A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 248 Born Animagus (1/2)

Chapter 248 Born Animagus


Everyone fled into the house, and just as they were about to close the door, a huge bear's head squeezed in. The dwarves blocking the door used all their strength to push it out.

"Saved." Aaron breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Gandalf and asked, "Is that the skin-changer?"

"Yes, his name is Bion, and he is the owner of this house.

Sometimes he's a big black bear, sometimes he's a strong man.

The behavior of the black bear was unpredictable, but the man was still reasonable. "

"Isn't this the Animagus?" Aaron's eyes widened in surprise.

Animagus is a kind of advanced magic that can transform oneself into some kind of animal while retaining one's own magical power.

But this magic is very difficult and can even take several years to learn. The number of Animagus registered on the surface can be counted on one hand.

But the skin-changer seems to be a natural Animagus, and I really envy him.

"What Animagus?"

"Nothing, nothing."

"Anyway, Beorn doesn't particularly like dwarves, so you'd better not show any hostility towards him."

"What about humans? He doesn't hate humans, right?" Aaron asked.

"It depends on the situation. Human beings have good and bad qualities, right?

But Bion would not embarrass a child. "

"That's good."

"He must have been cast under an evil spell." Ouyin said firmly.

"Don't be stupid." Gandalf glared at him, "No one can cast spells on him except himself.

Okay, everyone, get some sleep, it will be safe here tonight. "


A black bear wanders outside the house, intimidating the surrounding orcs.

"Attack now and kill the dwarves while they sleep."

"No." Asog directly rejected his men's proposal. "There are monsters guarding them. We have to intercept them on the road."

At this time, there was a sudden strange noise in the woods. An orc riding a warg stopped in front of Asog, "They are gathering in Dol Guldur, and the master summons you to see him."

Hearing this, Azog gritted his teeth.

He could not disobey his master's order, so he had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​intercepting the dwarves, and rode the white wolf to Dol Guldur.

Inside the house, gurgling sounds came and went.

Aaron looked at the ceiling and silently opened his personal panel.

[Host: Aaron Gaius]

[Magic Power: 8543 (Intermediate Magister, the end of most wizards’ lives)]

[Talent: Once-in-a-century (magic energy increases by 3 points every day)]

[Items: Moon Drops (can remove any negative spells), resurrection potion (can resurrect any creature that dies within an hour), magic carpet, unactivated dragon-slaying magic crystal]

[Magic Points: 290]

Looking at the values ​​in the last column, Aaron couldn't help but sigh.

I miss Hogwarts so much! After nearly three months of traveling, the magic points are actually less than 300, and the gains from signing in are not even comparable to the increase in magic power.

"System, open the mall."


[Magic category: @Transformation (1000 magic points, including Animagus); @Aerial control (100 magic points, flight speed depends on personal strength); @Illusion projection (700 magic points, Create a phantom of yourself and project it over a long distance); @Charm (500 magic points, but ineffective for those with a strong will); @Out-of-body experience (300 magic points)]

[Material category: @Phoenix feathers (30 magic points); @Dragon blood (20 magic points); @Mandrake (5 magic points); @Bezoar (1 magic point); @Rhino horn (3 magic points)]

[Item Category: @Captain Jack’s Compass (200 magic points, points to what the owner wants most); @Magic Crystal (100 magic points, has powerful magic power, can power the magic circle); @Wizard's Chess (1 magic point); @Jelani's Emerald (50 magic points, whoever gets the gem will be in bad luck); @Wine (2 magic points)]

During this period, Aaron refreshed the mall from time to time and filled in some gaps.

But looking at the magic spells other than transformation, Aaron felt particularly confused.

He wants phantom projection but can't afford it. Charm is not very suitable for men and is slightly expensive. He has ruled it out for now. It may be useful after the soul leaves the body, but it doesn't make sense now.

As for the final sky control, he was somewhat interested, but he brought the magic carpet over and there was no need to spend money on this magic for the time being.

A bottle of wine appeared in the blank column on the item category. Although it was speechless, it was better than nothing.

