Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 266 The Gathering of the Five Big Gangs (5)

Chapter 266 The Gathering of the Five Major Gangs ([-])
I've had enough of playing, and if I continue playing, one of the two will show up.So Xueyan asked very actively, hoping that the sword fairy could cooperate.

It's just that she really offended someone just now. The sword immortal has never been teased like this since he started cultivating.Xueyan's actions just now were more like teasing than fighting.However, although the swordsman was extremely angry after being teased by her, he finally did not forget his mission and did not expose his true strength because of the fight for victory.

It's just that his rationality was only maintained until Xueyan opened his mouth. When Xueyan asked him if he denied the defeat, the unprecedented sense of humiliation immediately invaded all his rationality.I saw his face gloomy, and the hand holding the sword was raised again.However, the injury on his shoulder made his arm tremble uncontrollably.

Seeing the other party's ugly face, Xueyan immediately understood that her words had the opposite effect.But how can you take back what you say?Even if she regrets it now, it's too late.The only thing that can be done now is to end this battle before the opponent completely erupts.

Therefore, without even thinking about it, Xueyan teleported to behind the sword fairy, and before the opponent turned around and pierced him with a sword, Xueyan used a voice that only the two of them could hear, quickly Said: "Hey, have you forgotten your mission?"

Probably the sword fairy didn't expect that the other party knew his mission, so when he heard this sentence, he couldn't help but froze for a moment.However, at the moment he was stunned, Xueyan made another move.She grabbed the opponent's shoulder, a stream of water energy quickly flowed into the opponent's body, and before he resisted, blocked the meridians in the opponent's body with that energy.At the same time, a piece of ice fog wrapped the sword fairy, and the ice fog dispersed, and a perfect human ice sculpture appeared in front of everyone!

Xueyan, who succeeded in sneak attack, took two steps back to distance herself from the opponent.After confirming that he would not be able to break through the ice in a short time, Xueyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Fortunately, it succeeded, otherwise she really didn't know how it would end!At the same time, I was glad that I was betting right!
The sword fairy originally had immortal power to protect his body. If Xue Yan did not add Yuan Power to the energy, it would be impossible to freeze him with water energy alone.But in this way, if she wants to achieve her goal, the Yuan Power she releases will definitely be indispensable.Otherwise, even if she seals the other party, he can break free immediately.

In order not to expose her strength, Xueyan had no choice but to take the risk.She injected the energy of the water system into the opponent's body, in order to block his meridians and weaken his immortal power.As long as there is no celestial body protection, the sword fairy is at best an ordinary person with relatively strong strength.In this way, she can seal the opponent even without using Yuanli.

All of this was just her guess before she did it.She wasn't sure that doing so would work.When she did it, the only thought in her mind was that if she couldn't seal him up, then let him stab her, then she would have a reason to admit defeat!

Although a little helpless, she could only do that.But after all, she was lucky enough to allow her to successfully achieve her goal, so she didn't have to make such helpless actions.

After the sword fairy was kicked off the stage, Xueyan warned herself very solemnly that even if the subsequent games were boring, she would never take such risks again.After all, she has more important things to do. If she messes up things here, she can't forgive herself.It is impossible for the god of luck to take care of her all the time!

Fortunately, Xueyan did not encounter the cultivation hidden among the players in the next challenge.However, in order to make the battle with the Sword Immortal just now seem too abrupt, Xueyan did not adopt the previous quick-fix method in the next battle.For all the players who fought with her, she used at least two moves to end the battle.

Hope to give others the illusion of changing fighting style!Xueyan prayed secretly in her heart while fighting.

The first group arena match of the preliminary round lasted for two days before it was declared over, and because of Xueyan's outstanding combat power, she ended the competition on the arena where she was in a full half a day earlier.And she naturally won the most games, so she successfully qualified for the second half of the competition.

During these two days, I spent every day in the compliments of my gang members and the jealous eyes of other gang members.This greatly inflated his self-esteem.He also became more enthusiastic towards Xue Yan and didn't care at all about the other person's indifferent expression.While resting, she stuffed all the tonics and other things she had collected into Xue Yan's arms.Even Lian Honglian's warning, he pretended not to have heard it and ignored it.

