Chapter 198 Lonely
Huzhou is located in the southeast of Dapei.

The city faces the sea in the east and Jingyuan Lake in the west, and the city is like spring all year round. Even though it is deep winter in the north, Huzhou City is still full of green willows and red peaches, which is too beautiful to behold.

Shangguan Lu led people to welcome Lei Yuxiu and others on the pier.This person is not tall, about fifty years old, and looks neat and clean in an old official uniform.

Gu Shuiyue accompanied Lei Yuxiu off the boat, while Xiaoman and Maier stayed on board.

After the Shangguan family welcomed Lei Yuxiu and Gu Shuiyue away, Xiaoman followed Maier to the pier, and the garrison of the Dapei Army in Huzhou took him to an inn to rest.

The boat was exhausted, and Xiaoman fell asleep when he arrived at the inn.

Mai'er saw her look gloomy along the way, and guessed that it was because her master could not accompany her, but accompanied Gu Shuiyue back to the ancestral house to visit the old lady, so she was in a bad mood.

But Xiaoman already knew that Lei Yuxiu still had to do superficial things with Shangguan, and it would be better not to follow her now that she was embarrassed.

As for her being a little absent-minded along the way, it was all because she remembered the last trip by boat and felt a little sad.

Xiao Man slept until the night fell before getting out of bed.

Seeing that she was awake, Maier asked the waiter in the inn to show some local Huzhou specialties.

A table of seafood from the lake, Xiao Man has no interest at all.

She wanted to go for a stroll in the city of Huzhou, but remembering Lei Yuxiu's advice, only this inn was monitored by the Dapei army to ensure her safety, and she must not go to other places without authorization, so she gave up the idea of ​​going out.

Fortunately, there is a stage in the inn, and local operas are babbling and singing on the stage. You can tell the story of young men and women knowing each other and loving each other by watching the costumes.

Xiaoman asked Maier to arrange a private room, and took Maier to sit with her in it drinking tea and listening to the opera.

In the play, the man did not return from the battle, and the woman committed suicide by jumping into the lake after receiving the news that he had died in battle.Unexpectedly, the man came back victorious from the battlefield and became a general.But when he saw his dead lover, he wept bitterly and cursed at the injustice of God.In the end, the man accepted the family's arrangement and married a lady from the family.

Seeing this, Xiaoman didn't say anything, Mai'er said first: "I thought the man would die in love, but I didn't expect to marry another. This ending is really interesting."

Xiao Man chuckled: "If it were changed, the woman didn't jump into the lake, and the man came back as a general, do you think there will be a result for the two of them?"

Mai'er was stopped by her question, and after thinking for a while, she shook her head slightly: "He will still marry that famous lady."

"I don't know either. There is no unique answer to what didn't happen." Xiao Man peeled a peanut and stuffed it into his mouth.

Maier thought about Xiaoman's words carefully, and suddenly understood, and hurriedly explained: "Miss, don't think about it, even if you don't come back, the master and Princess Shuiyue will not really get married."

Xiaoman was a little surprised by her explanation: "Mai'er, you are overthinking. I just said that this scene does not reflect Lei Yuxiu and Gu Shuiyue."

Mai'er didn't say much, looking at the sky, it was already very late.

The curtain fell on the stage, and the fanciers left one after another.

Xiao Man also stood up, left the private room without saying a word, and returned to the room.

"Mai'er, I slept a lot in the afternoon, what should I do now that I'm not sleepy at all?" Xiao Man flicked the flame on the candle lamp with his hands in the room, and said boredly.

"Why don't I talk to you," Mai'er sat next to Xiaoman, "It would be better to say what's on your mind."

Xiaoman looked at the candlelight and said, "Although you didn't tell me, I also guessed that Gu Yunzheng and Gu Yunshen must be very tense in the court when they compete for the throne. Lei Yuxiu came to Huzhou, except to check the background of Shangguan's family, More importantly, it is to avoid the high-pressure atmosphere in Dapei Dynasty."

