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"Which family is my brother a disciple of?" The young man looked over the fog in front of him excitedly. He seemed to have remembered something and turned around to ask.

Han Li knew from the chat with the young man just now that in the world of immortality, in addition to various cultivation schools and cultivation families, there are also many casual cultivators.

Most of the so-called casual cultivators are either descendants of run-down cultivating families, or ordinary people like Han Li who accidentally acquired certain immortal cultivating techniques and entered the world of cultivating immortals on their own, and some are almost extinct. The descendants of the small sect of inheritance and so on. The cultivation level of these casual cultivators is mostly not high, and they can usually only linger in the Qi refining period. Therefore, casual cultivators have never been valued by people from cultivating immortal families, and they are rather looked down upon, just like the wealthy people in the secular world look down upon them. It's like being down and out and settling down.

"I am not from a certain family, but have been practicing on my own!" Han Li decided to tell the truth after thinking for a moment. After all, pretending to be someone from another family is too easy to be exposed.

"Your Excellency is a casual cultivator!" The young man was a little surprised, but there was no look of discrimination on his face. Instead, he was a little surprised.

He excitedly circled around Han Li, looking at Han Li again as if he were looking at something rare.

"Didn't my little brother just say that the Immortal Cultivator family looks down on casual cultivators? Why are you still so happy?" Han Li asked in surprise.

"They are them. Don't confuse our Wan family with other cultivating families? People in our family have always been on good terms with casual cultivators!" The young man curled his lips and replied proudly. It seems that he is very proud of what his family does!

"The ancestor of our Wan family was originally a casual cultivator, but later by luck he entered the Immortal Cultivation Sect and became an official disciple of the Jujian Sect. This is how we, the Wan Family, came into existence. Therefore, there have always been rules in our Wan Family's rules. It is an ancestral precept that you are not allowed to discriminate against casual cultivators." The young man said with a smile.

"Actually, it's not just our Wan family, there are also some other families whose ancestors are also casual cultivators, so they don't have any bad feelings towards casual cultivators. It's just that these families account for too small a proportion of all the immortal cultivating families. That's why some cultivating families discriminate against rogue cultivators. Xiu's explanation." The young man said, shaking his head.

"That's it! It seems that I am quite lucky. It is my first time to meet a member of the Wan family like my little brother." After Han Li understood the other party's words, he revealed his identity as a casual cultivator and was wary of the young man. Just a little lighter.

"But brother, you have asked so many things that everyone in the world of immortality knows along the way. Are you also a newcomer?" The young man rolled his eyes and suddenly became smarter for some reason, and said with some enlightenment.

When Han Li heard this, he smiled slightly, patted the young man's shoulder with his hand, and said apologetically: "I didn't mean to deceive my little brother, but I just entered the world of immortality not long ago, so I have some concerns!"

"It's okay, I don't mind! But brother, it's time to tell me your name! And just call me Xiaoshan from now on." Wan Xiaoshan was obviously a familiar type of person, and said with a nonchalant expression. .

"Haha! Your Majesty, Han Li, is indeed new to the world of immortality. I hope Brother Xiaoshan will take more care of me!" Han Li had a stronger impression of Wan Xiaoshan, and his tone of voice was much more easy-going.

"No problem, if there's anything Brother Han doesn't understand, just ask, hehe! I didn't expect that I, Wan Xiaoshan, would still have the time to teach others?" Wan Xiaoshan said in a lively manner.

"If I have any questions, I will definitely ask you, Xiaoshan. But it's time for us to enter the valley!" Han Li pointed at the sky and smiled.

"Oops! I almost forgot about the business." Wan Xiaoshan glanced at the sky along Han Li's finger, and immediately started shouting in a hurry.

The young man was busy with it for a long time, and finally took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms.

He made a few gestures with it in his hand, muttered a few words in a low voice, and then threw the talisman into the air, turning into a ray of fire and rushing into the fog, disappearing.

