Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 33 The First Death

Chapter 33 The First Death

It was the first time that Xueyan discovered that she had the potential to be a devil. She was sure that in the minds of the twins, she had already changed from a fairy image to a terrifying devil.There was no way, who made her conduct devilish training on these two brothers for a week in a row.

During this week, Xing Chenyu and Xing Chenjie felt as if they were living in hell. Except for refining medicine and preparing scrolls when they went online every day, they could only rest when they were eating.The rest of the time, she was crazily using skills to fight monsters. As long as there were medicines and scrolls, Xue Yan would keep attracting monsters so that they could not rest.

It's not like they didn't think about being lazy, but as soon as their movements slowed down, they would receive a murderous look from Ye who was resting next to him with his eyes closed.The two of them were so frightened that they quickly speeded up their movements, fearing that he would cut themselves into pieces in the next second.

The two of them are so depressed. Originally, this senior sister was very talkative, but who knew that this training started, and she just didn't let them rest even if they had good words to say.The two of them were full of resentment, and they could only vent their anger on those unlucky monsters.

Of course, both of them have to admit that the effect of this week's devil-style training is very obvious.The first is Xing Chenyu, who successfully upgraded the Sanwei Zhenhuo to the master level, and at the same time the level of refining medicine was also raised to the advanced level.And Xing Chenjie also successfully upgraded the soul seal to the master level. Now he has at least a 70% chance to seal monsters of the same level, and there is also a 10% success rate to seal monsters that are 10 levels higher than his level.Shen Yun and scroll production have also been upgraded to advanced levels.


For Xueyan, this week is basically a training partner. The little experience given by the monsters here is really not worth mentioning compared to the huge amount of experience she needs to level up.It took a week, and her experience bar was only half grown.Knowing that Xueyan was sacrificing her leveling time to help herself, the twin brothers never thought of leaving no matter how tired they were.

"Woo - Wu -" Just as they had just finished killing a group of spinner turtles and Xue Yan was considering whether to change places, a strange cry suddenly came from the distance.The sound was like the grievance of a puppy, and it looked very miserable in the swamp.

Both Xueyan and the twin brothers were stunned by the sudden sound. They instinctively looked in the direction of the sound, but they didn't see anything.Ye was originally sitting on the rock, but he stood up the moment he heard the sound, with a serious expression on his face.

"Leave immediately." Ye saw that the three of them were still standing stupidly, so he said coldly.

"Woo - woo -" Before anyone else could speak, the voice rang out again.And from far to near, quickly approaching them.

"Hurry up and pack up your things and get back, Ye, you too." Feeling that something is not going well, Xueyan ordered without talking nonsense, her eyes fixed on the direction of the sound, always on guard.

Upon hearing her words, the twins quickly packed up their things, jumped off the rock and ran away.But Ye didn't move, as if he didn't hear her words, he still stood where he was.

Alas, I knew it was like this, he really wouldn't be obedient.Although Xueyan didn't look back, she knew clearly that Ye didn't leave.But at this moment, she couldn't allow her to say anything more. In less than a minute, Xueyan saw a black spot approaching their direction quickly.

The moving speed of the black spot was really too fast, and the figure rapidly became bigger.Xueyan didn't care to see what it was, she turned around and stuffed a Fengxing Pill in her mouth, pulling Ye and ran towards the direction where the twins left.

"Woo - woo -" the sound sounded again, but it was no longer like a mournful cry, but more like a cheerful cry, the sound was so loud that the ears buzzed.The ground under their feet was trembling, and people couldn't help but want to look back to see what kind of big guy it was.

What the hell is that?Xueyan covered her ears with one hand and grasped Ye Ye with the other, not daring to stay on her feet.An unprecedented sense of crisis permeated her whole body, ignoring many Xueyans who threw "Frozen Miles" backwards without looking back, hoping to stop the monster's footsteps.

"You attacked Peep, interrupting the opponent's attack, and the freezing effect is invalid."

The sound of the system surprised Xueyan, this was the first time she encountered a monster that was immune to the effects of her skills, it seemed that this monster was not as strong as usual.Seeing that the twin brothers were not far away from her, but the peep behind her was chasing after her, Xueyan changed her direction immediately and ran towards the stone pile area.

Just as she turned around and ran away, she took a hasty glance at the spy, and she almost fell to the ground with just one glance.That peeping dog looks so individual, his body is like a cow but as big as an elephant, he looks like a horse's legs, he has no hair on his whole body, and the most unique thing is that he has a head that looks like a human face !The wrinkled face, the nose, eyes and mouth, nothing looks like a human being, making people feel disgusted when they look at it.I really don't know which designer designed such a disgusting monster.

