A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 595 Why do you have the nerve to offer help? You can drag a sheep to death (1/2)

Chapter 595 Why do you have the nerve to offer help? But dragging a sheep to death

"I take back what I just said. This is simply the safest place in the magic world." Moody's magic eye turned twice. "Have you ever thought about it, if the Order of the Phoenix were to move here..."

"Don't even think about it." The missing body refused unceremoniously, "The Shenming Palace is relatively safe now, but once the Order of the Phoenix moves here, the probability of me activating the forbidden magic above my head will skyrocket.

This is the refuge I have prepared for four years, and I don’t want to destroy it unless I have to.

What's more important is that there is only one entrance here, and the exit is the teleportation array. It is quite troublesome to go back and forth, and it is not suitable for use as a stronghold. "

"Okay! I'm overthinking it."

"Just understand. I brought you here for my own use. It's best not to have any unnecessary thoughts before you can show up."

"Can I move here?" Fleur looked directly into the eyes of Missing Body, "I want to stay and help you, no, stay with you."

"No." The missing body refused firmly, "The Hall of Divine Sound seems safe, but there is still a risk of being discovered. Unlike Ollivander's Wand Shop, there is contract protection there."

"I do not care."

"But I care." The missing body took a deep breath and said, "I used to be alone, so I could just take care of myself.

But it's different now. Clea Darwin, Hermione Granger, and Fleur Delacour are all my weaknesses.

Clea was the princess of the Darwin family. With this status, Voldemort did not dare to do anything to her.

Hermione is helping Harry Potter search for Horcruxes, but when I signed the contract with Voldemort, I gave her a chance to make a mistake. Even if she is caught by Death Eaters, she will not be in any danger and even has to behave. Let her go.

But you don't have any amulet, so I can rest assured if you stay at Ollivander's Wand Shop. "

"The arrangements are really detailed." Sirius winked, his face full of teasing.

"Thank you for the compliment, but I hope you shut up at this time." Missing Body rolled her eyes at him, then looked at Fleur, "Do you understand what I said?"

"You probably understand, you're just worried that I'll hold you back, right?"

"That's just one aspect." The missing body explained patiently, "If I hadn't signed the armistice agreement with Voldemort, his first target would definitely be me.

This fragile balance will continue to be maintained until Harry Potter's death, but this does not mean that Voldemort will not prepare in advance for the balance to break.

You are not alone, you also have parents and younger sisters in the Delacour family..."

"Wait a minute." Furong's expression changed slightly, "You mean he might capture my family and blackmail you?"

“Don’t be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the unexpected. This kind of worry is definitely not unnecessary.

A madman who can divide his soul into seven parts in order to live forever, what can't he do?

It is true that the Death Eaters' influence has not yet extended to France, but it is not difficult for them to catch a few people.

You can stay, but once the Temple of God's Voice is exposed, the Death Eaters will be able to determine your relationship with me, and your family may bear the corresponding risks.

When the time comes, as the son-in-law of the Delacour family, I will have to jump even if I know it is a trap. "

"Gulu!" Fleur swallowed, "I know, I will stay well in the wand shop."


King's Cross Station.

Aaron pushed the suitcase and took the harmless holy dragon Abe through the partition wall of platform nine and three-quarters.

"Good morning."

A clear sound like wind chimes came.

Aaron subconsciously turned his head to look, and the corners of his mouth curved.

The person who greeted me was Klea, elegant, tall and perfect, with a bright smile that seemed to heal the soul.

Genes followed her and nodded slightly to Aaron, "Master, how have you been recently?"

"Knowingly asking." Aaron rolled his eyes at him angrily. Voldemort's expansion of power had put a lot of pressure on him. On the surface, he did nothing, but he spent a lot of energy on secret manipulation.

"Then the young master must continue to work hard, and must not let down his guard!"

"You don't need to remind me."

"Let's stop chatting here!" Klea held Abe in her arms, "The train will leave soon."

"Wait a moment, I have something else to ask.

Ancestor Alger, is he still satisfied with my material? "

"Satisfied, very satisfied." Jeans said with admiration, "Sir Alger's eyes widened when he saw that piece of material. It took him a whole month to integrate that piece of mineral into the artifact.

