A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1578: Hundreds of Clans in the Spiritual World, Domain of Wood

The ball made a soft "bang" sound, and the green light was lowered and a stream of green clouds spurted out.

There was something looming in the rays of light, and when the aura converged, its true form emerged.

It turned out to be a huge pine tree that was completely bird-black standing there.

This wood is huge and unusual, but its shape is very strange. There seems to be an invisible line from the middle of the entire tree, and half of it has thick leaves and is extremely dense. Half of it was shriveled and withered, with no leaves left, like dead wood.

It turned out to be Mu Qing's spiritual tree body.

The woman looked at the tree with her hands, and with a complicated expression on her face, she flicked her fingers together.

Magic spells shot out one after another, and disappeared into the black trees in a flash.

The tree suddenly trembled and fell to the ground below. Half of its body suddenly sank into the ground and became motionless.

But Mu Qing didn't stop there. He opened his mouth again and spat out a ball of emerald green blood essence.

The blood essence was urged and flew towards the black wood in front of him. After a fleeting moment, it disappeared into a slightly bulging part of the tree trunk.

Mu Qing muttered something.

Both hands were raised together, and two more green light beams were shot out, which also disappeared into the black wood.

But the next moment, a green light suddenly erupted from the place where the essence and blood had penetrated. The light was dazzling, and the surface of the tree trunk twisted and deformed, revealing a lifelike wood-carved face.

The face was squirming, showing a look of pain, as if it were alive.

Taking a closer look, you can see the face of the ape golden spirit.

"Why don't you wake up quickly!" Mu Qing raised his eyebrows, let out a scream in the air, and fired another spell.

With a "click", a small part of the trunk of the giant black tree split open from the middle, and then a golden-haired ape jumped out of the trunk.

"Join Master! Master woke me up, could it be..." As soon as the golden ape appeared, he immediately knelt down and worshiped on the ground.

"Old Jin, get up. Fortunately, when you set out, you left an incarnation of distraction in my body. Now that Old Jin's soul has fallen, you are the golden spirit." Mu Qing sighed softly. One breath.

"It turns out that I have really fallen. I said why I can't sense the existence of the main body. In this case, from now on, the golden spirit will continue to serve the master with the power of a dog and a horse! But the master now summoned me out without hesitation, there should be something needed Jin Ling, let’s do it.” Cang Yuan’s expression changed, but then he said respectfully.

"Well, my imprint in Boy Han's body has been destroyed, and I have lost him again. I am going to use the 'Wood Domain' to find their whereabouts. But in this case, I have to use the power of my body. So I have to You help me guard my true body spirit wood. I have set up the Aoki Zhoutian Formation nearby. Even if beings like Liuzu break into it, they can be trapped for a while. It is enough for you to take my true body and stay safe. Escape." Mu Qing said solemnly.

"Wood Domain! This method can extremely deplete the master's original power. And once it is used, it cannot be used again within a thousand years. Does the master really want to do this?" Golden Ape looked shocked.

"I'm afraid it must be like this. The power contained in the bead I saw in the Demon Tomb last time is the same as my original power, but in terms of purity and quantity, it is more than ten times that of my body. As long as I get this treasure and take some time to absorb all the power inside it. Not only can I break through the current state immediately, but it is also very possible to advance to a higher level. In terms of efficacy, this thing is better for me than the so-called The Styx Divine Milk is more important." Mu Qing said solemnly.

"Since the master said so, Jin Ling will definitely take good care of the master's body." After hearing this, Jin Yuan knew that Mu Qing had made up his mind, so he stopped persuading, but said with a stern look on his face.

"Well, just what Mr. Jin said. Your original physical body has been destroyed. Although your body is transformed into a wooden ape with the help of my original body, your cultivation level is only the primary level of Lingshuai, which is slightly weaker. A little bit. Let's do this, I'll leave this thing to you." After Mu Qing pondered for a while, he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a green mirror.

It is only the size of a palm, and the back of the mirror has emerald green wood grain. When it shakes slightly in the air, it emits thousands of rays of light and auspiciousness.

At first glance, this thing is an extraordinary treasure.

"Isn't this the master's Heavenly Wood Mirror! This treasure is the treasure that the master has been cultivating since the day he attained enlightenment. How can I get it if I am young! The master is going to the Demon Tomb and needs this treasure to ward off enemies and protect himself. ." When Jin Ling saw this mirror, he was so disappointed that he waved his hands repeatedly.

"If my true body is not preserved, how can I exist in the world? Besides, Mr. Jin doesn't know that I got another spiritual treasure a few years ago. Its power is no longer as powerful as this mirror, and it is more useful than this mirror in restraining evil spirits. Yes." Mu Qing said.

After hearing what Mu Qing said, Jin Ling hesitated for a while before finally agreeing.

He raised his hand and looked at the mirror for one o'clock, and suddenly the object turned into a ray of green light and submerged into his body.

