Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 101 Internal Injury

Chapter 101 Internal Injury
pain! pain! pain!
Apart from pain, Xueyan could no longer feel anything else.She didn't even know when she was wrapped up by Ye's Tian Mie, and when she was held in Ye's arms.In the pain, she just curled up subconsciously, trying to relieve the pain in this way.

But doing so didn't do anything, her pain was the kind of pain that came from it.It was as if the meridians in her body were being torn and burned, and it was as if something was bumping into her body. The pain made her want to die immediately.

"What's up with her?"

After Zaiye picked up Xueyan and returned to the city tower, everyone surrounded her.The part of her face that wasn't covered by the mask was so pale, and big beads of sweat rolled down her brow.His teeth clenched his lower lip, and a thin line of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Her body was curled up and trembling constantly, her hands tightly grasped her arms, her knuckles were pale from too much force.She leaned against Ye's arms like this, looking so painful and helpless!

"Where's the water magician? Hurry up and help!" Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted.

Several water magicians hurriedly squeezed into the crowd, and several blue lights flashed on Xueyan's body, but they didn't have the slightest effect.

"It's useless?! Could it be that he was poisoned? Yu, what do you think?" Seeing this situation, Xing Chenjie was even more anxious.

"Don't look at it, it's not poisoning." Before Xing Chenyu stepped forward to check, he was stopped by Ye.

At this time, Ye's brows were furrowed, and his deep eyes were full of anxiety and worry.In this situation, they didn't know what happened to her, but he knew it all too well.

In such a situation, she obviously suffered an internal injury, and it was an extremely serious internal injury!

But what caused her internal injuries?Logically speaking, before the foundation was established, there would not be any energy in the meridians in any human body.Everyone uses external power when releasing their skills, even warrior skills are no exception, but what they use is the sixth energy that is different from the energy of the five elements.

But where did the frantic energy in her body come from?Why didn't she tell them such a big thing?Does she know what consequences this injury will bring to her?If you let him know who did it, he will never let that person go!
Seeing her in extreme pain, Ye You felt anxious again in his life, but he didn't expect that it was for the same person, that feeling of anxiety and uneasiness engulfed his whole heart.

The first time he had this feeling was when he suddenly couldn't feel her presence, but the feeling at that time was far less intense than it is now, so he could still restrain himself.But this time, the energy in his whole body seemed to be unable to suppress and became violent with his emotions.

"Boss Ye, I beg you to talk, we are almost dying of anxiety, but you tell us what happened to Senior Sister?" Xing Chenjie's anxious and helpless voice sounded again.

It wasn't poisoning, and the water magician's healing didn't work, so what happened to her?
"She was injured internally." Ye couldn't control his tone at all, his voice was as cold as nine days, making everyone tremble.

internal injury?Never heard of it!Does this game have such settings?
Everyone was stunned by the answer and looked at each other, not understanding what was going on.

"Xue, how could you be injured internally? You couldn't have made a mistake, right?" Candy Moon, who was the only one who knew something, also had an expression of worry on her face that turned into disbelief.

"Do you think I'm mistaken?"

Ye, who was in a mess in his heart, his tone became even worse, but as soon as the words came out, he seemed to realize something again.He looked up at the dazed Candy Moon, but he didn't say anything, he just picked up Xueyan and walked towards the hut left by the Night Slayer God for them in the city.

It is said to be a hut, but the area is by no means small. Not only does it have a large garden, but there are five or six rooms in the house alone, and it is also a suite with inside and outside.This was reserved for a few of them alone when the Dark Night Killer was planning the entire city design. Of course, there are also Brothers Xingchen who played tricks behind the scenes to achieve this result.

I don't know how long it took, the pain began to subside gradually, and Xueyan felt that she was finally alive.I tried to move my body, but my whole body seemed to be frozen, without any consciousness.The hands that were clutching the arms also seemed to be numb, and they couldn't let go at all.

But at this moment, someone carefully helped her loosen every numb finger and stretched her body.The movements were gentle and careful, and her body quickly returned to normal.

"Feeling better?"

Xueyan slowly opened her eyes, and the worried face appeared in front of her eyes.

