A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1633: Hundreds of Races in the Spirit World - Things in the Box

The big-headed man took a deep breath, moved his palms, and suddenly took out three pale white jade boxes from his arms.

Every surface is covered with several feet of red talismans, and there are faint runes floating around.

"There are several things in this box that are extremely important to our Tianyun Thirteen Clan. If the three fellow Taoists can deliver this item to our Wangu Clan, it will naturally have unexpected great benefits. But if several fellow Taoists are cornered If the Chi Clan catches up, it's best to destroy this box immediately before being caught. Otherwise, if it falls into the hands of the Chi Clan, it will only cause the pain of refining the soul." The big-headed man said, with a ring on his wrist. Shaking, three jade boxes immediately flew towards Han Li and the other three.

The green-skinned man and Han Li naturally caught the jade box one after another subconsciously.

"Brother Yuan, what on earth is inside that you are so careful about?" The foreigner looked at the jade box in his hand under the red light and asked hesitantly.

"I can't tell you what it is. But I can guarantee you one thing. This thing alone can be exchanged for a psychic-level puppet or other treasures of the same level from several elders of our Eternal Clan." The big-headed man said deeply. He took a breath and said solemnly.

"What, a psychic-level puppet!" As soon as he said this, the green-skinned man suddenly lost his voice.

Only Han Li heard about this thing for the first time, and his expression remained unchanged. On the other hand, the eyes of the foreigner in the red light flickered several times.

"Brother Yuan, are you kidding me? This thing can be exchanged for that kind of heaven-defying treasure. If I ask for this thing in exchange for the 'Wonderful Pill', the nobles will agree." Madam Lu asked excitedly.

"The elixir is rarer than the psychic puppet. I can't guarantee that the elder will definitely give it to you, but there is a 70% to 80% chance of it." The big-headed man hesitated for a moment before replying cautiously.

Hearing the answer from the foreigner named Yuan, the green-skinned man became even more convinced.

He stopped talking immediately, but he grasped the jade box with his five fingers unconsciously and exerted a little force. At the same time, his eyes stared at the jade box and turned a few times.

At this time, Han Li had already used his spiritual thoughts to probe into the jade box, but as soon as he touched the surface of the jade box, it was bounced away by a restraining force, making it impossible to penetrate it.

It seems that the forbidden talismans affixed to the lid of the box have the miraculous effect of cutting off divine thoughts.

"The three fellow Taoists had better not think about opening the lid on the way. Otherwise, if something happens, don't blame Yuan Mou for not warning the three of you beforehand." The big-headed man seemed to have noticed what the others were thinking, and added He warned aloud.

"Hmph, why is there another powerful method in the box!" The green-skinned man snorted.

"The things in the box are very important to us and the Thirteen Tianyun Clan. The restrictions arranged cannot be just these few prohibition talismans. Of course, if the three Taoist friends can really escape the pursuit and have the confidence to break the Yuan A certain arrangement can be revealed." The big-headed man smiled gloomily.

"How do I know that after giving the items to the nobles, they can really be exchanged for valuable treasures? What if the elders of the nobles receive the items and suddenly turn against them?" Han Li said calmly.

Upon hearing Han Li's question, the red-light alien and the green-skinned man looked at each other with the same concern on their faces.

The big-headed man frowned when he heard this. After hesitating for a while, he spoke reluctantly:

"If you are not at ease with our Eternal Clan, you can hand the jade box to any of our Thirteen Tianyun Clan, and there should be a lot of benefits as well. But please remind me in advance, this thing is not useful to other tribes. We, the Eternal Clan, pay far less attention to it. Therefore, the benefits that can be obtained will naturally be greatly reduced. At the very least, magical elixirs such as Wan Miao Dan are something that is unthinkable."

After the big-headed man said this, not only the green-skinned people but also the red-skinned aliens looked thoughtful.

Han Li touched his chin and became very interested in the contents of the box.

"Since these things are so important, why don't Brother Yuan send them back to the clan himself? Why should they be entrusted to our hands?" The alien asked in the red light.

"It didn't take long for these things to be in my hands, and as soon as I got them, the Jiao Chi tribe suddenly sent a force to besiege Green Light City. You must know that Green Light City is just an inconspicuous trading town. Logically speaking, this would not be the case at all. I'm about to be attacked. So I suspect that the Jiaochi clan may have heard something. If I bring everything with me, the risk will be too great." The big-headed man didn't mean to hide it, and directly expressed his worries. come out.

"You said that the Jiao Chi tribe's army also came here for the things in the box." The green-skinned man couldn't help but take a breath and showed an expression of disbelief.

Han Li also had a look of horror in his eyes.

"This is just my speculation, and it may not be true. The reason why Yuan asked the three fellow Taoists was just in case." The big-headed man said with a calm expression.

"Okay, since Brother Yuan has said so, I will keep this thing temporarily." In the red light, the alien seemed to have made up his mind first, and with a flash of white light in his hand, the jade box was put away.

