A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 594 Visiting the Shenming Temple, the shocking defense system (1/2)

Chapter 594 Visiting the Temple of the Gods, the Shocking Defense System

"Come on! I'll introduce you to my secret base.

Sirius knows a little about it, but not completely." The thought body pointed to the Slytherin statue in front of the hall, "The predecessor of the Temple of the Gods was Slytherin's secret room, deep underground, close to the Black Lake.

As the saying goes, those who plant trees will enjoy the shade.

I used the traceless extension spell to expand the space of the secret room by dozens of times, basically half the size of Hogwarts."

"Half Hogwarts?" Moody opened his intact right eye in surprise, "How long have you been digging?"

"I started preparing after the second grade, so it's almost four years!"

"Hiss! It's amazing."

Moody took a breath of cold air. It was exaggerated enough to build a magnificent palace in four years, but knowing how to build a secret base at the age of twelve, it can be seen that Aaron is much more cunning than he thought.

"Don't be surprised. When I was eleven, I met the remnant of Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest.

At that time, I was still very weak. It took a lot of effort to barely get rid of his pursuit, but the feud was still formed." The thought body talked freely, "The famous Dark Lord, if he resurrects, will I suffer any harm?

It sounds a bit ridiculous, but I have paranoia, and that's how I get a sense of urgency and crisis.

On the one hand, I need to improve my strength, and on the other hand, I need a safe refuge, which is also the original intention of building this palace."

The three looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Facts have proved that it is not wrong to prepare for a rainy day, otherwise Hogwarts under the control of the Death Eaters would not have such a "pure land".

"My garden is to the left of the throne, with an area of ​​1,500 square meters.

I planted a lavender field in it, and later opened an orchard and planted some fruit trees.

As for the right rear, it is relatively small, and it is a hot spring pool, where you can take a bath when you have nothing to do."

"Hot spring pool?" A glimmer of light appeared in Furong's eyes, "This is too enjoyable!"

"It's not enjoyable." The thought body waved his hand tiredly, "It's just to relax occasionally.

Originally, the Shenming Palace belonged to me alone, but later, Claire came, so I had to move the hot spring pool to another place and separate it into two bathrooms."

"Does she know this place too?"

"She found it herself, and I can't hide it even if I want to!" The thought body smiled, and then pointed to an exquisite door, "That's her bedroom."

"She has a bedroom?" Furong frowned slightly, "She won't live with you, right?"

"What are you thinking?" The thought body was at a loss for words, "She only comes here to stay for a few days during the holidays, and usually lives in the Slytherin girls' dormitory."

"Do we have our own rooms?" Moody asked.

"Room?" Sirius laughed at himself, "When I was here, I slept in coffins."

Moody was stunned for a moment, then looked at the thought body in astonishment, "Not really?"

"Don't listen to his nonsense, the whole morgue belongs to him." The thought body said confidently, "I even hung Phineas's photo there to facilitate the meeting of grandparents and grandchildren."

"How dare you say that?"

Sirius looked angry. He didn't like the Black family who advocated pure blood. He had finally left that family when he was alive, but he couldn't escape after dying once.

Phineas, the ancestor, had experienced the grief of blood severance once, so he valued him very much.

Even when he was lying in the coffin, he could vaguely feel that the earnest eyes would fall on him from time to time, and that feeling was not ordinary sour and refreshing.

Moody's mouth twitched slightly, "I can accept no room, but at least prepare a bed for me!

I'm not being pretentious, I'm really too old to bear it."

"Ah! It's too small, too small." The thought body smiled meaningfully, "There must be a room, but you need to build it yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you when my body comes." The thought body said, and then took the three to the alchemy room, "This is the studio where I usually make magic props.

Forging, runes, and enchantment are all done here."

"Are these your achievements?" Moody looked at the two storage racks in the corner and felt a little puzzled.

There are two sniper rifles, a flintlock pistol, and an automatic rifle on a storage rack. Under each gun are several layers of bullets of different colors, and the number of enchantments is also marked.