"Alas! Buy Captain Jack's compass." Aaron made a difficult decision, but when he saw the three-digit magic points turning into two digits, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Aaron opened the compass, glanced at the swinging pointer on it, and forced a smile on his lips.

With this treasure, the certainty of completing the contract can be increased by at least 30%.

After completing the system tasks, the magic points will become four digits, and then he will not have to search and search as much as he does now.

Putting away the compass, Aaron changed into a comfortable position and prepared to sleep.

But when he turned over, he happened to see Bilbo playing with a golden ring.

"what is that?"

Bilbo was startled and immediately held the ring in his hand.


"I saw it all, a golden ring."

"I said it's nothing." Bilbo's tone became more serious, and he looked at Aaron sheepishly after reacting, "I'm sorry, I...this..."

Aaron frowned, "Can you let me take a look?"

Bilbo's face changed slightly, and he struggled for a while before taking out the ring.

But when he handed it over to Aaron, he was particularly reluctant to give it up, as if he was handing over half his life.

Aaron picked up the ring, suddenly feeling possessive in his heart, but this desire was quickly suppressed by him.

"Magic ring?"

"Thanks to it, I escaped from the orc city." Bilbo said excitedly, "It can make me invisible."

Aaron shook his head and gave the ring back to Bilbo.

"A snitch who can become invisible is definitely a top-notch snitch.

But the function of this ring is definitely not just invisible. It has extremely powerful magic power. Even I felt a little depressed.

For the sake of my friends, I give you a piece of advice, if you want to keep this ring, don't let anyone else know that you have it. "

"What does it mean?"

Aaron snorted softly, "This ring has the power to confuse people's hearts. Most people will subconsciously want to possess it when they see it, and they will even do anything for it."

"No way!" Bilbo said in astonishment, "Didn't you return the ring to me? And I'm willing to show it to you."

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"That's because my soul has special protection, and the magic on the ring has almost negligible influence on me.

And you are not an ordinary person. Bilbo Baggins's heart is much purer than that of ordinary people, so he can resist its temptation.

But don't use this ring if you don't need it, otherwise you will become a slave to the ring sooner or later, and it is not impossible to even become insane and have a split personality. "

Bilbo swallowed, thinking that the original owner of this ring, Gollum, was talking to himself, good and bad, and he believed 90% of this sentence in his heart.

"Why don't you tell Gandalf!"

"You decide this for yourself, I won't interfere." Aaron said meaningfully, "But if the gray-robed wizard can't stand the temptation of the ring, then I suggest you keep it for yourself, or... destroy it directly. "


The next morning.

Everyone in the expedition team woke up from their sleep one after another.

The owner of this house, Bion, turned into a human form, a hairy middle-aged man who looked somewhat like a bear.

He was not angry because people stayed at his house without permission, but instead prepared a rich breakfast for them.

"You are Thorin Oakenshield. Tell me why Azog the Destroyer is after you."

"Because of the arm." Aaron took a big sip of milk. "Thorin cut off Azog's left arm in a tragic war."

"Is that so?" Bion muttered, "You should chop off his head."

"I thought so too, but he ran too fast at the time." Thorin said angrily, and then looked at Beorn, "How do you know Azog?"

“My people were the first to live in the mountains until the Orcs (orcs) came from the north and Azog killed most of my family and some became his slaves.

Not working for him, do you understand? It's for entertainment.

It was a pleasure for him to lock up and torture the skinchangers. "

"Villains are usually so perverted. It would be abnormal for him to serve you with delicious food and drinks." Aaron curled his lips and said, "Logically speaking, your tribe is not very weak. Why can half-orcs..."

"They have the strength in numbers, and they are good at conspiracy, otherwise I wouldn't be the only skin-changer left."

"I understand, evil people often do whatever it takes to achieve their goals."

"You have to reach Lonely Mountain before the end of autumn. Time is running out."

"So we must go through Mirkwood," said Gandalf. "That is the quickest way."

"Darkness enveloped the woods, and decay spread beneath the trees.

The Orcs of Moria have formed an alliance with the Mages of Dol Guldur, and I wouldn't risk it unless I had to. "

"Let's take the Elf Avenue, that road is still safe."

