Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 158 Food for Spiders

Chapter 158 Food for Spiders
"Oh, I can't seem to move my body!" While Xue Yan was still thinking, she heard a sudden exclamation in her ears.

It's the voice of the Dark Night Slayer!

Looking in the direction where the sound came from, he saw that the Dark Night Slayer was still half-kneeling beside Candy Moon with his arms around him, but his face was raised high and full of horror.And Candy Moon was imprisoned by his hand, so she couldn't leave his embrace.

"What's going on? I can't seem to move anymore!" Candy Moon was still in fear and couldn't get out of it. Now she found that she couldn't move anymore, and she was even more frightened.

"Huh? Why am I the same?"

As if it was contagious, other people also found that their bodies were out of control.Xueyan originally wanted to go to those two people to see what was going on, but just as she was about to lift her foot, she found that her body seemed to be stiff, and she couldn't move at all!
It seems that except for the mouth and eyes that can move, every bone, muscle and nerve in the whole body seems to have lost contact with the brain, and cannot be sensed or controlled.The whole body, as if it is no longer owned by oneself in an instant!
Still hit!But how did they get the trick?How exactly did the Black Fire Spider King make their bodies immobile?She has been paying attention all the time, why didn't she find anything?Since she couldn't move her head, it was impossible for her to check what was going on around her.

There was already a lot of noise around, Xing Chenjie and Xing Chenyu's cursing, Candy Moon's crying, and An Ye Slayer's comforting voice all filled his ears.Can't help but make people feel more irritable, even if they want to calm down and think about it, they can't do it.

Just when she couldn't help but want to speak to calm them down, the noisy voice disappeared in an instant!As if they had made an appointment, several people shut their mouths at the same time!This makes Xueyan very strange, when did they have such a tacit understanding?

But it's good to be quiet, she can finally think about what's going on.It's a pity that before she could start thinking, her body moved by itself!
As if being pulled by something, his limbs twisted involuntarily.It feels like a puppet!Looking at other people from the corner of her eyes, Xue Yan found that they were just like herself, with stiff limbs and uncontrollable movements!
Now don't think about it, she understands what's going on!Because every time her limbs twisted, she could clearly feel that there was a very small energy fluctuation coming from her side, to be precise, on her limbs!Just like the energy lines controlling Leng Ye Gu Xing and the others before are the same, but this time they are not red but colorless and transparent!
In other words, they were all controlled by the Black Fire Spider King!And if they could look up at this moment, they would definitely find that every time the Blackfire Spider King moved its furry claws, their bodies would also move accordingly.

But when exactly were they controlled?
In fact, as early as when the Xuanhuo Spider King started weaving the web, he had already started to scatter some extremely special spider silk around them.This kind of spider silk is not only thinner than ordinary spider silk, but also more transparent and difficult to be noticed by people.In addition, the stickiness of this kind of spider silk is extremely strong, more than ten times that of ordinary spider silk.Once stuck to something, it's hard to get rid of it.Coupled with its super elasticity and flexibility, even if it bears a weight of hundreds of kilograms, there will be no problem at all.

When the spider web was completed, a large amount of spider silk had been scattered around them and had unknowingly stuck to everyone's body.But at this moment, another function of this special spider silk began to play its role.Every strand of spider silk is no longer just attached to their clothes, but has already penetrated their clothes, penetrated into their skin, and entered their bodies unknowingly!
And at this time, while the Black Fire Spider King tightened the spider silk it released, he also completely controlled their bodies!And the reason why their consciousness is left alone without manipulation is that it consumes more energy than manipulating the body.Secondly, only when they are awake can they feel the process of death more clearly!

The body didn't seem to be twisting wildly anymore, but after a short stop, it was pulled upwards by a powerful force.Since they didn't feel it, they only realized that they were being dragged towards that huge spider web when they saw other people's bodies gradually leaving the ground!

It's just that while pulling upwards, Xueyan vaguely caught a glimpse of Ye who didn't seem to be dragged away with them.Still standing there quietly, motionless.Xueyan was not sure whether he was also being controlled, and wanted to tell him to go quickly, but found that she couldn't make any sound since she didn't know when!Later, because of the angle, she could no longer see his figure.

