In the middle of the two waves of people, there were two unarmed teenagers who were competing with each other. One of them was obese, but his lower body was stable and his punches and kicks were powerful. It was Wang Dapang, Han Li's good friend in the past. Despite his fat body, Fatty Wang is not weak in skills. With the shouts in his mouth, every punch he punches will bring out a whirring fist, which is majestic. The other person is a short man, and his movements are as agile as a spirit rat. , he did not parry Wang Fatty's fist, but just kept flying and moving. It seemed that he wanted to exhaust Wang Fatty's strength and stage a desperate counterattack.

Seeing his friends competing in martial arts on the field, Han Li naturally gravitated toward his friends.

After watching for a while, Han Li felt relieved when he saw that Fatty Wang was still maintaining his rapid momentum. Although Han Li didn't know much about martial arts, he knew that he would be defeated soon.

He looked around, looking for someone to ask what was going on.

I saw a boy not far from his tree, beside a rock, gesticulating with his hands while looking at it, and mumbling: "Hit him on the head, kick him on the waist, oh! That's bad!" A little bit! Yes, yes, kick his ass, harder..."

The young man looked on with joy and said something in his mouth.

From his tone, he seemed to be on Fatty Wang's side.

Han Li thought this man was interesting, so he slowly climbed down from the tree and walked to him.

"Senior brother, do you know everyone on the field? Why are they fighting?" Han Li looked loyal.

"No need to ask. Is there anyone you don't know in my little abacus? Of course they are here! Who are you? Why have I never seen you before? You are just starting out? No, there are still more than half a year before the new disciples can Start, who are you?" The man was about to answer him in confusion, but suddenly realized that he had never seen Han Li before, and he immediately became sober.

"I, Han Li, am a good friend of Wang Dangpang, who is so brave on the field." Han Li replied seriously.

"Wang's best friend? I know all his friends, but there is no one like you!" The man was still very alert.

"Oh, I've been in seclusion in a place for the past few years. I haven't come out for a long time. It's normal that you don't know me." Han Li said half-truthfully.

"Really? You are also a disciple who came here four years ago. I never expected that there would be someone like me, a know-it-all, who doesn't know me in the mountain." The man glanced at the clothes he was wearing and seemed to believe what Han Li said.

This man chatted with Han Li for a few more words, and then he took the initiative and couldn't help but tell Han Li the reason for this competition.

"Junior brother, you don't know that this is all caused by beauty troubles. It starts from..." This little abacus really deserves to claim to be a know-it-all, and he explained the whole incident in detail. told Han Li.

It turns out that this matter starts with two people. One is Wang Xiang's cousin, and the other is the son of a bank owner named Zhang Changgui. Both are disciples of the Qixuan Sect, but one is an outer sect. Disciple, one is an inner disciple.

Although the two men lived in the same town, they would not have been intertwined. All this was caused by another girl, who was from another town and had been promised to Wang Xiang since she was a child. But some time ago, when this girl went out, she was attracted by Mr. Zhang who was passing by home. As a result, due to Mr. Zhang's financial offensive, the girl and her parents fell into trouble, and they were remarried to Zhang Changgui. The bride price was also returned. The woman disliked the poor and loved the rich, so she married someone else. This bad news gave Wang Yang a big blow, and Wang Yang had already been infatuated with this girl. After knowing the news, he lived and died all day long. In the end, he really didn't think about it. Jumped into the river and died.

Originally, when things ended here, it was considered a tragic story and it was completely over.

But Fatty Wang, who had been friends with his cousin since childhood, naturally refused to give up after hearing this. He approached Zhang Changgui and wanted to have a duel with him. The loser had to pour tea, salute, and kowtow to admit his mistake.

Although Zhang Changgui was arrogant, he knew that his martial arts skills were a little inferior to Wang Fatty's, so he asked his friends to participate. He wanted to compete in more games and the overall result would determine the winner. Wang Fatty agreed immediately. Later, Zhang Changgui took advantage of his abundant money and spent a lot of money, looking for help from good people from the rich family. Although Wang Dapang had no money, he was very popular among his family, made many middle- and lower-class friends, and had many martial arts skills. Nice people volunteered to help.

As a result, many fellow disciples who heard the news about their competition also came to watch and cheer, and a heated situation emerged where the two sides had clear stances and were full of hostility.

From the young man's tone, Han Li could tell that the conflict between the wealthy disciples and the middle- and lower-class disciples seemed to be even greater now.

A competition actually attracted so many people to watch and cheer.

"You are also helping Wang Dangpang, right? If they don't obey the rules, we will fight together and beat the shit out of these young men so that they will never dare to bully us again." The young man's mouth never stopped talking from the beginning.

Han Li smiled bitterly. What does the conflict between the two parties have to do with him? It's hard to say who is against whom in this matter. After several years of practicing Qi and meditating, his previous passionate impulse has been almost eliminated. Besides, I have never practiced martial arts with fists, feet, weapons, and now I will definitely not be able to defeat any ordinary fellow disciple. After watching the competition, I should honestly go back to the valley.

"Okay!" Suddenly, the young man shouted with joy on his face.

When Han Li heard this, he quickly turned around and looked into the field. It turned out that Fatty Wang's opponent couldn't wait until the end. He couldn't avoid Fatty Wang's fat fist and was punched in the head, falling to the ground and fainted.

Suddenly some people shouted "Okay" loudly, while other people's faces became ugly.

With a proud look on his face, Big Fat Wang rushed around and held his fists, then stuck out his big butt and swayed back to his own side, completely losing the ferocity he had in the previous competition.

Two people from Zhang Changgui's side also walked out and dragged the fainted disciple back to their side.

Then, one person from each side came out, one with a knife and the other with a sword.

The two seemed to have hot tempers, and without saying a word, they raised their weapons and started fighting with a clanging sound.

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