A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 583 Mad-Eye is still alive? Snape's many ways to die (1/2)

Chapter 583 Mad-Eye is still alive? Snape's many ways to die


Aaron removes the prosthetic eye from Mad-Eye's left eye.

Sirius was stunned, "What are you doing?"

"I need a piece of evidence to prove that I didn't collude with the Death Eaters last night."

"But..." Sirius pursed his lips and hesitated: "You just exposed Mad-Eye to be alive so easily?"

"Just in case, I don't want to be exposed if I can." Aaron wrote lightly, "Besides, Moody is different from you. To save you is to resurrect the dead, to save him is to save a seriously injured person.

Snatching people from the hands of death and pulling people back from the edge of life and death, most people can accept the latter. "

"Does that mean that after Moody recovers from his injury, he can return to the Order of the Phoenix to take charge of the overall situation?" Sirius asked with some hope.

"What do you think?" Aaron looked at him with a half-smile.

Sirius's heart skipped a beat, "It seems there is a little difficulty. You won't let him go so easily, right?"

"Nonsense, I spent a lot of effort to save him, I can't even refuse the medical expenses!

Do you think I'm that kind?

If nothing else, you will be partnering with him in the next year, so be mentally prepared! "


Aaron picked up Abe, who was sleeping soundly, and forcefully woke him up from his sleep, "Stop sleeping, come out with me."


The Burrow.

Aaron passed through a barrier and walked over the overgrown weeds to the outside of the house.

The Weasley family, Mr. and Mrs. Lupin, Kingsley, Hagrid, Harry, and Hermione are all waiting here.

Hermione glanced at everyone and immediately ran to Aaron, wanting to hug him but being a little reserved.


"Needless to say, I know what you are thinking." Aaron noticed that Hermione's eyes were a little red and swollen, and touched her head like a kitten, "Have you cried?"


"Haha, don't pretend to be so stubborn in front of me." Aaron looked soft and smiled, "Maybe it's a bit redundant to say this, but thank you for trusting me."

Hermione nodded expressionlessly and murmured in a low voice: "This is what it should be."

Aaron shrugged, then walked to Harry and others, "Good morning, everyone.

Although the reason why I came here is a bit disturbing, I still feel the need to explain that it was not me who leaked the information. "

"Of course, Aaron, of course we believe you." Mr. Weasley said awkwardly, having already confirmed this when he saw Aaron coming alone.

"Can you tell me where you were last night?" Kingsley asked solemnly, "I hope you don't mind, but I am an Auror and there are some things that I must find out."

"I haven't been out of Diagon Alley since yesterday."

"Who can prove it?"

"This...no one can really prove it.

how? Do you want me to drink some truth serum before I answer the question? "

"It's not that serious, and we are not interrogators." Lupine smoothed things over, "The current situation is like this. Apart from us, you are the only one who knows the time to escort Harry safely out of Privet Drive.

But Hermione didn't tell you our plan to use a substitute, and the Death Eaters who ambush us in advance last night seemed to only know the time but not the specific plan. "

"So it's natural for suspicion to be on my head." A sneer appeared at the corner of Aaron's mouth, and he said very straightforwardly, "Sure enough, this is not a misunderstanding."

"We don't want to doubt you either." George said sheepishly, "To be honest, I felt guilty when you came here, at least Fred and I did."

"I still have some conscience. It's not in vain that I lent you a large sum of money." Aaron said, and then discovered that George's left ear was missing, and there was blood oozing from the wound.

"Your ear...I can help you make a bionic ear using alchemy, which will ensure that it will not affect your hearing."


"The fee will be charged, at least three hundred galleons, and it may leave a scar."

"Ahem!" Lupine coughed, and then looked at Aaron apologetically, "What were you doing last night?"

"Guide Abe from a distance to help Hermione escape from the Death Eaters.

With the sense of smell and intuition of a dragon, it was not too difficult to find the correct group among the seven groups. After all, it was so familiar with Hermione's scent. "

"Did you only do this?" Lu Ping asked seriously.


