Chapter 7 Broken Arm
Lei Yuxiu hurriedly got up from the ground.

He nervously turned his head to look at Chang Xiaoman.

At this time, Chang Xiaoman's arm was already red and swollen, and the pain in his left forearm was not so obvious, but he was obviously unable to move.

"Lei Yuxiu, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, how are you?"

"I'm afraid my arm is broken."

"Are you stupid? Why do you want to save me?!"

"Lei Yuxiu, don't you have a conscience, don't you hurry up and find a doctor for me!" Chang Xiaoman yelled through gritted teeth as the pain came slowly.

"You wait, I'll go right now."

After speaking, Lei Yuxiu ran to the front yard.

Soon, several servant girls ran to Chang Xiaoman's side under the leadership of Chen Steward.

The maids helped Chang Xiaoman back into the room and sat by the bed.

At this time, Chang Xiaoman was already sweating from the pain.

"Hurry up! Doctor, hurry up!" Lei Yuxiu's voice came from outside.

The doctor was out of breath and was pulled into the room by Lei Yuxiu.

"Her arm is broken, treat it quickly!" Lei Yuxiu ordered loudly.

"Lei Yuxiu, can you be more polite to the doctor." Chang Xiaoman said with pain and disgust.

"Why am I impolite, what if he runs too slowly and you can't connect your arms?"

Chang Xiaoman watched him put his hands on his knees, panting heavily, probably because he was running all the way just now.

The doctor walked to Xiaoman's side and carefully examined the injury.

"Oh, this is a bone setting. The process may be very painful, you have to bear with it." The doctor lifted her arm and said.

"How painful... ah!"

Before Chang Xiaoman could react, a huge pain came from his arm.

"It's just so painful." The doctor put down the arm that had been boned with pride, and found two wooden boards to help her fix it. "It's good to drink some medicine that promotes bone healing every day."

Chang Xiaoman's face turned pale from the pain, and big beads of sweat flowed down his cheeks.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it hurts just looking at it." Lei Yuxiu took a closer look.

"You still have the nerve to say it!" Chang Xiaoman was in pain and angry, "Lei Yuxiu, I didn't mean to save you."

"I didn't let you save me."


Uncle Chen saw that the two of them were about to quarrel, so he quickly smoothed things over: "Okay, okay, I'll take the doctor to grab the medicine, and everyone else will go down. I'll send someone over after decocting the medicine."

"Okay, you all go." Lei Yuxiu sat down beside Chang Xiaoman's bed.

The servants followed Steward Chen and the doctor and left in a hurry.

"Why don't you go?"

"Who will take care of you after I leave. You are almost disabled now."

"I have another hand."

"One hand is useless." Lei Yuxiu stared at her tightly bandaged forearm, "Why don't you cry? It must be very painful, right?"

"It's just painful, not to the point of crying." Chang Xiaoman replied.


Lei Yuxiu suddenly noticed that Chang Xiaoman's clothes were stained with dirt due to the fall.

"Your clothes are dirty, you have to change them." Lei Yuxiu said.

Chang Xiaoman looked down and saw that it was indeed so.

"I'll help you."

Seeing that Lei Yuxiu was going to help him change his clothes, Chang Xiaoman was nervous for a while: "You, you, what are you going to do? Are men and women going to kiss each other?"

"You are my future wife, what are you afraid of?"


"Then how do you change one hand?"


"That's all, I'll ask mother to match you with a maid."

After speaking, Lei Yuxiu jumped off the bed and ran out the door.

"Lei Yuxiu! Lei Yuxiu!" Before Chang Xiaoman could react, Lei Yuxiu had disappeared, "He is too impatient."

Lei Yuxiu ran back to the eldest lady's room, and yelled loudly as soon as he entered the door: "Mother, mother?"

The eldest lady hurried out of the back room: "Son, Mr. Chen said that you fell again, did you get injured?"

"No, how could I be injured."

"That's good."

"It's Chang Xiaoman who broke her arm to pick me up. It's really inconvenient for her to do everything with one hand now. Let Qiuli take care of her."

"Qiuli? How can I do that? Qiuli is dedicated to taking care of you. Xiaoman is credited with saving you. I will pick one of the little girls for her in a while."

"No way. The new girl doesn't know anything, how can she take good care of her. It must be Qiuli! It must be Qiuli!"

At this time Qiuli heard her name and walked into the room.

"My lord, what has to be me?"

Qiuli is a maid on the same level as Haitang, and she only takes care of Lei Yuqi in daily time.

"Chang Xiaoman's hand is broken, you go and take care of her."

"But I'm gone, who will take care of you, Eldest Young Master?" Qiuli laughed.

"I take care of myself."

The eldest lady shook her head again and again: "No, there must be someone by your side."

Haitang came in with refreshments, saw the eldest lady was worried, the eldest son insisted, and Qiuli was in a dilemma.So he said: "Since Miss Xiaoman will definitely marry the eldest son in the future, it is better to take her to the Wutong Garden of the eldest son, so that Qiuli can take care of the eldest son and Miss Xiaoman at the same time."

"Good idea, let's do it like this." Lei Yuxiu nodded, "Mother, I'll go get Xiaoman right away."

"Wait a minute." The eldest lady held him back, with a hesitant look on her face.

"What's wrong girl?"

"Forget it, just pick it up from where you are."

Lei Yuxiu grinned, bowed and saluted: "Thank you mother." He turned his head and ran to Xiaoman's backyard.

The eldest lady was stunned.

"Did that kid just salute me and thank you?"

Haitang and Qiuli also looked at each other to confirm that they had read correctly just now.

Haitang smiled and said: "Eldest Madam, this is the first time I have seen Eldest Young Master like this, so it can be seen..."

"It can be seen that Miss Xiaoman holds a lot of weight in the young master's heart." Qiuli added.

Haitang handed the tea to the eldest lady, and said: "If this is the case, then the eldest son finally has something to care about. Eldest lady, you don't often say that the eldest son doesn't care about anything, and the sky is not afraid of the earth. Now, the eldest son If you care about Miss Xiaoman, you will naturally be afraid."

Qiuli also said: "Yes, maybe, because of Miss Xiaoman, the eldest son will listen to you in everything in the future."

The eldest lady heard that what the two girls said made sense, she nodded repeatedly: "It's a pity, those who care about it have weaknesses."

Qiuli bowed: "Madam, I will clean up the side yard of Wutong Garden, and I will take the little girls to pick up Miss Xiaoman later."

"Go. Xiaoman's arm is injured, you take care of it carefully."

(End of this chapter)

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