A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1577 Hundreds of tribes in the spiritual world are in trouble again

"Senior has misunderstood. What the junior brought is not the sacred object of the clan, but an imitation that a few adults refined not long ago. In fact, it should be called the 'Little God's Nest'. This treasure can transform into a holy insect. There is only one kind, and it is a very low-level one. And this kind of imitation can only be used once. After being used, it will be completely scrapped." The blood armor puppet said truthfully.

"Little God's Nest! It's interesting. I've heard about the name of the Mayfly Clan's God's Nest for a long time, but unfortunately I've never had the chance to see it. Since I can't see the real thing, it's good to take a look at the imitation. I can help you summon the main body for free. But I still plan to If you want to borrow the Five Dragon Guillotine, you won't have to pay any price." Senior "Jiang" said leisurely.

"But this junior only brought a bottle of Yin Shui Sunflower Essence." The blood-armored puppet's eyes flashed with blood and he hesitated.

"It doesn't matter. When you're done using that little god's nest, just hand over the discarded original to me. This kind of exchange isn't too much." "Senior Jiang" said thoughtfully.

"Senior wants the Little God's Nest!" Upon hearing this, the blood-armored puppet's voice changed and he hesitated.

"Hey, forget it if you don't want to. The reason why I want this thing is just to see it. How can I really figure out the secret of your God's Nest with just a waste? Of course, if you don't want to exchange Forget it." Senior Jiang said lightly.

"Okay, junior exchange. But junior also has a condition. After the God's Nest is used up, senior can only study it for more than a month, and the original must be returned by then. Otherwise, junior will not be able to explain it to the elders of the clan." Blood Armor The puppet thought for a while and felt that the power of the Divine Nest alone was not enough to deal with Liuzu and the others, so he gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Haha! As long as you say this, I will help you cast a spell and summon your body. Fortunately, you are distracted here. Otherwise, if you want to break through the world and capture people out of thin air, I will not be able to do it." A burst of wild laughter burst out!

With a muffled sound of "bang", a cloud of silver wire shot out, wrapped the blood-armored puppet in it, and then flew back into the hole.

After a few flashes, the blood-armored puppet disappeared.

After a cup of tea, in the white mountains, a powerful spiritual pressure suddenly rose into the sky, and then a thick golden light beam shot out from below and penetrated into the void high above.

Then gusts of dark wind gathered towards the light pillar, and at the same time there was a loud roar, and countless black energy emerged around it.

All these celestial phenomena have completely obscured the nearby void, making it impossible to see the situation inside clearly...

After an unknown amount of time, a thunder that resembled a dragon flashed away in the black air, and suddenly a piercing scream came from inside.

This shriek seemed extremely vicious, but also filled with evil spirits.

Han Li took a long breath and opened his eyes, his face full of joy.

"Fellow Daoist Han, you have refined the last mark." Yuan Yao's sweet voice sounded from behind.

"Thank you two Taoist friends for helping me. I didn't expect that the last mark was so difficult to deal with. It took root in the body and could not be removed at all. I had to spend a lot of effort to refine it directly in the body. Now all four marks are destroyed. Finally, the serious problem in his heart has been solved." Han Li stood up, turned around, and saluted the two women behind him with clasped fists, his expression extremely sincere.

"Haha, Brother Han, why are you so polite? Brother Han saved my two lives before!" Yuan Yao smiled slightly tiredly.

Yanli also smiled slightly, her face also a little pale.

It's no wonder that anyone who has been operating such a large magic circle for most of the day will definitely consume a lot of mana.

Seeing this, Han Li shook his sleeves without saying a word, and two emerald green vials flew out and landed in front of the two women respectively, where they hovered motionless.

"These are two bottles of 'Green Yin Pill', which have cold and cold properties. They should be of great use to the two Taoists." Han Li explained.

"Junior sister and I really need this thing, so we won't be polite to Brother Han." Yanli smiled brightly, rolled up her long sleeves, and the medicine bottle was involved. Then it emerged from one hand and poured it out. .

Suddenly a black and green pill rolled out, and a thick cold aura emanated.

Yanli briefly sensed the power of this pill, her eyes lit up, she picked up the pill with two jade fingers, held it in front of her eyes and stared at it carefully for a moment, then put it into Tan's mouth and swallowed it.

Then close your eyes and use your energy to convert the medicine into something that can be easily absorbed.

Seeing this, Yuan Yao on the side hesitated for a moment, then thanked Han Li, put down the medicine bottle in front of him, and also took a pill.

Han Li was waiting quietly for the two girls.

At this moment, the vortex in the air has disappeared. The black sphere shrank to about ten feet in size, and because the surrounding magic circle stopped. The mist is slowly dispersing. It looks like it will be completely invisible soon!

