Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 86 Going to the Underworld

Chapter 86 Going to the Underworld
Dimel looked at Xueyan, just watched quietly, without any expression on his face, so that Xueyan couldn't figure out what she was thinking.But she didn't think there was anything wrong with her words, so it shouldn't cause her to react too much!

"You want the 'blessing of the Goddess of the Earth'?" Dimel said after a long time.

"If possible, yes." Xueyan replied very happily. If the thing is really in her hands, then she hopes that she can give it to herself, even if she needs to pay some price, it will be easier than facing Zeus Bar!
"Then do you know what the 'Blessing of the Goddess of the Earth' is?" Dimel continued to ask.

"I don't know, I was just entrusted to find such things."

"I see, the 'Blessing of the Earth Goddess' is not actually the same thing."

Dimel's words made Xueyan a little surprised. It's not the same thing, but could it be several things?But before she could ask, Dimel continued: "The 'Blessing of the Earth Goddess' you are looking for is not so much a thing, but a blessing, in which the power of the goddess is poured into an item. , thus giving that thing the supreme earth element power.”

So that's what happened!Xueyan nodded to express her understanding, but immediately asked: "Then what are the requirements for the blessed items? Can you complete this matter? Or who should I ask to do this matter?"

"Ordinary items are absolutely impossible to withstand the divine power. If you want to get the blessing of the goddess, I can only say that the higher the rank, the higher the success rate, but it cannot be a divine weapon. Because the blessing of the goddess is to transform the item Upgrading to the artifact level, so using the artifact to receive blessings will not be effective. As for the completion of this matter, I can do it, but it will take some time to prepare."

"How long will it take to prepare?" Xue Yan continued to ask after thinking about it.

"It will take at least a week. If the time is too short, it may affect the success rate." Dimel said after thinking about it.

"In this case, I will deliver the letter for you first. I believe you will be almost ready when I deliver the letter." Xue Yan finally made a decision.

"Under normal circumstances, there is really no problem, but do you have any items that can receive blessings?" Seeing her agreeing, Dimel smiled on his face, but at the same time he asked his own question.

Xueyan thought for a while, except for the three artifacts, the equipment on her body was not equipped, and the equipment was not high enough, or there was no way to change it. She couldn't give the clothes to her to receive the blessing. After the blessing was over, she It must be impossible to wear it anymore, and the one passed on now has no attributes at all. If there is an accident, then her attributes will be greatly reduced.For a while, she really couldn't think of anything to use to receive the blessing transformation.

"At present, there is no suitable one, but I will try my best to find it, so please prepare first." Xu Jiuxueyan shook her head and said to Dimel. "It's not too late, you should repair a book as soon as possible, and let me send it to you."

"Okay, wait a minute." Seeing her say this, Dimel said nothing more, got up and took Bethany to the back room.

Carrying Dimel's letter to Pluto Hardy, Xueyan embarked on the road to the underworld according to her instructions.The entrance of the underworld is not far from Mount Olympus, or close.The entrance to the Underworld is not far from the Temple of the Earth, but not everyone can enter it at any time.Whether she can wait until the gate of the underworld opens depends on her chance.

After walking for a long time, according to what Dimel said, Xueyan finally found the stone tablet marking the entrance to the underworld, but there was nothing there except the stone tablet.And she also carefully checked the stele back and forth, but found no mechanism, which made her a little depressed.

Is it really just luck?

In desperation, Xueyan sat on the ground leaning on the stone tablet, looking at the scenery in front of her boredly.Although the green grass, blue sky and flowers are still everywhere, she has long lost the surprise and admiration she felt when she first saw her.Instead, worry about tasks.

Where do I go to find a suitable equipment for injection?Back then in the Boneyard, there were a lot of spirit weapons and equipment, but it was a pity that all of them were sold to Leng Ye Guxing for money, and they kept two of them and gave them to Candy Moon as a gift.Hey, if I knew I would need it, I would have saved a few pieces and sold them all!But then again, if she had known this would happen, she would not have been attacked.

From day to night, Xueyan leaned on the stone tablet, drowsy from boredom.Suddenly, it started to fog up.The cold mist hit Xue Yan's body, making her wake up immediately.Since she was still wearing the clothes here, the pitiful amount of fabric on her body could not protect her from the cold at all.After hesitating for a long time, Xueyan took out the cloak that Ye had given her from the storage bag and wrapped it around her body.

