Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 70 Showdown

Chapter 70 Showdown
Xueyan, who finally came to the top of the cliff after going through untold hardships, finally made up her mind to turn around and look around.In fact, she has always been worried, worried that what she saw when she came up was a barren land, or another high mountain, in which case she would just jump into the sea and drown.

Fortunately, the scene she imagined did not appear.What catches the eye is a large lush forest and a waterfall that flows straight down from the middle of the cliff!Although I don't know where the water source comes from, the scenery is not bad. I hope there are more normal monsters down there for me to hunt and kill. During this time, she has eaten almost all the food on her body. If there is no replenishment down there , then she is still destined to die in the end, and she is still starved to death!
But how do I go down by myself?A new problem came before her eyes. Xueyan looked at the still steep rock wall under her feet, and couldn't help feeling worried.It is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down the mountain. She has no tools and wants to go down from here to the bottom safely. The difficulty is not ordinary.In contrast, she would rather jump directly. Anyway, she is used to falling during this period of time, and she doesn't care about falling one more time.

But the system shouldn't automatically throw her up after she jumps, right?When she thought of this possibility, she couldn't help but feel black lines all over her head. With the level of spoofing in this game, it is not impossible for this kind of thing to exist.

Jump?Or not to dance?
Xueyan struggled in her heart for a long time, and finally decided to jump down and try.Walking quickly to the edge of the cliff, with a slight movement of the body, he quickly fell to the woods below.The sound of the wind whistled past her ears, Xueyan opened her eyes wide and tried her best to suppress the fear brought about by her whereabouts, not letting herself cry out.Seeing that she was about to get in close contact with those tall trees, she realized that she still had skills to use, so she hurriedly launched Feitian.A wave of spiritual energy quickly gathered at her feet, finally slowing down her falling speed.

Slowly falling to the ground, with her feet firmly on the ground, Xue Yan felt that her feet were down to earth.It was really exciting just now, until now her heart is still doing high-speed exercise!I really don't understand what those people who are keen on bungee jumping think in reality. She really doesn't want to experience this kind of stimulation for the second time.

After a while, her heartbeat finally slowed down, and Xue Yan was able to think about other things.First of all, she naturally observed the surrounding environment. When she looked up, she felt that the island was almost entirely covered by trees. Except for the pool created by the waterfall on the west, nothing else could be seen.And even if she looked down now, there were only trees.

After thinking for a while, Xueyan decided to start in the direction of the waterfall first.Although she hasn't encountered any monsters so far, she still can't rule out the danger here.The reason why she decided to go there first is because she needs to add some fresh water, and on the other hand, if there is any monster here, it must be inseparable from the water source, so she can judge the degree of danger here .Although the danger of doing so itself is not small, it is better than always worrying about not knowing when the danger will appear.

Because the vegetation here is too dense, you can't see the sky when you look up. Without reference, Xueyan can't judge the direction at all, so she can only move forward based on memory and feeling.Along the way, she saw many strange fruits on the trees. Some looked like mangos but smelled like apples, and some looked like oranges but smelled like strawberries. Uh, I don’t know if they can be eaten?
After thinking about it, she climbed up the tree and picked some of each. She decided to keep it first and eat it when there was really nothing to eat. Anyway, it would be poisoned to death at most, but it was better than starving to death!Isn’t there a saying that says, “If you are a ghost, you must also be a ghost to death”?She had had enough of starving, and she didn't want to experience it anymore in the game.

After walking in a daze for an unknown amount of time, she finally heard the faint sound of water flowing.Xueyan finally made sure that she did not go the wrong way, so she quickened her pace and walked towards the waterfall.The sound of water falling from a high place is very loud, and she knew this when she and the flame scorpion completed the gang upgrade mission.So although she heard the voice, there is still a long way to go if she wants to go there.

When the sound of the waterfall became louder, a sense of danger suddenly woke her up.She stopped immediately and carefully observed her surroundings.But there are big trees all around, blocking all her sight, and she can't see anything else at all.In this unclear situation, she didn't dare to move casually for a while, and could only stand there and continue to be vigilant.

Suddenly a loud noise came to her ears, and the tree on her left collapsed instantly. Almost instinctively, she quickly dodged to the side, hid behind another big tree, and poked her head slightly to check what happened. something happened.The nine flurry of silver-white tails came into her sight first, and the name of the ancient spirit beast Nine-Tailed Fox flashed across her mind.

A light blue circle of light gradually condensed from above the nine tails, but before she could clearly see what the nine-tailed fox was going to do, a white mist quickly enveloped the nine-tailed fox, wrapping it in it.Xueyan immediately felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped by a few degrees, and the white mist should have the same effect as her own frozen miles.It's just that if she remembers correctly, the attribute of the nine-tailed fox is ice. Can this skill be useful against ice-type spirit beasts?

She didn't need to guess, the situation in front of her immediately gave the answer. The blue light circle condensed by the nine-tailed fox before broke through the blockade of the white mist and quickly hit the distance.Xueyan really wanted to know what was fighting the nine-tailed fox, so she quickly climbed up the big tree.The biggest advantage of climbing for a long time is that she is very comfortable climbing everything now.

Climbing up to the treetops, the scene in front of me finally became clear. Close to the edge of the pool, a white thing with a bucket-thick body like a python but with four legs was being imprisoned by a huge blue light circle. Can't move.The monster struggled for a long time, but couldn't break the circle of light, so it opened its big mouth that looked like a crocodile's mouth, and hit the nine-tailed fox with an ice arrow.

