I saw the light and shadow of swords and swords moving around between the two people. The two weapons were danced into two groups of cold light, which collided with each other from time to time, making it difficult to distinguish the superior from the inferior.

Han Li watched for a while, but couldn't make anything clear. He just felt that the fight between the two was very lively and interesting, and he couldn't tell which were good moves and which were bad moves, let alone who was better. That's all he, a layman, can understand.

"Junior brother Han, I didn't know that you were practicing under that uncle. Now that you have come out of seclusion, you must have greatly improved your skills, right?" Xiao Baanpan finally couldn't help it anymore and respectfully asked about Han Li's inheritance.

You must know that each inner disciple of the Qixuan Sect, usually after two years of basic training in the Baidian Hall, will be sent to the disciples of the older generation to kowtow and learn more advanced martial arts. After graduation, these disciples Caidu held specific positions in the sect.

Of course, this is just the apprenticeship process experienced by ordinary disciples. If a disciple performs outstandingly in the entry test, he or she can directly enter the Qi Jue Hall without two years of basic training, and can be accepted as a disciple by several sect masters and teach the sect's unique skills. It can be said that the carp jumped over the dragon gate and flew into the sky.

During the two years of basic training, if there are people who perform outstandingly, there is hope that they will be favored by some elders, hall masters, worshipers, etc., and be accepted as direct disciples of the sect. Although the future of these disciples is not as good as that of the disciples of the sect master. , but he is also more important than ordinary disciples.

Xiaobapan heard that Han Li had just come out of seclusion somewhere, and had never seen this person before. He naturally guessed that this person was the disciple of a high-ranking figure in the sect, so he asked respectfully, wanting to come forward to try to make some friends. .

"A few years ago, I was favored by an enshrined master and was accepted as a disciple. I won't mention the name of that enshrined man specifically." Han Li knew what he was thinking, but he pretended to be a disciple. He had a shy expression, but his words contained a hint of pride.

"Really, Senior Brother Han is really lucky. He will definitely have a high status in the sect and a bright future in the future. I hope that if there is an opportunity, Senior Brother can help me more." Xiao Baanpan heard that Han Li was unwilling to reveal the name of his master. , and didn’t care, anyway, no matter who the worshiper was, he was better than his master, but his tone immediately changed.

"Senior Brother Han, you can tell from the first glance that he is not a thing in the pool. It is a matter of course that he will become famous in the future." He continued to compliment him.

"This man is dark and has a stupid look on his face. How come he is accepted as a disciple? How come there are no big shots who want someone with such a clever head like me?" Xiaobabaan muttered to himself, with an expression on his face. But more respectful.

When Han Li heard his tone of voice changed drastically, he suddenly changed from Junior Brother Han to Senior Brother Han, and he felt a little funny in his heart.

However, Han Li did not mean to look down on him at all. You must know that it is only human instinct to follow others. Who doesn’t want to live a better life and climb higher? Not to mention that this person can be heard from his name. He is a person who is very calculating and good at making money.

However, he was greatly disappointed. Although what he just said was true, the identity of the disciple he worshiped was just a parallel importer. Any disciple he found in the Qixuan Sect could easily knock him down. He regarded himself as a big tree. I'm afraid I've found the wrong person.

Han Li smiled bitterly to himself while still listening to the flattery of Little Abacus as if nothing had happened, and had to give him a few compliments from time to time.

"Senior Brother Han is very skilled in martial arts. If he is willing to die, he will definitely beat the sword wielder to death. He will definitely..." Little Abacus kept saying nice things while also distractedly observing Han Li carefully. every move.

"Eh! It's so strange. The disciple he worships should have deep internal strength and strong physical strength, but why can't I see the depth of this person? This person's temples are not slightly bulging, and his eyes are not leaking. No matter how you look at it, he is a fool. A man of martial arts." The more Xiaobaanpan observed, the more puzzled he became.

"The winner has been determined." Han Li's light words came over, interrupting his thoughts.

Xiao Baanpan was taken aback and quickly turned his gaze back to the field.

Sure enough, the man who wielded the knife had thrown the knife aside. One arm was bleeding carelessly, and the other hand was pressing the wound tightly. His face was ashen, and he seemed to be convinced of his defeat. It's no wonder that these two people have similar martial arts skills. They just accidentally fell into the opponent's trick and were defeated by just one move.

When the little abacus saw this, he had a look of regret on his face, and kept saying "what a pity" in his mouth.

"What's going on? What's the pity?" Han Li didn't see what to say, but with such a ready-made commentator beside him, it would be a shame not to ask.

"In this competition, if Fatty Wang's side wins, they will have won three games, and there will be no need to compete in the last one. It's a pity that they still didn't win!"


"But it doesn't matter, there is only one last game left. Wang Dangpang is the one with the highest martial arts skills among our group of disciples. The thunder sword technique in his hand is extremely powerful and can break stone and metal. Haha! You can see it. With Senior Brother Li's sword skills, I didn't think it was in vain. No matter who Zhang Changgui sends out, we will win." Xiao Baanpan was a little frustrated at first, but then he became excited and seemed to be very interested in that Li Senior brother is full of confidence.

"Is it the last game already?" Han Li responded casually, thinking who is this Senior Brother Han? Don't you know him?

At this time, a young man with a cold expression came out from Wang Dangpang's side. The young man held a long knife with cold light in his hand and walked to the center of the field step by step. Then he closed his eyes without saying a word.

"Senior Brother Li! Senior Brother Li! Senior Brother Li!..."

Seeing the appearance of this young man, the people outside the venue were all excited. They called out the young man's name in unison, one after another, and each one was louder than the other. The roar shook the whole place. At this time, again It was impossible to tell which disciples were from rich families and which were from poor families. There were only unanimous cheers for the young man.

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