The number of bullets enchanted at one time is the largest, at least thousands of rounds, and it decreases in sequence upwards. The top layer is enchanted five times, with only a few rounds.

He also knew about Muggle weapons, but he didn't care too much about them. However, every bullet here is an alchemical prop, and the resources and time consumed to make them are absolutely unimaginable.

"Don't underestimate these things. These guns were made by the ancestors of my Gaius family with great effort. They can maximize and even enhance the magic power of wizards.

As for the enchanted bullets, they are amplified to this extent, especially the top-level bullets that have been enchanted five times. The magician can use it to exert the power of the primary grand magician."

"Really?" Moody was surprised and a little skeptical. After all, according to the thought body, these weapons can already pose a threat to him.

"I don't need to lie to you, but the cost of these things is not cheap.

Five enchanted bullets are enough for a Hogwarts professor to earn a month's salary, and they have a certain failure rate. "

"Then what are these?" Fleur asked, pointing to another storage shelf.

"It's a treasure I've collected and refined over the years." The Missing Body introduced with a smile, "This blue-white scale is the breast shield I made not long ago.

The raw material is dragon's reverse scale, which is enchanted five times, which can weaken the effect of curses to a certain extent. It can even resist the life-killing curse. Of course, if the opponent is too strong, it may not be able to prevent it.

That emerald is a Gilani emerald, which has a curse effect. Whoever takes it will be in trouble unless it is returned to its original owner.

This is a magic carpet, the earliest flying prop I collected. No matter in terms of gorgeousness, comfort or flying speed, it cannot be compared with a flying broomstick.

Muggle wands, as the name suggests, are wands that can be used by Muggles, although they can only use some simple magic...

Of course, the truly valuable things will not be placed here. They are all hidden in the space magic array of the main body. "

"Gulu!" Fleur swallowed and forced a stiff smile, "I am really ignorant, isn't this valuable?"

"It's not like nothing." The Missing Body took down two red brocade boxes from the storage shelf and introduced meaningfully: "These two are truly priceless ancient cultural relics.

Ravenclaw's diadem, Slytherin's locket, and Voldemort's two Horcruxes. "


Sirius and Moody were shocked and shocked at the same time.

"This is a Horcrux! You just leave it here like this?" Moody cursed incoherently, "Do you know that Horcruxes have special powers?"

"Both of these two Horcruxes were sealed by me, and fell into a deep sleep together with the magic power of the crown and the locket itself. Now they are just ordinary items." The missing body smiled indifferently, "Besides, these two I will destroy this Horcrux sooner or later, so there is no need to take it so seriously."


“If I hadn’t brought you here today, who do you think could have found this place?

Even if you find them, how can you snatch them away from me? "

Moody was speechless, unable to think of any reason to refute.

"Uh... what is a Horcrux?" Fleur asked doubtfully.

"An evil black magic." Si Nian Ti explained concisely and concisely. "It splits the soul to make a Horcrux. The Horcrux is not destroyed and the soul is immortal."

"Wait a minute." Sirius suddenly thought of something, "I know you have the Ravenclaw diadem, but when did you get the Slytherin locket?"

"The night before yesterday," the missing body said, "Hermione and the others found Mundungus, but unfortunately he did not have the Horcrux.

After Sirius died, I pretended to be Gandalf and took away most of the Order's property, including the relics of Regulus that the house elves failed to keep.

Mundungus was even more clueless than I thought. He gave me the locket and then secretly stole the rest of Kreacher's collection, thinking he was getting a big deal. "

"That idiot." Sirius was speechless.

"Fortunately, he is a fool, otherwise this Horcrux wouldn't have been so easy for me to get." The missing body said with some luck, "But your Order of the Phoenix is ​​not that smart. The Horcrux is clearly right in front of you, but you still keep it. not found."

"I feel sorry for Harry," Moody sighed. "He took huge risks to search for Horcruxes, but... alas!"

"Don't be discouraged!

The remaining Horcruxes include Voldemort's pet and Hufflepuff's golden cup.

