Chapter 199 Obsidian
At night, when the lights were turned off, Xiaoman was bored counting the stars.

Suddenly a black shadow flashed in the bushes outside the window, making her immediately vigilant.

Xiaoman no longer has bone food at hand, and except for a small dagger for self-defense, he doesn't have any weapons suitable for fighting.

Just when she was about to call Mai'er, the black shadow jumped in and covered her mouth.

"Hush...don't talk..." A young boy's voice sounded, his body was only thirteen or fourteen years old, his eyes were as bright as obsidian under the moonlight.

Xiaoman felt that these eyes were very familiar, but he really couldn't remember where he saw them.

"I'll see you off, you promise me not to shout." The boy urged.

Xiaoman nodded, agreeing.

The boy let go of his hand, seeing that Xiaoman really didn't make a sound, he showed a lovely smile.

"Who are you?" Xiao Man asked in a low voice.

The boy frowned: "Don't you recognize me?"

Xiaoman took a look at this boy with disheveled hair and a cute face by the moonlight, shook his head and said, "Although I think you are familiar, I don't remember knowing you."

"I really can't do anything about you." The boy sat aside and pointed to himself, "I'm that ghost beast."

"Ah?!" Xiaoman was taken aback, "You can actually transform into a human form!"

The Xuxu Beast grinned, revealing a cute little canine tooth.

"Why did you come here?" Xiao Man asked, "Shouldn't you follow Shen Lie?"

"Why do you always entrust me to others, don't forget that you are my master." The virtual beast pouted, "I came to you as soon as I turned into a human, and you are not allowed to hand me over to me in the future." give others."

Seeing his cute appearance, Xiaoman smiled and agreed: "You used to be a little furball, and I was afraid that you would be in danger if you were put to death with me. If I can't protect myself, won't I implicate you?"

"In that case, I forgive you," Xuxu Beast patted his chest, "Since I have transformed into a human form, I will protect you from now on."

"Okay, okay," Xiao Man smiled happily as if teasing his little brother, "By the way, since you have transformed into a human form, you should have a human name."

"It doesn't matter what the name is, you can marry me as you like." Yu Xu Beast said.

"Then I'll call you Obsidian, because your eyes are as beautiful as obsidian." Xiao Man looked at his shining eyes, and from the bottom of his heart, he liked this kid with canine teeth when he smiled.

"Black Yao? It's not bad, it's a good name." He affirmed her idea, and casually took out an orange-red fruit from his pocket and handed it to Xiaoman, "This is the 竼xu fruit, peel off the core inside the fruit It can cure hundreds of poisons."

"You just gave it to me? This is the only virtual fruit you have cultivated." Xiaoman said in great surprise.

Hei Yao said indifferently: "We are very vulnerable to poisons from the world when we are born. We can only grow and cultivate by putting a scorpion fruit in our body to absorb the poison. After we have cultivated to perfection, we will be poisonous. No invasion, this thing is useless to me. It’s just that during the thousands of years of cultivation, this fruit core has absorbed countless poisons for a long time, so it has the effect of detoxifying all kinds of poisons. Thanks to you in these few years , I live a much better life than before when I was displaced and sold by various merchants, so this fruit is my gift to you."

Xiao Man was overjoyed when he heard it, and asked, "Can I take out the core now?"

"Take it." Black Yao agreed.

Xiaoman lit a candle, and carefully peeled off the orange-red flesh with a dagger by the candlelight, and the shiny black core inside was shaved off.

"It's a bit like loquat seeds, but it's more crystal clear." Xiaoman looked carefully at the fruit core.

"This is the antidote to the most poisonous poison in the world." Hei Yao warned, "If someone is poisoned, as long as they are still alive, crush this fruit core and let them swallow it, it will save their lives."

"Can all the poisons in the six realms be cured?" Xiao Man asked.

"I said that as long as it is a poison that exists in this world, it can be cured." Hei Yao said proudly.

"It's so powerful, where can I hide it?" Xiao Man worried.

"Embedded in your breastbone is the most suitable." Obsidian suggested.

"???!!!" Xiaoman's eyelids widened, and the eyeballs were about to pop out of his sockets, "What? Embedded in the breastbone!"

"That's right," Black Yao said with a serious face, "This will not only make you invulnerable to all poisons, but also prevent you from throwing it away. When you have to use it, you can pry it from your chest with a knife. Just come out."

"Brother, don't you know what pain is?" Xiaoman raised his hand and patted Hei Yao's shoulder, "Embedding such a small thing into my breastbone will hurt me to death, do you understand? Even if I don't die at this time , when it’s time to pry it out, it may hurt to death again. You think I’m crazy to do this.”

"It might hurt a little when you pry it out," Obsidian admitted frankly, "but it won't hurt when I help you embed it in your breastbone."

"How do you embed it?"

"I'm a big demon, and this bit of magic is still possible."

"Really? Will there be a scar?" Xiaoman asked hesitantly, "I don't want a knife on my chest."

"Chang Xiaoman, you can tell me if you're in it or not?" Hei Yao said with some distaste.

Xiaoman hesitated for a moment, "Okay, as long as it doesn't hurt."

"The way to stop the pain is very simple," Hei Yao smiled charmingly, and Xiaoman fainted immediately when he lifted the operation method, "Silly woman has no defense at all, and she will suffer a big loss in the future."

After finishing speaking, Hei Yao picked up the fruit core with two fingers, chanted the mantra, and pushed it into Xiaoman's chest, and embedded it directly in the center of the breastbone.

Immediately afterwards, he blew out the lamp, picked up Xiao Man, jumped out of the window, and disappeared into the night.

On the second day, Xiaoman woke up suddenly, opened his eyes to look at the strange roof, and asked in confusion: "What place is this?"

Obsidian's clear and clear youthful voice sounded from the side: "Are you finally awake? You can really sleep."

Xiao Man was about to sit up warily, but suddenly found that his chest was in severe pain like a fracture, and then he remembered what Hei Yao said last night about sneaking the scorpion core into the breastbone.She clutched her chest, and felt a sharp pain as if her breastbone was going to be broken when she moved.

"Don't you say it doesn't hurt!" She would sweat in pain even speaking.

"I said it didn't hurt when it was embedded, but now you are in the rejection and recovery period, the pain is mild, at least you don't have a high fever." Obsidian said.

"Where is this time, why did you bring me here?" Xiao Man asked.

"This is a farmhouse in the suburbs of Huzhou. I think the owner is not at home, so I brought you here." Hei Yao said, "Think about your precious general, and that woman named Maier. , don’t go to the doctor to show it to you. If other people find out that you have a prickly pear in your body, people who want to kill you to get the pip will flock to you.”

"Didn't you just transform into a human form? Why do you feel that you know so much about me?" Xiao Man asked, enduring the pain.

"Chang Xiaoman, even though I was just a little monster before, it doesn't mean I can't hear or see." Hei Yao smiled brightly, "And during the time I've been with Shen Lie, I've learned more things you don't know about What about the secrets of your general and Shen Lie?"

"Really?" Xiao Yi was very surprised, "If you tell me what you overheard, I won't blame you for bringing me here in the middle of the night."

"I didn't listen secretly at all. Well, they sometimes discuss things, and I sleep next to them. It's hard not to listen." Hei Yao explained unconvinced.

"Okay, okay, just tell me." Xiaoman became interested, wondering what secret Lei Yuxiu was keeping from her, a little curious and a little scared.

Hei Yao sat next to Xiao Man with a bowl of cold white porridge: "Drink some porridge first, and I'll tell you later."

(End of this chapter)

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