Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 175 Proposal

Chapter 175 Proposal
Proposal? ! ! !
Xueyan was so shocked by Apollo's words that she didn't react at all!Zeus actually wanted to marry her?This is too crazy!Xueyan really doubted whether Zeus's brain was broken, and he would come up with such absurd idea!Could it be that that day, the blow from the "God of Water" happened to land on his head?
In the hall, not only Xueyan was stunned, even Poseidon was startled by these words.Although it is said that Zeus has provoked many women, there are very few who can really marry back.First of all, those women are just for fun to him, and even if he has played, he won't even remember them.Secondly, in terms of his current status and rights, there are very few women who are of value to him.

What's more, in his family, his queen Hela is an extremely jealous woman.Once she finds out that Zeus has a close relationship with a certain woman, she will try to stop it.For some women who have no background and strength, she will not hesitate to kill Zeus's thoughts.So Zeus has not married again for at least several hundred years.

However, I heard some time ago that he planned to marry Dimel's daughter Bethany, and it is said that a date has been set.In the end, for some unknown reason, he gave up the idea.My own undercover investigated for a long time, but could not figure out the reason. I only knew that Zeus seemed to have promised someone, so he gave up.But who he is who can have such great influence is unknown.

As for Ye, after hearing Apollo's words, he frowned and the breath on his body became colder.The Neptune Palace, which was originally warm as spring, suddenly became as cold as winter.But he himself didn't realize what he had done.He just stared at Apollo, but couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"I wonder what Miss Xueyan wants? If you agree, then please return to Mount Olympus with us immediately. Our king will choose a day to marry you." This time it was Hermes who broke the silence.But his tone made people feel as if Xueyan would agree to Zeus's proposal, very sure and confident.

"You seem to be very sure that I will agree, can you tell me the reason?" After hearing what he said, Xueyan couldn't help raising her eyebrows and asked.To be honest, the current appearance of this Hermes makes her very happy.Seeing that gentle and polite look reminded her of that annoying Zeus.Why didn't she realize that the two of them are so alike in this regard?

"Because you have no reason to refuse!" Hermes leaned forward and said, still so confident.

"Why not? Just because he killed me twice 10 days ago, I have enough reasons not to see him again." Xueyan said reason?There are too many reasons for her!

"May I ask why you died twice in a row? Did my king kill you personally?" Hermes didn't care about her dissatisfaction, and still asked gently.

"So what? Even if I wasn't directly killed by him, but I died because of him, which is enough reason for me to hate him."

"I'm sorry, but I don't think your statement is appropriate. As far as I know, my king didn't do anything to hurt you at that time. Instead, it was your desperate blow that hurt my king. But Don't worry, my king didn't blame you for this. So it's the same sentence, I don't think you have any reason to hate him." Hermes explained his reasons, and Xueyan was immediately shocked by his words. Pushed to the unreasonable side.

It was the first time for Xueyan to meet such a person, who could tell right from wrong with just a single mouth, without making people feel that he was messing around, but that his words made sense!She couldn't think of what to say for a while, and couldn't help but feel even more angry.

"Is it unreasonable for you to say that?" Xue Yan looked at him coldly and asked.

"Don't dare, my king never blamed you, so please understand my king's intentions." Hermes lowered his head slightly, acting humble.It's just that his tone is still neither humble nor overbearing, without any change.

"Be considerate of his intentions? What intentions? Do you want to kill the most important person to me?" Xue Yan's voice became even colder, and she became increasingly unable to control the anger in her heart.

"A man will never allow another man to get close to his woman, so there is nothing wrong with my king doing this!"

"I'm not his woman, he has no right to control me, and he has no right to prevent anyone from getting close to me!" Xueyan reminded her word by word, she said almost every word through gritting her teeth.

"It will be in the future!" was an understatement, but it left Xue Yan speechless.

