Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 85 Besephone

Chapter 85 Besephone
Dimel explained in detail, and Xueyan basically understood the contradiction between Zeus and Poseidon.No wonder the two who were born as brothers turned against each other. It turned out that power caused trouble.Although Xueyan felt disdainful for Zeus's actions, it was Leia who disgusted her the most.After all, Hardy and Poseidon are also her children, and she can do such a thing to hurt her children!To be honest, she never thought that there would be such a mother in the world.

For a moment, Xueyan forgot that this was just a game, and all these things were just program settings.Her mind immediately classified Rhea and Zeus into the disgusting category. If it weren't for the task, she wouldn't want to see that Zeus now.

"So, the biggest contradiction between Poseidon and Zeus is..."

Before Xueyan could finish her words, she was interrupted by an anxious and angry girl's voice from the door: "Mother, I don't want to marry Zeus, absolutely not!"

Xueyan looked up, and saw a girl with the same blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a garland of white flowers, her eyes full of unwillingness, standing at the door and looking at Dimel.The girl probably didn't expect that there would be guests, and she was at a loss for a while besides being shocked.

"Besephanie, you're back. You've been playing all day, go back to your room and take a rest!" Dimel's tone was very gentle, and his eyes were full of love when he looked at his daughter.

"But, Mom..." Besephone wanted to say something, but because of the presence of outsiders, she didn't know how to speak. She just watched Dimel and refused to leave.

"Although I don't want to ask about your family affairs, but I just heard that you are going to marry your daughter to Zeus, right?" The door marriage is not satisfactory.

"That's right, the wedding day will be in half a month." Regarding Xueyan's question, Dimel answered out of politeness, but his tone seemed a little helpless.

"Mom, I don't want to marry that person." Speaking of this, Besephone rushed to Dimel's side, holding her hand and shouting anxiously and resisting.

"Mom is not willing to do this, but Besephone, we have no choice. The whole world is in his hands, and no one can hide from the person he wants." Gently supporting her daughter Jin Dimel said with heartache and helplessness.

"Mom, why? Why did this happen? Why didn't he let us go? He forced my mother a thousand years ago, and he came to force me a thousand years later! We will be killed by his wife Hela sooner or later, no, I really Don't do this!" Besephone cried while lying on Dimel's lap.

After hearing this conversation, Xue Yan couldn't turn her head around.What did that Besephone mean?Could it be that she is the daughter of Zeus?But where would someone marry their own daughter?This is too messy!She knew that Zeus was very horny, but there must be a limit!

"I seem to have heard just now that Besephone is your daughter, and her father should be Zeus, right? Could it be that he wants to marry his own daughter? Or am I mistaken?" In this situation, Xueyan had no choice but to ask.

"You are not mistaken, Besephone is indeed the daughter of me and Zeus. This is not something to be surprised about, this kind of thing is very common among the successors of the gods." Although sad, Di Mei Er still hasn't forgotten the existence of Xueyan.

"Sorry, to be honest, I'm not from here, I'm from another continent, so I don't know much about your customs here." Xueyan really didn't know what to say to her natural answer. what's good.

"I see." I don't know if it was because he was immersed in the affairs with his daughter, but Dimel didn't show any surprise at Xue Yan's words.He just explained to her lightly: "Here, the successors of the gods take blood relationship very lightly. Almost every successor of the gods has more or less blood relationship. Take Zeus and As far as his wife Hela is concerned, the two of them are brothers and sisters. And I am also their second sister.”

Dizzy, there is such a thing here!No wonder Dimel didn't show any hostility when he talked about Poseidon just now. It turns out that there is such a relationship between them!For a while, Xueyan still couldn't accept the complicated relationship between them.But this didn't affect her mind, she had to try anyway for her own mission.

"Dimel, I can see that you love your daughter very much, and you don't want to marry her to Zeus. Then why don't you flee to the sea and go to Poseidon? Zeus can only rule the world, and Poseidon Saidon still has irreconcilable conflicts with him, if you go to him, you should get his protection!" Xueyan thought for a while, and analyzed to the two.

After hearing her words, Besephone gradually stopped crying, thinking about the feasibility together with Dimel.

"Mom, let's go to the underworld! Let's go to Pluto Hardy, he will definitely help us!" Besephone said first.

Her words caught Xueyan's attention. They had been talking about the conflict between Poseidon and Zeus before, but they didn't say much about Hardy, the king of the underworld.For him who was also framed by Leia, would he be willing?Does he have no complaints about all this?And why go to him instead of Poseidon?Could it be said that Hardy is more capable of competing with Zeus than Poseidon?

A series of questions flashed through her mind, Xueyan looked at Dimel and wanted to know how she would answer.But after waiting for a long time, she didn't speak, but just looked outside with a longing expression on her face.Was there any other relationship between her and Hardy?

But before Xueyan asked the question, Besephone gave the answer.

"Mom, Pluto has always liked you very much. If we go to him, she will definitely protect us. Mom, don't hesitate any longer!" Besephone's words made Dimel's face show a little sadness.

The relationship between them is really extraordinary!In this chaotic place, anything can happen!Xueyan looked at their mother and daughter and thought to herself.How to proceed after that?It depends on Dimel's answer.

Dimel pondered for a long time before looking down at his daughter and asking, "Son, have you thought it through? Are you sure you want to go there? If you want to get the protection of Hades, then you must marry him!" "

Uh, what's going on here?The system settings are really strange!However, Besephone's reaction made Xueyan feel even more strange. The shy and slightly flushed cheeks looked like she was missing her lover no matter how you looked at it.Things won't be what she thinks, will they?

Although Dimel didn't wait for Besephone's answer, she couldn't understand the meaning of her daughter's expression.Sighing softly, she turned her head to look at Xueyan and said, "Miss, can I trouble you with something?"

"What's the matter? Please tell me." Upon hearing this, Xueyan immediately drew her attention back.

"I want to ask you to help me send a letter to the underworld. Besephone and I can't leave here, otherwise we will be discovered by Zeus, so I can only ask Hardy to pick up Besephone to leave. In that case , Even if Zeus finds out, he is powerless to stop it. So, I can only ask you to help me with this matter. Can you?” After hesitating again and again, Dimel finally made his request.

"I have a question, that is, from your tone of voice, you seem to be planning to let Besephone go to the underworld alone, but you still stay here. Am I not mistaken?" Xueyan keenly detected the ambiguity in her words question.

"Mom, is what she said true? Aren't you going with me?" Persephone was also surprised by Xueyan's words and hurriedly asked Dimel for confirmation.

"Besephine, my daughter, you should understand that as the guardian of the temple, it is impossible for me to leave here, otherwise the earth will not be able to grow anything." Dimel looked at her daughter's hair gently. she said softly.

"But Mom, if you let Zeus know that I have married into the underworld, he will definitely make things difficult for you!" Besephone's eyes were red again, and tears rolled in their eyes.

"It doesn't matter, this land still needs my protection, so he can't do anything to me, as long as you are happy." Holding her gently in his arms, Dimel turned to look at Xueyan and asked: "Can I ask you to do this?"

Since she said so, Xue Yan said nothing more.After thinking for a while, he asked: "There is no problem in delivering the letter, but there is something I want to ask you about."

"What's the matter? Is it about going to Mount Olympus?" Seeing Xueyan agreeing, Dimel's mood improved, and he asked in a relaxed tone.

"No, not this one, what I want to ask is, do you know that 'Earth Goddess' Blessing' is there?"

(End of this chapter)

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