Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 69 Rock Climbing

Chapter 69 Rock Climbing

After finally getting rid of those two annoying guys, Li Xue finally lay down in the game cabin, following the system's prompt, she can finally enter the game!

Before she opened her eyes after entering the game, she heard the system's prompt sound in her ears.

"You fall into a weak state, which lasts for an hour."

It can't be so miserable!It was only then that Xueyan realized that she was lying on a piece of sand, her whole body was limp and weak, and she couldn't even turn over.He could only let his face be covered with sand and tilt his head to prevent himself from being suffocated.After about 15 minutes, she finally had the strength to turn over and lay on her back on the beach, panting heavily.

"It's better than being drowned in the water!" Xueyan said to herself, looking for psychological comfort for herself.

After a while, she finally felt that she had a little strength, and she supported her body with her arms and sat up.The blue sea that catches the eye, the sea surface is very calm, without any waves, like a huge sapphire, it looks extremely dazzling and charming under the sunlight.

She didn't turn her head to observe its surroundings until she had enjoyed the beautiful sea view enough.Not far from her right side, there are many fragments of wooden boards. Did I rely on these things to get here?She continued to look back, but she couldn't help frowning after just a glance. Behind her was a cliff with a height of [-] meters, and it stretched to both sides without end.Could it be that the whole coast is blocked by cliffs?

The one-hour weakness finally disappeared. The first thing Xueyan did when she stood up was to clean up the sand on her body. She knew how embarrassed she was now through the reflection on the sea.After some simple tidying up, Xueyan finally felt much better, and only then did she have the mind to continue to investigate her current situation.

After making an in-depth comparison of the height and length of the cliff, Xueyan gave up the idea of ​​looking for the entrance and decided to fly up directly to see what happened.The body floated up gently, Xueyan didn't let herself fly to the top quickly, but slowly floated upwards, enjoying the refreshing and humid air.

Looking up, she was still more than 20 meters away from the top, but she vaguely saw something floating on the edge of the cliff, one at a short distance, which made her curious.Driven by curiosity, she couldn't help speeding up and flying towards the top of the cliff.

As the distance got closer, Xueyan found that those floating things turned out to be pieces of wooden signs with red words written on them, but she couldn't see them clearly.Then fly a little closer!Thinking so, she increased her speed a little and flew towards the wooden sign.

But no matter how close she was, the words on the wooden sign were always blurred, which made her feel very uncomfortable and stopped.But the strange thing was that when she stopped, the handwriting gradually became clear, and she couldn't help staring at it.

"Here, place, ban, stop, fly, go! No, then, when, heart, thunder, strike!" Xue Yan read out those words word by word, but she didn't react for a while.

"Boom——" a loud noise exploded in her ears, Xue Yan's eyes went dark, her whole body went numb, and her body fell straight to the beach.In the next second, she had already fallen heavily on the beach, and her whole body was in pain as if her bones were falling apart.

This means that in the game, he fell from such a height and was only seriously injured and still alive!If this was in reality, he would have already been smashed into a pulp!But then again, which bastard designed this kind of thing? It's not for reminding people, it's for harming people!

It took a long time for her body to repair part of itself before she could apply a water healing technique on herself to remove the pain on her body.It seems that it is impossible to fly over. She doesn't want to enjoy the treatment of a lightning strike, so she can only search along this large and thick "stone wall" to see if she can find an entrance, otherwise she will always It's not a way to dry it here. After a long time in the sun, you can't dry it for adults!

Looking at both sides, Xueyan chose a direction at random and started to walk.But the more she walked, the more depressed she felt. Is there an end to this "stone wall"?Why did she walk for a long time, and there was nothing but sand in front of her eyes!I don't know how far I have walked, I only know that she should have walked from the hottest time at noon to the evening, and she finally stopped when her feet hurt and her legs were sore.

She leaned against the stone wall weakly, and now even if she wanted to curse someone, she didn't have the strength to speak up.Who designed this?Look at the messy footprints on the ground, as well as the human-shaped bunker, she walked around the island for a long time, and returned to the original point again!There is really no way to go from heaven to earth!

Sitting on the beach for a rest, eating something and drinking some water, Xueyan was glad that when she was cleaning things up, she re-made food supplies, otherwise she would have to watch herself starve to death.What should I do if I have a full stomach and have the energy to continue thinking about myself?
It's not that she didn't think that she would be reborn if she died, but she was really reluctant to part with that level of experience, and it was too strenuous to upgrade to a level now.Besides, even if she is willing, she estimates that the possibility of her being able to return to the respawn point is at most 10%. All signs indicate that she has completely lost contact with the original continent. Unless she can cross the border again and return to the original place, otherwise She was afraid that she would be trapped to death on this small island.

God!Do you really want her to climb up this cliff?Xueyan looked up at the cliff very depressed, thinking about the feasibility of doing so.She has never even climbed a mountain at such a big age, let alone rock climbing. Now it is impossible for her to climb such a high cliff!But she has no other way, climbing to the top of the mountain is her only hope!
Sighing resignedly, Xueyan directly searched for some caveats and techniques related to rock climbing from the Internet, and once again searched around the mountain wall, hoping to find a relatively easy climbing route.According to the information, what is necessary for rock climbing is not strength, but balance, sensitivity, and softness.Xueyan looked at herself objectively, and thought that she still possessed these three points. After all, since she was dancing in elementary school, the most important thing she lacked was a sense of balance and softness. As for this sensitivity, it should be pretty good!At least judging from her experience in the game, her reactions are pretty fast.

