Chapter 6 Accidental Injury
On this day, Chang Xiaoman was painting the Monkey King that he promised to Lei Yuxiu in his room.

There is a thin autumn rain in the sky.

There was a light knock on the door.

"Sister Xiaoman, are you there?" It was the voice of Lei Yuqi, the son of Lei Fu's second wife.

"I'm here." Xiaoman put down his pen, went to the gate of the courtyard and opened it.

"Sister Xiaoman, I brought you something." Yuqi held a bookbag in his hand and smiled shyly.Because he didn't open an umbrella, his shoulders were a little wet.

"Come in quickly. Why are you here without an umbrella?" Chang Xiaoman hurriedly led him into the room.

"Looking at Qiu Yuwei Weiwei, I feel that it's good to be drenched in the rain, so I don't want to open an umbrella." Yuxiu put the book bag on the table and slowly opened it.

"What is this?" Chang Xiaoman asked.

"It's a copybook for calligraphy practice." Yuqi said shyly, "Miss Man, you said last time that my handwriting is not bad, so I thought of giving you this copybook for practice. There are also a few more easy-to-use books. The books I understand are mostly travel notes, and my sister can read them when she is bored."

"Thank you, Yuki."

Chang Xiaoman accepted the copybooks and books, and found a suitable place in the room to put them carefully.

"Sister Xiaoman, what is your painting?"

Lei Yuqi saw the Monkey King that Xiaoman was drawing, and he flipped through it casually, and was quickly attracted by the content.

Chang Xiaoman smiled and said that they are indeed children, and they have no resistance to such stories.

"This painting is a story. If you like it, you can take it and read it. How about you return the copybook for me?"

"Really? That's great." Lei Yuqi looked at these pages and couldn't put them down.

"you are welcome."

When reading the original book, Lei Yuqi really didn't attract Chang Xiaoman's attention, but now it seems that he is really a very good boy.

She complained in her heart, although the two sons of the Lei family are brothers, why is there such a big gap.

"Sister Xiaoman, after coming out for a while, my mother is probably looking for me, so I have to go back."

"Okay, I'll see you off."

Walking out of the house, Chang Xiaoman pointed to the open space in the yard and said, "I want to plant a grape there and pick it up for you to eat when it's ripe. But I don't know if you like grapes yet."

"Jingu is windy and cool, and Lu Zhu is just waking up from drunkenness. It would be great if my sister could grow a grape here. I... like eating grapes very much."

"Then it's settled." Chang Xiaoman smiled.

Lei Yuqi's face flushed slightly again.

Chang Xiaoman sent him to the gate of the courtyard, and the two waved goodbye.

After sending Lei Yuqi away, Chang Xiaoman sat on a small bamboo stool under the eaves by the door, watching the sky gloomy and the light rain pattering.

"It would be great if I could change my destiny." Chang Xiaoman rested his chin and thought, "But I really don't know why Chang Xiaoman died early in the original book. Was murdered? Ill? Suicide? The author of the original book didn't write it at all. ah……"

She scratched her head, trying to figure out the cause of her character's death and avoid it perfectly, which was too difficult.

Suddenly, Chang Xiaoman thought of a movie "Butterfly Effect" that he had seen.

"Just a little change in the status quo can make a huge difference in the future."

Chang Xiaoman suddenly opened his eyes.

What she can do now and can have a huge impact on the ending of the original book is to change Lei Yuxiu.

If Lei Yuxiu can grow up well, study hard, and become a subordinate of the Ninth Prince, then when the Ninth Prince ascends the throne and Lei Yuxiu becomes a general, his own destiny will be greatly rewritten.

"Hahahaha, I'm so smart. Now that I've worn a book, even if I have brought a character who is not even a passer-by, I have to work hard to look like a protagonist."

Thinking of this, Chang Xiaoman made up his mind.

In any case, let Lei Yuxiu become the number one good husband of Da Pei Dynasty who is capable of writing and martial arts, wise and brave, heroic, and loves his wife like his life.

At that time, she will be the general's wife, so she will be majestic and majestic, and she will have to walk sideways.

Chang Xiaoman recalled the scene of himself putting on gorgeous clothes, sitting on the soft couch in the main room, surrounded by a group of maidservants, and couldn't help drooling and giggling.

Before I woke up from my daydream, I heard a strange rustling sound.

"What are you laughing at? It looks like a mentally handicapped person." Lei Yuxiu's voice came from nowhere.

Chang Xiaoman snapped back to his senses, looked up and looked around for Lei Yuxiu.

"Don't be blind, I'm on the roof."

Chang Xiaoman followed the voice and saw Lei Yuxiu lying on the roof looking down at her.

"Lei Yuxiu! Why did you get on the roof when it's raining?! Get down quickly! It's too dangerous!"

"I just saw a black cat on the roof and wanted to catch it for you to play with."

"My ancestors, how could you catch wild cats. Domestic cats have nine lives, but you don't."

"It's okay, I'll come down now."

"Wait, wait, I'll tell you Uncle Chen wants a ladder."

"No, I'll climb down by myself."

"No! What if you fall off! Are you a monkey?"

"I am Monkey King Monkey King."

"Be careful..."

Before Chang Xiaoman could finish speaking, Lei Yuxiu was about to climb down.

The moss on the tiles is even more slippery on rainy days.

Although Lei Yuxiu was careful, he still fell into Chang Xiaoman's words, and he slid his head and saw that he was about to fall off the eaves.

Chang Xiaoman turned pale with fright.

"Be careful!" She rushed forward, trying to catch Lei Yuxiu.

But she forgot that she was just a weak 14-year-old girl at this time, how could she have that strength.


Although Chang Xiaoman received Lei Yuxiu, he clearly heard the sound of his forearm breaking.

(End of this chapter)

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