Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 174 The Messenger of Zeus

Chapter 174 The Messenger of Zeus

On the third day after Poseidon sent people to Hades, the people sent finally brought a reply.The man only brought back five words "Eighteen Levels of Purgatory" and not one more word.Regarding this answer, Xue Yan had to lament once again that Hardy cherished words like gold.Could it be that he would die if he said a few more words?Anyway, tell her whether the thing is in the depths of the eighteenth level of purgatory, or will he tell them the true location of Blood Shura only after they pass the test of the eighteenth level of purgatory?

What a headache!

Originally, she and Ye planned to take a trip to Hades before the mission of Poseidon was completed.But as soon as they had this plan, they were told how dangerous the eighteenth floor of purgatory was, and it could be said that there would be no return.Even if you go, you must at least be fully prepared before you go.But before they were ready, Xueyan was told again that the messenger of Zeus was coming!
Helpless, Xueyan had to put aside the matter of going to Hades first, and went to see the envoy sent by Zeus.But after she met, she realized that there were two messengers!One was Apollo, the violinist she had seen at Dimel's house last time, and the other was a silver-haired, very cute boy.

Uh, I am used to seeing mature and beautiful men, and seeing two young ladies suddenly, Xueyan really has a bit of maladjustment for a while.Especially the silver-haired boy, with big silver-blue eyes twinkling, Xueyan couldn't help but want to reach out and pinch his pink face.After finally restraining her impulse, a trace of doubt flashed in her heart.So what was Zeus' idea?Did he think that sending two lovely ladies could eliminate his hatred for him?

"Beautiful Miss Xueyan, it's a pleasure to meet you. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hermes, and I am the messenger under the throne of the Great Sky." Just as Xueyan was still wondering, the The silver-haired boy has already spoken.

With a sweet voice and elegant demeanor, his every move is perfect and impeccable, making Xueyan sigh inwardly, how did Zeus find such a top talent and train him?While she was sighing, Apollo on the side also stepped forward and showed a pure smile at Xueyan.

"It's great to see Ms. Xueyan again. I miss the cooperation with you last time. I very much hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you again."

With Apollo's innocent expression, Xueyan really couldn't put a stern face on him.She vaguely felt that she seemed to have thought of what purpose Zeus had sent these two people here.

"I'm also very happy to meet you. You two have come a long way, and you have worked hard all the way. Why don't you take a break first, and we can talk about it later. How about it?" Poseidon was not in the Crystal Palace at this time, and Amphora Ti once again looked blank and didn't know what to do, but Xueyan had no choice but to act on her behalf.

Now she didn't want to talk to these two people, not to mention that Apo looked at her with his innocent eyes, so she really couldn't say anything to accuse Zeus.Even that perfect Hermes made her not know how to deal with it, she always felt that she would be attracted to him involuntarily.Under such circumstances, she can't make a calm judgment at all, so it's better to delay it for a while and wait until she calms down.

"Thank you for your thoughtful arrangement, we are really flattered. We really can't refuse your kindness, so we can only interrupt." Hermes' polite attitude made Xueyan feel a little uncomfortable .Although she felt that his words were a bit awkward, she didn't say anything, and just asked Amphora to arrange for someone to take the two of them down to rest.

But as soon as the two people left, Ye reminded Xue Yan very seriously: "Be careful of that guy named Hermes!"

"Did you find anything?" Xueyan looked at him in surprise and asked, although she felt that the silver-haired boy was a little unusual, but it was not to the point where she needed to be vigilant.

"I'm not sure, I just feel that the energy fluctuations on his body are a little familiar. In short, you must be careful when you get along with him." Ye looked at the place where they disappeared, and said with a slight frown.

Familiar energy fluctuations?Xue Yan clicked, it seemed to be a more useful clue.It seems that this Hermes is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and maybe more can be discovered in him.

When Poseidon returned to the Crystal Palace again, he brought good news to Xueyan.That means that his people have successfully passed the national border, and I believe it will not take long before the things he entrusted can be delivered to her friend's hands.

This news really made Xue Yan very happy, and a big stone in her heart was finally put down.That way she wouldn't have to worry about not being able to complete the mission because of the two of them.Next, she only needs to control the time and let both tasks end at the same time.

But yesterday she had a phone call with Leng Ye Guxing, telling him that she had a way to deliver the Nine Heavens to them, and at the same time, she also asked about the progress of their mission.Although Leng Ye Gu Xing didn't say it directly, but from his tone, Xue Yan could tell that their situation was not optimistic.It's just that she can't help them now, so she just reminded them a little and ended the call.

