Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 154 Accuracy

Chapter 154 Accuracy
"It's really fast! Why didn't I know their speed could be so fast before? It seems that after they wake up, it is necessary to tap their potential!" Seeing them rushing towards him, Xue Yan not only did not dodge, but also stood there talking to herself.

Seeing that the four of them were less than five meters away from her, a thick water dragon charged forward, pushing them over ten meters away in the blink of an eye!Even though several people are under control, it is still unforgivable for daring to trouble her!While repelling them, Xueyan's "Frozen Thousand Miles" unceremoniously enveloped them!

But after being controlled, the four people seemed to have been greatly improved in terms of attack power, defense power, and reaction speed.Although they were repelled by Xueyan's waterspout, they still made dodge moves before the ice fog arrived.

But their speed is fast, and Xueyan's reaction is not slow!Immediately after the ice fog, several ice arrows were fired in succession and fixed on the four people's dodging route!The four of them couldn't dodge in time, although they were not frozen by "Frozen Miles", but the parts below the waist were frozen firmly!

This method is simple and effective! , although the upper bodies of the four people are still struggling, but there is no effect.It's just that the only disadvantage of doing this is that the blood bars of the four people have dropped by at least 1/3, and the Night Slayer has even been cut by more than half!It made Xueyan have to quickly add blood to them, lest they all die.

"Xue, you're finally here!" Seeing her safe and sound in front of them, Candy Moon happily waved at her and wanted to run towards her at the same time!

"Don't come here, I'm not safe here! We'd better hurry up and destroy that ball of light, we'll talk about it later!" Seeing that she was about to leave Ye's protective circle, Xue Yan hurriedly stopped her.

What a joke, she can't take care of her typical accidental person now.These few people alone are enough for her to keep busy, and she doesn't have the energy to take care of her anymore!
Candy Moon opened his mouth and said nothing, Huihui and Ye launched an offensive against the ball of light.He was probably pressed and beaten by those four people just now, and they all got angry.Candy Moon's skills were almost uninterrupted, and all of them hit the ball of light with all their brains.And this time also showed her advantage as an attack warlock, she has all attack skills, as long as she has MP, she is not afraid of not being able to catch up without skills!
But as soon as they started attacking, the four people who were frozen on the ground started to turn their heads towards them.The hostile eyes stared at the figures of the two of them tightly, wishing to rush up and tear them into pieces.It seems that whoever attacks the ball of light, they will attack whoever.

But if this is the case, the problem is much simpler.When the frozen time was over, they broke free immediately and rushed towards the night and the candy moon.And when they were about to run to the middle, Xueyan's ice arrow shot at the ball of light again, and the movements of the four people were obviously paused.They seemed to be hesitating, but the hesitation didn't last long, and the four of them continued to rush towards Ye and the two of them.

When they approached, Ye immediately stopped attacking and switched to defense.There is no way, if he attacks, none of the four of them will survive!
Seeing that Ye Ye stopped attacking, Xueyan released ice arrows towards the ball of light again.But this time, she became the target of hatred of those four people again.At this point, Xueyan understood that if it is said that whoever attacks the light ball, they will hate that person, if several people attack the light ball at the same time, whoever has the greater attack power will have greater hatred towards him.If the target of their attack stops attacking and someone else continues to attack, they will immediately change the target of the attack.

In this way, things seem to be much easier, she can use "Frozen Miles" to drag them down, and then let Ye and Candy Moon attack the light ball.When the effect of the skill passes, Ye and the others just need to stop attacking, and then she will attack the ball of light, attract them back and trap them, and there will be no problem at all!
A full hour!Yiye's super high attack still lasted for an entire hour!The light on the huge ball of light finally became dim.And as its light weakened, Leng Ye Guxing and the four of them struggled significantly weakened, and even their eyes no longer looked so fierce.

But even so, the sphere of light was still not destroyed.Xueyan couldn't help sighing that the eyes are really solid!But who on earth made such a big commotion and set up such a formation?What is his purpose?This formation seems to be the kind of passive defense formation, rather than active attack.That is to say, the person who set up the formation wants to use this formation to protect something, or to hide something!
I saw that there are other secrets hidden here, and it should be a big secret!

