Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 138 Candy Acid Rain

Chapter 138 Candy Acid Rain
In the reminder of Leng Ye Lone Star, the colorful candy crystal dragon has changed.The crystal dragon, which was only floating two meters above the ground, soared to a height of about 10 meters before it took shape.Then all the green "soft mud" gathered together, but they didn't merge into one, and there were still some gaps between them.

What are they going to do?Xueyan couldn't explain it, but she had a very bad feeling that something very troublesome would happen.After stopping his movements, the "waterspout" came out and hit the group of green things.

The blue water dragon spun at high speed, and rushed towards the green unformed crystal dragon, only to disperse those green "dark clouds" in an instant.But before Xue Yan had time to be happy, those green things started to gather together again.

When she wanted to use it again, she realized that the skill had a cooldown time, so it couldn't be used at all!

"Yu, is there anything in your skills that can disperse them? Use it quickly, and you must not let them form!" Now it is obviously impossible to stop them on her own.

"Lu Wu, don't hold back your flame bombs, try them out quickly!" Knowing that this is a critical moment, Xing Chenjie also greeted Lu Wu.

For a while, Xing Chenyu's "green vine dance" and Lu Wu's "flame bomb" greeted the sky together, and once again shocked the gathered crystal dragon fragments.Although Lu Wu's "flame bomb" can be fired in succession, Xing Chenyu's skills also have a long cooling time, and Lu Wu's attack power alone is still not enough.After several consecutive attacks, in the middle of the gap, those green fragments finally gathered together and successfully transformed into shape!
Dozens of colorful candy crystal dragons circled and danced in the sky, but they didn't immediately attack Xueyan and the others as usual, they just danced in the sky, as if they were waiting for something.

Seeing their unusual actions, Xue Yan felt her heart sinking continuously.Why are they preparing for such abnormal behavior?When the cooldown time of the skill passed, Xue Yan once again hit the "waterspout" into the air.However, the scene she expected did not appear. When the "waterspout" collided with the green crystal dragon, a green crystal wall easily bounced the water dragon away!
After seeing this scene, the others also showed unbelievable expressions. Xing Chenyu still couldn't believe that the crystal dragon with low defense could resist their attacks. After the skill cooling time expired, he used the skill again.The turquoise vine whip was drawn heavily into the air, but his attack was still dispelled by the crystal wall!
The crystal dragons in mid-air danced in circles in a counterclockwise direction.Looking from below, they looked like a huge green vortex!And as they danced, the surrounding air seemed to be moved, and gusts of cold wind blew up on the top of the mountain, and the wind was also mixed with the smell of apples emitted by the crystal dragon after it turned green.

"Uh, if we escape now, is there still time?" Lu Wu asked hesitantly and timidly at the edge of the mountain top.

"What do you think?" Feeling ashamed, Xing Chenjie glared fiercely and asked gloomily.Why did he have such a lazy and cowardly pet?Fortunately, it is still some kind of ancient spirit beast, so I am too sorry for its name!
Lu Wu looked up at the sky, and the "green vortex" was constantly expanding, as if it was going to cover the entire Crazy Candy Paradise.In this case, the result will be the same wherever it escapes.Unless Xing Chenjie took it back to the pet space, it could only obediently wait with them for the final result.

Walking back to Xing Chenjie's side dejectedly, Lu Wu suddenly looked at them with hopeful eyes and asked: "Do you have a way to resist the 'candy acid rain'?"

"Candy Acid Rain? What is that? Is it the skill that this dragon is about to activate?" Xueyan asked in surprise, then thought of something and added: "Is this its fusion skill?"

"It turns out that you don't know what it's going to do? This is miserable!" Now Lu Wu was completely desperate, and couldn't help but wailed loudly.

"If you ask me, just tell me quickly, where is there so much nonsense? If there are so many things, be careful and I will let you stay outside later, and let the acid rain turn you into a mangy cat!" Xing Chenjie couldn't bear it and kicked Lu Wu , and cursed angrily at the same time.

"Master, so you didn't intend to keep me here? Well, you are so kind, master!" Lu Wu was so moved that he almost burst into tears, but when he saw Xing Chenjie's face was ashen, he waited for him. At that moment, his expression immediately became serious and serious.It's embarrassing how quickly the face changes!
"Ahem, the current situation is the precursor to the colorful candy crystal dragon's fusion skills, and its fusion skills are actually an evolution of the 'strong effect acid' - candy acid rain! Once activated, the entire crazy candy paradise cannot escape Overwhelmed by acid rain."