"You lied," Kingsley said. "Didn't you tell Hermione that you and Abe worked hard all night to finish it?"

Aaron paused and turned to look at Hermione, "Did you tell them?"

"Absolutely." Hermione said sheepishly.

"Okay! I did do something else, but...no comment."

"No, you must make it clear." Kingsley was resolute and even took out his wand, ready to take action at any time.

"There's no need to be so tense." Hagrid glared at him angrily, "Aaron, don't pay attention to him, he's just doing it all the time."

"Hagrid, I have to remind you that this is related to the safety of the Order of the Phoenix.

If you really consider him a friend, you shouldn't stop me. There's no harm in ruling him out as a suspect early on. "

"You..." Hagrid wanted to retort, but he had no education and was speechless.

"Okay, okay, I said that's it." Aaron sighed softly and took out an eye patch, with a magic eye on it constantly rotating.

Tonks' expression changed slightly, "Why do you have Mad-Eye's magic eye in your hand?"

"Why can't it be in my hand?"

"Wait a minute, if you hadn't left Diagon Alley last night, you wouldn't have been able to get it." Bill said seriously, "I saw Mad-Eye fall from a high altitude with my own eyes."

"Then you may not have finished reading." Aaron curled his lips, "My Abe caught Alastor before he came into close contact with the ground and brought him back to Diagon Alley."

"So you have Mad-Eye's body?" Ron asked.

"Corpse? Who told you he was dead?"

"Alastor is still alive?" Lupine couldn't believe it, but his eyes were full of expectation.

If there is anyone who most hopes that members of the Order of the Phoenix will not die, that person must be Remus Lupin, and Harry Potter will have to take a back seat.

"Impossible!" Bill frowned slightly.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Mr. Weasley glared at Bill, "Can't Mad-Eye live?"

"Of course I hope Mad-Eye is not dead, but he was cursed by multiple Death Eaters at the time."

"Yes!" Aaron said with his fingers, "Cutting Curse, Splitting Curse, Crushing Curse and Withering Blood Curse, but when Abe brought him back, he was still breathing weakly. The powerful magic power of the Great Mage It delayed his death by a few seconds, but it was also very shocking.

Moody was very lucky. He met the only holy dragon with healing magic in the magic world, and the holy dragon happened to bring him to the wizard who ranked among the top ten in the magic world for healing skills, that is, me.

It may be an exaggeration to say this, but the director of St. Mungo's Hospital of Magic may not be as good as me in the medical field.

In fact, I didn't want to save him. He was on the verge of death and only had his last breath left...Tsk, tsk, tsk, maybe giving him a stab would make him die a little more happily, but for some reasons, I changed my mind. "

"So you saved him?" Hermione said with some pride, "You and Abe have been busy all night just to save him."

Aaron patted Abe's dragon head, "It was responsible for suppressing the injuries with magic, while I was responsible for the surgery and cleaning up dozens of hidden wounds on his body.

Cutting out flesh and blood, sewing up internal organs, and attaching bones are not physical tasks?

Less than ten minutes after I came out of the operating room, you contacted me, and then I came here non-stop, not even bothering to eat breakfast. "

After the words fell, everyone looked at each other.

After working so hard to save people, they didn't even have time to take a break before they were called over to confront them. This made them very embarrassed and even felt a little guilty.

"Is...Mad-Eye okay?" Tonks asked worriedly, "I mean when will he recover?"

"If you don't say anything, you will have to lie in bed for a year and a half!" Aaron said without blushing and breathlessly.

In fact, Mad-Eye would be able to fully recover before Hogwarts started school, but he had to collect some medical expenses. It was kind of him to only let Alastor Moody work for him for a year.

One life in exchange for a year of hard work. He actually did this kind of loss-making transaction twice.

"Haha! I knew this was a misunderstanding." Mr. Weasley said with a smile, "Since you are here, you can't go in vain. Let's have breakfast together!"

"Mr. Weasley, do you think I can eat right now?"

"I told you it was a misunderstanding!