The green-skinned man's face looked uncertain for a while, then he suddenly threw the jade box in his hand, opened his mouth, rolled a long crystal green tongue, and swallowed the jade box directly into his stomach.

In the blink of an eye, Han Li was the only one among the three who was still holding the jade box in his hand with one hand, his eyes flickering over there.

"What, Brother Han, do you still have any doubts?" The big-headed man was a little surprised and turned around and asked.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan didn't even ask me about my origins, so you just handed this thing over to me. Aren't you afraid that you're trusting someone else?" Han Li twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced at the jade box in his hand, and suddenly asked with a half-smile.

"Hehe, although I haven't found out what tribe my fellow Taoist is from, I'm sure he's not from the Jiao Chi tribe. As for your Taoist's magical powers, it's definitely not small to think that he has been fighting sea beasts all year round overseas and has been able to cultivate to such an extent. Where did it go?" The big-headed man said with a smile.

"Well, since fellow Taoist believes so much, and he took me into the secret passage with him before, Han will help me with this." After Han Li's thoughts changed rapidly, he finally nodded and agreed.

With a slight shake of the jade box in his hand, he calmly put it into the storage bracelet.

Although he didn't know what kind of treasures the "Psychic Puppet" and the "Wonderful Pill" were, they must be extremely rare to be regarded as treasures by several Void Refining level beings. Since the things in the box can make the so-called "Thirteen Tribes of Tianyun" willing to exchange them, the value should be higher than that.

Now that such a good thing is sent to him on his own initiative, he will naturally let it go easily. Anyway, according to the previous words of several people on the other side, the probability of the pursuit of beings above the combined level being present this time is not high, and he can handle them well enough.

As for whether we will actually exchange this thing in the future, we will talk about it at that time.

"Okay, now that the three Taoist friends have arrived, we have agreed. Let's leave immediately. Those pursuing soldiers should go after the others now. This is a good opportunity to escape quietly. Yuan will take the first step." When Han Li also put away the jade box, the big-headed man said with a look of joy on his face.

Then he glanced around, threw it with one hand, and suddenly threw out a black thing that looked like an iron top.

This thing was only about a foot in size at first, but with another squeeze with both hands, it suddenly grew to three or four feet long.

The yellow light on the big head's body flashed, and it suddenly turned into a phantom and disappeared into the iron top.

"That's right! As far as I know, in order to deal with the attack of the Jiao Chi clan, most of the elders of the thirteen clans gathered in the 'Yun City'. Our Wangu clan and the great elder Shenzhi of several of the clans went to the city to take charge in person. I hope that in a few months , I'll see you again in Tiancheng later." The big-headed man seemed to remember something again, and a dull buzzing sound came from the top.

The green-skinned man from "Cloud City" and the other two aliens all had expressions of excitement when they heard this.

Han Li also showed a hint of thoughtfulness after hearing this.

He seemed to have heard the name "Yuncheng" mentioned by Qingxiao, but he couldn't think of it in detail for the moment. But it doesn't matter, he also has a map of the nearby area with him. Although it was thousands of years ago, for their practitioners, there will naturally not be any big changes.

Then the huge iron top suddenly turned, turned into a cone-shaped black light, and disappeared into the ground.

"I promise, I'll take my leave." The green-skinned man was greatly afraid of the Chi clan's pursuers, and almost as soon as the big-headed man left, he gave Han Li and his two men a fist-cup.

Then his body blurred and his clothing and skin became transparent at the same time. After a while, the person disappeared like air.

What kind of escape technique is this?

Han Li was startled, and his eyes flickered blue involuntarily, and he glanced over.

As a result, after a lot of effort, he faintly saw a group of almost invisible figures in the distance in a certain direction, leaping forward more than ten feet in length.

"Haha, this is a hidden secret technique unique to the Dark Green Tribe. Once it is used, no one can detect its existence unless the cultivation level is higher than his or some special magical powers. But the only flaw is that you cannot fly through the air when using this magical power. , the escape speed is really too slow." Just as Han Li was staring into the distance, the chuckles of aliens in the red light sounded from behind.

"Oh, this concealment technique is quite strange!" Han Li averted his gaze, turned around and said.

Although he was said to be unable to fly, by jumping on foot, the green-skinned man disappeared into a forest in the distance within a moment.

"Brother Han, are you planning to leave too? But before leaving, I have a suggestion, fellow Taoist, would you like to hear it?" The foreigner in the red light put his hands behind his back and looked at Han Li and asked.

"What's your suggestion?" Han Li was a little surprised and replied calmly.

"Your Excellency, you are not from the Thirteenth Clan of Tianyun, right? In that case, why take the risk to give something away? Why don't you give the things that Brother Yuan gave you to me?" The alien in the red light said this in an understatement.

"Do you want that jade box?" A strange expression appeared on Han Li's face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he asked uncertainly.

"Yes, I am indeed interested in the things in the jade box. Anyway, one gift is a gift, and two gifts are gifts when they arrive, so why not let Hong do it for you." The foreign voice in the red light suddenly became unusually deep.

(First update!)

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