Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 133 Candy Tower

Chapter 133 Candy Tower

According to the God of Darkness, gaining reputation is actually a simple but not simple matter.It is simple because you only need to brush a very low-level monster. That kind of monster has a specific place. Although it is in the wild, there is a special NPC guarding the entrance, and then every person who comes Make a charge.After entering, you will find that it is like a dungeon, and players from different teams cannot meet together at all.So there is no need to worry about grabbing monsters, or encountering enemies and other problems.

And the reason why it is said that this is not a simple matter is because of this strange characteristic.This kind of monster used to gain reputation is called Candy Monster, and the reason for its name is determined by its appearance.But it is said to be candy, but in fact it contains all kinds of desserts, and each monster with different shapes has its own characteristics.So it is a kind of monster, and it is no different from dealing with many kinds of monsters when it is subdivided.Although there are many types, these monsters have a common characteristic, that is splitting!
The so-called split means that when you kill a monster, it splits into two.And after killing those two, four more will be split.And so on, the more you kill, the more it appears.It is said that the attack of this kind of monster is not high, but when the number of desserts around the player reaches a certain amount, they will launch a combined skill called candy rain.

Don't underestimate this fusion skill, 99% of all the players who went there to gain reputation died under this skill.As for the effect of the skill, Dark Night Killer didn't say anything, but judging from the lingering fear on his face, it is probably quite tricky.

"Xueyan, I think we have overlooked a problem." Leng Ye Guxing suddenly said on the way to collect the prestige location.

"What's the problem?" Xue Yan stopped and looked at him suspiciously.She couldn't remember what they had forgotten!

"The players who come to gain reputation are all players who are preparing to form gangs. Players like us who are wanted by NPCs, when we meet the NPC who is the gatekeeper, do you think we will be cut off by him? Or is he ignoring us and letting us in? ? Which possibility do you think is more likely?" Leng Ye Guxing hesitated for a moment, looked at Xueyan and asked.

Xueyan looked at him and didn't say a word for a long time.She really forgot about this, they are "wanted criminals" now, will there be NPCs who will turn a blind eye to them?Uh, she couldn't answer this question either.What a mistake, I forgot such an important point!
"Then senior sister, we have to go back now, should we think of other ways?" Xing Chenyu looked at her who seemed depressed, and then asked aloud.

"Is there any other way? Besides, we don't have so much time. The Night Slayer still has tasks waiting for us to help. In addition, we have a lot of tasks to do. If we drag on like this, we don't know yet. What kind of trouble will it cause? Since we have already come here, how can we not take a look? Whether we need to fight or not is still a matter of discussion, maybe we are lucky or not." Even so , but Xueyan really didn't know what to do.

"Then why are we hesitating? At worst, we can even cut that NPC back together? Anyway, our reputation has already been reduced to such a degree, and we don't care how much we have lost!" Compared to other people's worries, Xing Chenjie was a little bit more concerned. A look of indifference.

"Do you think that killing an NPC casually will have such a simple consequence?" Since they had to go, they didn't hesitate anymore, but they still didn't forget to teach him a lesson while walking Leng Ye Gu Xing, and at the same time helped the others to learn about the common sense of the game.

"If you kill a non-guard NPC in "Fantasy World", you will be punished very severely. Every time you kill a non-guard NPC, your charm value will be reduced by a little, and at the same time, the hatred of other NPCs towards you will be increased. This game Your charisma value is fixed, and you should know that there is currently no way to increase this attribute, so once your charisma value reaches zero, it means that you will be ignored by all NPCs, and no NPC will tell you In a word, not only can you not trade with NPCs, but you also can’t accept missions. If you do this, your account will be invalidated.”

"It's so serious? But isn't the Charm value able to be improved with equipment? Why did you say no?" Xueyan didn't expect the consequences to be so serious, but she still asked puzzled.

"Really? What equipment can improve this attribute? There is no relevant information in this area yet. Where did you get this news? Do you think you have it?" Leng Ye Guxing asked incredulously. What she said was somewhat unacceptable.

"My Yaomei adds charm. Although the seal has not been lifted, it still adds a little charm. I guess if the seal is lifted, it may add more..." The voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end it was almost even her. I can't hear myself.But the eyes of those three people were really scary, it was the first time she saw that jealous look.