"Brother Han, wait a moment. My call to voice will be transmitted to the valley soon, and the people in the valley will release their formations to meet us." Seeing Han Li looking in a daze in the direction where the fire disappeared, the young man explained. .

"Oh!" Han Li nodded to express his understanding.

"Brother Han came to Tainan Valley this time. He must have brought a lot of exchange items with him, right? Can you tell me about it and let me listen to it? Don't be embarrassed, I will talk about my own things first!"

"I brought a dozen low-level elementary blank talisman papers, two elementary-low-level invisibility talismans and two earth-escape talismans, one elementary-intermediate level lightning talisman, a dozen elementary-low-level ice bullet talismans, a piece of iron mother, and elementary cinnabar A bottle, a bunch of whiskers from the monster three-tailed cat, medicinal herbs..." Wan Xiaoshan didn't even notice Han Li, who was dumbstruck. He clucked his fingers and said a lot of things.

"Okay! It's Brother Han's turn to say it, hey! Brother, why are you looking so pale? You..." The young man blinked and looked at Han Li in confusion.

"Do I have to prepare something before entering Tainan Valley?" Han Li's face looked ugly.

"That's not the rule!" Wan Xiaoshan answered simply.

Upon hearing this, Han Li's expression immediately became much better.

"But since you are coming to Tainan Valley at this time, you must be here to attend Tainan Xiaohui. Who wouldn't bring something with you? This is a trading event held once every five years, specially for us Lanzhou juniors! Especially this time The Ascension Conference will also be held in our Lanzhou a month later, so more people will come here to attend the Tainan Xiaohui. Isn't the eldest brother famous for coming to Tainan Xiaohui?" The young man said the above in shock. When the call came, he looked at Han Li with disbelief.

Han Li smiled bitterly.

"Brother Xiaoshan, I really don't know what kind of Tainan meeting is going to be held here. I just accidentally learned that there are other immortal cultivators living here, so I just wanted to come and make some friends. Didn't I prepare anything specially?" Han Li held up his hands and said helplessly. said.

"So that's it! That's such a pity. Brother Han can only waste this good opportunity. You know, there are not many opportunities to get the items and materials he lacks." Wan Xiaoshan had a look of regret on his face and kept saying: Han Li sighed.

"However, you can't say that you don't have anything that can be exchanged. At least there are two talismans, right?" Han Li thought mockingly.

At this time, the thick fog in front of Han Li and the two men suddenly rolled up, and then, as if it was split open with a knife, a small path was opened for the two of them to walk side by side. The other end of the path could not be seen to the end, and it seemed very far away. distant.

"Okay, let's go!" The young man made a happy face at Han Li, then rushed in happily and disappeared on the road.

Han Li, on the other hand, looked at the path indifferently for a while, then stepped in, walking steadily and calmly.

The road seemed very long, but after walking for only a moment, we reached the end of the road.

When Han Li walked out of the intersection, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a green valley filled with exotic flowers and plants appeared in front of him. The valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the only exit is the hillside that was blocked by fog when Han Li entered.

The whole place is very large, covering an area of ​​more than a hundred acres. In the center, there is a large palace-style pavilion with carved railings and jade, where some people in strange clothes are coming in and out.

In the open space in front of the pavilion, there is a very wide blue brick square, in which many people, like small traders, have set up small stalls around the square. In front of these stalls, one or two people would squeeze in from time to time, take a look or ask a few questions in a low voice, but Han Li didn't see many who could make a deal on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Han Li couldn't help but take a deep breath. This is the world of cultivating immortals. The people here should all be cultivators of immortals. Seeing so many cultivators at once still made Han Li feel a little dazed.

Han Li shook his head slightly to wake himself up. He kept reminding himself that he was about to enter a world that was unimaginable before. Anyone here could easily destroy him, so he must be cautious and low-key.

Thinking of this, Han Li looked back at the path that had completely disappeared, then raised his legs and walked towards the light field.

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