As Leng Ye Lone Star and the others' movements became slower, Xue Yan would also have free hands to attack the light ball.But no matter how they fought, the light ball seemed to always remain in that state and would not be damaged.

"Ye, is it my illusion? Why do I always feel that the ball of light seems to be able to repair itself?" After more than an hour passed, Xueyan asked after observing for a long time.She always felt as if energy was constantly rushing towards the light ball to replenish its lost energy, which is why it has not broken down for so long.

"It's not an illusion, it's true!"

Ye seemed to be using his thoughts to control Tian Mie to attack, but he didn't see him make a move. He just stood there with his hands behind his back, and Tian Mie automatically and continuously launched attacks towards the light ball.

"This is the biggest feature of the five-element array! As long as the five elements are continuous, energy will be continuously generated and poured in here. If our attack cannot exceed the speed provided by the energy, then we can do nothing but consume it like this. Efforts will be all in vain." Ye's voice was still calm, sounding like the whole thing had nothing to do with him.

He is the one who contributes the most, right?If it is said that hard work is in vain, then it is his strength that is wasted the most, right?How could he downplay inappropriateness so lightly?
Xueyan looked at him speechlessly, and casually threw out another blood recovery skill to Leng Ye Guxing and the others.What a headache, a few of them can't recover, it's just the three of them, what are they going to do to increase the damage output?And all she can do now is assist the attack, and she has to devote most of her thoughts to those four people, so as not to catch her off guard!
It is certain that the four of them are controlled by the light ball!That light ball is the energy core that activates this formation, so even if they are not directly controlled, they are still closely connected with the light ball.But the question is how can she cut off her control over them?

It was impossible for Ye and Candy Moon to increase their attack power now, and since she had to deal with the four of them, it was impossible for her to use all her skills to attack the light sphere.Besides, even if it is used, the attack power will not increase much compared to now.After all, her water attribute attack skills are so limited, and the dancer's skills are not suitable for use on objects without thinking.So she had no choice but to bring them back to normal.

Tentatively using energy sensing on them, this is the first time Xueyan has used this skill on a player, and she has no idea what effect it will produce.

Soon she felt that among the dense water energy around her, the green wood energy on Xing Chenyu, the golden gold energy on An Ye Slayer, and the gray non-attributes of Leng Ye Gu Xing and Xing Chen Jie She can feel the energy very clearly!But other than that, she also felt that there was a very subtle red energy on their bodies that was very perceptible, one end was wrapped around their heads, and the other end was leading to that huge ball of light!
The facts once again verified the correctness of her deduction, they were indeed controlled by the light sphere!But just feeling it is not enough, how to cut off the energy like the red western line is the most critical and important issue!

A blue ice arrow has been formed around Xueyan, but it stayed by her side and was not released.Xueyan focused all her attention on controlling the red energy of the Dark Night Killer, until she completely and completely locked the energy, Frostbolt shot out, and at the fastest speed it could reach, towards the tiny Energy flew by.

"Collapse" is like breaking a tight string, the red energy was broken by the ice arrow in an instant!Before she could confirm whether the Night Slayer could wake up, she received a prompt from the system.

"Congratulations to the player Xue Yan for making full use of energy sensing, further mastering the control of energy, understanding the accuracy of passive skills, greatly improving the accuracy of skill attacks, and reducing mistakes."

For such a reminder, Xueyan can be said to have no surprises.She had heard similar prompts too many times, and she couldn't help but feel a little proud—it turns out that comprehending skills is not a very difficult thing!

But this is not the result she wanted. What she cares most now is whether the blow just now will have any effect!If not, she will think of something else immediately!

The waiting process was long, and Xueyan used "Frozen Miles" at least twice to stop their actions, but the Night Slayer just stood there, neither continuing to attack her nor showing signs of waking up, making her It's not that she continues to do that, and it's not that she doesn't.

Just when Xueyan was about to give up this method, Dark Night Killer suddenly moved!He turned his head and looked around, the red light in his eyes had disappeared completely, and the only thing left was confusion!It took him a long time to open his mouth, and he asked Leng Ye Gu Xing beside him with great doubts: "What is this place?"

(End of this chapter)

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