After turning more than half a circle, she finally chose a climbing route that she thought was easier.She couldn't find any climbing tools, not even a substitute, so she had no choice but to rely on her hands and feet.She just put a lot of fine sand in the Qiankun bag to prevent her hands from slipping.

Looking at the cliff, Xueyan took a deep breath and began her first rock climbing in her life.Rubbing her hands in the sand, Xueyan jumped up and clasped a protruding rock, and hurriedly stepped on the gap on the rock wall.Since the ice silk purple foot bells on her feet can generate aura to protect her feet, she doesn't have to worry about her feet slipping.

According to the precautions recorded in the data, Xueyan put her body as close to the rock wall as possible to stabilize her body, and then followed the route she had observed in advance, reaching for the more convex rock on her left.It's a pity that she failed, and her body fell directly on the beach. The rock was farther than she felt. When she moved her body to it with great effort, her body's center of gravity had already shifted. How could she still be able to stay there? Woolen cloth?
Xueyan shook her hands and decided to try again. This time, she was stabilizing her body, stepping on a higher stone with her left foot as much as possible, shifting her body's center of gravity to her left foot, sticking tightly to the wall and extending her arms upwards. The feet slowly dangled, and this time she finally managed to grab the rock.She clasped the stone tightly with her left hand, flicked her right hand lightly, and she looked up.There was a small gap on the rock wall not far away, although it was not big, it was enough for her to stick her fingers in.

Almost without thinking about it, she stretched out her hand, her fingertips tightly clasped the shallow gap, and pulled her body up to find a foothold for her right foot.Until here, she finally took the first step in rock climbing.It's a pity that she is still far away from the apex, so there is nothing to be happy about.

Taking a deep breath, she looked up again to find a new handle.There is no proper handle point on the left, but there is one on the right.After thinking about it, she carefully released the two fingers of her right hand, only using her index finger and middle finger to support the entire weight of her body, then released her left hand and quickly inserted her fingers into the gap to share the weight of her body.However, due to the violent movement, her fingers poked on the rock wall at once, and there was a piercing pain from her fingertips, which made her almost let go.Gritting her teeth and enduring, she was able to stabilize her body and hang on the rock wall until the pain gradually subsided.

It took a long time for her to breathe a sigh of relief. She raised her eyes and looked at the slightly protruding stone on the right. Her right hand gradually freed up and left the gap to the left hand to fasten it. All the center of gravity was placed on the right foot. Point to the handle.The fingers approached little by little, and just as she was about to touch them, her feet suddenly became empty, and she fell back onto the beach again.

She looked helplessly at the falling gravel, and secretly cursed that the rock wall was too weak, and a piece would fall off just by stepping on it lightly.But scolding is scolding, she has to continue to climb up when she stands up.

One meter, two meters... After falling down and getting back up again, in the lessons of repeated failures, she constantly summed up her experience and adjusted her posture, so that she finally succeeded in climbing to a distance of 15 meters. Unfortunately, Before she felt happy, she found that her satiety had bottomed out.Reluctantly, she had to give up on her own initiative and jumped down from above.It seems that this physical exertion is not a small problem!
For the next week in reality, she devoted all her energy to rock climbing, climbing up again and again and falling down again and again. With the lessons of blood, she gradually began to adapt to the process of rock climbing and mastered various Tips for less rock climbing.But in addition to constantly proficient in rock climbing skills, she also has to work hard to minimize her physical exertion, otherwise she feels that it is impossible to climb to the top of the mountain.

During this period, Leng Ye Guxing also called to bring her good news and bad news.The good news is that they found the trail of Luanniao, and there is hope for her quest items; the bad news is that the three of them and her, who is missing, are all jointly wanted by the main city of the system for unknown reasons.Now they can't enter the city at all, even if they get a little closer to the main city, they will be chased by guard NPCs, and supplies can only be completed indirectly with the aid of the flame scorpions.However, according to his guess, it is very likely that it has something to do with Xingchenjie's Lu Wu.

When he asked if she had found a way to go back, she only told him four words - she was climbing a mountain.It made Leng Ye Guxing confused, and after thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out what she meant.It's a pity that Xueyan didn't want to talk to him in detail, but just told them to be more careful, so she hung up the phone hastily.

After playing the game again, Xueyan stood on a large raised rock in the middle of the cliff and stared at the top.The news Leng Ye Lone Star brought to her made her unable to help but worry about their situation.She didn't know whether it was Xingchenjie's carelessness or some other reason that led to Lu Wu's incident being exposed.And even if she goes back, it's impossible to change anything, but she still wants to go back early, at least to provide them with some help.

Determined to reach the top no matter what this time, Xueyan began to prepare.The boulder was not small enough for her to get some simple food on it.At the beginning, she also saw this boulder on this route, and she decided to climb from here.Facts proved that she was right in thinking, if it wasn't for it to let her rest, even if she was given another week, she might not be able to climb up.

After such a long time of climbing and rolling on the rock wall, her rock climbing level has improved by leaps and bounds. During the climbing process, her body almost showed an instinctive reaction, which was very natural and uninterrupted.Without any distracting thoughts in my heart, I walked on the steep rock wall like a gecko, constantly approaching the top.

Finally she successfully climbed to the top of the cliff, she sat on it panting, and looked down.The beach is almost invisible, and the blue expanse of the sea below is very refreshing.

Enjoying the cool breeze, Xue Yan showed a triumphant smile on her face!
(End of this chapter)

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