A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 543 Exploring the secret base, the cursed opal necklace (1/2)

Chapter 543 Exploring the secret base, the cursed opal necklace

"What about Dumbledore? What did he say?" Harry asked eagerly.

“The Black family is one of the twenty-eight pure-blood families, so it’s normal to have some connections that we don’t know about.

What Dumbledore meant was that this was a deal. Only Sirius, Gandalf and Phineas knew the contents of the deal, but it would not have any impact on the Order of the Phoenix. "

"Very true." Aaron nodded affirmatively, "Dumbledore is still very discerning sometimes."

"Okay, I'll leave as soon as I have something else to do." After Tonks said that, she stood up, turned around and left the Leaky Cauldron.

Watching Tonks leave, Harry felt a little uncomfortable.

I finally heard news related to Sirius, but found nothing.

"Hey, hello." Slughorn came over with a glass of wine.

"Hello, Professor, it's nice to meet you." Harry stood up enthusiastically, pulled out a chair and asked Slughorn to sit down.

"What are you doing here?"

Slughorn raised his eyebrows and said proudly, "The relationship between the Three Broomsticks and me is quite deep. I still remember what it looked like when it was called a Broomstick!

In the past, I would occasionally host a few dinner parties and invite only outstanding students.

Would you like to come? "

"It's an honor, Professor." Harry said somewhat unnaturally.

He was really not interested in Slughorn's dinner, but who asked him to need information on Slughorn? Nothing could bring the two parties closer together than a banquet.

"Welcome too, Granger, Gaius."

"Thank you very much, Professor," Hermione said.

Aaron resisted a little, but before he could speak, Slughorn said first, "I know you will definitely come. Don't forget to bring your pet and wait for my owl to send the message."

After saying that, Slughorn left quickly without giving Aaron a chance to defend himself.

"Beautiful, I can't even think about it now."

Ron's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a depressed look: "At least he invited you, but he treated me like a transparent person."

"Look around, at least your sister is on his invitation list."


Is there anything so comforting?

"Harry, what kind of trick are you playing?" Ron asked in confusion, "I remember you said you didn't like attending his banquet."

"Dumbledore asked me to get to know him better.

This matter is very important, otherwise Dumbledore wouldn't let me go. "

"Our principal is always like this." Aaron curled his lips disdainfully, picked up a glass of butterbeer and drank heavily, "Okay, that's it for today, let's go back as soon as possible!

Hogsmeade isn't much fun right now, and the weather will get worse if we don't leave. "

"No." Hermione held down Aaron's right hand, "It's hard to come here, please stay a little longer!"

"Uh...Hermione." Ron said with some embarrassment, "It's already very windy and snowy outside, I think..."

Hermione immediately gave him a cold look, which scared Ron's neck and immediately chose to follow his heart, "I think it would be better for us to wait until the wind and snow calm down before leaving."

"Yes, that's what I thought." Hermione said seriously, "I'm going to buy some more beer, and after drinking it we'll go to Honeydukes Candy Shop.

The shop was still open and warmer than the Three Broomsticks. "


On the other side, the Slytherin common room.

Klea carried Abe to Aaron's dormitory. She took out her wand and lightly keyed the hole, "Open the Alaho hole."

With a click, the door opened.

She strode in, then locked the door tightly and added a layer of defensive spells on the door.

"Okay, now it's time to explore the secret." Klea waved her wand, and the suitcase on the floor moved to the side of the closet, and an ordinary square floor fell into view.

When Abe saw this, he was immediately stunned.

There was a flash of confusion in his big eyes, but they were soon filled with consternation.

It quickly jumped from Klea's arms to the floor, looking like it should not be approached by strangers.

"I wasn't sure at first, thinking he was just trying to cover up something, but now it seems I was right." Old God Klea said with a smile, "Be good, get out of the way. I will talk to him later." explained.”

Abe shook his head seriously, and his body became several times larger, pressing the floor tile under him.