"Is this its strongest skill?" Xueyan looked at the sky and thought for a while and asked.At this moment, the "green vortex" has covered most of the sky of Crazy Candy Land, and the light has become very dim. I am afraid that the acid rain will come soon.

"It should be so. When the clan leader first introduced it to me, he didn't mention what other skills it had!" Lu Wu thought about it carefully before answering.

If this is the case, then it must consume a lot of energy, and maybe it can use up all its energy!Xueyan stared at the sky carefully, the center point of the vortex, and repeatedly considered the feasibility of the plan in her mind.

Time is running out, so it's decided!Xueyan made up her mind to wave her hand to call out Mengmai again, turned over and stepped onto the horse's back, with her legs pinched lightly, Mengmai flew into the air immediately!

"Xueyan, what are you going to do?" The sudden move made everyone take no precautions, and it was too late to stop her.

Xueyan didn't answer, but instructed Mengmai to rush towards the center of the "green vortex".In her mind, the reason why the colorful candy crystal dragon didn't activate its skills immediately was not only because the skills had to cover a very large area, but also because it required a very long process of cohesion.It's like they use skills, they gather the energy in the natural environment first, and then release it concentratedly.It's just that their skills are simple, so the process of condensing energy can be ignored.

According to Lu Wu, the crystal dragon stores a large amount of energy in its body, and uses and transforms it appropriately when needed.In addition, in the process of splitting and evolving the crystal dragon, each split dragon has equal strength.So she concluded that the crystal dragon had already stored all the energy in its body evenly in each of the split dragons.

In this case, if it wants to use such a powerful skill, then it must regroup the energy scattered in other dragons!And that gathering point, Xueyan guessed, is in the center of the vortex!
Yes, all this is just her personal guess.As for her own guess, she is only [-]% sure at most, not [-]%.But she didn't have any extra time to verify her own conjecture, and the fusion skill was about to be activated. If she didn't take any action, the few of them might really have to confess here.

When she reached the center of the vortex, she immediately noticed that the colorful candy crystal dragon in the middle was obviously different from the other dragons.Although the body is also green, the other dragons only emit green light, but that dragon emits a faint colorful light!
Without any hesitation, Xueyan's skills immediately greeted the dragon.But it was still useless, all the skills were once again dissolved by the green crystal wall.No matter how many times she tried, the result was the same.

what should I do?Anxiety and worry filled her whole body.

Suddenly, there was a commotion from the nightmare below him. On the high horse's head, the eyes looking at the crystal dragon were full of angry light.Although Mengmao can't speak, Xueyan still clearly felt the dissatisfaction and anger after the supreme dignity was challenged.It seemed very eager to teach this monster that challenged its dignity a harsh lesson!

How did she forget it?Although the rank is unknown, its powerful attributes should be enough to deal with this crystal dragon!Thinking of this, Xueyan immediately gave an order to Mengyan: "Mengyan, aim at the guy in the middle and cast soul lightning!"

Upon hearing her words, Nightmare immediately neighed and raised its front hooves in the air.Immediately afterwards, from the shining silver horn on its head, a bolt of lightning as thick as the mouth of a bowl whizzed out, and quickly hit the direction of the crystal dragon shining with colorful lights.

There was a cracking sound of "bang", and the lightning easily broke through the green crystal wall, and rushed towards the crystal dragon without the slightest pause.

"Oh—" the dragon let out a mournful moan immediately after being struck by the lightning, and its emerald green body was completely scorched black by the lightning!But it didn't die, it was still struggling and hovering in the air.

Seeing this, Xueyan used "Water Spout" and gave the order to Nightmare again, asking it to use its other skill - Purgatory Flame!In an instant, the entire sky was enveloped in a sea of ​​fire. Dozens of crystal dragons rolled and screamed in the burning flames. Within a moment, all the dragons, including the colorful crystal dragon, were transformed into a sea of ​​fire. ash!

Finally got through the crisis again!Xueyan looked at the clear sky again, and the voice of the system prompting her to kill the colorful candy crystal dragon, the final boss of Crazy Candy Paradise, was heard next to her ears, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when she was about to return to the ground, suddenly a shiny object flashed past her eyes and fell towards the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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