Chapter 137
Just as Lu Wu was about to continue to say something, the "yellow crystal" fragments in front of them changed strangely.The pieces of translucent fragments actually emitted a light yellow light!And as the light gradually became stronger, the pieces that were originally hard became softer!
Immediately afterwards, the softened pieces began to move closer together, and then the pieces actually melted together!In the end, in front of them, two groups of shapeless yellow ooze formed!
"What's the situation?" Xing Chenjie couldn't help asking, everything here was unusual, he couldn't guess what would happen next!
"This is what I am going to tell you. Although the colorful candy crystal dragon is very vulnerable, it is the same as all candy monsters, that is, it also has the function of splitting! When it is killed, it will quickly split It split into two, and what you see now is the whole process of its splitting!"

As if to verify its words, the two yellow ooze-like things in front of my eyes gradually began to take shape.And as they gradually took shape, two yellow crystal dragons that were much smaller than before appeared in front of them!
As soon as the two crystal dragons took shape, they launched a frenzied attack on them again.But after Xueyan used "Frozen Miles" again, the two dragons quickly turned into pieces again!Then the same situation happened again and again in front of them, two dragons became four, and four became eight!

"Uh, what will happen if it keeps splitting like this?" Xing Chenyu looked at the crystal dragon that was alive and dead, and felt a little sympathetic for it for a while.Although it is called a dragon, it is so fragile that it can only be abused by others!

"I don't know, I only saw it once a long time ago, so I don't know much about it." Lu Wu shook his head, giving the same sympathetic look to the crystal dragon.It's a pity that it is also a spirit beast after all, and it is so miserable to be tortured to death so easily!

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Xueyan, the only one who had fought against Crystal Dragon, said with a serious expression when she heard their conversation.Although every time the crystal dragon was split, she killed it in one hit, but she still felt the subtle changes between them.

From being crushed to being fused and formed, it takes about 1 minute, but this process is gradually shortened.And when it takes shape, the speed of launching attacks seems to be faster and faster every time.The time from freezing to shattering is getting longer every time.Although the changes were so small that others didn't notice them at all, they still explained a problem.That is, every split makes this colorful candy crystal dragon stronger!
Her conjecture was soon confirmed. When the crystal dragon merged into shape again, before she had time to cast her skills, Shiliu Tiao had already launched an attack.Different from the previous attack methods, this time they no longer use dragon whiskers to attack, but grow their mouths and open their huge mouths.Groups of yellow things formed in their mouths, and then sprayed out towards them at the same time!

And at the same time as those crystal dragons sprayed, Xueyan also used her skills again.Those yellow transparent things met Xue Yan's ice mist in the air before they reached them.Just after a short pause, the lumps of things were immediately frozen and fell to the ground.But not long after falling to the ground, cracks appeared in the outer ice layer, and traces of yellow liquid seeped out from the inside out!
Although those crystal dragons were killed again after the blow, the yellow things they sprayed out were still there, and the traces of yellow liquid penetrated the ice layer and flowed to the ground, making a "sizzling" noise. Corrosive sound!
"Lu Wu, what is this? Do you know?" Xue Yan immediately asked Lu Wu.Fortunately, these things did not get on his body just now, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

After Lu Wu heard her words, he walked to the nearest puddle of yellow liquid. At this moment, the ice layer outside the yellow liquid had already been corroded.Lu Wu sniffed the pool of yellow liquid with his nose, and then immediately backed away.

"This is the unique ability of the colorful candy crystal dragon - powerful acid. This thing is very corrosive. Fortunately, it didn't touch it just now, otherwise it would definitely burn a big hole." Lu Wu retreated When he came to Xingchenjie's side, he said with some fear.

Hearing its words, Xueyan's heart skipped a beat. Looking at the crystal dragon that had begun to gradually condense, Xueyan hurriedly ordered: "Yu, you guard over there. Once the crystal dragon takes shape, it will attack immediately. Don't let them again." There is a chance to attack. Xing, Jie, you two are always ready to support!"

Xueyan herself, after a little hesitation, stopped using "Frozen Thousand Miles" and switched to "Tiannv Scattering Flowers".The reason for switching to this skill is because "Tiannv Sanhua" is a sustainable attack skill, which can attack the opponent as soon as the monster takes shape.But there are also disadvantages, that is, it is impossible to block the monster's attack, and once a target slips through the net, she will become the first target of the monster!