The first match was finally over, and Xueyan defended her title as the winner of the first match with an absolute advantage.Looking at the crowd in the blood-red sky, each one was even more convulsed with joy.Xueyan really didn't understand why they were so excited?Isn't everyone already aware of this result?
And the real contest has not yet begun.Who will win in the end is still unknown!Now put on a posture of the world's number one gang, these people are too impatient, right?Thinking of this, a look of contempt flashed in Xueyan's eyes inadvertently!Especially when she saw Lian Honglian's eyes of "you are very cooperative, keep it up" and "be obedient, be careful about your life", she couldn't help but want to slap her.

Sooner or later, she will make her pay for what she has done!Xueyan clenched her fists, trying to suppress the resentment in her heart!
"Xueyan, what are you thinking?"

Wufawutian's sudden sound made Xueyan startled.Just now, because the emotions in her heart were too strong, her self-control ability was reduced.Xueyan hurriedly let go of her tightly clenched hands, and looked at the other party nervously.He observed the other party's expression carefully, for fear that he would see the clue.

"It's nothing, I just remembered something!" After making sure that he didn't see her expression just now, Xue Yan said calmly as always.

Originally, she was just perfunctory with him, but she didn't expect that after hearing her words, Nawufawutian immediately became attached to her and continued the topic with great enthusiasm.

"What's the matter? Can you tell me?"

"It's nothing, it's just some small things, it has nothing to do with you!" Looking at Wufawutian with shining eyes, Xueyan resisted the urge to leave, and still spoke calmly, hoping that he could get to know him better.

It's a pity that she underestimated the thickness of the other person's face. It was rare that she said a few more words to him today because of her guilty conscience, which made Wufawutian extremely excited, thinking that this was a great opportunity to change their relationship. Naturally It is impossible to let it go easily.If someone fully exploits the potential of the dog skin plaster, it means that he will not give up until he asks something.

"It doesn't matter, I have nothing to do now anyway, so we can just chat."

"Oh? Small talk? Aren't you afraid that I will take the opportunity to talk something out of your mouth? Once the words slip out of your mouth, aren't you afraid that Lian Honglian will come to trouble you?" Xue Yan raised her eyebrows and asked with a sneer.

Sure enough, Lianhonglian is Wufawutian's biggest nemesis. Xueyan just mentioned her name, which made Wufawutianxia shrink her neck consciously, and at the same time glanced in the direction of Lianhonglian.Seeing that he didn't notice the situation on their side, he regained his momentum.

"It's okay, if you want to know something, just ask me, Sister Honglian won't blame you."

Seeing Wu Fa Wu Tian's appearance of knowing everything, Xueyan said casually: "Well, tell me, why do you want me to become a god? After becoming a god, what benefits can you get? "

As soon as the words came out, Wufawutian was stunned.He didn't expect Xue Yan to ask about this, and he couldn't help but feel annoyed that he had spoken too loudly.Just as he was thinking about how to cover up this problem, he didn't want to hear Xue Yan's sarcastic voice next to his ears.

"How about it? Can't you tell it? I knew it. How could you casually tell others about such a confidential matter? And if you really tell it, your sister Honglian will never spare you, right? You are so pitiful, that Lianhonglian is the real ruler of Bloody Mantian, and you, as the gang leader, cannot defy her. As a puppet, you probably don't know everything she does, do you?"

Xueyan's words immediately made Wufa Wutian's face become embarrassed.He blushed, and at the same time argued with Xue Yan with some lack of confidence: "Who said that? We grew up together, and I know everything she does. Although Sister Honglian looks like It sounds a little fierce, but she definitely regards me as her younger brother. And she is smarter than me to begin with. She founded Bloody Sky with her own hands, so she naturally makes the decision."

"Since you know everything, then tell me, what is your purpose?" Xue Yan continued to ask in a mocking tone, her eyes clearly expressed her distrust of Wu Fa Wu Tian's words.

Xueyan's verbal stimulation obviously had an effect, and Wufa Wutian seemed unable to bear her doubts about herself, and said without hesitation: "It's okay to tell you, anyway, this matter will be completely resolved in a short time. There is not much difference between knowing and knowing late. And even if you know, it is impossible to change the result.

It started 20 years ago. My father and sister Honglian's father are both famous scientists in the world.Because their research topics are the same and they share a common language, they are also best friends.What they were studying..."

"Xiaotian, what are you talking about?" Just when he was about to say something crucial, he successfully interrupted his words with a sharp shout.Lian Honglian stood beside the two with a dark face, her eyes seemed to spew fire.

(End of this chapter)

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