She stared at him blankly, but couldn't say a word, but a warm current surged in her heart.

But at this moment, the scene of him smiling at the candy moon and the complicated eyes she saw when she looked at them from the tower subconsciously flashed through my mind. She wakes up.

"Where is this place?"

Looking at the surrounding environment, she was a little surprised by the exquisitely and elegantly decorated room.It doesn't seem like an inn!

"Your room." Ye Jiang helped her up and leaned against the head of the bed, and said calmly.

her room?How does she not know that she has such a beautiful house?She doesn't even seem to have a thatched cottage!

But her doubts were not answered, Ye just looked at her with a very serious expression.

"What happened to your internal injuries?"

I knew I couldn't hide it, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon.It was really unlucky to fall in front of so many people!

Just how to explain it?
His thoughts once again drifted to Fairy Island, Qianyue's Palace.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to get the 'Temptation of Zeus' so soon, I really did not choose the wrong person! Amazing! It's amazing!"

Qianyue, who has a perfect face in the palace, is holding the "Temptation of Zeus" and running around excitedly.For that bracelet, she couldn't put it down, and she couldn't bear to put it on her display rack.

"If you like it, you can just put it on." Xueyan couldn't bear her appearance, so she couldn't help but said.

"Put it on? That's not okay, don't you know that you can't wear it casually?" Qianyue finally took her eyes off the bracelet and put it on her.

"How do I know? I'll be back as soon as I get it!" Xueyan's mind flashed the scene that Zeus must wear the bracelet for her, and she had a bad feeling.

"You must have seen this Zeus, right?"

"Nonsense, I didn't see where the things came from!"

"Then you must know something about his character, right?"

"Are you referring to his promiscuous character?" Xue Yan asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, what you described is very accurate, it is promiscuous! By the way, although he is very lustful and promiscuous, not every woman will like him, in fact, most women don't like him. And in order to get what he likes Women like it, so he made this thing." Qianyue shook the bracelet on her hand as she spoke.

"Then how to use this thing?"

"It's very simple, no matter who wears it, he will fall in love with the first opposite sex he sees, regardless of gender! It's amazing!"

Xueyan's head was covered with black lines.

"Is this the only function of this thing?" He continued to ask unwillingly.

"That's right! Otherwise, what other functions do you think?" Qianyue opened her eyes and asked in confusion.

"What do you want to use this kind of thing for?"

"It's fun! Give it to an unknown person later, and then find a way to make him wear it in front of the opposite sex that he doesn't like. Do you think the result is fun?"

What an evil person!

Xueyan was completely speechless to her, and wanted to let her send her back quickly, but suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, I'll exchange another item you want for your same collection, is that okay?"

"What? Could it be that you also got the 'Blessing of the Earth Goddess'? Where is it? Where is it? Show me quickly!"

Before Xueyan could finish her words, her arm fell into Qianyue's clutches.Qianyue's unbelievable face was only less than 1 centimeter away from her.

"Please step back a little bit, please?"

This is too scary, no wonder people often say to "look at it from a distance", but when you look at it from a distance, people in beauty change!

"Hurry up and take out the things!" Qianyue stepped back impatiently and urged.

Why did Xueyan take out the silk and hand it to her, for fear that she would lean over again.

Qianyue took the silk and said, "This is not what I want."

no?Xueyan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that she had been swayed by Dimel.

"I'm still surprised. Dimer is different from Zeus. She is a very responsible person. If the 'Blessing of the Goddess of the Earth' is given to you, the western continent will have a bad environment for a long time. This is by no means She can take it."

"Since you know she can't give it to me, why do you give me an impossible task?"

"Hee hee, because I really want that thing. It's a very magical thing. As for the function, I can't tell you!"

Xue Yan really didn't have the energy to continue talking with her, and glanced at the silver chain on the shelf——Tian Mie, with a disappointed expression on her face!

"Do you really want it?" Qian Yue asked seriously when she saw her expression.

"Will you give it to me?"

"It's not that I can't give it to you, but you have to pay a price for it, not a small price!"

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(End of this chapter)

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