Klea couldn't laugh or cry, "It makes no sense for you to do this, I already know it."

Abe is unmoved. You know it's your business, but if I don't stop it, it's my business.

If the owner knows that it is indifferent, the future life will probably not be easy.

In a word: If you want to get over, first...move me away.

Klea waved her magic wand, and Abe floated uncontrollably.

But the next moment, it landed on the ground again and gave Klea a provocative look. It was completely ignored by the floating curse.

Klea didn't take it seriously, "Do you know why I asked you to come here? Because you are Aaron's pet since he was a child, and he trusts you very much.

In other words, he must have taken you into this secret room, and you can show me the way. "

White steam spurted out of Abe's nose, and he turned his face away with an arrogant expression.

It is impossible to lead the way, it is the most loyal dragon in the world.

"I know this is his secret, and I promise not to tell it to outsiders." Klea said in a persuasive manner, "You know my relationship with him, and also my relationship with his family. I will definitely be your mistress in the future. ?"

Abe blinked and the faucet moved slightly.

This is indeed true, but that is not a reason for it to give way.

"It's good that you don't deny it." Klea said with a satisfied smile, then pointed at the door with her wand, "I will count three times, and I will open the door if you don't give way. I believe other people will be surprised to see you."

Hearing this, Abe was confused.

What is this? This hostess is so unkind and doesn't play by the rules!

"Three, two, one..."

Before he finished speaking, Abe quickly shrank, jumped aside decisively, and gave up the floor tile.

However, compared with the unruly appearance before, now it seems to have been greatly wronged, with its head lowered in frustration.

A warm hand rubbed its head and tidied its clothes.

"Okay, okay, can't I apologize to you?" Klea said softly, "Actually, I won't open the door if you don't get out of the way.

When Aaron comes back, tell it what I did, and he will definitely not blame you. "

Abe blinked blankly, but his eyes regained some sparkle.

It has done its duty, but it has nothing to do. The owner should not make it too difficult for it.

Klea squatted down and slowly wiped her fingers across the floor, but couldn't find any flaws.

"You can't fool me!"

Klea shook her head, a little purple light glowed on her index and middle fingers, and a layer of three-dimensional text covered the floor.

The illusion gradually lost its effect, and a keyhole appeared in the center of the floor.

"The Alajo hole opens."


The unlocking spell had no effect at all on the floor, but was bounced to the ceiling.

Klea frowned slightly, she could naturally see what kind of defensive magic was set up at this entrance.

Either Aaron comes in person, which is the owner's right, or he opens it with a key, which is the guest's method, or he breaks it by force, which is the enemy's method.

It wasn't difficult to break this barrier with her ability, but she didn't want to enter as an enemy.

"What can you do?" Klea looked at Abe and asked.

Abe hesitated to speak, his two front paws colliding together, looking particularly entangled.

"It was so right to keep you." Klea seemed to have thought of something, and excitedly picked up Abe and rubbed his head with her face, "Hurry up and take out the key."

Abe stubbornly covered his pocket. This was his bottom line and he had to keep it no matter what.

"Alas! I hope there can be more trust between humans and dragons." Klea said meaningfully, "You don't want me to break the door violently, right?

Aaron would be unhappy if something happened. "

Hearing this, Abe fell into a brief thought, and slowly took out a black key from his pocket with his two paws.

"So good."

Klea grabbed the key, inserted it into the keyhole, and turned it counterclockwise.

The floor suddenly split into two parts, left and right, and opened like a door.

A dark hole appeared, and the grease on both sides ignited instantly, illuminating the road as far as the eye could see.

"This...he dug it out?" Klea asked in shock.

She originally thought that Aaron would dig a secret room under the dormitory at most, but now it seems that the scale of this secret room is much larger than she thought, at least larger than this secret passage.

Klea took a deep breath, carefully held Abe in her arms, and entered the secret passage along the steps, and the floor tiles were closed accordingly.



