Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 32 Twin Junior Brothers

Chapter 32 Twin Junior Brothers

Xueyan felt helpless towards these two living treasures. Are these two people always like this?Now that she has finished helping and asking questions, after thinking about it, she seems to have nothing else to do, so Xueyan decides to continue looking for the high-level strange area, and stop worrying about the bickering two people.

"Hey, senior sister! Don't go, wait for me!" Xingchenjie caught a glimpse of Xueyan walking away during the bickering, and didn't care about Xingchenyu hurriedly chasing after her.

But when Xingchenyu saw his brother chasing after him, he was no longer in a hurry. He slowly packed up his things and walked in the direction of the two of them.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Xue Yan asked as she looked back to see Xing Chenjie chasing her.

"Senior sister, why did you leave without saying hello!" Xing Chenjie complained while panting.

"I saw that you brothers were chatting happily, so I didn't want to disturb you."

"Who had fun chatting with him?" Xingchenjie shouted dissatisfied. "Senior sister, would you please take me to practice leveling? I feel too insecure to be with that idiot. You have to be careful of accidents happening at any time."

"Take you to level up? How old are you?" I thought it was something else, but he actually wanted to take him to level up by himself?

"I'm just at level 29." Xing Chenjie became depressed when he mentioned this.

"Why is it only 29? With the strength of your second profession, you should be able to level up pretty quickly. Besides, you two both have second professions. Although you don't have to be in the top 10, you won't be so far behind, right?" Xueyan was very puzzled, how did these two people do it?Even though they joined the sect relatively late, the sect's skills were still there, and if she was not mistaken, they could not leave their master until their skills were practiced to a certain level.But what happened to the two of them?

"It's not because of that idiot!" Xing Chenjie said through gritted teeth.

"Who are you calling an idiot?" Xing Chenyu happened to catch up and heard his words.

"Of course it's you, can it be anyone else?" Xingchenjie looked like you were embarrassed to ask.

"What's wrong with me?" But the respondent had a puzzled expression on his face.

"If it weren't for you, how could I upgrade so slowly?"

"Hey, can you make some sense? If I didn't provide you with the elixir, the leveling up would only be slower with your actions!"

"Are you still reasonable? Let me ask you, who caused me to do this? Originally, I practiced my skills well at the master's place, but who dragged me away? Could it be you? ?" Seeing his rebuttal, Xing Chenjie became even more angry.

"Hey, aren't we brothers? If we are brothers, we should share blessings and hardships. My master doesn't have any medicinal materials for me to practice skills. How can I upgrade my skills if I stay there forever! So I have to ask you to come out with me to find Pull the herbs." Xing Chenyu ignored his anger and said with a smile.

"If God gives me a chance to choose, I will never be a brother with you." Xingchenjie was extremely angry. This guy is really not that thick-skinned.

"Jie, I'll be very sad if you say that." Xing Chenyu didn't look sad at all, but just looked at his angry brother leisurely.

"You'd better die of grief!"

Xue Yan listened to the two bickering with a headache, and was completely speechless to them.Still, she picked up some useful information from their conversation.

"You two just be quiet, okay?"

As soon as the words came out, the two immediately shut up and looked at her.

"OK, I'm here to ask you, you answer, don't quarrel anymore. The first question, Xing Chenyu, when you worshiped Yin Xiao as your teacher, were all the skills he taught you elementary?"

"Yes. Sister, just call me Yu."

This is strange, why the skills he passed on to himself were master level?Could it be because of joining the sect?

"Then your master didn't tell you how to practice your skills?"

"The master asked me to collect herbal medicines myself, and he also said that only by starting from the basics can I more deeply understand the depth and essence of refining medicines. As a result, except for my herb-collecting skills, which have risen the fastest, my other skills are only intermediate," said. Xingchenyu was also very depressed when he remembered this.

"Cut, that sounds nice. Your master must have lost the herbs that gave you skills. Otherwise, why would my master give me a lot of scrolls to practice skills? Your master usually looks sloppy, and he must often Forget about it." Xing Chenjie took the opportunity to taunt again.

According to this, Yin Xiao gave himself the herbs that were originally used to train his apprentice's skills, which made Xing Chenyu unable to upgrade his skills, so he was so weak.

"Jie, are your master and Yin Xiao together?" Xue Yan asked after thinking about it for a while.

"I don't know if we are together now. Anyway, they have been together from the time we met them until we left. If not, how could I leave with him?"

Now that the matter was completely clear, Xueyan felt that this matter did have something to do with her, so she decided to help them.

"If possible, both of you can talk about your sect skills. Yu, you go first."

"No problem, senior sister. The master taught me a total of three skills. One is Hunyuan Yi, which has 30% ability to combine herbs with completely opposite medicinal properties; blood sublimation, adding a drop of the pharmacist's blood during the process of refining medicine. , there is a 50% chance of doubling the efficacy of the medicine; Sanwei Zhenhuo, which produces high-temperature flames through mental power, is the only skill that can be used as an attack skill except for refining medicine. Unfortunately, I have been practicing for a long time now. These three skills are only at the intermediate level.”