Now that the sword is basically forged, its sharpness far exceeds that of ordinary artifacts.

However, there are still some flaws, and there is still one last thing left to make it perfect. "

"Energy source?" Aaron asked melancholy.

"Yes, if the young master does not find a suitable energy source within a year, he can only find a high-quality magic crystal in the family treasure house instead."

"That's not possible. What I want is a top-quality artifact. The magic crystal will lower the grade of the artifact."

"Don't worry about this. From my subordinates' point of view, that artifact is already of the highest quality. The magic crystal is just the icing on the cake."

“But it can be better, can’t it?

The icing on the cake also depends on what flowers are added and how many flowers are added.

You go back and tell Ancestor Alger that I will prepare the energy source before graduation. "

"No problem, Master."

Aaron and Klea put their suitcases into the train and then found a box to sit down.

"My intuition tells me that you have done a lot during this time." Klea said with a smile.

"Your intuition is very accurate. I found Slytherin's locket, and Hufflepuff's gold cup also gave me some clues.

In addition, I saved Alastor Moody's life and built a teleportation array in Ollivander's Wand Shop that is connected to the one in the Temple of God's Call. "

Hearing this, the smile on Klea's face faded a little, "You must be very tired!"

Aaron was stunned for a moment and nodded noncommittally.

For the sake of a better life in the future, it doesn’t hurt to be a little tired now.

"What about you? What did you do during your vacation?"

"Study in the secret room." Klea said with a meaningful smile, "The ancestors of the Gaius family all like me very much. Flo taught me the magic of speech and spirit, which can prevent people from saying specific words. Lant taught me how to prepare I bought an amplifying potion that can increase the effect of some potions several times, although the effect time will be relatively reduced. Vaughan taught me a few songs to relax my mood.

Of course, my favorite thing is the library. Some of the books in the Gaius family cannot be found in the Darwin family. "

"as long as you are happy."

boom! boom! boom!

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Neville, Ginny and Luna were standing at the door.

"I guess I'm here to find you."

"Alas!" Aaron sighed softly and waved his wand to open the box door, "Come in!"

The three of them sat down cautiously, but looking at Aaron's helpless expression, the words they wanted to say were stuck in their throats.

"Speak directly if you have anything to say." Klea looked at the three of them playfully, "It's not good to keep it in your heart. If you feel uncomfortable, he will also become anxious."

"No, I'm not in a hurry.

If they had stayed silent, I might have been able to pretend to be confused, which would have made it easier. "

Luna immediately bumped Neville with her arm, and Neville's eyes twitched and hesitantly said: "Aaron, you and Hermione still keep in touch, right?"

"Of course, I don't worry about her safety.

Who asked you to ask this question? "

"Uh..." Neville glanced at Ginny guiltily, "I want to ask myself."

"Pull him down!" Aaron curled his lips disdainfully, "I don't know you yet."

"I asked him to ask." Ginny said sheepishly.

"Oh!" Aaron said in a longer tone, "Just as I don't trust my girlfriend, you don't trust your boyfriend either, right?

I can tell you that they are not in danger for the time being, but that may not be the case in a few days. "

"What's the meaning?"

"This involves Dumbledore's arrangements.

Our great former headmaster, Professor Albus Dumbledore, wanted Harry to go find something, and counting the time, it was time for him to set off.

Once they leave the safe house, they will face the pursuit of the Ministry of Magic. "

"How can we help them?" Neville asked directly.

Hearing this, Aaron couldn't help but cover his face, complaining silently in his heart.

Help them? How much fake wine did you have to drink to say something like this? Can't you see the current situation clearly?

"Ahem! Taking care of yourself and not causing trouble is the greatest help to them."

"I was serious."

"I'm not joking." Aaron felt inexplicably tired, "If I didn't know you well, I would have doubted whether you were invited by someone else to tease me.

The three of you are at Hogwarts, and the three of them are on the run.

You don’t know the specific location, you don’t know what they are going to do, so why are you so embarrassed to offer help? "

"But you know!" Ginny said eagerly, "As long as you tell us..."

