Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 265 Gathering of 5 Big Gangs ()

Chapter 265 The Gathering of the Five Major Gangs ([-])
The second player who came up to challenge Xue Yan was also an assassin, but his level was obviously not a little bit worse than that of Leng Ye Gu Xing.Even the silver that Xueyan has seen is incomparable.Therefore, the other party ended up in the same fate as having no money, and fell directly on the stage without even struggling.

Afterwards, the other players became more obedient, but any melee player would simply admit defeat.Only Warlock players who tried to take advantage of their attributes to save Xue Yan a little bit challenged her.But those people still failed to survive more than two moves from Xueyan's men.

And it wasn't until after so many battles that those players could finally see some clues.Although I still couldn't dodge those attacks, I finally felt more at ease.The ice arrow technique is special, but it is still ice arrow technique after all.It's just that so many people were defeated by the lowest level of ice arrows. In addition to feeling a little embarrassed, it also inspired many people.There is no strength or weakness in a profession, it all depends on how the player plays.

After Xueyan ousted the No. 30 players, she was tired of this one-sided massacre.Not only was she bored, but even the players in the audience had lost interest in her situation.The outcome is already determined anyway, so what’s the difference between watching or not watching?
But even so, Xueyan still did not request to shorten the rest time.Back then, the city lord of Black Rock City didn't propose a time limit, so she naturally had nothing to worry about.It's just that she should put a little water in it, and have some fun for herself, not for others?

However, even if you are looking for fun, you have to pick someone with similar strength.Xueyan glanced at the players waiting to be called, and then directly focused on the twins of the Flame Scorpion.Wouldn't it be more fun if you let them challenge themselves?
It's a pity that Xueyan can't decide who will challenge her.Although she very much hoped that one of Xing Chenjie and Xing Chenyu would be able to come on stage, but in the end she failed to do so. The No. 30 player was not any of them, but a swordsman with extreme boundaries.

When the other party stepped onto the stage, Xue Yan looked away depressed.Originally, she didn't care about who was going to challenge her, but when she looked away, she glanced at it by the way.But just this one glance immediately changed her mind!

Things are finally getting interesting!
Although the swordsman in front of him is no different from other players in the eyes of others, he is just an ordinary swordsman.But this is not the case in Xueyan's view. Xueyan, who has entered the integration stage, is sensitive to energy to a level that few people can match.Although the swordsman tried his best to contain his aura and energy, at such a close range, he really couldn't hide it from Xue Yan!
Yes, that swordsman is a practitioner!And if Xueyan guessed correctly, the other party should be a cultivator!
Unexpectedly, there is a sword fairy hidden in the extreme boundary!

Xueyan glanced at Sword Soul out of the corner of her eye, and found that he was paying attention to the situation on the stage with a nervous expression.This shows that he definitely knows the identity of this sword fairy!And if Xueyan's guess is correct, there is definitely more than one immortal cultivator hidden in the extreme boundary.

She had greeted Ye before and asked him to lead someone to find a way to sneak into the venue.Now that people from the Demonic Way are here, there is absolutely no reason for the Immortal Way and the Buddhist Way, which have been paying close attention to the movements of the Demonic Way, not to know.No matter what the purpose of the demonic people is, they will never sit idly by and ignore it!

People of the devil way are mixed in the flame scorpion, people of the immortal way are mixed in the extreme limit, but where are the people of the Buddhist way?Is it the Silver Desert?Or Frozen Rose?Or is it hidden in the extreme limit with the people of Xiandao?Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for them to compete with Bloody Sky and Flame Scorpion!In the case of the former, she should be able to detect it before entering the arena, and because of the presence of demonic people in the latter, they will never live in harmony with Buddhist people!
After taking a few more glances at the swordsman facing her from a distance, Xueyan could be sure that his cultivation level was not above hers.However, the duel between cultivators depends largely on the control of energy.Xue Yan lacked actual combat experience against cultivators, and it was impossible for her to overwhelm the opponent with pure strength.Therefore, this battle is really tricky for her.

However, Xueyan expected that the other party would never reveal his strength easily, otherwise he would not have to go to great lengths to hide his strength.So she was not worried about losing this match. On the contrary, she was worried that this match would become as boring as the previous thirty matches because of the opponent's deliberate concealment!
While Xue Yan was thinking about it secretly in her heart, she didn't know that the sword immortal was also hesitating secretly in his heart.Originally, he and the people in his channel came here with a mission, but they didn't want to be inexplicably involved in a competition between gangs.

If possible, he didn't want to come up at all.His identity cannot be exposed, and he really doesn't want to lose to a junior who has just entered Taoism. That would be too embarrassing.As a result, he really didn't know what to do for a while!