Later we will punish you with three cups of wine to apologize to you. "

"No, in addition to proving my innocence, I also have a few minor issues here." Aaron said and looked at everyone with a smile, "I wonder which dear friend was the first to doubt me? And where? Someone asked Hermione to contact me?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and all focused on Kingsley and Lupine.

"I'm sorry, I apologize to you." Lu Ping said sincerely.

"Me too, I'm very sorry." Kingsley said, "But after analysis, you are indeed the most suspicious."

"Tch! I understand very well, but I am also very uncomfortable." Aaron said unceremoniously, "I really want to beat you up now, but for her sake I will write down this account first (anyway, there are people I will pay it back for you).”

"Is Mad-Eye in Diagon Alley?" Tonks asked, "I want to see him."

"I'm sorry, I will let you know when he recovers, but his current condition cannot see anyone except the doctor."

"Okay, listen to the doctor."

"Aaron," Harry said suddenly, "I have to tell you something. Snape participated in the Death Eaters' actions last night."

"Yeah!" Aaron nodded nonchalantly, he already knew this.

Harry was a little dissatisfied with Aaron's attitude and continued: "He also injured George's ear, using the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse."

"Ah?" Aaron looked at George in surprise. Professor Snape might not be able to clear his name so smoothly in the future, but the most important thing about a double agent is a confused account, so he should be mentally prepared!

"I'll help you heal your ears. I hope you don't hate him."

"What?" George felt that he heard wrongly. Don't hate Snape. How could it be possible?

"What did you say?" Harry frowned, "I just want to tell you that Snape is the real traitor. He killed Dumbledore and wanted to kill me."

"You're right, you'd better stay away from him." Lupine said, "I wanted to fight him desperately at that time, if we weren't running for our lives."

"I'm afraid this can't be done." Aaron said patiently, "I would rather trust him than the Order of the Phoenix.

This has nothing to do with position, purely because he is...well...a respectable teacher. "

"Are your brains burned out?" Harry looked at him in disbelief. Believing Snape, this was even more outrageous than saving Mad-Eye.

"I'm very sensible."

"Then there may be something wrong with your sanity." Lupine breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Snape is indeed the dean of Slytherin, and he has indeed taken great care of you in the past six years, but you have It never occurred to me that this might be fake.

Everything was his disguise, just to give us a fatal blow from behind when Voldemort returns. Sadly, he succeeded. "

"What you said may make sense." Aaron frowned slightly, "But..."

"Without a but, he is just a despicable person." Harry said viciously, "Damn traitor, I will definitely kill him if I have the chance."

"Calm down, Harry." Lupine comforted, "We all want to kill him immediately, but before that you have to protect yourself, and don't forget that Dumbledore said that you are our most precious hope.

Maybe James noticed the darkness in Snape's heart when he was in school, and luckily he caught Lily, otherwise..."

"Well..." Aaron couldn't help but interrupt, "Can you please stop belittling Professor Snape in front of me?"

"With all due respect, this is difficult to do." Fred pointed to George's ear, "From now on, when we stand together, others will recognize us at a glance."

"I only know that it was him who made my son's ears look like this." Molly said expressionlessly, "When I see him, I will definitely send him a Shattering Curse."

"I still think we should treat others in their own way." Kingsley said, "The Divine Edge Shadowless Curse is his patent, but it doesn't mean that others can't use it."

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Aaron patted his forehead and sighed helplessly.

After struggling for more than ten seconds, he took out two memory bottles from a magic circle.

He didn't want to expose these memories so early, but he had to expose them now, otherwise with how much these people hated Snape, he might be assassinated by them before he could complete Dumbledore's mission.

"The way you share the same hatred is really worthy of being recorded. Maybe there are some things that should be shown to you, as an encouragement to you."

"Memory?" Harry's face became solemn. He was very familiar with memory bottles. He saw countless memory bottles last semester. "Whose memory is this?"

"Dumbledore's." Aaron smiled mysteriously, "This part of the memory involves some of Dumbledore's plans, and I promise to surprise you."

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