A Different Husband Every Day

Chapter 1319 If you love, please love deeply with your life [3]

Except her.

The whole world knows that the only person who can hurt Rong Fan is Xia Ran.

Didn't Liu Yi six years ago turn her into a steel knife and stab into Rong Fan's heart?

She hasn't recovered her memory yet, but she can guess many things.

After Xiang Xun left, Xia Ran took out her mobile phone and called Li Weiyin: Yinyin, I want to meet that Professor Xu, can you arrange it for me?

When she was pregnant three years ago, she inadvertently learned that her amnesia could be recovered through psychotherapy.

She went to the hospital after the car accident to ask again, and the doctor in charge also told Rong Fan about this method, but Rong Fan didn't mention it. , that memory didn't bother her much, so Xia Ran gave up on that memory.

But now, she has no way to deceive herself any longer.

There are some things that can't be solved by escaping after all. She needs to face them. She can't suffocate the scars and let them fester. In the end, there is no cure.

Xia Ran often took Rong Shu, who was on vacation, to find Li Weiyin. Rong Fan was used to this, and he didn't stop him. Since Xia Ran's performance had been the same recently, he didn't notice anything unusual.

Sister Ranran, why do you want to see Professor Xu all of a sudden? Li Weiyin came to pick up Xia Ran, accompanied by Xu Yimo, with a big belly.

Xia Ran was frightened when she saw her stomach: Aren't you only five months old?

Why is my belly so big that it seems like I'm going to give birth soon?

Multiple births. Embarrassed, Li Weiyin stretched out four fingers, I went to the hospital for an examination. The doctor thought I had an ovulation shot, so I got pregnant with so many at once.

Oh my God. Xia Ran hadn't contacted Li Weiyin for two or three months, and had never known that she was pregnant with quadruplets. Be careful.

Multiple births are too prone to malnutrition, twins are better, and it is difficult for all children above triplets to survive.

It's okay, I'm the best at keeping healthy. Li Weiyin is in good spirits. Her food shop is very popular now. Some big customers even have long-term private rooms, and some herbal medicine packages are also selling very well on the Internet.

In order to ensure the quality of the ancient and modern herbal food buildings, she specially cooperates with many farmers in the deep mountains to ensure the quality of the medicinal materials as much as possible. If they can be raised in the mountains, they can be raised free-range. Although they are not as good as wild ones, they are better than those irrigated with pesticides.

You still have to be careful. Xia Ran was very worried, After you give birth to this baby, don't have another one.

I want to know that the second child will be four at once, and I don't dare to have a second child. Li Weiyin still remembers that when the B ultrasound came out, the doctor said he saw eight feet, which scared her pale, Ran Sister Ran, you haven't said why you want to see Professor Xu.

I want to get my memory back. Xia Ran didn't hide it from Li Weiyin, and told Li Weiyin a long time ago that she could restore her memory in this way.

Why did you suddenly change your decision? Li Weiyin had a hunch that something was wrong.

Xia Ran didn't say, There are some things that I can't avoid, I have to face them.

Xia Ran didn't want to go into details, and Li Weiyin couldn't go into details, so she arranged for Xia Ran to meet Professor Xu.

Since Xu Ji's incident, Professor Xu has always felt guilty towards the Xu family, and has helped a lot in these years. Of course, the Xu family also has contacts, but they have become friends and are walking around.

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