A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1632 Hundreds of Clans in the Spirit Realm Pursuing Troops

Chapter 1632: Hundreds of Clans in the Spirit Realm  Chasing Soldiers

"Fellow Taoists, this magic formation leads directly into the secret passage. I'll go there first." The foreigner named Yuan smiled and raised his hand to hit the teleportation formation below with a magic spell.

The magic circle flashed with white light, and the alien's figure blurred and suddenly disappeared without a trace in the magic circle.

Only the statue of the god was left standing there, motionless.

"Brother Yuan really has a wonderful idea. He actually set up the teleportation array inside the puppet's body." The green-skinned man laughed, followed up with a long stride, and also raised his hand to activate the magic array. was teleported out.

"=Brother Han, please go ahead and invite me." The foreigner in the red light glanced at Han Li and actually gave in.

Han Li was a little surprised when he heard this, but he nodded with no trace of emotion on his face and stepped forward.

The transfer is very fast! Han Li didn't even feel any discomfort as he suddenly appeared in a groggy cave.

Looking left and right, the cave was not very large, only more than ten feet, but there was a luminous crystal hanging from the top of the cave, which reflected everything here clearly.

On one side of the cave wall, there is a square passage that is about ten feet high.

The big-headed alien and the green-skinned man were standing aside. Among them, the big-headed man looked solemnly at the Dharma plate in his hand, his eyes flashing as if he was thinking about something.

Han Li moved his body and walked out of the teleportation formation under his feet. After a while, the white light reappeared in the magic circle, and the aliens with red light also appeared.

As soon as everyone arrived. The big-headed man raised his head and smiled at a few people. When he was about to say something, a muffled sound suddenly came from all directions, and the whole cave shook slightly.

Suddenly the expressions of everyone in the cave changed slightly.

"Don't waste time, let's leave here quickly. I'm afraid the city's shield won't last long." The green-skinned man said anxiously. .

"Well, it's almost time. I will open the four city gates and let others escape first."

The big-headed man nodded solemnly, suddenly threw the dharma plate in his hand into the air, and started to pinch it quickly with both hands.

One after another magic arts of different colors disappeared into the magic plate in a flash.

After a while, the Dharma Disk made a low sound, and a strange light circulated on its surface. Finally, it collapsed and disappeared with a "bang".

This scene made the other three people stunned at the same time.

Controlling the magic weapon to self-destruct seems to be more than just lifting the ban, right?

"I have activated a self-destruction circle under Green Light City. In an hour, the entire city will be reduced to ashes." The big-headed man seemed to have noticed the surprise of the three people, and said with a smile.

"Self-destruction array!" Upon hearing this, Han Li felt a chill in his heart.

This guy is really cruel and ruthless!

Although most people fled to the Four Gates gathering place, there must still be many ordinary mortals and some cultivators hiding in the city who have not left.

In this way, everyone is buried with this green light.

Hearing this, the other two foreigners also looked at each other in surprise.

But none of the three could say anything. Because while the big-headed man was talking, the light escaped and turned into a ray of yellow light that shot towards the entrance of the passage.

Naturally, Han Li and others immediately followed him.

At this moment, above the surface of the earth, at the gates of Green Light City facing in several directions, the light curtain that originally enveloped the entire city suddenly appeared above the city gates with a large hole of more than a hundred feet in diameter.

The countless foreigners who had gathered at the city gate immediately turned into countless rays of light and flew away. In the flash of light like meteors, they fled out of the city and fled in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, some of the escaping light sank to the ground, and immediately disappeared into the soil. Some rolled onto the grass and disappeared without a trace. .

This is a foreigner who is proficient in the two arts of civil and wood escape!

But most people still drive various flying objects under them and fly away at low altitudes.

Almost everyone had made an appointment in advance, and most of the three or five people separated in a fan-shaped pattern to escape on their own, without gathering together for action.

At this time, the senior officials of the Jiaochi tribe on the silver "island" high in the city apparently also discovered the escape of the people in the city. Immediately, the surface of the giant island flashed with silver light, and suddenly huge white double-headed eagles flew out from above.

These giant eagles not only have two heads, but are three to four feet in size. They also wear a simple layer of white armor on their bodies. Their two giant claws are also covered with metal finger gloves, which are extremely sharp. Flashing with an astonishing cold light.

There were more than a thousand of these giant eagles. As soon as they flew out from the giant island, they immediately spread their wings wildly and pounced on the fleeing aliens from Green Light City below. The speed of each one is strange, no less than that of ordinary Jindan level monks.

As soon as these giant eagles finished flying, there were still flashes of spiritual light on the giant island, and a large number of things flew out.

