A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 249 The troops are divided into two groups, the patron saint raven (1/2)

Chapter 249 The troops are divided into two groups, the patron saint raven

Gandalf's advice as he left was: Whatever happens, stay on the high road.

However, not long after entering the dark jungle, the expedition team took a sidetrack and wandered around the trail in a daze.

"Air, I need air." Ouyin said slightly weakly, "What happened?"

"Keep walking," Thorin said.

"We can't walk anymore." Noli pointed blankly at the cliff in front, "That road is gone."

"The air in the woods is turbid and psychedelic," Aaron said speechlessly. "It's obvious that we are lost. I shouldn't have let you lead the team from the beginning."

"You didn't even ask for this!" Bilbo said weakly.

“That’s because I’m not familiar with this place at all.

Mirkwood is not far from the Lonely Mountain. Logically speaking, it would be easier for us to lead the way with the elves’ neighbors and the dwarves, but it turns out that I think highly of them. "

"We have not been to this dense forest a few times." Balin explained, "Before Irubor was captured by the evil dragon, the elves led the way, and that was many years ago."

"Look, all of you, find the way." Thorin said impatiently.

"Wait a moment." Aaron waved his hand, "My personal suggestion is that everyone should not separate. It would be bad if one or two people get lost."

"Find a way, but don't go too far."

The dwarves scattered, looking around, but in Aaron's sight they were simply spinning in circles.

"The influence of the Dark Forest on people is too great!" Aaron thought to himself, "In the end, you have to rely on me as a human being to be awake, otherwise they will be exhausted and unable to find their way out in this state."

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came to his ears. He turned his head and looked, almost popping his eyes out.

I saw Bilbo pulling away a bunch of cobwebs. This was nothing, but behind the cobwebs was a sleeping giant spider.

He immediately stepped forward to stop Bilbo from seeking death, "But please don't move."

"What's wrong?"

Aaron did not answer, but asked him to get closer to the spider web and take a closer look. When he saw a black spider leg, he was frightened and took several steps back, and his depressed spirit was instantly lifted.

"This should be something else Gandalf said." Aaron pondered.

"I didn't wake it up!"

"Not yet, but we need to speed up. I don't think there is only one spider in this dense forest."

Bilbo swallowed and nodded heavily.

The road ahead was not easy to walk. As time went by, everyone's condition became worse and worse, and they began to stagger from left to right when walking.

To make matters worse, there are more and more cobwebs on the road, which is not a good sign.

"Look, a pipe." Ouyin picked up a pipe from the ground, "There are other dwarves in the forest."

"And he's a dwarf from the Deep Blue Mountains." Bofur said in surprise, "This pipe is exactly the same as mine."

"That's yours." Aaron rolled his eyes, "We have to stop. Getting lost is not scary. The scary thing is not knowing that you are lost, and getting deeper and deeper."

"We're not lost, we're heading east," Dwalin said.

"Really?" Aaron pointed to the top of his head. The sunlight was blocked by the leaves and only a small amount of light could shine in. "Please tell me, how did you determine which side is east?"

"I..." Dwalin opened his mouth, "Ouyin has the best sense of direction. I followed him."

"Beautiful, he sways worse on the road than you." Aaron sighed helplessly, preparing to take out his compass to find the way.

But before he could take action, Bilbo jumped up to him and said, "Sun, I have an idea. We can climb to the top of the tree."

"I thought about it, but..." Aaron looked at the dense spider webs on the tree, "I don't think this is a good idea."

"But there is no other way," said Bilbo, "but to climb the tree."

"Okay!" Aaron shrugged, "Thorin, you and the other dwarves don't wander around. Bilbo and I will go explore the road first."

As soon as they took off, Thorin heard a soft rustling sound, and his expression suddenly changed. "Be careful and pick up your weapons. We are being targeted."

The dwarves were brought back to their senses by his roar, but their mental state was extremely poor at the moment. Before they had time to react, more than ten giant spiders surrounded the place.

The white cobwebs were overwhelming and entangled them into cocoons in a matter of seconds.

Bilbo climbed up to the top of the tree, and a ray of breeze blew against his face. Breathing in the fresh air, his mental state instantly recovered.

"Are you awake?" Aaron stood on a branch and looked at him meaningfully, "I guess Gandalf didn't even think that climbing up a tree could eliminate the negative effects of the Dark Forest."

