Chapter 159 Done
When Xueyan's body regained consciousness, the first thing she did was to see if she could break free from the shackles of the cocoon.But the tenacity of the spider silk is too great, no matter how hard she struggles, the spider silk sticks tightly to her body, not even half of it breaks!

At this moment, there was another roar, followed by more violent shaking!The surrounding soil energy increased rapidly at an incredible speed.And with the accumulation of energy, the scream of the Black Fire Spider King became more urgent and panicky!
Suddenly Xue Yan felt that her body was empty, her whole body was separated from the support of the spider web, and she quickly fell downwards.Almost before she could react, her body found its support point again and stopped.A pair of strong and powerful arms caught her firmly, and what she felt next was a warm chest.

The spider silk on her body was easily peeled off, and Ye's peerless handsome face clearly appeared in front of her eyes.Seeing her dull look, the corners of Ye's mouth could not help but tilt up slightly, revealing a faint smile.It's rare to see her react so slowly, and her silly look is quite interesting!
"Don't you want to come down? If that's the case, I can't save other people!" Ye reminded her with a hint of ridicule.

"Ah?" Hearing his voice, Xue Yan regained consciousness and hurriedly broke free from his embrace.His teasing voice made her blush.

Damn night, hurry to seduce her with that smile?Doesn't he know that even if he doesn't smile, it is enough to bring disaster to the country and the people, causing countless MMs to yearn for him day and night?Now put on that bit of a bad smile, does he want to catch all the opposite sex?Looking at Ye who had turned her back, Xueyan thought angrily in her heart.When she remembered that he had seen her bewildered expression just now, she felt ashamed and angry at the moment, and even forgot their current situation.

By the time she came back to her senses, Ye had already saved all the others.I don't know what method he used, but he easily broke the spider silk binding them, and he himself has not been glued to half of it.While making her curious, she had to re-evaluate his strength.Thinking about it, the strong man who used to be number one in the four realms shouldn't only be able to do so twice even if his strength is damaged!

In this case, as long as the task can be successfully completed and his strength is fully recovered, there should be no more things that can threaten him!At that time, I can leave with peace of mind!Seeing him undoing everyone's shackles, and then throwing himself into the battle again, Xue Yan thought silently in her heart.

"Finally came back to life! Thank God, I almost suffocated me!" Xing Chenjie said loudly while shaking off the spider silk sticking to his body, panting exaggeratedly.His face was full of gratitude, and his gaze towards Ye was filled with admiration!
"En, en! This bitch must have bad breath, and the spider silk that spits out is fishy and smelly. I don't know how long it has been since it brushed its teeth? But it is really talented to use bad breath as a weapon and easily take down the enemy!" Xing Chenyu also hurriedly echoed.It's great to be alive!Don't hurry up and say a few words, I'm really sorry for myself!

At this time, there was another loud noise, which once again attracted everyone's attention to the battlefield.The source of the sound was that the Black Fire Spider King was hit by the night blow and hit the rock wall of the cave heavily. The huge body smashed the metal layer on the rock wall, leaving big pits on it!
The Black Fire Spider King's defense was extremely strong. He was being thrown around and bumped around constantly, but it seemed like there was no problem at all.But just because there seems to be no problem doesn't mean there really is no problem.After all, the Blackfire Spider King is not invincible. Although others don't know the reason, they can see that its movements have become sluggish, and even its cry has become weak.

Ye's attack didn't seem to be any different from usual, he just waved Tian Mie and kept flying the Blackfire Spider King who was trying to climb up to approach him to the rock wall.Tian Mie met its body, and sparks were produced after the collision, without causing any damage to its body.But the Black Fire Spider King seemed to be very afraid of the silver chain, whenever Tian Mie approached it, it would let out a terrified cry!

A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to figure out what was going on!Long before the Black Fire Spider King formed its web, Ye also attacked it with Tian Mie.But at that time it didn't respond!Could it be that its defense has weakened?
With the attitude of giving it a try, several people launched an attack on the Black Fire Spider King at the same time.Immediately afterwards, a series of system prompts that the attack was invalid came to their respective ears one after another.The situation is no different from before!In addition, they also discovered that their attacks not only could not cause any damage to the Black Fire Spider King, but seemed to have a tendency to make it more energetic!

The Spider King, who was almost unable to get up, got up from the ground at a faster speed after being attacked by them.Although the result was still being beaten by Ye Yong Tian Mie, it did show a tendency to recover.

And Xueyan also found that after their attack, the original red and black fur of the Black Fire Spider King was almost turning into pure black now!Only some red can be seen faintly on its limbs.What has actually happened?
Ye didn't say anything about their help.Not only that, there was a little smile on his face, as if this situation was exactly what he wanted, and what they did was exactly what he wanted!At the same time, the movements of his subordinates sped up a bit, and the light on Tian Mie also became brighter!
Sure enough, although their attack made the Black Fire Spider King recover a bit, Ye's subsequent attack caused more damage to it!When the Black Fire Spider King was knocked into the air again, the black fur on his body fell off in large areas, and at the same time, he could no longer make any sound.Its eight legs seemed unable to support its body anymore, and it limply lay on the ground.