Now how to do?Xueyan tried to use energy induction to gather water system energy, but unexpectedly discovered that the originally full water system energy became extremely scarce.After several efforts, she finally gathered a Frostbolt when everyone was dragged to the net.Without thinking about it, the Frost Arrow hit a spider thread that she could feel!
But the spider silk didn't break as she expected, instead it knocked her Frostbolt into pieces!It was only then that Xueyan remembered that their previous violent attacks did not seem to break half of the nearby spider silk, which showed that the spider silk's ability to resist blows was far beyond their imagination.

For the first time, she felt powerless!The sense of powerlessness that can only be manipulated by others, but has no way to resist, not only fills her heart, but also spreads in everyone's heart!Everyone's eyes widened, seeing the impending danger, but they were all at a loss.

When the spider silk pulled them onto the web, everyone stuck to it like little flying insects.It's just that the flying insects still have the ability to struggle, but they can't even do it.Then the giant black fire spider king quickly walked to the nearest candy moon and the night killer, and immediately frightened the candy moon, which was already on the verge of collapse, to faint.

However, her coma fell right on the wrong side. According to the system settings, her condition also belongs to the abnormal fading of consciousness. Although her body is still in the game, she will not suffer any harm.It's just because her body was in the arms of the Night Slayer from the beginning due to fear, and later when her body couldn't move, it couldn't be separated at all, so now her body is still close to him.So when the Blackfire Spider King sprayed spider silk at the Night Killer, he still wrapped her body in it.

Afterwards, the Blackfire Spider King walked towards the others, wrapping them up one by one with spider silk.When it came to Xueyan, when the huge mouthparts appeared in front of her eyes, even though she had never been afraid of spiders, she felt fearful of this huge monster at this moment.Every part of the spider's mouthparts was so clear in her eyes, and the fluff all over her body was even more uncomfortable.

However, her mind didn't last long, and soon she couldn't see anything.She was wrapped in sticky spider silk from head to toe, and the stench of spider saliva made her dizzy.If it takes longer, I'm afraid that even if the spider doesn't eat her, she will be suffocated to death by the smell!

But when things got to this point, she felt calm.Judging from the current situation, they can't escape death no matter what. It doesn't make any sense whether they are afraid or not.However, the only thing she worried about was the night.He has not been taken back to the pet space before, and I don't know if he knows how to escape.

Although he said that he would not let himself die here, she really didn't think there was anything he could do to save them all under such circumstances.If it was him in his prime, she still had some confidence in him.But now, even if he really has a way, I'm afraid he still has to do his best!But she would rather die here than want him to be in any danger.It's a pity that she didn't tell him this sentence just now, and now she can only hope that all this will end soon, instead of giving him a chance to take risks.

But the more she wanted to die, the Blackfire Spider King remained silent.It didn't inject the venom from its mouth into their bodies immediately after wrapping them in spider silk as they thought.Let the venom work its way through their bodies, and turn them into its meal.It didn't seem to be in a hurry to eat them, and after wrapping them all up with the spider silk, it crawled back to lie down in the middle of the spider web again.

There was silence all around, and because her body had lost consciousness, Xueyan didn't know that the Black Fire Spider King had left her side.It just subconsciously tightened the nerves of the brain, waiting for the final blow from the Black Fire Spider King.

Death may not be terrible, but the process of waiting for death is a kind of torture to people's spirit.Xueyan felt that her nerves were about to burst, but she still didn't get anything.

However, just when she couldn't hold on, suddenly there was a loud noise in her ear!After a loud noise, there was the urgent cry of the Black Fire Spider King.Then Xueyan felt very violent energy fluctuations coming from all directions.After that, a series of heavy impact sounds came to Xue Yan's ears.This was mixed with the angry cry of the Blackfire Spider King, and bursts of piercing sounds like metal rubbing against each other.

The situation seemed very chaotic, but Xueyan knew that Ye must have launched the attack.Since she couldn't see anything, her heart was hanging from the moment the voice sounded.There is no way to help him, Xue Yan can only secretly pray that nothing will happen to him!

"Boom—" There was another loud noise, and then she felt more energy rushing over.It's just that the energy doesn't seem to be completely Ye's magic element, and there seems to be a lot of earth energy mixed in it!
How is this going?Where does the earth energy come from?
Before she could react, Xueyan immediately felt a violent shaking!The ups and downs, like being on a boat on the sea, made her unprepared feel nauseous.

It took her a long time to realize that her body had regained consciousness!
But even so, how can she escape from the cocoon of spider silk?

(End of this chapter)

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