A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 127 The Theory of Spiritual Roots

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In this way, the two of them were walking and chatting. In fact, it was chatting, but it would be better to say that Han Li was asking and the young man was answering.

Han Li got some information about the world of immortality from this young man without him noticing, and learned a lot of common sense things that immortality cultivators should know.

For example: according to the realm, immortal cultivators should be divided into three stages: lower realm, middle realm and upper realm.

The lower realm includes five levels: Qi refining, foundation building, pill formation, Yuanying, and Shen transformation. The middle realm includes three levels: refining the void, integrating the body, and Mahayana. When it comes to the upper realm, only the level of transcending tribulation is left. Once you reach this level, you can ascend to the immortal world and live as long as heaven and earth.

But it’s easy to say it, but it’s out of reach to actually practice it!

Not to mention the promotion of the three major realms, even the initial lower realm, reaching the highest stage of divine transformation, according to this young man, there is no one in the entire Yue Kingdom. Even those who linger in the Nascent Soul stage are very few, only a few old monsters with deep blessings.

According to the young man, the lifespan of a cultivator is closely related to the state of cultivation. Each level of improvement represents an exponential increase in your lifespan.

For mortals in the world, those who can live to be more than a hundred years old are already a rare longevity in the world.

It is normal for cultivators who have successfully established their foundation to live for more than two hundred years. If someone is lucky enough to form a golden elixir, there is a great hope of living to be four to five hundred years old. If another miracle happens and you are unlucky enough to become a Nascent Soul, then congratulations, even if you have to live a thousand years, it is not impossible!

When the boy in white said this, he couldn't help but smack his lips, and he was very envious of those old monsters who could live for a thousand or eight hundred years. This is ten times the life span of ordinary people!

Han Li was dumbfounded as he listened. Although he vaguely guessed that the life span of immortal cultivators must be longer than that of ordinary people, he never expected that such an outrageous thing would happen! If he can live for thousands of years, doesn't he really become a thousand-year-old bastard? Han Li couldn't help but think a little maliciously.

However, if people in the Nascent Soul stage can live for such a long time, wouldn't it be true that people in the Transformation stage and other middle or even upper realms live even more ridiculously long lives?

Han Li finally couldn't hold it back anymore and made a sideways comment on the question.

"Who knows? Maybe he will live longer, or maybe he won't die at all?" the young man said carelessly.

"According to rumors, any cultivator who really reaches the stage of becoming a god and perfects this realm must leave our world and go to another higher space. What space and world is it specifically? No one knows, and no one has come back.”

"No one has come back, so how are these realms divided into gods and above?" Han Li thought a little depressed, but if he asked this question to the young master in front of him, he probably wouldn't be able to explain it clearly, so he still endured it. Didn't ask.

In addition to the classification of immortal cultivators, Han Li also had a general understanding of the immortal cultivating sects and cultivating families in the Yue Kingdom.

This young man didn't know about other places, but he was very clear about the whole matter of the Yue Kingdom's Immortal Cultivation Sect.

From what he said, Han Li knew that there were seven sects of cultivating immortals in the Yue Kingdom, including the Hidden Moon Sect, the Yellow Maple Valley, the Spirit Beast Mountain, the Qingxu Sect, the Huadaowu, the Tianque Fort, and the Jujian Sect. These sects The Zhongyue Sect is the strongest, followed closely by Spirit Beast Mountain. The other sects are all about the same strength, and there is no huge disparity.

If these sects of cultivating immortals are the towering trees that support the entire world of cultivating immortals in Yue Kingdom, then the cultivating families are more or less the various branches and vines entangled in them. They need the help of these sects to survive in the world of cultivating immortals.

According to what the young man said mysteriously, as long as the ancestors of the immortal cultivating families are a little older, they are all disciples of these sects, and they are the continuation of the bloodline of these disciples.

The reason why this is so depends on the "spiritual root" that all immortal cultivators share.

Most immortal cultivators don't know what "spiritual roots" are. But they all know that if a person does not have "spiritual roots", then there is no need to think about cultivating immortality, because you will not be able to sense spiritual energy at all, let alone cultivate magic power!

However, people who are born with "spiritual roots" are really rare among ordinary people. It can even be said that they are only one in ten thousand or one in tens of thousands. But even so, there are still only a few people who have spiritual roots who can embark on the path of cultivating immortals. The vast majority of people still live a mediocre life. Because it is really difficult to select people with spiritual roots. They are too loosely distributed, which gives those cultivating sects that hope to recruit more disciples a big headache.

And it doesn't mean that as long as you have "spiritual roots", you will meet the requirements of the cultivating sect. Because "spiritual root" and "spiritual root" are quite different, and there are advantages and disadvantages.

Generally speaking, "spiritual roots" are divided into five elements such as metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Most people's spiritual roots are a mixture of these five or four multiple attributes. Although these people can also sense the heaven and earth. Aura, but the effect of training can be said to be disastrous. Basically, you can only practice the basic five-element skills in the Qi refining stage to the third or fourth level, and then stop making progress. Generally, there is no hope of crossing the foundation building stage in your life.

Therefore, spiritual roots with five or even four attributes are also called "pseudo spiritual roots" in the world of immortality to distinguish them from "true spiritual roots" that only have two or three attributes and can be cultivated relatively quickly.