"Safe?" Beorn expressed doubts about these two words. "The wood elves in the Dark Forest are different from other members of their race. They are less wise but more dangerous."

Hearing this, Aaron looked at Thorin, "Could the elf he was talking about be..."

"They are the ones who turned a blind eye to the disaster of the dwarves." Thorin said coldly.

"Haha!" Aaron twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at Gandalf with a sneer, "I would like to ask, can we take a detour?

I have no other intention, I just want to avoid unnecessary conflicts. "

"Gaius, what do you mean?" Thorin said unhappily.

“You know it in your heart.

You don't show much respect to King Elrond. If you see those elves in the dense forest, who knows whether you will fight with them. "

"No." Thorin gritted his teeth and said, "I can still tell which is more serious."

Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly. Along the way, he had seen Thorin's stubbornness. He couldn't get out even if he got into trouble. His words were not even 50% credible.

"I personally recommend taking a detour."

"If possible, I would like to!" Gandalf said helplessly, "But if we take a detour, we have to walk at least two hundred kilometers to the north, or double the distance to the south."

Hearing this, Aaron was speechless, "That means there is no other choice."

"You can say that."

"It makes no sense even if you don't take a detour. This area is full of Orcs, and their number is growing. And you will never reach that forest alive just by walking." Beorn said and stood up, "I don't like it. Dwarves are greedy, blind, and always ignore those beings they consider inferior to themselves.

But I hate Oak more. What do you need? "

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, and all thought of the dozen horses outside.

You can't reach that forest by walking, so you can go on horseback!

Bion did not refuse this request, and generously lent them the horse, and even took the initiative to transform into a black bear and escort them all the way to the Dark Forest.

After riding for hundreds of kilometers, they arrived at the Dark Forest before dark.

"The Elven Gate," said Gandalf, "that is the way through Mirkwood."

"We are lucky that there are no Orcs nearby," said Dwalin.

"It's not that we are lucky, but there is someone protecting us." Aaron looked at the black bear on the mountain top in the distance. "If it weren't for Bion, our journey would have been much more difficult."

"Let go of the ponies! Let them return to their masters."

Gandalf walked into Mirkwood, pushed aside a vine, and saw a red mark.

"Are you going to Rudolf's High Tomb?" Gandalf murmured and hurried out of the dense forest, "Leave my horse behind, I still have use for it."

"You're not leaving us, are you?" Bilbo asked worriedly.

“I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t have to.

You have changed, Bilbo Baggins. "Gandalf looked at him with relief and said, "You are no longer the hobbit you were when you left the Shire. "

"I have to tell you, I found something in the Orc Tunnel." Bilbo said as he put his hand into his pocket and wanted to take out the ring, but thinking of the crisis that might arise next, he finally decided to Keep this ring for now.

"what have you found?"

"My courage."

"Great." Gandalf raised his eyebrows. "You will need it."

"Aaron, are you interested in going with me to visit the Tomb of the Witch-King of Angmar?"

Aaron's heart skipped a beat, thinking of the heavy expressions on King Elrond's face when they saw the Witch King of Angmar wielding his sword in Rivendell. He immediately refused and said, "I won't even kill Baggins."

"Kill Baggins? I knew you would say that." Gandalf said speechlessly, "Then I ask you to protect them."

"Do your best."

“You can’t do your best, there are not only elves in this jungle, but also other things.

I don't know why you keep hiding your magic power, but we are approaching the Lonely Mountain and will soon face the evil dragon. After all, you can't hide it.

If you really have to, I hope you..."

"I will take action." Aaron muttered, "But I can only guarantee that it is within the scope of my ability."

"Thank you." Gandalf breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Thorin, "I will wait for you at the place where Irubor looks out at the city ahead, and be careful to keep the map and keys. Don't enter the Lonely Mountain without me.

In addition, this is not just a green forest. The air in the forest is turbid and psychedelic. It will invade your consciousness and lead you astray.

You must follow the road and don't go sideways. If you go wrong, you will never find the road. "

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