Aaron carried Hermione out of the Three Broomsticks pub. She was wrapped tightly in the cloak, the scarf was wrapped around her neck several times, and the gloves were well worn to protect against the wind and snow outside as much as possible.

Hermione accidentally drank a few too many drinks and walked crookedly, looking like she might fall down at any time.

In this case, they would naturally not be able to go to the Honeydukes Candy Shop, and they would have to return to Hogwarts as soon as possible. Filch might not even let them in after that time.

Not far behind them were Harry and Ron, the two Gryffindors pretending not to see anything.

On the one hand, they all understand Hermione and Aaron's relationship, but for some reason there has never been a substantial breakthrough.

More than friends, not enough lovers, they looked anxious.

Now that they have the opportunity to have close contact, they are naturally happy to see it happen.

On the other hand, people don't have to carry them on their backs, so they can feel more relaxed in this ice and snow.


The sharp scream was particularly harsh in the wind and snow, and even Hermione, who had been lying on Aaron's back, opened her eyes in a daze.

Several people turned to look and saw Gryffindor Katie Bell flying in mid-air.

She stretched her arms flat, her hair was blown everywhere, her eyes were wide open, and she looked like she was extremely frightened.

Then she let out a scream of terror and fell to the ground in great pain.

"Abe..." Aaron subconsciously wanted his pet to rescue people, but then he remembered that it had been borrowed, and immediately watched Katie recite the spell.

She paused the moment she touched the ground before falling into the snow and mud.

But it didn't end there. Katie was convulsing violently on the ground and letting out intermittent screams as if she was choking.

The girl following her pressed her tightly, but the effect was minimal. Harry and Ron hurried over to help and barely managed to control her.

"Hold her down and don't let her move." Aaron gently put Hermione down, then took out a bottle from his pocket and poured out a brown pill.

Without being polite, he opened Katie's mouth and fed the pills in.

The screams gradually stopped, and Katie's body twitched less severely, but the situation was still not optimistic.

"What did you feed her?" Harry asked.

"Antidote." Aaron said concisely, "I prepared it myself, with the tears of the phoenix added. It can remove most of the toxins and relieve the symptoms of the curse, but we still have to send her to the hospital as soon as possible."

"Lini." Hermione looked at the girl next to Katie and asked, "What just happened?"

"I warned her not to touch it," Lini said incoherently.

"Don't touch what?"

"That package." Lini pointed to a torn brown paper package in the snow. There was something glowing green inside.

Ron bent down to pick it up, but Harry grabbed his arm and said, "Don't touch it."

"You really can't touch it." Aaron pulled out his wand and used the levitating spell to carefully lift the green-light opal necklace out of the brown paper bag. "Good guy, this curse is not so strong.

Fortunately, she was wearing gloves and did not touch it directly, otherwise her life might not have been saved. "

"Get out of the way, let me see." Hagrid heard the scream and ran over in a hurry.

He stared at Katie for a second, then bent down and picked her up, running towards the castle at high speed, "No one can touch that necklace unless it's wrapped."

Hearing the warning sound coming from the wind and snow, several people looked at each other.

"I seem to have seen this necklace." Harry wrapped the opal necklace in kraft paper and said solemnly: "It was displayed in the Borkin Burke store a long time ago. The label said it was enchanted. How did Katie do it? Did you get this?"

Lini couldn't help but trembled and said with a choked voice: "When she came out of the toilet of the Three Broomsticks, she had this package in her hand and said that she would deliver it to someone in Hogwarts."

"The Imperius Curse." Aaron said firmly, "She must have been under the Imperius Curse.

Katie doesn't know that we have to be inspected by Filch when we get back, and this package may not even get into the school. "

"Did she say who it was to be given to?" Hermione asked.

"No." Lini cried in fear, "I told her not to bring this thing to school, but she didn't listen to me, and then, I wanted to grab the thing from her hand, and then Then you will all know.”

"Okay, we have to go back to school quickly." Hermione staggered and put her arms around her. "You need to rest. Take that necklace back with you. Dumbledore may be able to research something."

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