But this time what flew out was a black canoe no more than ten feet long.

These canoes are ten feet long and are engraved with dark runes. There are several soldiers wearing silver armor sitting on them, more than three to five.

More than a hundred of these black 'canoes' flew out in one breath. Their escape speed was slightly lower than those of the giant eagles. However, in one flash, they could traverse a distance of eight or nine feet and the speed was still so fast. It is faster than the flight speed of most of the alien races below.

After two waves of chasing troops from the Jiao Chi tribe flew out, the giant island calmed down for a while, but not long after, several dragon roars came from the island, and seven or eight huge figures suddenly flew out from the island,

Each of these things is dozens of feet long, with a pair of five-color wings on its back.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a dragon-like ferocious beast with two wings on its back!

Except for a pair of unusually gorgeous wings, the winged dragon's entire body is gleaming with golden light, and is no different from an ordinary dragon.

As soon as they flew out of the island, their huge bodies blurred in the air and disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, these winged golden dragons appeared thirty or forty away, and their speed of escape was jaw-dropping.

After three waves of pursuers flew out from the giant island, the aliens who were escaping in the distance became panicked and fled further away as hard as they could.

But even though there are tens of thousands of these aliens, their cultivation levels are really uneven. Those with higher cultivation levels have already escaped dozens of miles away, leaving only small black spots. Those with the worst cultivation levels are only more than ten miles away from Green Light City.

Moreover, these people were also the largest in number, and they were overtaken by those two-headed giant eagles in almost a moment.

These giant eagles swooped down one by one, carrying strong winds and immediately reached low altitudes. Their pairs of claws covered with sharp gauntlets easily penetrated the protective auras and some low-level defensive magic weapons of these low-level aliens. They grabbed hard on the heads and shoulders, and then tore them hard or threw them into the air with fire. And go.

In an instant, some of the bodies of these aliens were directly torn into two pieces, and blood spilled all over the ground; some were thrown to a high place uncontrollably, and were swarmed and pecked by several other giant eagles that had been waiting for them. Four bloody holes, resulting in the same death.

Of course, some foreigners were not willing to just sit back and wait for death. Many people gathered together, released magical weapons or performed exercises. Suddenly, attacks of different colors were densely hitting the giant eagle that was rushing down.

However, the attack power of these people was too low, and the white armor worn by the giant eagles was surprisingly powerful in defense.

Except for a few dozen, which fell out of the air after being hit in vital parts without warning, the rest of the attacks on the giant eagle were blocked by the layers of white light on the armor.

But these giant eagles seemed to be enraged by these attacks. They screamed and swooped down again, and the attacks they launched were even more ferocious.

In the blink of an eye, there was another scream, and hundreds more bloody corpses appeared on the ground.

At this time, the black canoe behind also flew through the air.

I saw the soldiers standing above, waving various weapons in their hands, and silver light shot down from the air. Everyone who was hit had their bodies torn apart and could not resist at all.

But fortunately, these soldiers didn't mean to spend too much time on these low-level beings. The black canoes flashed and descended one after another, and passed through the low air to chase down those with higher cultivation levels in front. Alien.

As for the last few strange dragons that flew out, they did not pause for a moment from the beginning, chasing the aliens with the highest cultivation levels at the front.

With their escape speed, it would only take a moment to catch up with those high-level aliens.

Suddenly, with Green Light City as the center, a battle of pursuit and counter-pursuit began!

At the same time, in the valley where the green light turned into an unknown hill more than ten miles away, a seemingly ordinary and abnormal stone wall suddenly flashed with green light and exploded with a muffled sound.

After the explosion, a large black hole suddenly appeared in the stone wall.

Then a "whoosh" sound came from the cave, and several startling rainbows shot out from inside. Then, after circling, the light disappeared, and four people with different appearances appeared.

It was Han Li and others!

Although this place is extremely remote and is not in the direction of several city gates, no pursuers from the Jiaochi Tribe have appeared yet. However, Datou and others still showed caution on their faces and hurriedly focused their spiritual thoughts nearby. Sweep it and take it back immediately.

"No one from the Jiao Chi Tribe has appeared nearby. Leave immediately. We will go separate ways and find our own way to make a living. If we get together, it will be difficult to hide it from the ears and eyes of the Jiao Chi Tribe." The green-skinned man looked confused. Hi, he was the first to say.

"Of course. But before you fellow Taoists leave, I have one more thing to get rid of. Don't refuse to these fellow Taoists!" The big-headed man nodded, glanced at the other three people, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said this.

"Help, what help?" The foreigner in the red light was a little surprised when he heard this.

Han Li and the green-skinned man also showed strange expressions on their faces.

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