Things before and after marriage

Chapter 38 Pray to the Moon God

Chapter 38 Pray to the Moon God

After that, the girlfriend stopped for a while, and the two reconciled as before.

Not long after, my girlfriend brought back some bags or cosmetics from time to time.He asked twice, and his girlfriend said it was a second-hand product, which was very cheap, and said that he helped his colleagues, who gave some small gifts, so he didn't worry about it.

One day when he came back from a business trip, he saw a BMW 7 Series downstairs, which was his favorite BMW model, so he couldn't help but take a second look.He vaguely saw a girl sitting in the car who looked like his girlfriend, and was about to seriously check that the car had started and drove away.

He hurried home, saw that his girlfriend was not there, so he made a phone call, and he was relieved when he heard that he was on the way home.He waited and waited until his girlfriend came back happily two hours later with a new bag in her hand.He comforted himself that the traffic in City G is notoriously congested, and traffic jams are common, so it's not a big deal.

It wasn't until his birthday that he discovered that the truth of the matter made him unbearably painful.

That day, he deliberately picked up his girlfriend from get off work early to celebrate his birthday.Going downstairs to his girlfriend's company, he saw his girlfriend getting into a BMW 7 Series from a distance, which was exactly the one I saw before.

If he is struck by lightning, he will be there on the spot.I just feel the soreness in my heart is unbearable, I can't believe it.He took out his mobile phone to call his girlfriend, but he heard her say that she was working overtime at the company and would not come back for dinner.

The pain spread, and he felt numb in his limbs, unable to think in his head, like a walking dead.He didn't even know that the bus was going in the wrong direction, and he didn't realize it until he got to the East Railway Station.

He watched people coming and going in the station, many of them were young couples, holding hands, dragging a big suitcase, talking and laughing with tired eyes, very sweet.Why can they be so innocent?so happy?Is there really pure love in this world?
That night he sat at the East Railway Station until twelve o'clock, and he didn't wait for his girlfriend's call.She must have forgotten her birthday already!
He returned home with a heart full of pain, and his girlfriend had already fallen asleep.Opening the closet, Ziming looked at the rows of bags and accessories of his girlfriend, all of which were brand new and bright, with no trace of second-hand, it was ridiculous that he believed it foolishly.

He went crazy and swept everything to the ground, howling loudly, "You lied to me, why did you lie to me."

The girlfriend was awakened, scolded him for being crazy loudly, and suddenly went to pick up the bag on the ground. "My bag is so expensive, if it breaks, will you buy it for me?"

Ziming grabbed her hand and couldn't help asking loudly, "Who and where did you go tonight?"

The girlfriend was stunned, as if she didn't expect him to ask such a question.But just for a moment, she shook off Ziming's grasping hand, and sat on the bed with her bag in her arms. "Since you know, it's just right, so I don't need to tell you. Let's break up."

"Why? Am I not accommodating you enough? Just because I didn't buy you a bag?"

"Yes! You keep saying that you love me, but you are not willing to fulfill my wish. Although your parents don't give you money, but your brothers and sisters do, why don't you ask them for it? You always say you have to work hard on your own , and don’t look at what you have. If you don’t come from a better family and are handsome, who would take a second look at you?”

Ziming couldn't believe it, the words came out of his girlfriend's mouth.Is this really the woman in front of me who wants to be with her even if she falls out with her family?He stared at her blankly, as if he wanted to imprint her disgusted face deeply in his heart at this time, the peach blossom eyes that were usually bright and bright gradually dimmed, tears slowly filled the eyes, and his vision became more and more blurred.The soreness in my heart spread to the whole body, penetrated into the bones, and melted into the blood.He closed his eyes and shouted, "Get out!"

The next day, he took a boat trip on the Pearl River for a day, watching the rolling water of the Pearl River, paying homage to his lost first love.

Since then, he lingered in the flowers, but not a single leaf touched his body. His peach blossom eyes were burning, but they were no longer as clear as they used to be.

It's been several years in the blink of an eye, he thought he would never think of it again, but he didn't want to be scarred by Qi Qi again today.

Peipei saw that his eyes were dim, and he looked thoughtful, knowing that he meant what he said.It seems that the psychology minor in college was not in vain.

She told herself not to hurry, haste makes waste, and she had to slow down first and then slowly infiltrate.

She stepped forward and hooked his arm, pretending to be relaxed and a little blunt, "Brother Ming, you are so handsome and rich, which woman would do such a blind thing. You don't want to use any excuses to send me away. I rarely come to F City , why don’t you take me around as a landlord. I’m going to the ancestral temple.”

Seeing her smiling sweetly, Zhao Ziming nodded with two small dimples on her face, which looked very pretty. "Let's talk about it first, and go back after shopping."

Peipei ignored him, cheered and went out the door.She left the car at the dining place, got into Zhao Ziming's car and went to the ancestral temple.

Zhao Ziming is a native of F City. People in F City have the custom of visiting the ancestral temple to worship the North Emperor on the first day of every new year. His father is also a businessman, and he competes to come to offer incense every year. Naturally, he often comes with him.

He toured around familiar places, and explained some customs to her by the way.The two came to the revered and duansu gates on both sides of Jinxiang Pond to see traditional brick carvings and pottery sculptures in Guangdong.

When she saw the statue of the moon god on the door, Peipei was amazed, "What kind of god is this? It's so beautifully made."

"It's the moon god, and the one opposite is the sun god."

"Both form and spirit! So beautiful!" Peipei raised her head in amazement.

After a while, she turned to look at Zhao Ziming, "Did you know that in ancient times, many boudoir women would pray to the moon god, praying for her to bless them to meet their sweetheart, so as to achieve a golden and jade relationship."

Zhao Ziming suddenly had a bad premonition, and he raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, Pei Pei pulled Zhao Ziming by his side, clasped his hands together and bowed devoutly to the Moon God, bowed his head and meditated.

Zhao Ziming was stunned for a moment, feeling that this was a wish, but why did he bring him here?This little girl doesn't play cards according to the rules at all, making it elusive.

He turned around to leave, but Peipei had already finished her promise, she took his arm, raised her head and squinted with a mysterious smile on her face. "I have already thanked Empress Luna for bringing you to my side. At the same time, I made a wish, do you want to know?"

Zhao Ziming had the urge to escape. He always thought that he was thick-skinned. Compared with Pei-Pei today, he was not one-tenth as good.It's a coincidence that she can always grasp the right timing at the right time, and she can take it for granted, so that you can't refute it.

(End of this chapter)

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