After a meal, the two women opened their eyes one after another and looked better.

"Brother Han, I'm afraid your elixir is worth a lot of money! Most of the Yin energy that my junior sister and I lost has been restored in one go." Yanli said happily.

"It would be best to be useful to these two fellow Taoists," Han Li said with a smile.

"Brother Han! This is not a place to stay for a long time. How should we act next? The plan we discussed before was just how to get rid of the ghost woman and others." Yuan Yao bit her teeth slightly and said worriedly.

"What Miss Yuan said is absolutely true. We really can't stay here any longer and must leave immediately. The moment the mark was destroyed, those demon kings could still sense the general direction in which I was. As for how to act next, I naturally want to There is a way to break through the space here and return to the spirit world. Of course, this matter is quite tricky. Although I have some plans, I must think about it in the long term. I will talk while walking." Han Li looked around and looked solemn.

"Okay, let's follow Brother Han's words. Let's accept the magic circle first, and then set off immediately." Among the three, Han Li is the most skilled, so the two girls naturally take him as the leader.

Then the two women's bodies moved, turned into two black rainbows, and began to put away the nearby decoration equipment one by one.

Han Li raised his head and let out a roar. The sound spread far away like muffled thunder.

The crying souls and leopard lin beasts wandering nearby immediately screamed loudly and roared low, echoing the same sounds, and fired back towards Han Li.

After a black light and a golden shadow flashed at the same time and disappeared into Han Li's sleeves, the two beasts were taken into the spirit beast ring by Han Li.

After a while, after the two girls had finished their work, the three of them chose a direction and immediately urged Dun Guang to leave the place.

And just half a day after Han Li and others left the hills, a green light flashed in the sky nearby, and green lights shot through the sky and appeared directly in the nearby sky.

There is a slim and graceful figure in the green light!

This figure circled in a nearby place, then landed on the top of the hill where Han Li and others were before, and appeared.

It is this woman Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's eyes quickly swept around the area, and his expression gradually darkened.

What seems to be normal to others is full of flaws in his eyes.

She could easily see the various remaining traces of the giant magic circle here, as well as the restricted fluctuations in the air that had not yet completely dissipated, and the extraordinary pure Yin Qi.

"It seems that I came a step late. I have been gone for a while. It turns out that I used the power of the magic circle to remove the mark. But now that I have left here, it will be even more difficult to find him." Mu Qing He murmured a few words, with a hesitant look on his face, as if there was something that made him undecided.

"That's it! I'll fight for that thing in the Demon Tomb! If I had known this, I should have put an extra ban on the boy named Han." Mu Qing stamped his jade foot and said fiercely, A look of determination appeared on his face.

Together with her figure, she once again turned into a ball of blue light and left through the sky.

But this time, the woman escaped from the light but did not fly too far.

More than half an hour later, the green light suddenly fell and fell into a small, unremarkable mountain range below. And landed directly in a secluded valley in the mountains.

The Yin Qi in this valley is thin, not even comparable to ordinary places outside the mountains. Therefore, there is not a single ghost.

This situation is exactly what Mu Qing wants.

After she searched the valley and made sure there was nothing unusual nearby, she shook her sleeves.

After a flash of green light in the cuff, a loud "Puff" sound was heard!

Countless fists of light flew out, green and dense, and shot out in all directions.

All the light groups fell to various parts of the valley. After a fleeting moment, they disappeared into the ground and disappeared.

Mu Qing, the girl, stepped on the ground with one foot.

There was a flash of inspiration from the waist down, and he suddenly transformed into the body of green wood. Countless milky white roots were pierced into the ground and stretched deeper in all directions.

As a result, the woman muttered words and made a gesture with her hands, causing the entire valley floor to rumble and shake.

And where the green light group was submerged, under a slice of soil, emerald green saplings broke out of the ground, and then grew crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a few breaths, it turned into towering trees that were tens of feet tall.

The entire valley suddenly became lush and green, and the wood spirit energy was extremely thick.

What was even more surprising was that, under the influence of Mu Qing's technique, all the trees were able to escape from the earth and were not restricted by the soil they were in. One by one, they were blurry and shaking, and their positions were changing one after another.

After a while, a weird and huge magic circle suddenly formed with Mu Qing as the center, spreading almost throughout the entire valley.

This place is so tightly defended that it is almost impervious to wind and rain!

After doing all this, Mu Qing suddenly opened his mouth and spit out something.

It turned out to be a milky white ball, the size of an egg, with weird golden patterns all over the surface, and it was slightly transparent.

The round bead was about ten feet away in front of Mu Qing, spinning slowly and non-stop!

Mu Qing stared at the bead for a long time, then sighed softly, stretched out a jade finger, and tapped the object gently.

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