The warm feeling and the faint smell emanating from the cloak made her uncontrollably flustered.Her mind was once again filled with Ye's figure, she never knew that his every look, every expression and every action was deeply imprinted in her mind, making her lingering.

For a moment, she even forgot what she came here for.When she was in a daze, one part of the dense fog in the night gradually turned black.It's just that the black mist is not obvious in the night, and it's hard to find if you don't observe carefully.And the black mist didn't continuously spread to the surroundings. On the contrary, it was very concentrated, covering an area less than five square meters.

The black mist flows slowly in a fixed area.The night always passed very quickly, and when the night gradually receded, the black mist gradually began to shrink.When the first ray of sunlight penetrated the night and fell on the earth, Xueyan finally woke up from her memories.And because of the light, she quickly discovered the weird mist not very far away from her.

At this time, the black mist has shrunk to less than one square meter, and it will disappear completely in a short time.Xueyan just hesitated for a moment and immediately walked towards the cloud of black mist, although she was not [-]% sure that there was some kind of connection between those black mist and the gate of the underworld.But the current situation really didn't allow her to think too much, she had to give it a try.Otherwise, if you miss this opportunity, you don't know when the next time will be.

And the moment she touched the black mist, she immediately fell into darkness.And the last bit of mist on the ground disappeared without a trace after she touched it, as if it had never appeared before.

In the darkness, apart from the deathly silence, Xueyan felt extraordinarily cold. Even though she was wrapped in a cloak, she could still feel the piercing chill.It took a long time for her eyes to gradually adapt to the world hidden in the darkness. Although she still couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly, at least she could see her feet clearly, so she wouldn't dare to take a step forward like before.

There was damp soil under her feet, and even though her feet were wrapped in aura, she could still feel the damp breath coming from the soles of her feet.There is no way to tell the direction, and Xueyan can only walk by feeling.The darkness seemed to be endless, and it seemed that no matter how she walked, she could not get out of this darkness. At the same time, there was no sound here, and the only sound she could hear was her own heartbeat.

Just walking all the way, I don't know how long, Xueyan finally saw a little light.Although the green light spot was dim, it was still very conspicuous in the darkness.She couldn't help speeding up her pace and walked towards the green light spot.

As she got closer to the spot of light, Xueyan slowed down her pace instead. This place is really weird. Although the spot of light that came suddenly may be a sign to leave here, it may also be a trap.A trap like a moth to a flame.

The closer she was to the green light spot, the more careful she was.She even changed out of the costume that was only for decoration, and every nerve in her body was on alert.The dim green light drifted without wind, adding a bit of horror to the already gloomy place.

In the silence, her heartbeat seemed to be getting clearer and clearer, "Plop! Plop!...", Xueyan suddenly felt that every time her heart beat, the green light would move.But she clearly felt that there was no light spot that was far away, but no matter how she walked, she couldn't get close.

what on earth is it?Feeling that the situation was not good, Xue Yan stopped in her tracks.The light spots are still beating regularly, but she has a feeling that the beating frequency of those light spots seems to be slower than the beginning.Is this her imagination?Xueyan is not sure.

Suddenly Xueyan woke up, and before she had time to think about it, she shot an ice arrow towards the green spot of light.With one blow, the light spot didn't disappear, but it paused for a moment.However, just this one made her feel a lot more comfortable.The feeling of powerlessness and suffocation at first disappeared without a trace.

And at the same time, she also understood that it wasn't the spot of light that was beating with her heart, but her own heart was beating and beating with her!Before she knew it, the beating of the light spot gradually slowed down, and her heart also slowed down the beating frequency unconsciously.If she hadn't discovered something was wrong in time, she might have died because her heart stopped beating.

It's really dangerous!If she hadn't been through the bloodthirsty formation and learned the passive skill of determination, she probably wouldn't have been able to notice what was wrong.Looking at the green light spot again, it had stopped beating, and it just stayed quietly less than 5 meters away from her.

What happened just now may not be entirely an illusion, because I have become immune to illusions.And there must be some other reason why that thing can affect me.Could it be that there is something going on here?However, just as she was thinking about it secretly, a hoarse and dry voice suddenly sounded in the darkness.

"Welcome to the River of Forgotten River!"

(End of this chapter)

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