A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 11 The bottle is difficult to open

Han Li didn't meet many people on his way back. Only a few senior fellow apprentices who were passing by were a little surprised to see him limping, but they didn't say anything to him. It seemed that no one paid much attention to his junior fellow apprentice.

When I returned to my home, the pain in my feet became even worse. Han Li quickly stood on the edge of the bed, gently took off his shoes and socks, and checked the injury.

It's so swollen! The toe of the right foot has bulged high, and the skin of the injured area is swollen red and bright, like a big red pepper.

Han Li hurriedly reached for the wooden pillow on his bed and took out a small medicine bottle from under the pillow. This was a trauma medicine carefully prepared by Doctor Mo. It had miraculous effects on congestion, bruises, and even bleeding. This was not something he could easily do. I got it from Doctor Mo. I planned to use it in advance for Zhang Tie to practice "Elephant Armor Kung Fu" when he suffered a trauma. Unexpectedly, he used it first.

As soon as I opened the bottle cap, a strong medicinal fragrance filled the whole room. I gently poured the medicinal powder on my swollen toes, and a refreshing feeling immediately came up. It was indeed Doctor Mo's secret medicine for wounds, and I immediately felt it. It worked. Dr. Mo’s medical skills are really beyond compare!

Han Li found another piece of clean cloth, wrapped his injured toe into a big bag, and then put on new shoes and socks.

kindness! Fortunately, the pain has eased a lot.

He took a few slow steps back and forth, quite satisfied with the way he quickly treated the injury.

Now it's time to deal with the mysterious bottle, the culprit that caused his serious injury.

Han Li took out the bottle from his arms and found a rag to wipe it clean. Only then did the bottle's entire original appearance appear before his eyes.

This bottle is not too big and can be held in one hand. It is slightly smaller than my own medicine bottle. The whole bottle is a light light green, and there are several dark green patterns printed on the surface of the bottle. The patterns are leaf-shaped and lifelike. It has a protruding feeling to the touch, as if it is directly inlaid with real leaves. .

He weighed it with his hands and found that it was very heavy, but it was obviously not made of some kind of metal that Han Li knew, let alone any kind of porcelain that he knew. Because when you touch it with your hands, it doesn't have the cold feeling of ordinary metal, nor does it have the smooth surface texture of ordinary porcelain.

Han Li observed carefully for a while, and then he was sure that the bottle was made of some kind of material that he didn't know. This light green seemed to be a natural color, and it was a color of the material itself. It's like something acquired.

When he saw the tightly sealed bottle cap, Han Li decided to satisfy his curiosity and immediately opened the bottle to see if there was anything inside.

Put your hand on the lid again and twist it as hard as you can.

One click, two clicks, three clicks..., the bottle cap and bottle body seemed to be made of whole body, motionless, and the cap did not show any signs of being opened.

Han Li was surprised. When he first picked up the bottle, he couldn't twist it. But at that time, I was worried about the injury and had no time to put in much effort, nor did I take it to heart. I thought it would be easy to open it with all my strength now. Unexpectedly, it still didn't work.

Han Li twisted it more than a dozen times, feeling his arm was sore, but still failed, so he stopped.

He shook his arm and moved his wrist. He had used too much force just now and strained it a bit.

He brought the bottle under his nose and examined it carefully. pity! I didn't find any secret little mechanism on it.

Now Han Li was worried. If he didn't open the bottle cap, how would he know if there was anything inside? If anything, this bottle is so strange and sealed so tightly, it must be a very valuable thing.

Han Li held the bottle tightly with his hand, looked at it, and was in a daze for a while. Finally, he decided to let Zhang Tie, who was much stronger than himself, try to unscrew it. You must know that Zhang Tie can now lift dozens of buckets with each hand, and can go up and down mountains as fast as flying. Now the big water tanks in the valley are filled by him on time every day.

After making up his mind, Han Li walked to Zhang Tie's house to wait for him, hoping that Zhang Tie would come back soon.

It was really uncomfortable to wait for someone. Han Li felt that time passed so slowly. After a long time, he heard the sound of Zhang Tie pushing the door open and entering the room.

As soon as he looked up, Han Li saw Zhang Tie walking in wearing a thin green cloth shirt, his whole body was steaming faintly, and he was sweating profusely. Han Li knew that this was a normal phenomenon after he had just finished practicing, and he didn't find it strange.

Zhang Tie was stunned when he saw Han Li in his room. Before he could speak, Han Li, who was impatient with waiting, immediately handed the bottle to him.

"Brother Zhang, do me a favor and open this bottle for me, please?"

"Where did you find this? Doesn't it look good?" Zhang Tie was stunned for a moment, then took the bottle.

"Zi! Zhi! Zhi!"

"Hey! This thing is really strong. It's so hard to unscrew! What is it made of?" Zhang Tie didn't waste any time. He took it and tried his best with both hands, but he still couldn't open the bottle cap.

"No, I can't twist it. Why don't you go find another senior brother and try?" Zhang Tiechong shook his head apologetically, threw the bottle back to him, and gave him another suggestion.

"You can't do it either?" Han Li was a little anxious and couldn't help but circle around the room.

"Hey! What's wrong with your feet?" Zhang Tie realized that something was wrong with Han Li's walking.

"It's okay, I just kicked a stone while walking." Han Li didn't know why and didn't want to tell him the truth about the bottle. Maybe it was just subconsciously, treating the bottle thing as his own little secret.

Han Li felt very disappointed now and had no energy to chat with Zhang Tie. After asking about the progress of his practice, he left his room and prepared to go back and find a way to solve the bottle problem.

Returning to his hut, Han Li put the bottle on the table and lay on the side of the table, staring at the bottle with his eyes. At the same time, his head was spinning rapidly, trying to think of a way to solve the problem. Find a way.

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