"He must not know," Bilbo said sheepishly, "but you seem to be unaffected by the murky air in the woods."

"This... is not important." Aaron said with a smile. His body had been soaked in various medicinal baths. Not to mention that it was invulnerable to all poisons, it was not far behind. The air in this forest could not invade his body at all. consciousness.

"I can see a lake, a river, and a lonely mountain." Bilbo shouted excitedly, "We are almost there.

Did you hear that? I know where to go. "

There was no response from below, but instead there was a crunching sound in the distance, like some kind of huge creature rampaging through the woods and moving towards them.

"Spiders." Aaron looked solemn, "I'm afraid it's not one, but a group of them."

"Does that mean Thorin and the others are possible?"

"Don't take any chances, they will probably be caught.

Generally, web spiders wrap up their prey, so we have to find them as soon as possible. "

Bilbo nodded and began to climb down.

But as soon as he moved, he tripped over a ball of spider web and fell from the tree.

After hitting several thick branches in succession, Bilbo was hung on the white spider web.

A rustling sound came from the opposite side, and Bilbo looked over subconsciously. A black spider head appeared in front of his eyes, and then opened its mouth, revealing several rings of sharp teeth.


Bilbo was startled, and his body fell again. This time he was hung on the spider web, unable to move.

Upon seeing this, the giant spider immediately chased after him, all eight legs were dispatched at the same time, and wrapped Bilbo into a mummy with spider webs.

"Strike the giant spider hard."

A white light flashed, and the giant spider screamed and flew backwards.

"Aaron, you..." Bilbo looked at Aaron, who was standing on the spider web and holding a black wand, with a look of astonishment on his face. "You really know magic. Gandalf is right."

Aaron shrugged, "The ancestors said..."

"Don't say you are an ancestor, even dogs won't believe this excuse."

"The ancestors once said not to expose your magic casually." Aaron said seriously, "So you have to remember to keep it secret. After all, I am here to save you!"

"I know, I know." Bilbo complained helplessly, "It's hard to let me out first."

"I can release you, but I have a better idea." Aaron smiled meaningfully.

Bilbo was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed slightly, "Wait, I don't think this is a good idea."

“I think it’s OK.

Don't worry, I will protect you. "

After saying that, Aaron tapped his shoulder with his wand and disappeared.


"You can also become invisible?"

"Don't worry about the details."


Just as Bilbo was about to speak, the giant spider ran back.

Six black eyes glanced around to confirm that the person who had attacked it before was not here before dragging Bilbo away.

The giant spider took him to the lair. In addition to a bunch of spiders, there were thirteen mummies hanging upside down in the air. The dwarves were completely wiped out and no one was spared.

Bilbo took a deep breath, pulled out his dagger and stabbed the giant spider in the neck, knocking it off the tree.

After taking care of the enemy in front of him, he immediately tore the cobwebs off his body with his sword and carefully hid behind the tree trunk.

"They are all here." Aaron breathed a sigh of relief, "The good news is that they are still alive and kicking, and the negative impact of Mirk Forest on them seems to have disappeared.

The bad news is that the spiders are desperate for dinner and we don't have much time. "

"Can you save them with magic?"

"It's no problem if you save one or two, but it's difficult to deal with so many. Accidentally injuring friendly troops is nothing, but you can fall into it if you're not careful."

"What if I lure them away for you?"


"I have this." Bilbo took out the golden ring from his pocket. "It won't be dangerous."

"Let's change it!" Aaron muttered, "I'll lure them away, and you save people."

Bilbo didn't show any pretense and simply put on the ring to become invisible.

Aaron raised his eyebrows, walked out from behind the tree trunk, and then knocked on the trunk to make some noise, "You guys, come here!"

The spiders who were about to enjoy the 'delicious food' turned their heads to look at him when they heard the sound, and then all pounced on him.


Aaron turned around and ran away, while secretly complaining in his heart that he was really sloppy this time.

He just wanted to attract a few giant spiders surrounding the dwarves, but he didn't expect the charm to be so powerful, attracting several times less spiders.

Bilbo took advantage of this opportunity and quickly ran to the thirteen 'mummies', preparing to save them.

But then a spider crawled down and stopped in front of a dwarf. "It's fat and juicy. Just take a bite."

Bilbo swallowed, took his dagger and slashed at the tail of the giant spider.