"Can we start?" Xueyan took the initiative to speak very rarely, with obvious joy in her tone.It's not that she didn't see the contradictory feelings in the other party's heart, but she couldn't give him a chance to choose.Because no matter which one the other party chooses, it is not good for her.So after she finished speaking, she assumed an attacking posture, ready to attack him at any time!

The sword fairy just hesitated, and subconsciously nodded when he heard Xueyan's request to start, and he immediately regretted it.It's just that it was too late for him to regret it, Xueyan immediately launched an attack the moment he nodded!
An ice arrow pierced the air between the two and shot towards the sword fairy.It's a very common ice archery technique, except for a faster speed, Xue Yan didn't add any skills to it.Because this move is just a test, and it is also to prevent the opponent from admitting defeat without any resistance.

Sure enough, at the moment when the ice arrow came, the sword fairy raised his sword to block without hesitation, and his movements were extremely smooth and natural, which was completely a subconscious reaction.But since he had already made a move, he couldn't be allowed to give up, so he flicked his wrist and drew his sword to attack Xueyan.

Seeing him attacking, Xueyan suddenly became happier.With a wave of his hand, a water dragon immediately appeared between the two of them.

That Sword Immortal has so much experience in actual combat, naturally he wouldn't be so stupid as to attack in a straight line as if he had no money.I saw him dodging left and right, making the other party unable to grasp his exact position, and at the same time, he quickly attacked Xueyan.

It's just that Xueyan didn't use an ordinary "waterspout" this time. When the sword fairy avoided the attack of the water dragon, the water dragon that had been sprinting in a straight line suddenly turned its head and chased after the sword fairy with its teeth and claws. .

The sword fairy didn't expect that the water dragon would change direction.Seeing that he could no longer avoid it, he had no choice but to withdraw his sword thrust towards Xue Yan and turn to resist the water dragon's attack.The slender sword emitted a faint light, and it could be seen from his movements that he planned to use the most common skill of a swordsman, "Half Moon Slash", to deal with Xue Yan's attack.With his attack power, this move is enough to offset Xue Yan's offensive, and it won't reveal his flaws.

It's a pity how could Xueyan let him get his wish?Just as the water dragon changed direction, a piece of ice fog quickly enveloped the water dragon and the sword fairy.The high concentration of ice fog caused the surrounding temperature to drop rapidly.The water dragon instantly turned into an ice dragon, and continued to attack the sword fairy.

As for the sword immortal, unable to use his skills to keep out the cold, he was naturally affected by the ice mist, and his originally smooth movements immediately became stiff.It's just that he is a cultivator after all. Although he didn't deliberately use his immortal power to resist, the ice mist still couldn't freeze him, so it just froze him and had no other effects.

But even so, it was enough for him.The slow movement made it impossible for him to swing the "Half Moon Slash" that he had prepared in time.As a result of being unable to make an attack, he was hit squarely by the ice dragon!

The ice dragon shattered into pieces after hitting his body, turning into ice shards all over the sky and hitting him overwhelmingly.In no time, he was buried in the broken ice. Coupled with the effect of the surrounding ice mist, the ice shards quickly froze into ice cubes after falling to the ground.

When the ice mist began to dissipate, Xue Yan looked forward to seeing an ice sculpture sword fairy come out of the oven.However, the result was beyond her expectation.In the place where the sword fairy stayed, except for a small pile of icebergs, there was no human figure at all.

Let him escape!

Regarding the unexpected result, Xue Yan did not panic in the slightest.On the contrary, there was a faint smile on her face!Without looking for where the sword fairy went, Xueyan teleported herself to the other side of the ring without even thinking about it.

And the moment she left, several sword lights appeared where she had once stood.The swordsman launched a sneak attack from behind her!It's a pity that his beautiful sneak attack was not successful.Turning from darkness to light, he had to endure Xueyan's attack again.

Xueyan almost completed dodge and attack at the same time.Before the sword fairy's skills ended, 10 ice arrows struck him from different directions.I saw the sword fairy forcefully withdrawing his sword from mid-air, then danced rapidly, using the sword net to protect himself.

It's a pity that although his sword net was danced carefully, there were still gaps in it.Without him noticing, an ice arrow quietly appeared behind him, in the gap between the sword net and his body, and then pierced straight into his body!

Like those players before, the Sword Immortal did not escape being hit by the Frost Arrow after all.It's just that this time Xueyan didn't attack his vitals with the ice arrow, but only caused some injuries to his shoulders.

Seeing that she had succeeded in sneak attack, Xueyan stopped releasing ice arrows, stopped all attacks, looked at the sword fairy and asked indifferently: "Can you admit defeat?"

(End of this chapter)

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