A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 582: This is the first time to dissect a living person, it’s so kind and not rewarded (1/2)

Chapter 582: This is the first time to dissect a living person. It’s so kind and not rewarded.

Aaron took the magic carpet and Abe back to his bedroom, which was the temporary operating room. Sirius consciously stood guard outside.

Alastor Moody was floating in mid-air, his face was bloodless, one eye was closed tightly, and there were several hideous blood marks on his body. Even if Abe successfully stopped the bleeding, the situation was still very serious.

Aaron slowly took out a surgical box and first aid kit from the dressing room, and changed into a green surgical gown.

"We must save him, but to what extent?" Aaron murmured thoughtfully, not caring that Mad-Eye's life was passing quickly.

"Master, do you want to help?" Abe asked sheepishly.

"You? Come on! He's hanging on for breath right now, and your healing magic can't save him."

"But it can barely maintain his vital signs, which makes it easier for the owner to perform surgery."

"Who told you that I'm going to have an operation?" Aaron chuckled and shook his head, "Saving him is nothing to me. Wearing these clothes can only be regarded as a whim!

But I won't cure it completely, otherwise it would be too shocking.

A holy dragon with miraculous healing magic and a wizard with superb medical skills worked together and worked hard all night before barely rescuing a seriously injured man who was struggling on the verge of death.

This is the version that is acceptable to the public and is reasonable. "

Abe nodded suddenly, the master's wisdom always shocked the six-year-old sacred dragon.

Aaron held out his left hand to Moody, while the image of the horse charm flashed in his eyes.

A blue-white healing energy was input into Moody's body. His liver, heart, and bones were all recovering rapidly, and even his blood was producing a lot.

However, the treatment did not last for a few seconds before Aaron withdrew his healing power.

"Almost, this level is enough for him to be out of danger."

"Is this good?" Abe asked curiously, inexplicably feeling that his healing magic didn't seem to be of much help to his master.

"Of course not, we're only halfway through, and we still need to do some repair work." Aaron said seriously, and then opened the surgical box, which contained neatly arranged silver surgical tools.

"Haha! I have dissected a lot of dead people, but this is the first time for me to dissect a living person."


Abe swallowed and shuddered when he thought of the scene he saw when he was led into Mor Gaius' secret room by the butler when he was one year old. That was the shadow of his childhood that he could never erase.

"Don't worry, I'm absolutely sure." Aaron said, putting on a mask and gloves, taking out a scalpel, sterilizing it with magic, and pointed it at Moody's wound.


The next day, the morning sun shone on the courtyard.

Aaron pushed open the bedroom door and stretched slowly.

"How's it going?" Sirius ran over immediately, but when he got closer, he suddenly stopped.

Because Aaron's clothes were full of blood stains, and the smell of blood was very pungent, he had to stay away.

"What's your attitude?" Aaron said unhappily, "I haven't eaten anyone, so why am I so nervous?"

"Uh...Sorry, this was a knee-jerk reaction. Is Mad-Eye okay?"

"We are out of danger. Abe and I worked hard all night to barely bring him back from the brink of death.

But you have to be mentally prepared. He was seriously injured and it won't take him more than a month to recover. "

"It's good to be alive, thank you Merlin." Sirius said with relief.

"Merlin didn't help much, you have to thank me."

Sirius nodded hurriedly, "Can I go in and see him?"

“Of course, help me clean up the house by the way.

I don't want Delacour to see my mess here. "

Sirius couldn't wait to rush into the house, and then he saw a packaged and slightly bloated mummy. If it weren't for the constantly rotating magic eye exposed, he might not have recognized it.

"Is this too exaggerated?"

"Do you know how badly he was injured?" Aaron walked through a magic circle and his surgical clothes turned into ordinary clothes. "I was quite shocked when I checked last night.

He was hit once each by the Crushing Curse, the Splitting Curse, the Cutting Curse and the Withering Curse, but there were no missing parts.

This may be the reason why his own magic power is relatively strong. The great mage who has experienced hundreds of battles does have the capital to preserve the whole corpse by relying on his body to bear the spells of several magisters.