I have seen shameless ones, but I have never seen such shameless ones!Before meeting him, Xueyan absolutely did not believe that someone could say such completely unreasonable words so confidently!Now she finally understood why Zeus sent him as a messenger.She really admired him for finding such a talent!so amazing!
"Hehe, even if what you said is reasonable, so what? I still won't agree to marry him, let him die!" Xue Yan sneered, at this time she seemed to have forgotten herself I only thought about how to make the person in front of me go back to Mount Olympus quickly and stay away from her!

"What's the reason?" Hermes seemed to be attached to her. It seemed that if he didn't give him a strong reason, he would never give up persuading her.

"I don't like him, that's the reason!" It was the first time that Xueyan, who had grown so big, was asked such a question.

"But my king loves you deeply! Isn't that enough?" Hermes asked disapprovingly. In his heart, Zeus is the almighty god. It is an honor for anyone to be favored by him. She had absolutely no reason to refuse.He firmly believes this!
"He loves me? Haha, why do you say he loves me? Did he say it himself?" Xue Yan felt that she had heard the funniest joke in her life, and asked while laughing.

"Yes!" He answered without any hesitation.

"So what if he loves me? If he loves me, should I love him? That's ridiculous! Maybe Zeus is perfect in your heart without any flaws, so what he said is the truth to you, absolutely. It's not wrong. But I can tell you very clearly, he - Zeus, in my eyes, he is nothing, he is not even a good man. He likes everyone he meets and treats women with contempt. Just like clothes, a guy who throws away clothes without any care is simply the scum of men. Not to mention asking me to marry him, I feel sick even being near him."

For the first time, Xueyan took the opportunity of scolding Zeus to vent her dissatisfaction with men completely.It originated from his father, so he had a sense of disgust and distrust of men since he was a child.It's just that this feeling faded when she met Ye, Xing Chenjie, and Xing Chenyu.But now, that feeling came back, and it seemed stronger than before.For a moment, she felt a sense of distance from all the men in the hall, and wanted to stay as far away from them as possible.

"Perhaps my king likes many women, but you are special to him. My king will never treat you like other women. You will occupy a place in his heart!" There was a slight silence for a while Hull Mace spoke.It's just that he didn't know whether it was Xueyan's insult to Zeus that made him angry, or he had lost his patience.Although there were honorifics in his words, his tone had become a little blunt.

"So what, I'm just one of his many women. To tell you the truth, he can't afford me. If he can be my man, he can only have me in his heart. In this life, the one he loves The only thing is, no matter rich or poor, regardless of life, old age, sickness or death, he will never give up, life and death! If he can't do this, then no matter how good he is, it's useless!

I might as well tell you something, of course it is best if you can tell your king directly.The necklace I gave him back then was a token of love he gave to a woman he liked.That woman would never forget him until her death, and wanted to see him again.But when I returned the necklace to him, he didn't have the slightest impression.Since then he has been a total disappointment to me.So please tell him.Even if he is the only man left in this world, I will never marry him! After saying that, Xueyan didn't give him a chance to speak, and left the hall directly. Only four men were left, watching her leaving back with various eyes.

Poseidon withdrew his gaze and frowned when her figure was completely gone.He didn't expect that things would reach this point, nor did he expect that she, who usually seemed calm and calm, would lose her cool so easily on this issue.To be honest, what she did today would only do harm to their plan without any benefit.

Glancing at Hermes and Apollo who were still standing in the center of the hall, they saw that although they did not speak, they kept communicating with their eyes.From their expressions, it can be seen that the two of them seem to have a lot of dissatisfaction with today's results.It's just that their dissatisfaction is because they failed to complete the task entrusted by Zeus, or because of Xueyan's contempt for Zeus in the end, then it is unknown.

All in all, today's meeting is considered a high point!Poseidon clapped his hands lightly, and summoned several servants to send Apollo and the others back to their rooms. Then he shifted his gaze to the man who hadn't said a word from the beginning to the end.

"What do you think of today's events?" Poseidon hesitated before asking.

"Just tell me your plan, don't talk nonsense!" Ignoring his question, Ye said coldly.

Although his tone was very blunt, Poseidon was not angry at all, and instead showed a smile on his face!
(End of this chapter)

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