"Senior sister, my skills are much more useful. One is Shen Yun. By drawing the enemy's Shen Yun, it can directly cause damage to his soul, that is to say, it can ignore the defense. Unfortunately, the greater the damage, the shorter the preparation time. The longer; there is also a perfect impression, draw an object on a special scroll through your own impression, the painted object will become real and have the ability of the body part, the more it is drawn, the more it resembles the ability of a replica. The higher it is, but the existence time is only 3 minutes; there is also a soul seal, which accurately depicts the monster's appearance on a special scroll, and has a chance to seal the monster in the painting, and summon it when needed. It can only be summoned once. Since the last two skills require specific scrolls, I still have the skills to make scrolls. There are four skills in total, senior sister, it’s all good.” Xing Chenjie introduced triumphantly.

Although his skills are single-target, they are very practical if used to fight BOSS.However, it may be almost impossible to use it for leveling, especially when his skill proficiency is not enough. To achieve the effect, the skill preparation time is too long.It seems that special training is necessary.

"Are you two sure you want to team up with me for leveling?" Xue Yan asked after thinking about it.

"Of course, senior sister."

"That's a good thing to say first, I'm used to being alone, but since I have something to do with both of you, so it's okay to be with you. However, I don't want anyone to hold back, so I have to improve your skills. Training. If you are sure, you will come with me." After speaking, Xueyan turned around and walked to the west of the stone pile area without waiting for the two to answer.

Pass through the stone pile area, and go westward to a swampy area, where a level 40 monster called a spinning turtle is spawned.Xueyan passed by here before, but because the level of monsters here is relatively low, and the thick blood and high defense are not suitable for her own leveling, so she didn't stop.But this time it is to bring the twins to practice their skills, so this place is very ideal.

Seeing that they both followed, Xueyan wanted to take a walk in the swamp. The place she was staying in was a bit small, and it seemed crowded when four of them stood together, let alone displaying their skills.But just two steps away, he was stopped by Ye Ge.

"What's wrong?" Xue Yan asked in confusion, her behavior seemed to be very strange recently.In the past, he wouldn't even move an eyebrow when the sky fell, but recently he has been doing some abnormal behavior from time to time. I don't know why?
"It's dangerous inside, it's best not to go in." Ye said coldly, but frowned slightly when he looked into the depths of the swamp.

"Uh, that's it. I understand, thank you." Although she didn't understand why he had such a change, Xue Yan was still very happy. Compared with the previous one who followed her like a statue, silent and expressionless, He is obviously more popular now.

After listening to Ye's words, Xueyan searched along the periphery of the swamp and finally found a more ideal place.There is a big rock at the back, and the dry open space is relatively large. I can fully display my skills. As for Ye and the two brothers, just let them stand on the rock.

"Yu, these herbs are here for you. You can refine some blue-adding medicines now. The more the better, half of them will be given to Jie. Later, the two of you will stand on this rock, and Yu will use the three flavors of real fire." , Jie seals with the soul, just keep using skills, I will hold the monsters down below, you should practice your skills first, and then I can take you to a more advanced place to level up." Xue Yan took out some herbs Pass it to Xing Chenyu, and assign tasks to the two people.

"OK, Senior Sister." The two agreed happily, but they didn't know that their nightmare had begun.

After Xing Chenyu finished refining the medicine and Xing Chenjie prepared the things he needed, Xueyan cast "Frozen Miles" on the bubbling swamp in front of her, a thin layer of ice quickly formed on the swamp, and at the same time More than 10 symbols of blood reduction floated out. After 10 seconds, the frozen state was lifted, and the swamp continued to bubble and water patterns appeared at the same time. After a short effort, more than 10 turtle shells with dead leaves and spikes appeared, approaching the open space.

Xueyan stepped out of the dance immediately, and used "Misty Clouds" to trap the tortoises in the swamp, preventing them from coming up.At the same time, the two brothers Xingchenyu and Xingchenjie also started to display their skills non-stop according to Xueyan's previous instructions.Xing Chenyu kept pinching his knuckles, and balls of red flames hit those spinning turtles, but with little effect. The blood bars of the spinning turtles decreased very slowly, which made him very depressed.

On the other side, Xing Chenjie kept drawing the appearance of a spinning turtle on a blank scroll with his brush, in order to seal it in the scroll.But because the painting is not very similar, the success rate is very low.After finally sealing one, he hurriedly closed the scroll and opened it to the group of spinning turtles below, still muttering words.A white light flashed, and a tortoise with a darker color than the other tortoises appeared in the swamp, and stood in a group with other original companions as soon as it came out.And Xing Chenjie continued to pick up his pen and draw again.

After finally spending nearly an hour, the two of them got rid of all the monsters, and then they sat on the rock and were too tired to move.

(The thunder burned out the cat yesterday, so I missed one chapter, so I’ll make up for it today!)
(End of this chapter)

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