Chapter 100
The battle is coming to an end, so far the Flaming Scorpions haven't lost too many personnel.But everyone knows that the further back is the more critical.

The monsters of the 14th and 15th waves appeared in front of everyone at the same time. The level 55 erupting volcanic sparrow and the level 55 earth cracking bear started to attack Fire Scorpion City from the air and the ground at the same time.

This situation was obviously something Dark Night Killer God had not expected before. He never expected that two waves of monsters would attack at the same time.How do they defend against this?
But fortunately, such an attack only appeared on the east side, which is their main defense side.On the other three sides, only the Earth Cracking Bear appeared, which finally made it easier for the Night Killer.

But that's just a little bit, because the situation here is really not optimistic. If you want to successfully defend until the final boss appears, it will be very difficult!

The first to reach the range is the volcanic sparrow in the air, and the flame scorpion is the group attack skill.For a moment, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, the flames reflected the sky, and the multiple arrows of the archers were flying all over the sky. The scene was very spectacular.

It’s just that the effect of this is not ideal. The level 55 calamari is different from the 40 slinging crow in terms of defense and blood volume, and the fireball attack of the volcanic sparrow is also much more damaging than the stones of the slinging crow.Therefore, except for the archers who can cause obvious damage, the damage caused by other warlock attacks is not significant.

"Turn all the archers from the other three places over." Helplessly, the Dark Night Killer had no choice but to make such a choice.

Soon the archers from the other three places came to the east tower to join the attack, finally stabilizing the situation.

However, it was already very difficult for the water warlocks who were already short of manpower to take care of the players on both the tower and the ground at the same time. Now that there were many additional players, the water warlocks were overwhelmed.

"You guys just take care of the ones above, I'm responsible for the players below the city."

Under such circumstances, Xueyan can only make such a decision, after all, she has no superpowers, and she is also incapable of doing both.Therefore, only the side with the largest number of people was taken by her, and the lives of the players above were handed over to other people in their gang.

"Jie, Yu, don't let me be lazy, you two, use whatever skills you have." In the rush, she still didn't forget to remind the two people who were jumping around.

"Senior Sister, we also want to help, but those fireballs hurt people too much." Xing Chenjie complained to Xueyan while avoiding the fireballs falling from the sky.

It was only at this time that Xueyan noticed that there were fireballs flying everywhere in the sky, but there were no fireballs falling around her at all, and she couldn't even see a spark.

It can't be such a coincidence, can it?Is it because he just let go of his own part and didn't attack?

She looked up suspiciously, only to find a silver chain hovering above her head, bouncing off all the fireballs flying here.

It turned out that Ye Yong Tian Mie made a barrier for her!
But almost subconsciously, Xueyan shifted her gaze to Candy Moon again, only to find that she was also looking towards this side under the protection of the Night Killer.The eyes of the two met unexpectedly like this, and after a brief contact, they both turned their heads away and looked elsewhere.

She really cared about him so much!
Xueyan's heart was in chaos, she just continued her work subconsciously, but she just did it indiscriminately, causing many players below to fall into crisis for a while.

"What are you thinking?" Ye, who had been looking at her all the time, found that her mind was beginning to wander, and asked involuntarily.

The life and death of the people below has nothing to do with him, he just doesn't understand what would distract her at such a critical moment, this is not her character!

"No, nothing!
Ye's sudden voice startled her, and she realized that due to her mistake, the situation below had become very bad.Several blood-boosting skills were thrown at the group of players who were attacked the most, barely bringing their lives back, but many players were still on the verge of life and death.

And when Xueyan was in a hurry, a flute sounded suddenly, and the battlefield below was shrouded in a white mist.

It was Leng Ye Gu Xing's illusion attack!

For a moment, the crackling bear stopped attacking as if it had lost its target, and all the players finally got a chance to breathe, but they also couldn't see the monster and couldn't attack.

Since Xueyan has realized that she has a firm mind and can see through all illusions, the white mist has no influence on her.Taking advantage of this gap, she quickly filled up the blood of other players, and by the way, helped the water magicians above.

"It's ok, Leng Ye. Thank you!" After finishing all this, Xue Yan communicated with Leng Ye Lone Star through the communicator.

After the message was sent out, the sound of the flute stopped immediately, and the white mist below gradually dispersed, and the player fought with the monster again.

And at this moment, a loud and clear name resounded through the sky, and the volcanic sparrow boss finally appeared!
"All the archers attack the BOSS, Xue Yan, forget about the players below, all the water warlocks support the archers! The other warlocks support the players below!"