The severe pain forced it to turn back, but it could not see the invisible Bilbo at all, and was struck by him several times with his sword.

"Damn it, where are you? Where are you?" The giant spider cursed in panic.

"Here." Bilbo took off his golden ring and thrust his sword into the giant spider's head.

"It hurts, huh, it hurts after a bite."

Bilbo whipped out his dagger, and the giant spider fell from the tree.

"Stinging, that's a good name." Bilbo decided to give the dagger this name. Although it was far less famous than the Beastbiting Sword and the Enemy Fencing Sword, it still had traces of its existence.

He glanced at the thirteen wrapped cocoons, waved the stinger, cut off the cobwebs, and lowered them to the ground one by one.

At the same time, Aaron was chased by more than twenty giant spiders and ran wildly through the woods.

"Human children are much more delicious than dwarves."

"he's mine."


"Stop him, don't let him escape."

Aaron only felt that ten thousand grass mud horses were rushing through his heart. If he had known that humans were so popular, he should have given the task of luring enemies to the hobbits.

Suddenly, a spider appeared in front of Aaron hanging upside down.

It opened its mouth, but before it could make a sound, a cold light cut off its head.

"You're busy running away, don't block the way." Aaron shook off the knife in his hand and stepped over its shaking body.

But within a few steps, a few giant spiders blocked the way ahead, and the pursuers from behind also caught up. Even above Aaron's head, several giant spiders were falling rapidly.

"I didn't want to be exposed so soon." Aaron smiled bitterly, "But now I really can't help myself."

"I'll have a taste first." A giant spider laughed hoarsely and rushed towards Aaron quickly.

"Strike the giant spider hard."


A white light flashed, and the spider that rushed over first flew out and hit a tree.


"I've never heard of human children among wizards."

"How about taking it back and leaving it to the master to decide."

"It's better to kill him. The living wizard hasn't eaten it yet!"

The spiders were whispering, and Aaron's face could not help but darken after hearing these words.

He was actually being discussed by a group of beasts as to what to do with him. Are they really treating him like a piece of food?

"Flying sand and flying rocks."

Blue fire appeared on the wand, another spider was knocked away, and three spider legs were smashed to pieces.

The spiders stopped talking when they saw this, and attacked Aaron in unison.

The spells were released one after another, and the spider was constantly being repelled, but it showed perseverance, constantly closing the distance between it and Aaron.

The spiders above were even more ungrateful and launched long-distance attacks, using spider silk and webs to slow down Aaron's spell casting speed and the direction of the spell.

Aaron gradually fell into a disadvantage. After all, it was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, and there were at least hundreds of hands here.

Just when a spider's fangs were about to pierce Aaron's body, he raised his wand high and recited the Patronus Charm loudly.

"Call the gods to protect you."

A pure white light whirl was summoned and expanded at an extremely exaggerated speed.

White shock waves were released layer by layer with Aaron as the center, covering a range of several hundred meters.

The giant spiders continued to retreat under the suppression of this protective force, with hideous scars appearing on their bodies, and even their blood was evaporating rapidly.

"Run away!"

A spider roared loudly.

But the embodied Patron Saint would not give them a chance to escape. The Patron Saint in the form of a raven made a loud and deep sound, then flapped its wings to pursue these spiders.

It is less than one meter in size, but it is extremely fast and powerful. It can easily crush the heads of spiders and peck out their eyes.

The white energy was divided into more than twenty parts, and each part accurately hit a spider.

The spiders screamed one after another, and the black aura emanated from their bodies, but it was eliminated by the white within a moment, and their lives came to an end as the black aura dissipated.

At the same time, a group of heavily armed elves in the jungle also discovered this energy.

The leader, a handsome male elf, stretched out his hand to touch the white ripples spreading in front of him. He closed his eyes and felt for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Did you find anything, Legolas?"

"This is a high-level magic spell based on pleasure. He is not an evil person, but I am not sure he is a friend." Legolas said, "Everyone, take your weapons and come with me to have a look."


Aaron put away his wand, his breathing a little quick, but the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

The Patronus Charm is indeed one of the most powerful and ancient spells, and it is more powerful than he thought.

It's just that compared to pure defense, controlling the patron saint's attack consumes much more magic energy. This ultimate move consumes at least one-eighth of the magic energy, making him feel his own weakness again.

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