silver arc ejected from the silver ruler was rolled away and disappeared. .

Taking this opportunity, he exerted force with the five fingers of his palm, and there was a "bang" sound.

The silver light shield protecting the silver ruler suddenly collapsed and shattered, and the silver ruler was firmly grasped in his hand with five fingers.

Then the other hand quickly grabbed it.

After rubbing his hands with a rumble, the silver ruler whined, and the silver light it emitted suddenly became extremely dim.

The golden body's head opened again, and a golden light flew in. He sucked the silver ruler out of the air into his mouth, and swallowed it into his belly.

It all happened in a flash!

When the golden-horned youth reacted, this usually extremely rare treasure suddenly lost its mental connection with it.

He was immediately shocked and angry!

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