If she is not mistaken, it should be a white flood dragon without a dragon!And this dragon should also be of ice attribute, so it can only attack the nine-tailed fox with some ice attribute skills.Why do they two fight?Xueyan thought about it, and probably it was either because of a territorial dispute, or because she was grabbing something.So she decided to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and stay safely on the treetops to watch this rare battle of spirit beasts.

The nine-tailed fox nimbly dodged the white flood dragon's ice arrow, and at the same time, a blue halo formed on its tail again, wanting to add another barrier to the white flood dragon.In the current situation, Baijiao is obviously at a disadvantage, if it is hit by this halo again, it should definitely lose.

It's just that things are not that simple, since Bai Jiao dared to fight this nine-tailed fox, he naturally has some skills.At the moment when the second circle of light hit it, it broke free from the shackles on its body, quickly moved to the side to avoid the second circle of light, and at the same time opened its mouth here, and a large piece of ice stabbed out from the ground. The nine-tailed fox stretched over, forcing it not to jump up and get out of the way.And at the moment it took off, Baijiao seemed to have figured it out, and its giant tail quickly drew towards it.With just one blow, the Nine-Tailed Fox fell heavily to the ground.

This blow seems to have caused a lot of damage to the Nine-Tailed Fox. It struggled for a long time before slowly standing up, but its figure was still unstable and looked like it was about to fall.In just a few seconds, the situation immediately became unfavorable for Jiuweihu, and the previous advantage was completely lost.

However, Bai Jiao did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but stood in the distance and continued to confront the Nine-Tailed Fox.Such a situation puzzled Xueyan, why didn't it take advantage of the victory to pursue it?While the Nine-Tailed Fox fell to the ground, it had every chance to use two more skills!In that case, the nine-tailed fox should completely lose its threat to it, but why didn't it do that?Or was it already incapable of doing that?
Xue Yan continued to observe the situation below while thinking about this puzzling scene.Before she could come up with a convincing conclusion, the situation below changed again.The whole body of the nine-tailed fox began to flash with a light blue light, and its body was in a state of being ready to attack at any time, as if something was brewing.

And Bai Jiao on the other side seemed to be very nervous seeing this situation, and quickly coiled his body, making a defensive posture.Although Xueyan didn't know how the situation would develop, she could see that the Nine-Tailed Fox was about to launch a big move, and Bai Jiao couldn't seem to avoid this big move, so she planned to fight hard.

Xueyan was very curious about what kind of skill the Nine-Tailed Fox would use?It takes so long to prepare!She stared at the nine-tailed fox without blinking, for fear of missing something.Suddenly, snowflakes floated up in the clear sky, covering the area in a fluttering manner.And on the lake behind Bai Jiao, a layer of frost quickly sealed the entire pool of water, and along with the water flow of the waterfall, it actually froze the entire waterfall!

Such a strong skill!Although she is at the edge of the skill range, she can still feel the bone-chilling cold.The snow is getting bigger and bigger, as if to bury everything in this white world.Because the snowflakes blocked her view, she couldn't see Bai Jiao's condition at all.In desperation, the snowflakes suddenly disappeared, and the situation below became clearly visible again.

The Nine-Tailed Fox lay powerlessly on the ground, its nine tails lay flat and motionless on the snow, and the white dragon had been completely sealed in the ice, turning into an ice sculpture.It's finally over, it seems that the white flood dragon is still no match for the ancient spirit beast, the nine-tailed fox!Xueyan sighed in her heart.

It's just that the Nine-Tailed Fox's condition seems to be very bad. The skill just now seems to have consumed too much of its energy, and it lay on the ground without moving for a long time.Just when Xueyan almost thought that it was also dead and was about to go down, suddenly a very small figure quickly rushed to the side of the nine-tailed fox, using its small body to continuously arch the nine-tailed fox's body.

It's a little nine-tailed fox!Xueyan looked carefully for a long time before she could figure out what it was.Is he the child of the nine-tailed fox?So was it fighting desperately to protect its child?For a moment, a complex emotion flashed through Xueyan's heart.The figure of the little nine-tailed fox touched the memory deep in her heart, and she decided to go down and help the nine-tailed fox!

Before she left the treetop, there was a sound of ice cracking from below, and she immediately realized something was wrong.With almost no time to think about it, she quickly descended to the tree.As soon as she stood firm, she saw that the frozen white flood seemed to move, and the cracks on the ice outside became bigger and bigger.Too bad, that white flood dragon was not frozen to death!
Xueyan quickly ran to Nine-Tailed Fox's side, and performed the Water Healing Technique for it.But it was no use, the nine-tailed fox didn't respond at all.Is it already dead?For a moment, Xueyan regretted that she hadn't come down to help it earlier.Although her power is nothing to the spirit beast, at least it can save its life.But now...

With a loud noise, Baijiao completely broke free from the shackles of the ice, and showed its huge body in front of Xueyan's eyes.Its huge eyes are full of fatigue, but also full of pride.It seems very proud that it withstood that attack, and now everything belongs to it!

For a moment, Xueyan had no idea and could only watch the white dragon crawling towards them.Suddenly, the little nine-tailed fox that had been guarding the nine-tailed fox rushed in front of Bai Jiao in a few steps, assuming an attacking posture, trying to block Bai Jiao's progress.But it was too small, so small that the white dragon completely ignored its existence and continued to move forward.

But the little nine-tailed fox didn't let it go, the nine little tails swung quickly and a ball of ice hit Bai Jiao's abdomen.Although it didn't cause any harm to it, it successfully angered it.Bai Jiao stopped, leaning his huge head against the body of the little nine-tailed fox, as if he wanted to swallow it in one gulp, the situation was extremely critical!
(End of this chapter)

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