When all the crystal dragons were condensed again, the number had reached 32 at this time.Although each one was nearly half smaller than the crystal dragon I saw at first, such a large number was enough to surround them, without any chance of escaping.

I don't know how many times it was split, the entire mountain top has already been shrouded by the colorful candy crystal dragon.In the constant splitting of the crystal dragon, the attack power has been greatly improved.What's more, it only took one hit to kill a dragon, but now it takes at least three or four attacks to kill a dragon. Not only the defense has been improved, but the blood volume has also doubled.

Although each of them was careful, they still couldn't completely avoid being injured by the "strong effect acid" it spewed out.Xueyan wanted to continue to launch attacks while also taking care of the work of treatment, so she felt very stressed for a while.

"Lu Wu, when will it be divided? It can't be divided endlessly like this, right?" Xing Chenjie asked quickly while panting after a battle.If this continues, even if he is not corroded to death by those strong acids, he will die of exhaustion sooner or later.

"I don't know either! I remember when the patriarch took me to see the colorful candy crystal dragon in its infancy, he seemed to have said that the evolutionary process of this creature is very strange. Under normal circumstances, the evolution speed of this dragon is very slow. Yes, it may not even evolve for thousands of years. But it has a very special ability, which is to store energy. And when it is attacked and starts to split, it is also the time for it to fully mobilize the energy in its body. That Over time, constant division will speed up its evolution.

The evolution stage of the colorful candy crystal dragon is divided by color, and every change of a color proves that it has completed another evolution.You can see that its color has completely changed from yellow to green, which proves that it has evolved to the fourth stage.As for when to stop, I guess it will have to wait until its energy is exhausted before it can stop! "

Although Lu Wu's words were a bit confusing, they still understood them in general.That is to say, the evolution rate of this kind of thing itself is slow, and what really makes it grow up is completely relying on fighting.Since there has been no chance of fighting here, all the energy it absorbs is stored in the body, and now their attacks just become the catalyst for its growth.Moreover, its evolution has infinite possibilities, because no one knows how much energy is still contained in its body.

I have to say that they were very unlucky this time. While creating a strong man with their own hands, they had to be prepared to be killed by it.What's even more unfortunate is that they don't even have the right to give up now.Because as early as when they killed the colorful candy crystal dragon for the first time, they received a system prompt, reminding them that they couldn't leave here until they completely killed the colorful candy crystal dragon!
Is it really necessary to wait until its energy is completely exhausted?But now they are already hard to resist. If it continues to evolve, they will have to be turned into water by those strong acids without waiting for its energy to run out!Is there no other way?Xueyan couldn't help feeling anxious.

For a moment, the surrounding atmosphere became extremely heavy. Apart from fighting monsters, everyone lowered their heads and meditated, trying to see if they could find a good solution. After all, no one wanted to hang around like this.

"Xueyan, do you think it is possible to let it burst out all of its energy at once?" Xu Jiu Leng Ye Gu Xing suddenly asked.

"Let it burst out all at once?" His opinion made Xue Yan fall into deep thought.

A one-off outbreak?If they want to unleash all their energy, they must first figure out what the energy accumulated by the colorful candy crystal dragon is being used for.Is it all used for evolution?No, it shouldn't be.Its continuous splitting and recondensation will definitely consume energy.And besides that, each of its attacks should also consume something.

So if you want its energy to be exhausted at once, you must start from these three aspects!But the problem also arises, let it consume all its energy on evolution, not to mention that it is impossible to do it, even if it can be done, if they do this, then once it evolves to the point where they have no way to resist, They still cannot escape death.

Or let it attack continuously, and then use this to exhaust its energy?It doesn't seem to be feasible. It is estimated that its energy has not been exhausted before they were drowned by its strong acid.

Then there is only one last way left, and that is to let it consume all its energy on splitting!If you find a way to stop its condensation speed, you should be able to consume its energy.But how to do this?Her freezing can't stop its recondensation process, and the others don't seem to have any suitable skills!

"Look, what are they going to do?" Before she could come up with a solution, the situation had already changed.Leng Ye Gu Xing's restless voice not only interrupted her thoughts, but also gave her a bad premonition.

(End of this chapter)

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