However, he had at least thirty hidden wounds on his body, excluding the disabled part, and almost all of these hidden wounds recurred last night.

His survival can no longer be explained by a miracle. It is simply a major breakthrough in mankind's desire to survive. "

Sirius blinked blankly, and then looked at the tightly wrapped mummy, "I don't care about that. I just want to know when he will wake up?"

"You should be able to wake up before tonight."

"What about his injury?" Sirius hesitated.

"Don't push yourself too far." Aaron snorted with a dark face, "I can save his life as an exception.

My Abe is even more consumed and may not be able to transform in a short time. "

Sirius smiled coquettishly, looking at Abe who was lying on the bed and taking a nap, his face showing fatigue, he also felt that he was a little greedy.

"Hmph! Prepare some food!"

"Yes, the wounded must eat something nutritious." Sirius said subconsciously, and then felt a faint murderous aura, and immediately added: "What do you want to eat?"

"Just be lighter. I've been dealing with flesh and blood viscera all night, and I don't want to feel nauseated.

As for Abe, this is just a small scene for the dragon, so prepare more meat for it! "

"I understand, is there anything else you want to explain?"

"Just don't expose yourself. If someone comes over, you know what to do." Aaron said, suddenly paused, and then took out a gold galleung from his pocket.

"Hermione is looking for you?" Sirius raised his eyebrows.

Aaron raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then sensed the direction and activated the ability to speak remotely.

"Good morning, do you have anything to do with me?"

Hermione did not answer immediately, but looked at the twelve people surrounding her and wrote down what Aaron said in a blank notebook.

"Ask him what he was doing last night," Lupine prompted.

"I want to ask what you were doing last night?" Hermione asked a little ashamed.

"Don't mention it, it was physical work, and Abe and I worked hard all night to finish it.

I can’t tell you the details for now, but you will thank me later. "

Everyone looked at the two lines written by Hermione and couldn't help but look at each other.

I feel the same after saying this as if I didn’t say it!

"Ask him where he was last night," Kingsley said.

"Why is it like interrogating prisoners?" Hagrid said with some dissatisfaction, "When I was called to talk by the Ministry of Magic, that's what the Aurors asked me."

"Sorry, I'm an Auror from the Ministry of Magic."

"In my opinion, it's better to just get straight to the point. It's too troublesome to beat around the bush."

"No." Lu Ping interrupted, "I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case. Regardless of whether he did it or not, asking him directly will easily arouse his suspicion."

"Aren't we ready?" said Mr. Weasley.

"No, this is different, Arthur." Tonks glanced at Hermione and said hesitantly, "Granger and him... In short, it is best not to cause any misunderstanding."

Snap! Snap!

A few tears fell on the notebook, and the room fell silent.

"Stop talking, I'll ask next." Hermione wrote in her notebook.

Everyone exchanged glances and tacitly chose to shut up.

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, adjusted her posture slightly, and read out what she wanted to say as calmly as possible, ensuring that everyone present could hear it.

“Last night, we went to pick up Harry.

And then got ambushed by dozens of Death Eaters, including Voldemort, you know? "

Aaron was silent for a moment before responding: "I won't lie to you, I know that for a fact."

"You know?" Hermione asked in astonishment while writing down what Aaron said in her notebook.

"Not only did I know, I also asked Abe to help you, otherwise it would not be so easy for you and Kingsley to escape from the pursuit of several Death Eaters."

Hermione was stunned for a moment. There were five Death Eaters chasing them last night.

She and Kingsley each shot down one. They thought the other three had left midway, but they didn't expect that Abe would take care of them.

"This won't have any impact on you, will it?"

"Don't worry, I signed a contract with Voldemort, but that contract is only binding on me. Letting pets help is considered a loophole in the rules!

I don't care about other people's lives, but I will protect your safety. "

"He also signed a contract with Voldemort?" Kingsley's eyes widened, feeling that the chance of Aaron leaking the secret was more than 50%.

"I know that." Harry raised his hands weakly and said, "He did sign a non-aggression agreement with Voldemort, and the term is before Dumbledore and I die.

After that, he will give Voldemort a copy of... the Gaius family's secrets involving immortality. "

"What did you say?" Lupine asked in disbelief.