Now it seems that it may take a long time for them to complete the task.And the initial problem I encountered here was only the [-]th floor of purgatory.Although Hardy didn't say it clearly, based on her intuition, she felt that Blood Shura might be there.So in order to balance the progress of the two sides, she and Ye had to wait for a while.That being the case, then take advantage of this time to complete the task at hand.

"Poseidon, didn't your undercover agent on Mount Olympus tell you why Zeus sent two envoys here? You have to be mentally prepared!" Xueyan looked up at Poseidon and asked helplessly. road.To be honest, she really didn't know what the undercover agent he sent to Zeus was useful for. It seemed that they hadn't released any useful information so far.

"Their purpose seems to be to take you back, but it seems that Zeus has signaled them to figure out how to do it, so my people have no way of knowing." Poseidon said hastily, if there is no more useful information, even if Xueyan had no objection, and he couldn't help it anymore.

"Take me back? He really has a good plan!" Xueyan couldn't help sneering when she heard that the purpose of those two people was like this.Want to take her away?Did he think it was that easy?She wants to see what kind of means these two teenagers have, it is worthy of Zeus's entrustment!
"Still don't know the specific content of that prophecy?" Xue Yan asked after sneering.

"Well, but I got a new piece of information. It seems that a very mysterious guy came from Zeus and lived in Zeus's palace. I don't know the origin, but Zeus seems to be very polite to him. That prophecy is very It may have come from that mysterious mouth."

Finally got a valuable piece of information!A mysterious person who can prophesy?Does such a person really exist in the game?Even if you are an intelligent brain, it is impossible to predict the future!Although it is said that this world is controlled by it, since the virtual life here has wisdom and emotions, this means that the development of everything is full of changes.So even a wise brain can't predict the future!
At least Xue Yan does not believe that such a person exists.But if it's not a prophecy, then is that person playing tricks, or is this another big conspiracy planned with great horror?If it is a conspiracy, then what is the purpose of that person?Why would he involve himself in it?Is it a coincidence or intentional?

One question after another flashed in Xueyan's mind, the more she thought about it, the more questions there were, and the more confused she became.But no one could answer these questions for her.But maybe, she could get some answers from those two Zeus messengers!

Thinking of this, Xue Yan cast her eyes on the two people who had just walked into the hall.Poseidon has sent people to invite Apollo and Hermes just now.Unlike Xueyan, Poseidon knew the details of these two people.So he insisted on discussing with these two people together with Xueyan, lest she be fooled by them because of ignorance.

"His Royal Highness, long time no see!" Apollo and Hermes stopped at the center of the hall, stroked their chests with their right hands, and saluted Poseidon slightly with their upper bodies leaning forward.

Xueyan noticed that when these two people faced Poseidon, they seemed to be far less respectful than when they mentioned Zeus.Although they also saluted him, no matter how she looked at it, she felt that the two of them were perfunctory.

However, Poseidon didn't care whether they were respectful or not, he just glanced at them both indifferently, and then said lightly: "It's been a long time, but you two, as Zeus's most important confidantes, suddenly came to my place. ? If there is nothing wrong, you two should go back as soon as possible, I don't like people who see that guy in my place."

Poseidon did not hide his dislike for the two of them at all, but Hermes seemed to have expected such a reaction from Poseidon, and he didn't care, and said with a smile on his face: "Since His Royal Highness Haiwang doesn't want to see us, so we won't bother you any more. As long as Miss Xueyan agrees to go with us, we will leave here immediately."

"Let's go with you? Go to Zeus? Don't you know? There is nothing between me and Zeus other than enmity!" Seeing that he got straight to the point, Xueyan said unceremoniously.She wanted to see how this Hermes persuaded her to leave.

But this time it was not Hermes who answered, but Apollo!
"Miss Xueyan, it seems that I have misunderstood my father! Since the last time I said goodbye in the Temple of the Earth, my father has never forgotten you! My father is really excited to see you again, so no matter what , is also understandable! What's more..." Apollo tried his best to explain to Xueyan, looking at his innocent and innocent expression, it was almost impossible to believe what he said.

"What's more?" Seeing that he stopped talking, Xue Yan raised her eyebrows and asked, her tone was more curious.

"In addition to apologizing to you for some things my father has done this time, I also have a more important purpose that my father wants me to propose to you on his behalf!"

(End of this chapter)

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