Both of these Horcruxes are difficult for me to access, so I still have to rely on Harry. "

"Why do I feel that compared to Harry, you are more like a savior?" Fleur said thoughtfully.

"This kind of joke must never be made." The missing body waved his hand in resistance, "Being a savior is definitely the most tiring profession in human history. It is high risk and has no benefits. It can easily kill the whole family, and may even involve relatives and friends. .

I have known Harry for six years. Except for the few days when he first entered the magical world, when his status as the savior provided him with some convenience and vanity, he was burdened by fame the rest of the time.

His talent is indeed higher than that of ordinary people, but not much higher.

The name is not worthy of the reality.

The questioning eyes made him very tired. Am I really the savior?

But the trusting gaze made his life even more tiring. How could I be the savior? "

"It is indeed tiring." Moody sighed thoughtfully, "But Harry persisted until today and has not given up. He has prevented Voldemort from being resurrected several times in a row. He is worthy of the title of savior."

"That's right. He is James and Lily's child. He will not let us down."

"We'll see." The missing person shrugged, and then took a few people to visit the treasury, granary, potion room and other important warehouses.

As for the bedroom, study, cloakroom, Abe's dragon's nest, etc., they were not allowed to enter since they were private properties.

The mountains of gold and silver antiques opened their eyes to Moody and Fleur, but made Sirius feel lost.

He has never cared about money or anything, but only 10% of the wealth accumulated by the Black family for generations has been lost in his generation. To say he is not upset would be a lie.

The food, meat, vegetables, and wine and beverages that are enough to supply ordinary people for decades have made a few people feel a great sense of security. They have truly understood what it means to have food in their hands, and they don't feel panicked.

Ordinary pharmaceutical materials were piled up in a warehouse, while rare materials were sealed in special bottles. As for the finished potions, they were made into pills and placed on a large medicine shelf.

“It has everything, I can’t think of anything missing.” Moody praised, then changed the topic, “But there are major omissions in terms of safety.

I admit that this base is very hidden, but once it is discovered..."


Before Moody finished speaking, he heard the missing body snap its fingers.

The next moment, countless magic arrays covered the entire Shenming Palace, leaving even some shadowed corners untouched.

Then hundreds of shadow ninjas emerged from the ground or walls. They were holding different weapons and looked murderous.

This scene struck a chord in the hearts of the three of them, leaving them speechless in horror.

"These high-level defensive magic arrays are carefully set up by me. Even if Voldemort comes in person with his Death Eater army, they won't be able to attack them for a while. In comparison, the Red Loyalty Curse seems redundant.

Currently, there are no more than five people who know about this place. Klea and Fleur will never leak the secret. As for you two...if you are not afraid of death, you can give it a try. "

"No wonder you want to build a teleportation array." Furong murmured, "These defensive magics can buy you a lot of time, enough for you to pack up all the important items and take them away."

"Yes, the teleportation magic array is the top priority." The missing body nodded, "My secret base is not only equipped with defensive magic, but also powerful self-destruction magic."

"Self-destruct?" Moody's mouth twitched, and his words were a little awkward.

The missing body raised a finger and pointed at the ceiling, "Look up."

The three of them looked up together, and hundreds of lightning magic crystals hidden in mid-air appeared in their sights. The flashing yellow thunder light connected together and made a sizzling sound.

Will die, absolutely will die.

The three of them looked pale, and terrible thoughts came to their minds at the same time.

These magic crystals were a fatal threat, making their scalps numb and their instincts trembling.

"The reason why Shen Ming Palace is called Shen Ming Palace is because this is called the forbidden magic of Shen Ming Palace. Once the violent thunder and lightning is activated, everything will be destroyed. There is basically no chance of survival under the Holy Magister.

Even if they are lucky enough to survive, they will be buried underground, and the water from the Black Lake poured in will be their next death talisman.

To put it another way, even if they were really unlucky, they would not be dead. The teleportation array would have been destroyed, and they would not be able to find a way to pursue them again.

The destination of the teleportation is Ollivander's Wand Shop, which is protected by the contract signed by Voldemort and me. Death Eaters dare not break in and have enough time to rest. "

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