"Don't show off your super good luck to us anymore! Otherwise, we will be killed by you!"

What a neat sound!Like it came out of a mouth!But they don't have to speak so loudly, do they?It was even louder than the roar of the BOSS that day, and the ears were almost not deafened by them.Originally, she wanted to warn them, but seeing their resentful eyes, she decided to forget it.

The power of jealousy is really terrifying!It's better to avoid it!

Finally arrived at the place mentioned by the Night Killer, a tree tower stands in the jungle, soaring into the sky.The lower end of the tree tower is extremely large and bloated due to too many entwined tree vines.Because the top is too high, few vines can climb to that height, so the original appearance can still be seen.The gray stone bricks seem to be incomplete after a long period of baptism.

And the entrance to the tree tower is in the direction they are facing.The two dilapidated wooden doors looked like they would break if touched. People couldn't help but wonder if they would lose money if they damaged the things here?
"Go in and have a look." After speaking, Xueyan took the lead and walked towards the wooden door.

Gently push the two wooden doors, and when the doors are opened, there is also a rusty "creaking" sound. It sounds like a haunted house in the quiet and dark woods.The light behind the door was extremely dim, and when I first entered it, I could hardly see anything.After about ten seconds, Xueyan saw a humanoid body wrapped in a black cloak standing in front of her.

"Welcome to the Candy Tower!" A hoarse and old voice came from within the cloak, which felt like an old witch in a fairy tale!
Is this really a candy tower?Why does she always feel like she has come to the witch's castle?Candy, what a lovely thing!How could such an eerie atmosphere be hooked?The name doesn't match up with this place at all!

"Excuse me, how much do we need to pay to enter the candy tower?" Xueyan asked calmly, and at the same time, the others were also prepared. It should be the portal to the inside!
"You want to enter the candy tower. Under normal circumstances, each person needs to pay a fee of 500 gold coins, but you are in a special situation, so... the fee is doubled!" After a brief pause, the guard finally gave The results.

If it is doubled, that is 1000 gold coins per person, such an expensive ticket!But fortunately, they didn't have to do it at all, which saved them a lot of trouble.One thousand is one thousand, they can still afford it!
"However, there is one thing I need to remind you. If you die inside without achieving your goal, you will be sent out directly. If you want to enter again, you need to pay again, so please be careful!" I reminded several people that there was no different reaction from the beginning to the end because several people were negative reputation.

So after several people paid the money, they stepped into the portal peacefully, and no one saw the light flashing under the cloak.

The scene in front of him changed instantly, sweeping away the gloomy and terrifying atmosphere before, and the blue sky, white clouds and green grass in front of him, all of which made people feel comfortable.Although it was strange why the tower turned into a wild place, but looking at the candy monsters jumping around all over the ground, they were sure that they did not go to the wrong place.

It’s hard to say how cute these candy monsters are.On the candy-shaped body, the big eyes twinkled, and the innocent look was very similar to Si Tianzhen.Even a fighting maniac like Leng Ye Guxing found it difficult to take action.

"If you put Si Tian here, it must be very suitable for these guys!" Looking at the candies, cakes, chocolates, ice creams and so on, all kinds of desserts running around, Xueyan suddenly felt that she should It is more appropriate to set Sitian here.

"However, if this is the case, how do we fight? I really don't understand the psychology of the people who designed this place? Why did they design such cute monsters? People feel guilty when they think of shooting them." Xing Chenjie Looking at the candy paradise in front of him very depressed, he said.

"But we seem to have no choice. We can't just go out after spending a lot of money, right? That's a bit of a loss!" Xing Chenyu also felt very contradictory at the moment, wanted to fight but couldn't do it , really tangled ah!
But this tangled mentality did not last too long. The idea of ​​not being able to take action changed instantly, and everyone immediately entered a fighting state.And the reason why it became like this is entirely because they were discovered by those monsters!Not only that, when those candies discovered that there was someone here, their innocent and innocent eyes changed instantly, and each of them became fierce and violent!There is no trace of cuteness at all!The contrast is truly extraordinary!
When a large group of candy monsters rushed towards them, the battle finally kicked off!
(End of this chapter)

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