The Night Killer is ready to fight to the death!He is basically gambling now, before the players below are wiped out, the archer will be able to wipe out this tit boss!If he loses, there is no need to wait for the final boss to appear, and the defense of the city will definitely fail!

For the flying monsters, Xueyan is really a headache, and there is nothing suitable in her skills to deal with them.After all, her skills are also spell attacks. Although the attributes are incompatible, the effect is still not as obvious as the physical attacks of groups, so she can only try her best to increase blood for those archers.

And the following players, without the guarantee of the water magician, the number of deaths increased sharply.This is also the result of Leng Ye Guxing's use of illusion from time to time, otherwise Fire Scorpion City would have been destroyed long ago.

Although the other three sides were not attacked by both sides, the situation was also very bad. Facing the huge number of ground cracking bears, they still couldn't stand it for a long time.Damage has gradually begun to appear on the city wall. If it continues like this, even if the east side is not broken, the other places will be finished!
After finally screaming, the Tit Boss was finally shot and killed by random arrows!And the numerous erupting volcanic sparrows receded quickly like the tide.But all were not happy with the victory, because the battle situation below was already in jeopardy.

Under such circumstances, Xueyan couldn't care less. Under the amazed eyes of everyone, Xueyan threw off her cloak and entered the battlefield directly from the air!
All the players of the Flame Scorpion standing on the tower saw such a scene, a gorgeously dressed woman dancing in the air.The sash fluttering, the waist is soft, the dance is light and ingenious, the movements are chic and free, and the crisp bells add a bit of charm to her. Coupled with the petals falling from nowhere, she looks like a goddess descending to earth!

And Xueyan used "Blessing" in addition to using "Heavenly Girl Scattering Flowers".She really doesn't have the time to add blood to the people below, so she can only use "blessing" to increase the fighting power of the remaining people. Otherwise, if she alone wants to kill so many monsters and guard the city gate, I'm afraid We can only hope for a miracle to happen.

But this state can't last long, and Xue Yan's blueness will bottom out soon.But just when she was about to stop, a flute sounded at this moment.

Night blowjob!

With the sound of the flute, Xueyan was surprised to find that Lan could be used by herself!At the moment, she is not distracted anymore, and puts all her attention on the use of skills.

There is a big difference in style between Ye's flute sound and Leng Ye Gu Xing's flute sound.When Leng Ye Gu Xing played, she always felt very excited, and the rhythm was always very fast.But the sound of Ye's flute is not like this, it is melodious and melodious, as if confiding in her ear.

For a moment, everyone on the battlefield seemed to be stunned by this Xiao Yiwu. Except for those melee players who continued to attack, everyone else was immersed in the sound of nature and the colorful dance.

The light clothes are graceful, and the music is melodious.At this moment, Xueyan seemed to have reached a new level, her body didn't need to be deliberately controlled by herself, as long as she followed the sound of the flute, her body seemed to be able to respond by itself.

The feeling that had appeared in the Boneyard once again appeared on her body. The feeling of watching her actions as if she was a bystander gave her a flash of enlightenment.

Only this time did she truly understand the meaning of what Die Ji said to her, and she also truly understood why she felt that her cooperation with Leng Ye Guxing seemed to be incompatible with each other.His style of music doesn't suit me at all!
The battle continued in this Xiao Yiwu, but Fire Scorpion City was already in jeopardy.The Night Killer could no longer prevent monsters from entering the city, so he could only immediately send people to stop the monsters entering the city and prevent them from destroying the City Lord's Mansion.Now that it can be delayed for a moment, all hope is pinned on the dancing woman in front of me, to see if she can bring another miracle to him.

The BOSS of Grizzly Bear and the final BOSS, the White Tiger King, rampant on the battlefield. When the number of players is obviously less than the number of monsters, many players were attacked by the BOSS when one person resisted several monsters. In the end, It can only turn into white light and disappear.

Just when everyone was in despair, a sea of ​​flames appeared above the ground, and a bolt of lightning struck the head of the White Tiger King!

Spike!Kill them all!All the monsters, including the boss, were instantly killed on the spot!

Such a result was not expected by Xue Yan, the instigator, but no matter what, the battle of the flame scorpion to defend the city is finally over!

The sound of the flute stopped, the dancing steps stopped, but when Xue Yan was about to return to the tower, suddenly a sharp pain swept through her whole body.Xueyan couldn't control her body anymore, she just fell straight down from the air!

(End of this chapter)

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