Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 155 Huge Egg

Chapter 155 Huge Egg
Seeing his idiotic look, Xue Yan was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help but feel happy.

"Hey, let me tell you, are you okay? It's not amnesia, is it? If not, go aside quickly, there are still things waiting for you to do!"

Xue Yan's voice made Dark Night Killer seem to wake up a little bit, remembering that they seemed to be doing a mission, and then someone seemed to have disappeared, so they went back to look for it together.And then what?He has no memory, not at all.Still staring blankly at the three people standing beside him, his blank expression turned into surprise and bewilderment again.

"Why did you freeze them? And even I..." Feeling a chill on his body, the Dark Night Killer looked down and found that the hem of his clothes was covered with ice shards.Immediately the doubtful eyes turned into anger!
It's a pity that Xueyan didn't have the time to pay attention to him at the moment. Facing the angry look he cast, she only answered him with a few sharp ice arrows!
Because he was standing too close to the other three people, the ice arrow that Xue Yan used to cut off the controlled energy of the three people almost hit his cheek.At first, the Dark Night Killer didn't react, but when he realized what had just happened, large drops of sweat were streaming down his face, and the clothes on his back were already soaked with cold sweat!Then he could only watch Xue Yan pass by him without saying a word!

Finally solved the problem of these four people, Xueyan hurriedly went to join Ye and Tangtang.Without using any other skills, he used "Ice Archery" to attack the ball of light.Since the cooling time of "Ice Archery" is the shortest among all attack skills, it can basically be ignored.So she can use it uninterrupted, and she doesn't have to worry about any consumption.

For a moment, ice arrows were continuously condensed around Xue Yan, and then shot towards the ball of light.The speed is so fast, it's like shooting several Frostbolts at the same time!With her joining the attack, the brightness on the ball of light seemed to become dimmer all of a sudden!

Not long after, Leng Yegu Xing, Xing Chenjie, and Xing Chenyu also recovered their minds at the same time, and completely got rid of the control of the light sphere.Although they were confused for a short time like the Dark Night Killer, when they saw Xue Yan and the others who were attacking with all their strength, they rushed over to help without saying a word.

With their addition, the damage output is significantly higher again.It not only offsets the energy recovered by the light ball, but also makes its light even dimmer.Without the cover of light, the ball of light gradually revealed its true colors.A huge sphere like a pearl gradually appeared in front of everyone!

The crystal smooth surface, with dreamy pink light flowing on it, makes the entire light ball look even more luxurious and magnificent!But why did Xue Yan feel an evil aura from above in addition to these feelings?
But even though the thing was beautiful and tempting, no one stopped what they were doing, and the fierce offensive continued.It's just that some people looked at the light ball with a bit more regret!If this thing were put in reality, it would be very, very valuable!
The crisp sound of "snap" made everyone's attacks pause slightly, and when they moved their gazes up, they saw an obvious crack had appeared on the top of the huge ball of light.

"Finally I see hope. I thought this thing couldn't be broken! If it hadn't been broken, I would have been exhausted by it!" Xingchenjie looked at the crack with excitement and the speed of his hand He couldn't help but speed up a bit.

"How long have you been fighting! Are you embarrassed to call yourself tired?" Xueyan kept attacking, and at the same time made a contemptuous gesture at him.After thinking about it, he added: "It seems that it is necessary to give you some special training after you go back, so as to save you from lack of stamina in protracted battles in the future."

"Uh, Senior Sister, just pretend that I didn't say anything, okay?" Xue Yan's words made him stagger, almost tripped him, and pleaded to Xue Yan.I'm afraid that if she does what she says, then she will be miserable!

"Then you'd better behave better now, maybe I'll let you go when I'm in a good mood!" Ignoring his bitter face, Xueyan was thinking.

Before he finished speaking, Xing Chenjie swung his long sword even harder and slashed towards the ball of light.But when I saw Xing Chenyu's leisurely movements and mocking eyes, I was so depressed, so forget about it!Now he finally knows what it means to have trouble come out of your mouth!If I didn't say anything just now, what's the use of working so hard!

As time passed by every minute and every second, there were more and more cracks on the light sphere, and the light became dimmer.The pink light had disappeared at some point, and at the same time, the crystal round appearance looked as rough as an eggshell at the moment!
"Hiss—" Xueyan seemed to hear an extremely weak sound, a bit like something screaming, but also like the sound of forcing something out!The voice was so small that she almost thought she was hallucinating!

