Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 134 Candy Is Crazy

Chapter 134 Candy Is Crazy

All kinds of candy monsters rushed towards Xueyan and the others, their fierce eyes made people feel that the taste of those candies had also become bitter.

But candies are candies after all, even though they put on fierce eyes, they are still so vulnerable.When Xueyan sprinkled a rain of petals, the pile of candy monsters disappeared under the attack of "Scattering Flowers".Although these candy monsters have no level, no matter in terms of defense or attack power, they are really vulnerable as the Night Killer said, and it can be said that they will die if they are touched.

Xueyan's "Tiannv Scattering Flowers", together with Xing Chenyu's wood group attack and poison powder attack, formed a powerful attack network, making up for each other's missed monsters.Leng Ye Gu Xing and Xing Chen Jie originally lacked range-based attack skills, but because the defense of Candy Monster is too low, they can kill a large area with a two-handed sword even without skills, which is more guaranteed Those monsters couldn't get close.

However, just killing those candy monsters in this way can't get reputation points, because every time you kill one, two will grow out, which doesn't count as completely killing it.According to the experience given by the Night Killer, only when those candy monsters can no longer continue to split, killing them is considered a real kill, and can gain reputation points.

When the first batch of monsters were all killed, more monsters appeared around them.And as the number of times killed increases, the number of monsters also continues to increase.There are layers of candy monsters around them, and after the sixth batch, some of the candy monsters actually started to attack from a long distance, which is not in the information given by the Night Killer.

Those candy monsters that look like cakes and ice cream can spray out a cream-like thing from a distance, which is sweet and sticky.Although it couldn't cause harm to them, when a large amount of such things were piled up on the body, the body's ability to move was immediately hindered.

"These sweet and greasy things are really uncomfortable! The hateful Night Killer didn't mention this monster and this hand." Xing Chenjie complained about the Night Killer while trying to shake off the "cream" sticking to his body. God deliberately punished them, and the information he gave actually concealed something!When I go back, I must make him look good!
"Stop complaining, let's clean up these things quickly! If there are too many of these things, we might become the first batch of players to be suffocated to death by 'cream'!" Leng Ye Gu Xing said casually After shaking off the ball of "cream" that had just been sprayed on his hand, he waved his sword again and said.

Although Xueyan was standing between the three of them and they blocked her, she was still sprayed by that kind of thing.At first it was just a little bit so I didn't feel it, but after being sprayed more and more times, the action had to slow down.And because too many fell to the ground, the range of action was actually reduced!If you are not careful, you will be slipped by that thing.Successive mistakes caused gaps in the skills.All of a sudden, a large group of candy monsters rushed towards them taking advantage of this gap.

"Frozen thousands of miles!" In desperation, Xueyan quickly thought of a remedy.In just an instant, the monsters around them were all frozen into ice cubes, and then all turned into ice powder and disappeared.What surprised them even more was that after the creamy things touched the ice fog, they were quickly frozen and peeled off from their bodies!
"Senior Sister, you recruited it just in time! Otherwise, if this continues, even if I am not exhausted by these things, I will also be tired of the sweet taste. I hate sweet things the most!" Xing Chen Yu said to Xueyan gratefully.

Ever since those monsters started spraying this kind of thing, Xing Chenyu has been frowning, enduring the sweet taste.Since he was a child, he hated sweet things the most, and whenever he ate sweets, he felt like vomiting.Although the reaction is not so strong after growing up, I still hate sweet things.It's hard for him to continue fighting after being smoked by this sweet and greasy smell for so long.

Xue Yan also did not expect that the effect of "Frozen Thousand Miles" would be so good, so she combined this move with "Scattering Flowers of the Heavenly Girl" and used it alternately, and finally blocked the "cream" attack of those candy monsters.

But the candy monsters are still splitting endlessly. If the Night Killer is not wrong, those monsters should stop splitting after the 10th batch. As long as that time comes, these monsters can be completely killed.But when they killed the 10th batch of monsters, the candy monsters split again, and the 11th batch quickly appeared in front of their eyes.

"KAO, what the hell kind of information did the Dark Night Killer give us? Why is it so inaccurate? I think he is sincerely looking for trouble for us! If we don't teach him a lesson when we go back, we won't be 'Devil Twins'!" Xing Chenjie said angrily, while slashing monsters with all his strength, he completely regarded these monsters in front of him as the God of Darkness.