Mai'er didn't deny it, she just sat quietly and listened to Xiaoman's continuation.

"If I were him, I would definitely choose to support Gu Yunzheng. After all, I have a relationship with him when I was a child. But I heard that the Shangguan family is going to marry a daughter from the first wife to Gu Yunzheng. He is afraid that the Shangguan family will become the next Yu family in the future. She will try her best to make a special trip to Huzhou. Gu Shuiyue must also know that Lei Yuxiu wants to come to Huzhou, so she made a favor. At least now here, Huzhou Shangguan's family sees Gu Shuiyue and Lei Yuxiu playing the piano He Ming, the harmony between husband and wife must be relieved."

"What are you worried about?" Maier asked.

"I'm not worried," Xiaoman smiled self-deprecatingly, "but I will be jealous. Want to occupy his every gentle word, every focused look, every sentence, every smile, every meal with him, Drinking and chatting with him, tasting tea and admiring flowers, make up for the time I owed in the past many, many years. But he still has a lot of business to do..."

Mai'er was a little surprised, she had never seen Xiaoman depressed.

"Mai'er, I really want to escape, to a world where there are only me and him," Xiaoman whispered while lying on the table with his forehead resting on his arm, "Actually, I have always been afraid in my heart, afraid that one day I have to face the end of my relationship with him. So I want to cherish every day now, and I don’t want to wait here by myself, Mai’er, do you think I’m sick?”

"Miss, what are you talking about?" Maier asked in surprise, "You are just a little lonely."

Xiao Man stopped talking, just buried her head in tears.She is too dependent on him now, from the moment she left Dapei and boarded the riverboat, for some reason she felt empty in her heart, which could only be filled when Lei Yuxiu was by her side.

And now that he's not here, it's like there is a hole in her heart, and the cold wind will blow into it.

She waited until midnight, but Lei Yuxiu still didn't come back.

Maier advised her not to wait and go to sleep.

She lay down on the bed, covered her head with the quilt, and fell asleep for some time.

Waking up early the next morning, Xiao Man looked around and lowered the corners of his eyes in disappointment.

Mai'er fetched water and went into her room, saw the dark face, and said helplessly: "Miss, the general must have been delayed by something last night, don't think about it."

After Xiaoman finished washing, a soldier from the Dapei Army came to report: "Miss Xiaoman, the general said that he is staying at the Shangguan Mansion, and he will be back in a few days, please rest assured."

As he said that, the soldier gave Xiaoman a letter written by Lei Yuxiu. The content of the letter was very simple: he has moved into the Shangguan Mansion.All is well, don't worry.

Xiao Man thanked the soldier who sent the message, and then burned the letter on the candle.

"Miss..." Mai'er looked at Xiaoman worriedly, not knowing what to say.

Xiaoman took a deep breath: "I'm worried about Mai'er, you can go to the government to see if he's alright."

Maier took the order to leave.

An hour later, Maier came back.

"How is it?" Xiaoman asked Maier anxiously.

Mai'er nodded: "The Shangguan family held a banquet for the princess and the general for three consecutive days, and the general couldn't escape for the time being."

"where does he live?"

"The main residence of the Shangguan family."

"Live with Gu Shuiyue?" Xiaoman asked.

Maier frowned, but didn't answer.

"Who is in charge of his safety?" Xiao Man asked again.

Maier still didn't answer.

"It's Chang Fengjue, isn't it?" Xiao Man smiled, "Don't lie to me, I already knew that Chang Fengjue is now Lei Yuxiu's secret guard and has been secretly protecting his safety. But this trip to Huzhou, Chang Fengjue has arrived early."

" misunderstood..." Maier said anxiously.

Xiaoman smiled wryly: "No matter how much you tell me to continue to believe what he said..."

(End of this chapter)

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