When Ye's Tianmie collided with the body of the Xuanhuo Spider King again, it was like sparks produced by the friction between metals, but this time it didn't appear!What replaced it was actually the blue blood of the Spider King, flowing out from the cracks in his body!
The nearly invincible defense of the Black Fire Spider King was finally broken!

When seeing this scene, everyone felt a surge of excitement in their hearts.Finally, it can take substantial damage!That also means that they are not far from victory!
Under everyone's excited eyes, Ye finally got rid of the Black Fire Spider King.The familiar system prompt sound has never been so pleasant as this moment!

The Five Elements Formation is finally broken!
The exploration mission of Moyin Cave has finally been completed!

In addition to getting a lot of reputation and experience rewards, everyone also gets a chance to draw their professional equipment!
These are all very good, but why did the last sentence remind them that due to the energy impact and vibration caused by the damage to the formation, the cave was about to collapse, and they were asked to leave quickly? !
The joyful mood could not stay in everyone's hearts for half a minute, but was washed away by the violently shaking ground and falling gravel in front of them!The loose rock wall that had been hit by the Blackfire Spider King looked even weaker at this moment.Large cracks and collapses quickly spread in the cave!
There was no time to complain, and the group hurriedly fled along the road.Without the obstruction of the formation, the originally complicated road outside that required a lot of effort to walk has now become a straight road.A wide and straight road with no end in sight!A straight road still full of mud!

Although the straight road saved them a lot of trouble, but because the formation was broken, the place returned to a dark environment where they couldn't see their fingers.Coupled with the muddy road and stones falling from nowhere at any time, the group of people stumbled and bumped when they walked!
But the sound of the collapse getting louder and louder behind them, the cave with the corpse of the Black Fire Spider King had completely collapsed before they left.Not only that, cracks from the ground in the cave followed the path they walked, followed them and spread towards them.

Xueyan turned on the effects on her equipment and walked at the front to guide everyone, while constantly looking back to check the situation behind them.Seeing that the Dark Night Killer fell at the very back due to the difficulty of walking and holding Candy Moon's body, Xue Yan stopped moving forward.

"Senior Sister, what's the matter?" Seeing her stop, the others immediately stopped too.

"It's nothing, you guys go first! I'll help Anye kill God!" Xueyan nudged Xing Chenyu who was close to her, and Xueyan signaled them to go first.

"I'll stay and help, Xue, just lead the way!" Leng Ye Guxing glanced at the unconscious Candy Moon and said to Xue Yan.Although I really don't want to worry about her, I can't let everyone stay here just because of her.

"No! You go ahead first, we'll catch up right away!" Xue Yan shook her head, if she asked him to help, none of the three of them would be able to escape.Besides, she didn't intend to do it herself at all, she stretched out her hand and summoned the nightmare, and let it help carry the candy moon.

"Ye, you go ahead first. Send Yueyue up first, otherwise there is no way to go up by relying on Mengmai alone." Looking at Mengmai galloping away, Xueyan said to Ye again.As long as it is on the ground, there should be no need to worry about the problem of subsidence, and Candy Moon is still in a coma, so there is no need to worry about the threat to her from the monsters above, which can save them a lot of worries.

Although Ye was worried about keeping her here, he also knew that she would not leave others alone.And what she said was indeed the most suitable plan at the moment, and he shouldn't be away for long, so he hesitated and flew away.

The Night Killer, who didn't have to hold the candy moon, was obviously much faster. In order to increase the distance from the ground fissure behind them, the two of them quickly caught up with the other three.The constantly shaking ground made their walk more difficult, and those collapsing boulders gradually blocked the originally spacious passage, leaving only a narrow passage that only one person can pass through.

The five people who originally advanced side by side had to line up in a single file in the end.Xueyan stubbornly walked in the last place, because she was the only one among the five who could fly by herself, even if Ye was too late to save her, she could resist for a while.But if it was them, there was nothing they could do.

When everyone was about to be exhausted, they finally came to the end of the passage, the bottom of the bottomless cave.And Ye and Nightmare are waiting for them there!

At this time, the crack in the ground was less than 10 meters away from them.Xue Yan couldn't help but push Xing Chenjie and Xing Chenyu to Ye, and asked him to take them up first.And Leng Ye Gu Xing and Dark Night Killer asked them to ride Nightmare and Nightmare took them up.

Because Ye told her that the violent vibration had already collapsed a large piece of the narrowest passage in the middle, enough for Nightmare to fly through.As for her, she used Feitian to follow them into the air, and then waited for Ye or Nightmare to come to pick her up after they rescued them.

And the second they left the ground, the crack had already extended to their feet.Just a little bit, they were swallowed by the earth.Seeing the few people who were basically out of danger, Xueyan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.But at this moment, severe pain swept through her whole body.

(End of this chapter)

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