When the 14th batch of monsters came out, they were all covered by such monsters within a range of nearly 20 meters around them.The countless monsters, one on top of the other, can be stacked to a height of half a meter!And it's not just that, in addition to continuing to spit "cream", those candy monsters have added new attack methods!

A candy monster that looked like a donut suddenly jumped up from the group of monsters. Its size grew rapidly in mid-air, and then it came to them.It feels like the ring game I played when I was a child. I took a bamboo ring and threw it at the objects placed in the distance, trying to use the bamboo ring to cover the things inside.But now they have become the ones covered.

The moment the "donut" fell, Leng Yeguxing swung his sword and split it in half!But on the other side, in a direction that Xing Chenyu didn't notice, there was another "doughnut" tucked towards him.Because he didn't pay attention, Xing Chenyu was caught in just one click.The "donut" shrank immediately after it was put on, binding his arms and body together like a big life buoy!
"I can't break free, come and help me!" The arm couldn't move anyway, and the attack area he was in charge of immediately became vacant. Seeing more monsters coming up, Xing Chenyu couldn't help but shouted anxiously.

Since they were each responsible for their own attack range, they didn't pay much attention to each other's situation.No one else noticed his condition until they heard his voice.Xueyan immediately used the "waterspout" to push the swarming monsters out again.And Leng Ye Guxing took advantage of this gap to cut off the monster bound to Xing Chenyu.

"Be careful of that kind of monster. If something like this happens again, we might all have to hang here." Xue Yan warned, the situation is getting more and more critical now.Although this kind of monster is easy to kill, they can't stop it from rising like a tide. If they split into several more batches, they will definitely drag these monsters to death!
After finally getting rid of the 14th batch of monsters, the 15th batch of monsters appeared in front of them immediately.Seeing that the number of monsters had doubled again, everyone couldn't help feeling a little overwhelmed.When will this kill be the head?

"Do you feel that there is something wrong with these strange reactions?" Leng Ye Guxing asked suddenly after killing for a while.

His words made the others slow down and their movements slowed down.Looking up at the monsters around, it seems that the offensive is much slower than before, and everyone's eyes can't help showing doubts.Could it be that these monsters also feel tired after attacking for a long time?
Suddenly a candy monster jumped up high, and then another one jumped up, and then more and more candy monsters jumped into the air.What's even more incredible is that after jumping into the air, they didn't fall down again, just floating in the air like that!
The candy monsters on the ground kept jumping into the air. Seeing such a strange scene, Xue Yan suddenly had a very bad premonition.

"Not good, they might need to use their combination skills!" Looking at the candy monsters piled up in the air, Xueyan reminded her, and at the same time she used the skill of "waterspout" hoping to stop them.

After being reminded by Xueyan, the others also immediately thought of the ultimate combination skill of the Candy Monster mentioned by the Night Killer - Candy Rain.Although I don't know what the effect of this skill is, but judging from the half-day fighting process just now, it is definitely very troublesome!
At this moment, everyone is showing off their abilities, hoping to prevent the activation of skills.Xingchenyu used his wood skill to grow strange vines and whip them into the air.Leng Ye Guxing put away his dagger and took out his flute, and used sonic attacks on them.Because the skills of both professions were useless here, Xingchenjie thought anxiously for a long time before he remembered Lu Wu and quickly released it to help in the battle.

"I said you, can you not only think of me at such times? Every time you call me out, there is nothing else to do except to fight monsters. And every time it is still in such a critical situation, you can't find some Is it safe to do it?" As soon as Lu Wu came out and saw the situation in front of him, he immediately attacked and complained to Xing Chenjie.

"Hey, I told you so much nonsense, hurry up and work for me, or be careful not to buy fish for you later!" Xing Chenjie stared and threatened, now he has no time to bargain with it.

As soon as Lu Wu heard that he was threatening him with fish, he immediately became honest and shut up obediently.Fish is its favorite, and it cannot live without fish for a day now. If it is not given fish to eat, it is better to let it die.Flapping his wings, he rushed into the pile of monsters. In order to have fish to eat, Lu Wu worked very hard to bite those candy monsters.

Not long after, everyone stopped their movements and stared blankly at Lu Wu rushing among the candy monsters in the sky.Since its addition, the candy monsters in the air are decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.But why is its size getting bigger and bigger?

Could it be that it swallowed all those candy monsters as snacks?
That's too scary, right?That's hundreds of thousands of candies!
(End of this chapter)

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