A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 544 Draco is not a bad guy, and the Shenming Temple found him out like this (1/2)

Chapter 544: Draco is not a bad person, and this is how the Temple of Gods found him out

Aaron placed Hermione on his back in front of the oak door of Hogwarts, and he continued to carry her on his back all the way back.

Although he was speechless at her pretending to be drunk, the girl was thin-skinned and it was difficult for him to expose her.

"We're finally here. This journey feels like a long time." Aaron sighed sincerely, wiping the unnecessary sweat on his forehead.

"I think I only walked for a short time." Hermione smiled.

"Professor McGonagall is here," Ron said.

Several people turned to look, and Professor McGonagall hurriedly walked down the stairs despite the wind and snow, "Katie is receiving treatment in the campus hospital. Hagrid told me. You guys saw what happened to her. Come to me." Let’s talk in the office.

Harry, what's that in your hand? "

"That's the necklace Katie came across."

"Oh my god! You actually dare to hold it in your hand." Professor McGonagall nervously snatched the cowhide package from Harry's hand. "Filch, go and notify Professor Snape and ask him to come to my office." trip."

Filch was holding a magic detector and was about to check whether Harry and others had any contraband when he heard Professor McGonagall say this and could only glare at them angrily before turning around and leaving.

Several people followed Professor McGonagall into her office. The wind and snow were howling outside, the atmosphere inside was depressing, and the burning fireplace could not provide them with much warmth.

"Tell me!" Professor McGonagall sat behind her desk and looked at the crying Lini seriously and said, "What is going on?"

Lini tremblingly recounted the whole story again. After listening, Professor McGonagall arranged for her to go to the campus hospital. Madam Pomfrey had the anticonvulsant medicine she needed.

"Where are you?" Professor McGonagall sighed, "I really don't understand why you are always there every time something happens?"

"Professor, to tell you the truth, we have been asking ourselves this question for several years," Ron said.

Aaron silently moved away, putting a little distance between himself and Harry.

"Professor, you know me.

Many things are coincidences and have nothing to do with me. "

At this time, Professor Snape walked in. He glanced at Harry and walked to the desk, carefully examining the opal necklace with his wand.

"There's a very strong curse on it," Aaron said. "She's lucky she didn't die."

"That's right." Professor Snape nodded, "Your antidote was very timely, otherwise the situation might have been worse.

Miss Bell's treatment was not timely, but with luck she might still have a chance to take the final exam. "

"She must have been cursed." Professor McGonagall said with certainty.

"Malfoy did it," Harry blurted.

"This is a very serious accusation, Harry?" Professor McGonagall said in shock.

"That's right, you can't say this nonsense." Aaron said seriously, "We need evidence, and you don't have any evidence to prove that Draco cast the Imperius Curse on Katie."

"I just know that Malfoy went to Borgin Burke's store during the summer vacation. I saw this necklace a few years ago in that store."

Hearing this, Aaron frowned slightly, "Even this doesn't prove that Draco bought the necklace. You can doubt him, but it doesn't count as evidence."

"Aaron, you have to believe me this time, he's on the train..."

"You didn't say anything, did you?"

"That's too late to say." Harry said eagerly.

"That's enough." Snape interrupted, "Potter, you can't just doubt others just because you are the savior."

"I suggest you all go back to your dormitories, everyone," Professor McGonagall said.

The four of them turned and left the office. As soon as they left the room, Harry stopped Aaron and said, "You clearly knew it was him who did it, why did you still..."

"Do you have any evidence?" Aaron said confidently, "You doubted him just because you are biased against Malfoy, and I never said that I believed him from beginning to end.

The Three Broomsticks is such a crowded place, how do you know there are no Death Eaters inside?

To take a step back, even if there were no Death Eaters inside, didn't Draco know that Filch would be checking at the door?

The necklace was held openly by Katie in her hand without any covering. There was no way it could be brought into the castle unless the person wanted to give it to Filch. "

Harry's mouth twitched slightly, wanting to say something but was speechless.