Xue Yan couldn't help but stop her attack, wanting to confirm whether there was such a sound coming out.If so, where did this sound come from?And what is it coming from?

"Did you hear anything too?" Seeing her stop attacking, Leng Ye Guxing also stopped his movements and asked in a deep voice.He also heard that strange sound, but it was too quiet, and most of the time it was covered up by other people's attacks.Because it was intermittent, he was never sure whether the sound really existed.

"Well, it's too small, so I can't tell where it's coming from." Xue Yan nodded and said, since she wasn't the only one who heard this sound, it definitely wasn't a problem with her ears.The voice must be real!
After the others heard the conversation between the two, they couldn't help but stop their actions.Everyone has different expressions on their faces, some are doubtful, some agree, some are thoughtful, and some are not serious.In short, it is very easy to see the attitude of each of them from their faces.

Since everyone stopped attacking, the "hiss" naturally became clear, and people who hadn't heard anything before finally heard that weird sound at this moment.And those who had heard it before, in addition to hearing it more clearly, finally knew where the sound came from.

The sound came from that ball of light!

Walking to the edge of the ball of light, Xueyan reached out and knocked on the surface full of cracks.But the sound is very dull, it doesn't sound like it's hollow inside.Xueyan looked at the huge sphere suspiciously, and the voice came to her ears more clearly at this moment.It's not hollow, and the sound is still coming from inside. Could it be that there is something inside that fills up this huge sphere with a diameter of five meters?So how big does the thing itself have to be?
"This thing looks rough, but it's quite smooth to the touch! Hey, what's on top of this? Why is it sticky?"

Xueyan, who was thinking, was interrupted by the sudden voice of Candy Moon.He turned his head and saw that she was standing not far away from him, staring curiously at the transparent and slimy liquid on his hand that had just touched the surface of the sphere.Xueyan quickly looked at her hand, and there was some transparent mucus on the back of her hand that she had just struck on the surface of the sphere, but she had just been paying attention to the sound, so she didn't feel it.

What is the slime for?Xueyan rubbed the mucus on the back of her hand lightly with her fingers, and at the same time moved it to her nose to ask, there was a faint fishy smell on it.Looking carefully at the surface of the sphere, she realized that the mucus actually seeped out from those cracks!

"It seems that this sphere should be filled with this kind of mucus. And there is a fishy smell on it. I think this sphere is probably some animal's egg!" Xueyan just thought of it, but Leng Yeguxing said it first. come out.

"Eggs? What can produce such eggs? And with such a big egg, how big will the hatched thing be?" The Dark Night Killer watched and listened for a long time, although he felt that what he said was very important. It might be true, but I still couldn't help but ask.But the tone was more surprised than confused!
The thing is indeed a bit strange, but apart from this explanation, Xueyan and the others can't think of any other reason.And according to this inference, if they break the shell of this egg (well, let's call it an egg!), wouldn't that release the contents?It was obvious that whatever was inside, it was definitely alive!
What is before them now is a very difficult question to choose.If this egg is broken, then they have to face the monster that comes out of it, and any possibility exists.It took them so much effort just for its egg shell, and the things inside are absolutely impossible to deal with.But if they don't break it, not only they may not be able to complete the task, but they will definitely not be able to leave here!Because if the egg is not destroyed, the five-element array will never be broken!

To fight or not to fight?

But before they could make a choice, a more crisp sound came from the surface of the eggshell.The egg shell, which was already full of cracks, obviously could no longer withstand the huge pressure generated by the contents inside, and was about to shatter!

The continuous crisp sound made the group of people retreat quickly.It seems that the situation no longer allows them to choose, and they must face the monster that is about to hatch from the egg!
More and more slime flowed out of the crack and dripped to the ground.After a while, the whole cave was filled with a fishy smell.But everyone didn't bother to cover their noses with their hands. They all looked at the giant egg with vigilance, grabbing the weapons in their hands and getting ready to attack at any time.

Finally, after a "wow", the egg shell was completely broken.A large amount of mucus poured out to the ground, and a huge red and black object fell onto the pool of mucus!

But before they could see clearly what it was that fell out, the cave suddenly became pitch black, and they couldn't see anything!
(End of this chapter)

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