Probably because of being attacked by Xueyan, that peeping dog ran after her with all four hooves.The speed was so fast that it was impossible for Xueyan to get away from him, let alone get rid of him.

Seeing that Peep is approaching gradually, every step of that huge body makes the ground tremble, making her feel like running on a trampoline, and her feet are always weak.

"Senior Sister, run quickly." Suddenly the voices of the twins came from far behind, Xue Yan couldn't help but turn her head, and found that Xing Chenyu and Xing Chenjie, who had run far away, had turned back, and one of them was holding a bottle full of medicine powder to him. Peeping away, the other one is holding a brush and making gestures towards Peeping.

"Idiot!" Xueyan cursed in a low voice, stopped, and without hesitation brought Ye into the pet space, and waved a ice arrow at Peeping.

There was no reaction when the ice arrow hit the body of Yao Yu, and it directly shattered into a pile of ice flowers.Weighs to death, what level of monster is this, his skills can't break the defense?

Xueyan watched the monster getting closer and closer to her in frustration, so she could only use the skills of the dancing girl instead. Pink petals fell from the sky, fell on Qiying's body in her hopeless eyes, and then disappeared.

"Woo--" The moment the petals fell on Peeping, it let out a roar, and stood up with a kick of its front legs. Its two front hooves kicked wildly in mid-air, and its hind legs, because they had to support the entire weight of the body, actually stood up. Two deep pits were created in the soft soil.

Before Xue Yan could react, she felt a sudden blackness in front of her eyes, and heard a prompt from the system:

"You were killed by Peep, and your level will drop by one level."

When the scene appeared before her eyes again, Xueyan had already returned to the city.It turns out that this is death, not as uncomfortable as imagined.Xueyan let out a long breath, checked that there was no one around, and then released Ye from the pet space.

With a sound of "Boom!", Xueyan felt her eyes blur, and she was pushed against the wall behind her, a pair of arms trapped her in the middle, Ye stared at him with a gloomy face, but didn't say a word.

"The situation just now was too special. I didn't have time to discuss it with you. I'm sorry." Xueyan felt great pressure, knowing that he was very angry now, she had no choice but to apologize to him in a humble manner.At the same time, I was also very depressed. I did that because I was afraid that he would die, and now I have to apologize. Is this nothing?

"Why don't you let me help?" Ye's cold voice sounded for a while, with anger in his tone.Although he himself couldn't figure out what he was angry about, he felt very angry whenever he thought of the woman facing danger alone.

"That's because... because your identity is extraordinary, if you are discovered by other people from the three realms, you will be very dangerous." Xue Yan thought for a long time before carefully wording her words.I don't know why she, who has never been afraid of anything since she was a child, is now afraid of his anger.

"But do you know that I'm your pet now, and it's my negligence if you die!" Ye's tone softened a little, but he was still very angry.

"But, but I never thought of treating you as a pet." Xueyan whispered helplessly after hearing what he said.

Hearing her words, Ye was stunned, he didn't know what to say for a while, and his anger disappeared without a trace.Slowly lower the arm that trapped her, put one hand on her shoulder, and gently lift her chin with the other hand, making her look at herself.

"I warn you, woman! You are not allowed to send me into that damned space again. If there is another time, you can try it." Although he was no longer angry, he still warned very sternly.

Xueyan followed his hand and raised her head to look at him, looking into his eyes.For a moment, she forgot to breathe. She just looked at his dark and deep eyes and couldn't help herself, not hearing what he was saying at all.

"Did you hear, woman!" Seeing that she didn't respond, Ye couldn't help but raise his voice.

"Ahem, what did you say?" Awakened by his voice, Xueyan felt that she was about to suffocate, and asked out of breath.

"Didn't you hear?" Ye raised his eyebrows and lowered his voice twice.

"I... just now..." Xueyan felt ashamed, staring at the man and forgetting everything.

"Didi..." Just when Xueyan was at a loss and didn't know how to answer, the communicator suddenly rang, and Xueyan immediately felt that she was saved, and she couldn't be more grateful to the person who sent the message in time.

"Senior Sister, are you okay, we died back, where are you now?" Xing Chenjie's voice came from the communicator.

"I'm dead too, and I'm in the city now." Xueyan carefully looked at Ye and said to the communicator.

"Huh? Then why didn't we see you? What city are you in? We are in Chiyan City."

"I'm not sure, just wait there first, I'll go find you right away." Xueyan said taking the opportunity to break away from Ye's hand and walk towards the main street.

Ye stared at her back for a long time, and when he saw her turning her head and walking forward, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth for fear that he would ask her again.It took a long time to follow him.

(End of this chapter)

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