"It's also possible that he arranged for Crabbe and Goyle to do it." Ron interjected, "The two of them are not smart, so it's normal for them to have a fluke mentality."

“Maybe, but let me be fair.

Draco may not be a good person in your eyes, but he is definitely not a bad person in my eyes. Aaron said righteously, but the next moment his expression changed drastically, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What's wrong with you?" Hermione asked thoughtfully.

"She found it. I knew I couldn't hide it from her, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."


Half an hour ago, Klea walked to the end of the secret passage and saw a heavy stone door.

"Shen Ming Palace." She looked up at the plaque on the stone door, with a hint of amusement on her lips, "It seems that your master's ambitions are not small!

But that's right, his future is already much better than Uncle Vico's, and it's only a matter of time before he becomes a god. "

Abe took a few steps back nervously, as if there was some terrifying creature inside the door that could swallow this holy dragon in one bite.

“He should be on his way back now, just undetected.

Even if you are discovered, what are you afraid of with me here? "

Abe screamed in grievance, "I'm only afraid of you."

It would be okay if it just came in as a dragon. The key was to facilitate its free entry and exit. But now that Klea is coming with her, who knows what the owner inside will think.

Of course, Klea didn't know what Abe was thinking, so she pointed her wand at the stone door and waved it lightly.


The stone door slowly opened, revealing a huge bright space inside.

But to actually reach it, you need to cross a nearly fifty-meter-long road and then climb a dozen long and wide marble steps at the end of the road.

"Oh my god! This place is at least as big as a Quidditch pitch. How long did it take him to dig this secret room?" Clea said in surprise, then she thought of something and looked at Abe with some doubts, "With my respect for him, Find out what trap he should have laid!"

Abe thought for a while, nodded, but quickly shook his head.

"There's a trap, but it's not dangerous to me, is it?"

Klea suddenly understood and took a step forward.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The moment she officially stepped onto the road, dozens of pairs of red eyes suddenly appeared on both sides of the wall, and densely packed black ninjas emerged from the shadows with weapons in hand.


Abe growled, grabbing the black key in one claw and holding it high.

When the dark ninja saw the key, he immediately restrained his murderous intent and retreated into the shadows, as if he had never appeared before.

"How can you be so cute!"

Klea pinched Abe's face lovingly and walked forward openly.

After climbing the steps, she finally saw the secret room, and her green pupils couldn't help but widen a little.

This secret room can no longer be called a secret room. It is more appropriate to call it an underground palace.

The entire space is neatly divided. A huge Slytherin statue stands directly in front. A platform below the statue is where the throne is, as well as a storage room, a potion room, an alchemy room...

"Attention please!

There are guests visiting, there are guests visiting. "

When Klea was exploring the Hall of Divine Sound with curiosity, the prophecy book on the throne suddenly issued a warning.

The Missing Body, who was practicing forbidden magic, couldn't help frowning when he heard the voice, and teleported to the throne in the blink of an eye, where he could see the entire Shenming Palace at a glance.

"Guest, I want to see who is here uninvited." The missing body said calmly, but the voice was full of majesty, and the murderous intention that had been hidden for several years was also revealed.

He is a dragon slayer who has fought side by side with dwarves and elves. Although he has never been on a cruel battlefield in this world, it does not mean that his previous experience does not exist.

No matter who comes, he is determined to make a show of force today, and the worst he can do is bring out the forbidden magic.

But when the missing body saw Klea standing in the center of the hall, the whole person was suddenly stunned, and the aura on his body also dropped rapidly.

"So majestic!" Klea joked.

"You, why are you here?" Missing Body asked with a confused look on his face. As soon as he finished asking, he saw Abe squatting in the corner and shivering, trying to reduce his presence, "Don't tell me that you brought her here. ?”

Abe whimpered in frustration, and squeezed out a few crystal tears from his big eyes.

"Master, I was wronged!

