A Different Husband Every Day

Chapter 1318 If you love, please love deeply with your life [2]

The remaining ten percent is just a little extravagant wish deep in her heart.

Mom? Rong Shu was a little anxious when he didn't get a reply from his mother.

No, Mom just encountered some things. Xia Ran recovered and smiled at him.

Rong Shu pushed on the seat belt again, ran over and lay down on the back of the driver's seat: Mom, I'm not happy.

His voice is soft and waxy, which is very nice. Every time she hears his voice, Xia Ran's heart can be completely softened. She tilts her head to meet his big black and white eyes: Mom is not unhappy.

Mom lied. Rong Shu pouted, dissatisfied with his mother's lying, but soon he stood on tiptoe and kissed Xia Ran on the face, Rui Rui forgives mother, mother must be happy.

There were still traces of wetness on her face, Xia Ran couldn't help but smile: Well, mom is happy now.

He reached out and touched his furry head: Go and sit down, let's drive home.

On the way home, Xia Ran's mood calmed down. She was not the Xia Ran she was six years ago. The Xia Ran was young six years ago, and she was only worried about Rong Fan. When she suddenly heard this, she lost control of her emotions.

Now, although her love for Rong Fan has not diminished in the slightest, she already has more concerns, such as Rong Shu.

Back home, Xia Ran didn't show anything. After sending Rong Shu to school the next day, she wanted to take out her mobile phone. She threw Xiang Xun's business card away, but it was too easy for her to find someone in Rongcheng .

At two o'clock in the afternoon, she and Xiang Xun were sitting in the study. The flower and fruit tea was steaming between the two of them, making each other's faces blurred. Xia Ran never spoke.

It was Xiang Xun who didn't hold back, and said first, Mrs. Rong, my father didn't frame your father.

Xia Ran didn't seem to hear. She lowered her eyes and quietly looked at the pastel tea cups on the table.

This check was given to my father by Chairman Rong. Xiang Xun gave Xia Ran a very well-preserved check that had been in existence for more than ten years. The check was complete, including Rong Fan's signature and seal, but the amount was not filled in. , My father died in prison. He did do something illegal, but he could have been spared such a heavy sentence. It was because he was coerced by Chairman Rong that he deliberately added another crime to himself...

Speaking of this, Xiang Xun's eyes turned red: It's to leave a sum of money for me and my brother.

But she didn't want the money, and she didn't tell her brother that, relying on their own hands these years, although they were not rich enough, they weren't too poor either.

Originally, she planned to never mention this matter, but...

She thought that if her father was sentenced to less than two years, he might be released from prison early and he could go to treatment, so he would not leave her so early.

He is not a good man, not a good leader, but a good father.

This check has no amount. This is Rong Van Gogh's brilliance. Let them fill it in infinitely. It seems magnanimous, but in fact it blocks their escape route. Without the amount, there will be no crime involved.

Rong Fan's lawyer team is so strong, he can just find any reason, and he can perfunctorily explain the origin of this check.

It can be one hundred million or one yuan.

Xia Ran took the check that Xiang Xun returned. She understood Xiang Xun's purpose, Xiang Xun hated Rong Fan for making her father guilty, so Xiang Xun wanted revenge on Rong Fan.

Rong Fan is invulnerable, no one can hurt him.

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