
Han Li clenched his hands and slammed one of his fists on the table.

"Use a tool to smash the bottle open." This was Han Li's decision after careful consideration.

Using violent methods to open it is a method that has been thought of for a long time and is not a solution.

Although this method is simple and clear, it is also straightforward and easy to use.

But when he thought that such a strange and beautiful bottle could no longer remain intact, Han Li felt a twinge of pain in his heart and was very reluctant. If there was another way to open it, Han Li would never use such a rough method.

Ask other senior brothers for help, maybe they can open it. But in his heart, Han Li had already unknowingly regarded this object as his own treasure, and he was extremely unwilling to let other outsiders know about it. Besides, everyone on the mountain may be the owner of this thing. If you know that the bottle is with you, what should you do if you want to take it back? This vial was so beautiful and interesting that he could not bear to send it back now.

Han Li was now completely intrigued by the mysterious item in the bottle. Although he knew that this might just be an empty bottle. But he was still willing to gamble that the contents of the bottle would be more interesting than the bottle itself.

The more he thought about it, the more Han Li felt itchy and uncomfortable.

He wouldn't be able to sleep well at night unless he solved the mystery inside the bottle.

Having made up his mind, Han Li sneaked into the house where debris was piled in the valley, selected a relatively heavy hammer from among the many tools, and took it back to his room.

Returning to the house, he found a half-discarded hard blue brick from the corner of the house, then picked out a relatively flat depression in the house, placed the green brick flat here, and then placed the bottle firmly horizontally. On blue bricks.

Han Li raised the small hammer with his right hand. The hammer head paused in the air for a moment, and then decisively landed on the most protruding part of the bottle - the belly of the bottle.


Because I was afraid that using too much force would destroy the contents of the bottle, I just landed lightly on it to test the hardness of the bottle.

Seeing that there was no sign of cracking, Han Li felt relieved. It looked like he could use more force to smash the bottle.

"Boom!" Five points of force.

"Boom!" Seven points of force.

"Boom!" Very hard.

"Boom" twelve components.

Han Li used more and more force, his arm swings became more and more exaggerated, and the hammer fell faster and faster. Even with the last blow, half of the bottle was smashed into the green bricks, but the bottle still remained intact, with no sign of being smashed.

Han Li was stunned. He still touched the place where the hammer hit the bottle with his hand in disbelief. There was no trace of the impact left on it. It was green and the entire surface of the bottle was still smooth.

This was beyond Han Li's expectation.

Only then did Han Li become truly sure that this vial was definitely an extraordinary good thing. It was definitely not abandoned intentionally, and most likely it was accidentally lost by the owner. Now, maybe the owner is searching for this thing all over the mountain. If he wants to keep this thing, he must collect it well and not let outsiders see this bottle again.

In Han Li's mind, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to steal or rob, anything he picks up from the ground belongs to him. If it was an ordinary thing, he might have returned it to the owner, but this bottle was so mysterious that it might have been lost by disciples from wealthy families or people with status in the mountains. Han Li didn't have anything good to do with either of these people. impression.

Han Li's family has been very poor since he was a child. The whole family was busy all day long, and they often didn't have enough to eat. In Qixuanmen, he often saw the first type of people spending money lavishly and eating and drinking extravagantly. (If Qixuanmen disciples do not want to eat ordinary meals, they can spend extra money to provide better meals.) Money should not be spent as money. Whenever this happens, Han Li feels uncomfortable. In addition, these children from rich families usually reject and look down on their disciples who come from poor places. They often use words to ridicule and insult them. There are even several minor conflicts between the two, and there are also several fights between the children. Subgroup frame. Han Li also participated in one of the fights. Unfortunately, he was beaten so badly by disciples from wealthy families who had practiced martial arts that his nose and face were bruised and he was unable to go out to meet people. Later, I rested for several days before returning to normal.

As for the people with some status and status on the mountain, they didn't leave a good impression on Han Li. From the time when Protector Wang took bribe money from his third uncle, to when Wu Yan relied on the power of deputy sect leader Ma to directly enter Qijuetang. Although I haven't seen many big figures on the mountain, the great image of big figures in the minds of children has almost been shattered.

Not only did Han Li not want to return the things thrown away by these two people, he also wanted to hide them as a prank.

Thinking of this, Han Li immediately took off a small leather bag hanging around his neck. This leather bag was specially sewn for him by Han Mu from a piece of animal skin when he came out of the house. It is waterproof and moisture-proof. It was used to hold a peace charm made of wild boar teeth for him, hoping to use it to bless him. Be safe and sound, no illness or disaster.

Han Li loosened the mouth of the leather bag, put the bottle and the peace charm together, then tightened the mouth of the bag, and then hung the bag back around his neck.

After doing all this, he looked around and saw no one was there. He puffed out his chest and patted the slightly bulging bag on his chest, thinking that it would not attract other people's attention.

At this time, he felt much more at ease in his heart. He was not afraid that if something unexpected happened again, the owner would find the bottle and take it back.

Han Li quietly put the hammer back to its place, pretending as if nothing had happened, and strolled around the God's Hand Valley for a while, until it was completely dark, then he dragged his injured foot back into the house.

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