The mistress bullied Long, and bullied her several times. I brought her here because I had no choice. "

The missing body sighed helplessly, walked over, hugged Abe, and wiped away the tears squeezed out of it.

He knew that Abbey would definitely not be able to play against Klea, but it seemed that he was being bullied a bit badly. He had never cried like this before when he was forced to lose weight by Genes.

"When did you find out?"

"When I first came to your dormitory," Klea said lightly, "I might not have noticed the secret door if you hadn't used illusion to cover it up, but I really didn't expect you to build a palace underground.

And the functions are very complete, it seems that everything is missing, but the defense is a little bit lacking. "

"That's because you came with Abe." The missing body said helplessly, "The key to open the Shenming Palace represents the permission here to some extent, otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, dense lightning magic crystals appeared on the ceiling, and magic arrays of various colors appeared on the ground and walls.

"Wow! It seems that I have overthought it." Klea said with some exaggeration, "We have prepared defensive and offensive formations. The Great Mage will not be able to break through them for a while, but the one on the ceiling should be his own. The magic circle is destroyed, if the Holy Magister comes here without preparation, he will probably die or be disabled."

"I am very sure of that."

"Can you tell me about this place? I'm sure I haven't seen even a tenth of it."

"You're here, how can I still refuse?" The Missing Body rolled its eyes speechlessly, "But after reading it, you have to give me some opinions. Your opinions are very important to me."

"No problem." Klea said easily, and then looked at the missing body meaningfully, "Should you explain it to me before doing this?"

Missing Body's heart skipped a beat, and she pretended to be calm and said, "What's the explanation?"

"Asking knowingly." Klea snorted dissatisfied, "Shouldn't you be in Hogsmeade now?

So what am I looking at now? Body or clone? It can't be an illusion, right? "

"Ah this..."

"Don't even think about lying to me, otherwise you will be very embarrassed when Aaron from Hogsmeade comes back."

Hearing this, the missing body smiled bitterly, "What you see is the clone."

"I guess so, if I were Aaron, I would leave my clone here, on one hand to guard the safety of the underground palace, and on the other hand... to share the burden of work.

I think the twin in the Department of Mysteries pretending to be Aaron's brother is you, right? "

The missing body nodded in disbelief, "How about the eldest sister says you are the smartest one among us!"

Klea shrugged, raised a finger and said, "I still have a little question."

"Tell me! What else do you want to know?"

"Your clone is very special. The memory and personality are exactly the same as the original body. At least I can't see any difference.

And if nothing else, the knowledge and magic abilities learned by the clone will be synchronized with the main body, otherwise there wouldn't be so many secret rooms here. "At this point, Klea's expression became a little playful, "But the point is strength... How strong are you now? "

"Hmm..." The missing body hesitated, and after being silent for a while, he said: "The high-level magister is still far behind the great magister."

"Really?" Clea asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's true." The missing body said without blushing and out of breath, "The clone is created by the main body consuming part of its own magic power. This causes my main body to be weaker than the real strength, and I am only a mid-level magician.

However, although it looks exactly the same, the clone is still rootless in nature. It requires the main body to transport magic power from time to time to exist. Once the magic power is exhausted, it will disappear. "

"Is that so?" Klea crossed her arms and tapped her arm with her index finger. "Although I think you are still lying to me, I will pretend to believe you this time."

Aaron's expression remained unchanged, but he felt relieved in his heart.

He knew very well that this argument would never deceive Klea, but since she said it, it meant that she would not ask relevant questions in the future.

"Okay, tell me about this place, I can't wait to learn about your secret base.

Don't hide anything, I'm talking about everything, including your collection of magic props, not just because I want to give you advice, but also because I will be visiting you often in the future. "

"Okay, okay." The missing body made a gesture of invitation, "First of all, let me introduce to you the biggest secret in this underground palace, the morgue that I specially built."

"What did you say?"

"Just kidding, let me introduce you to a friend." The missing body said bitterly, while transmitting the situation here to the main body.

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