"Except for the Tianmu Mirror, these two Evergreen Wood Spirit Swords are far better than the original two. You should accept them." Mu Qing thought for a moment and grabbed the black giant tree in the air with one hand.

After the two branches trembled and fell, the green glow flashed and turned into two green swords with cold light falling down.

Jin Ling's face was filled with joy, but this time he had no intention of escaping. He jumped up, grabbed the two flying swords, looked at them briefly, and quickly carried them behind him.

After making these arrangements, Mu Qingcai relaxed. After giving Jin Ling a few words, he touched the wood on his half body and restored his body to its original shape.

Then a green rainbow flew out of the valley and left the valley after a few flashes.

Not long after Mu Qing left, Jin Ling activated the magic circle set up by Mu Qing.

The space around the valley was distorted and blurred, and it turned into an empty and ordinary scene as if refracted by the water surface, and from a distance, there was no flaw in it. .

Mu Qing flew around in a panic, and there was an unusual scene around him.

At this moment, she saw that within ten feet there were dots of green light, flowers, plants, trees and other phantoms were fluttering and dancing, and an unusually pure wood spiritual energy was emanating from it.

The green light on Mu Qing's body is shining brightly, and the shadow of a huge green tree is looming behind her, making her look like a fairy of vegetation.

It's as if there is a new small world in the green light.

In a short time, Mu Qing returned to the hill where Han Li's traces had been discovered. He left the escape light behind and stood at the top of the peak.

With both hands raised, the surrounding green light suddenly expanded to the surrounding area, and in just a few breaths, the entire hill was enveloped in it.

The phantoms of trees, flowers, and grass all turned into real objects at this moment, taking root on the ground and swaying in the wind.

The area around the hills suddenly turned into a world of vegetation.

At the same time, the roots of the big tree behind Mu Qing suddenly turned into countless green hairs and shot out.

Some disappeared into the trees and disappeared, while others slipped into the ground in a flash.

The woman closed her eyes at this moment, with a solemn expression and beautiful wrinkles, as if she was searching for something.

After a full cup of tea, she suddenly opened her eyes and murmured:

"It turns out that the mark was destroyed with the help of the power of two girls from Gui Po's sect. It seems that even the ghost woman doesn't know that her sect knows this secretary. But now that we know the direction in which they escaped, we will always find the three of them."

After Mu Qing finished talking to himself, he suddenly made a gesture, and the green light curtain that dispersed around him shrank back from the hills again. Where the light curtain retreated, all the transformed trees and flowers collapsed and disappeared.

When everything near the hill returned to its original state, the woman soared into the sky and actually followed Han Li in the direction he left.

Naturally, Han Li didn't know that Mu Qing Liuzu and others were targeting him at the same time. But just to be safe, he took his two girls with him and kept changing the direction of their advance after leaving the hilly land.

In his opinion, even if there are any traces or flaws left, it is nothing to worry about.

Apparently he seemed to underestimate the magical powers of those demon kings.

Now, Han Li was flying with his two girls over a land of yellow sand. While flying, he was talking to Yuan Yao and others:

"What, Brother Han is planning to find a space node to return to the spirit world!" An exclamation came from Yanli's mouth, seeming to be greatly surprised.

"Yes. After my research on the way of space in the human world and the spiritual world, I have long discovered that no matter the size of the space, there will be some nodes in any space. And the smaller the space, the easier it is to find such space nodes. Those so-called The space cracks are actually just a mutation of the space nodes. As long as we can find the space nodes in the land of Styx. If we take some risks, we should have a good chance of returning to the land of the spirit world." Han Li calmly Abnormal sounds slowly came from the air.

"But Brother Han, although there are not many space nodes, my junior sister and I have heard of the dangers in them. Not only do space storms often appear, but the exits of the nodes are uncontrollable. The danger is too great, right? ." Yuan Yao also said hesitantly.

"There are naturally some risks. But if I lead the way, there is at least a 70-80% certainty that we can get through it safely. After all, this land of the Styx is just a slightly larger space attached to the spiritual world, not The real land of the First Realm. Unless these two fellow Taoists do not plan to leave, they really want to live in this land of the Styx for a long time." Han Li said with a frown.

"Actually, let's hide for a while. After those people leave, it's not a bad idea to practice here temporarily. The Yin Qi and spiritual energy here are extremely abundant, which is also very beneficial to our practice." Yanli blinked in the escaping light. Beautiful eyes, said with a sweet smile.

"I'm afraid this won't work! Miss Yan has forgotten the people of the Mayfly Clan. Who knows when those puppet reinforcements will break through the world and come here. Even Mu Qing Hao and others are extremely afraid of the Mayfly Clan. It can be seen that this clan's It’s scary. And since this Land of the Styx is the holy land of this clan, their understanding of this place must be far better than ours. Even if we hide in a secret place, it’s not safe. There’s one more thing, two fellow Taoists Don't you plan to return to the human race and find a way to restore your body?" Han Li narrowed his eyes and analyzed slowly.

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