As for a single spiritual root with only one attribute, it is called "Tiangen" by the world of immortality, which means God's favorite. Because a person with this kind of spiritual root, regardless of his attributes, can practice at a speed two to three times that of an ordinary person with spiritual roots. Moreover, when you reach the peak of the foundation building stage, you don't need to face the bottlenecks you should face when entering the pill forming stage, and you can easily start forming pills.

If the astonishing speed of cultivation makes other immortal cultivators envious, then the "Tiangen" people's ability to form elixirs without bottlenecks makes other immortal cultivators so jealous that they almost vomit blood.

You know, if only one of the ten immortal cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage can enter the Foundation Establishment Stage with the help of the Foundation Establishment Pill. Then out of a hundred people in the foundation building stage, there may not be one person who can successfully form an elixir and enter the elixir forming stage.

With such a huge disparity in the proportion of elixirs, how could other immortal cultivators not be jealous of the "Tiangen" people's unique advantages?

Therefore, whenever a Tiangen person appears, they are often scrambled by various immortal cultivating sects to scramble for them. After all, this is equivalent to booking a master in the elixir formation period for the sect for nothing, which can greatly increase the strength of the sect.

However, the probability of the emergence of heaven-defying spiritual roots like "Tian Gen" is almost negligible. Basically, one is discovered by the immortal sect every few hundred years. On the other hand, although there is another kind of "mutated spiritual root" that is not a "heavenly root", it does not belong to the five elements spiritual root. The probability of its occurrence is higher, and one can appear every twenty or thirty years.

The so-called "mutated spiritual roots" refer to spiritual roots that have two or three types of five element attributes mixed together and mutated and sublimated.

Such as the "Thunder Spirit Root" produced by the mutation of "Earth Spiritual Root" and "Water Spiritual Root"; the "Ice Spiritual Root" produced by the mutation of "Golden Spiritual Root" and "Water Spiritual Root", and of course the "Dark Spiritual Root", " "Wind Spirit Root" and other mutated spiritual roots.

Although a cultivator with "mutated spiritual roots" does not have the talent to avoid the bottleneck of forming pills, his cultivation speed is no worse than those with "tiangen". And if they can find a technique that matches their attributes, these people Most of them will be great masters, and can usually defeat three or four ordinary immortal cultivators of the same strength.

Therefore, people with mutated spiritual roots are also extremely popular among major cultivating sects.

But in the past, not to mention wizards such as "Heavenly Roots" and "Mutated Spiritual Roots", which were not easily found by the cultivating sects, it was also very difficult for the various sects to find ordinary people with "true spiritual roots".

Because people in the Immortal Cultivation Sect cannot pull out children from every household in the secular world and test them! You must know that only one person in ten thousand people may be born with spiritual roots, and among five or six people with spiritual roots, only one person with true spiritual roots can be found.

Therefore, under such harsh search conditions, there were even anecdotes in the history of the world of immortality that some small sects had only a few kittens and puppies left, which almost caused the entire sect to lose its inheritance.

Faced with this embarrassing situation, some thoughtful people finally discovered after painstaking research that this "spiritual root" is very easy to appear in people who inherit the same bloodline.

For example, if one of the two men and women has spiritual roots, then there is a 1/4 chance that the child born between them will also have spiritual roots. Of course, if both parents are spiritual root owners, the chances of their offspring developing spiritual roots are even greater. It is not uncommon for all children born to be spiritual root owners.

The discovery of this matter greatly excited those who were interested.

Under their promotion, many young disciples of the sects at that time were sent out by their elders to start families and establish careers in the secular world. After they had children, they returned to their sects to continue their cultivation.

In this way, when these immortal sects were short of disciples, they would directly select children with spiritual roots from the family members of their own disciples, and the rate of true spiritual roots was also greatly increased.

In this way, the major problem of the Xiuxian Sect's lack of disciples was finally alleviated.

Although the chances of ordinary people being born with spiritual roots are still so low, in general, more and more people have spiritual roots. Those families who inherit spiritual roots have endless spiritual root disciples. As time went by, the branches and leaves slowly spread, and the current Xiuzhen family was formed.

These cultivating families may not have advanced techniques, but there is no shortage of shallower cultivating techniques. They have gradually become the peripheral portals of various cultivating sects and have a certain degree of independence.

Therefore, behind every cultivating family, there is usually a cultivating sect supporting it, which should not be underestimated.

This young man in white has not spoken so happily in front of others for a long time.

The feeling of being listened attentively to what he was saying gave him the momentum to hold back his displeasure, and his favorable impression of Han Li also greatly increased, so he unhesitatingly revealed all the things he knew about the world of immortality. It looked like he was showing off in front of Han Li.

Naturally, Han Li was also listening happily, and sometimes he would chime in to make the young man speak more cheerfully. But unfortunately, the hillside that was shrouded in fog all day long was not too far from the small village. After walking for several hours, the two of them finally arrived at the slope.

Such a short journey made Han Li very unhappy. He had not heard enough about the world of cultivating immortals, and he wished he could turn around and start all over again. However, of course he knew that this was impossible, so he could only look at the young man who kept silent and stared at the mist with gleaming eyes.

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