“Stop it, I have no obligation to tell you, especially you.

The Death Eaters took control of the Ministry of Magic a month ago. At that time, their foundation was not stable and it was difficult to take direct action against the Order of the Phoenix, so they took surveillance action.

But after a month, the dissidents were almost eliminated, and they were free to clear out the Order of the Phoenix and other rebels.

The Weasley family is one of the twenty-eight pure-blood families. This identity is a talisman, but the premise is that you stay on your own and don't get caught by them.

In other words, the Weasley family now needs to keep their tail between their legs. Your parents and several brothers are very aware of this, so you must not get involved.

Because once something happens to you, Harry Potter will definitely lose his balance. "

Ginny pursed her lips, a little sparkle appeared in her eyes, and a feeling of powerlessness spread in her heart.

Luna patted the back of her hand and whispered comforting words, "There are other things we can do to support Harry."

"Prayers and blessings." Klea said, "You can try it."

"This..." Neville asked doubtfully, "Does this really work?"

"It may not be useful, but it is a good psychological comfort."

"If I had known, I would have dropped out of school too." Neville sighed, "Harry must need us very much now."

"It's not that time yet." Aaron waved his hand and said, "Before he completes the task assigned by Dumbledore, what you should do is preserve your strength and wait for the opportunity.

This is my advice and advice. "

"What if..." Ginny hesitated and asked in an anxious tone: "If they encountered trouble, such as Death Eaters, you wouldn't stand by and watch, would you?"

"In fact, I will." Aaron did not evade anything, "The contract I signed with Voldemort is that before Harry Potter and Dumbledore die, I cannot hinder his plans, and he cannot threaten my safety.

I can give them the greatest help within the limits allowed by the rules, but once I encounter a Death Eater, I can't take action. I can only protect one person at most, and the other two will be helpless. "

"Understood." Ginny nodded a little disappointedly, obviously knowing who Aaron was protecting.

"Then can you tell us the news about Harry and the others in time?" Luna suddenly thought of something and looked at Aaron with a sincere face, "You can contact Hermione. This will not be difficult for you."

"Ah this..."

"Please," Ginny said nervously, "I just want to know about their safety."

"It would be better if you could help spread the word." Neville added hurriedly.

Aaron held his forehead and shook his head speechlessly, why do you have to find him for everything!

This isn't about putting more effort on the part of those who are able, it's about dragging a sheep to death!


The train drove all the way to Hogsmeade Station, and the scenery outside the window quickly receded.


The screeching sound of brakes suddenly sounded, and many people leaned forward under the influence of inertia.

"What's going on?" Neville looked out the window in surprise, "It's not dark yet, why did the train stop?"

"That's a good question." Aaron sneered, as if he had expected this. "What was the reason for the last time the train stopped halfway? Dementors searched for wanted criminals.

But this time there was no cold feeling, it couldn't be Dementors, so what could it be? "

"Death Eaters?"

The three of them said in unison, their expressions becoming very ugly.

"Huh? How do you talk?" Aaron chuckled and said, "It's obviously the search team from the Ministry of Magic.

They were here to search for Harry Potter, the most evil villain. Of course, some Muggle-born students were also included in the investigation. "

"Are they all so unscrupulous now?" Luna frowned.

“If they win, they are the winners, and they naturally enjoy the rights that a winner should have.

But don’t worry, this battle isn’t over yet, and it’s hard to say who will win or lose. "

"Harry will definitely win." Ginny said with certainty.

Aaron smiled and said nothing. Although he was not a supporter of Harry Potter, he still stood by Harry's side because Dumbledore had arranged everything before he died.

Harry was out there searching for and destroying the Horcruxes, while Snape was guarding the base at Hogwarts and helping from the side.

To put it in perspective, even if Harry did fail, he would never lose.

Today, Voldemort is no longer that big of a threat to him.

Just to be sure, he still had to delay it as much as possible. He also had this consideration in collecting the Horcruxes but not destroying them immediately.

After a while, three Death Eaters boarded the train.

They took a stack of wanted posters and compared them in each carriage.

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