"Professor Dumbledore also knows about this." Harry said with some uncertainty, because Dumbledore didn't know the specific content until he died.

Lupine opened his mouth, "You should have told us earlier."

"He doesn't want to deal with the Order of the Phoenix." Ron interjected, "nor does he want to fight the Death Eaters, or he always wants to maintain a neutral position."

"The important thing is not his position." Kingsley said anxiously, "The important thing is that if he can make the first deal with Voldemort, he can make the second deal with Voldemort.

As for the bargaining chip... nothing could be better than information from the Order of the Phoenix.

Except for Granger, he doesn't care about the life and death of anyone else. Doesn't this explain the problem? "

After the words fell, everyone looked at Hermione.

They all owed Aaron more or less a favor, and even a life, and they instinctively didn't want to doubt him, but Kingsley's analysis was indeed hit the nail on the head.

Hermione took a deep breath and summoned the courage to ask: "Mad-Eye died in the battle last night. The information leaked by someone within the Order of the Phoenix. Apart from those involved in the operation, the only ones who know the time are..."

"Wait a minute." Aaron didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You don't suspect that I leaked the information, do you?"

"I never doubted you." Hermione said seriously.

"It's not me who leaked the secret, I'm not that bored.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as you don’t doubt me, no one else knows about it. "

Hermione wrote the first half of the sentence in her notebook, but as for the second half... there were so many people here, it was embarrassing to write.

"It's okay if it's not you."

Hermione burst into laughter and felt much more relaxed.

"I just said it wasn't him who leaked the information!" Hagrid laughed.

"His suspicion cannot be ruled out 100% now." Lu Ping said rationally.

On the other side, Aaron felt the change in Hermione's tone and couldn't help but frown.

Uneasiness, nervousness, panic, shame, joy, these combined are more exciting than a roller coaster, it's like an electrocardiogram.

"Tell me what happened?"

"No, nothing?"

"Impossible, something must be wrong with you.

Didn't you escape the encirclement last night? Kingsley is such a loser. "

Hermione glanced at Kingsley guiltily, but did not write down Aaron's contempt.

Kingsley: "Watch what I do?"

Hermione ignored him and continued: "I'm really fine."

"Then where are you?

Be more specific and I'll go find you right away. "

"I..." Hermione hesitated, not knowing whether to say it or not.

"Tell him," said Mr. Weasley.

"Arthur." Lupine was about to say something but was interrupted by him with a wave of his hand, "This is the most direct way to judge. We are already prepared, aren't we?

If he really leaked the information and came here with the Death Eaters, we would be able to retreat calmly, but the past kindness would be wiped out.

If he hadn't leaked the information, Hermione would have felt very embarrassed if she continued. "

"I think so too," Tonks said, "It's really not easy for two people to get to where they are today."


“I’m at the Burrow, with the Order.

Also, I repeat, I am really fine. Hermione said, then hung up the phone.

On the other side, Aaron seemed to have figured out something, and his expression became particularly exciting, "The Burrow, the Order of the Phoenix? Haha!"

"What's wrong?" Sirius asked a little nervously.

“It’s so hard to repay kindness these days!”

"How could you say that?"

"You, Sirius Black, and the one lying in the room, Alastor Moody.

I admit that I did have some selfish motives, but I did save two members of the Order of the Phoenix, but they actually suspected that I leaked information to Voldemort. "

"Ah..." Sirius couldn't hold himself any longer, "There must be some misunderstanding!"

"You can come and confront me if you suspect me. What do you mean by asking Hermione to ask me?

If she has any doubts about me, or if I have a bad temper, I really don’t dare to think about the consequences! "

"No, no, this must be a misunderstanding." Sirius emphasized with an awkward smile.

"I'll go find them and ask them. You'd better hope this is really a misunderstanding, otherwise..." Aaron clenched his fist and made a crunching sound, which made Sirius feel creepy.

"The clay figurine is also very angry. I can't do anything with her there, but you and Moody... who made you the Order of the Phoenix? I can only count you unlucky.

I'm usually quite generous, but there are some things that I really can't tolerate. "


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