Chapter 31 Soul Exchange
Chacha opened her eyes, and the red light had disappeared.There was an uncoordinated touch on the body, and he subconsciously raised his hand, completely shocked and speechless.It was a slender hand with a layer of yellowish calluses on the tiger's mouth, palm and pads of the four fingers. It was the very familiar hand of idol who had appeared in dreams countless times.

A punch in the face hurts.

This unscientific!Chacha hurriedly got up, trying to find the spinning top that never stopped.

However, he bumped into a hard object, and his hands and feet seemed to be uncomfortable.She was in a spacious tent at the moment, several stacks of bamboo slips were neatly stacked on the table, and a military map was hung on the back, marking the mountains, rivers and rivers in detail.On the left side of the table is the flag of idols.Nothing else.Could it be... Isn't it a dream?

Chacha opened the tent door suspiciously, half-closed her eyes to adjust to the light.

A charcoal fire was burning outside the tent, and there were two heavily armed soldiers standing at the door, outfits Chacha had never seen before.I don't know if it's because her body is too tall, or because she is too nervous, Chacha's feet are on the ground, and she just feels empty and unreal.Stepping forward, more and more unfamiliar faces appeared in sight.Chacha's nails were embedded in her flesh, and she tried her best to keep her aloofness without leaving any openings.

All the camp tents looked the same from the outside, and Chacha memorized their positions reflexively.The weeds on the ground have been eradicated, and even a needle can be clearly seen under the sunlight.Still haven't found the legendary spinning top that only appears in dreams.

A quarter of an hour later, Chacha saw a familiar figure.The slightly chubby figure held a scroll and bustled through the crowd.That was the person she met when she first crossed to wash her face by the stream, and was chasing her idol on horseback.

There was a shriek in Chacha's head, she actually switched bodies with Aidou? !All kinds of bold ideas came out like crazy, and the excitement almost made her faint.

"You will have two souls. This is indeed a very dangerous thing." The witch's dark warning echoed in her ears.Chacha instantly felt a chill running down his spine.Aidou is staying in her body now, didn't she see her kennel?

Here, "Chacha" woke up from a deep sleep, raised his eyes to see the portrait of himself eating, and couldn't help but gasped.Standing up from the floor in confusion, frowning slightly, what is more confused than thoughts is the furnishings of this room.There are debris scattered everywhere, as if it has been robbed.

A piece of talisman paper was stepped on the sole of the foot, and the yellowed paper surface was shining with red streamer.

"Chacha" bent down to pick it up. Except for the different symbols, the handwriting, paper quality, and paint of the ink pen were all exactly the same as the longevity amulet given by that person.A few feet away, there is the mysterious paintbrush used to write spells.After a little relaxation, I noticed something strange about my body.The hands holding the talisman paper were too delicate, as if they didn't belong to him.

The terminal at the head of the bed is like a mirror. "Chacha" saw his face.

I'm dreaming.

But if it is a dream, everything in front of you is so real.

Strange mirrors, strange beds, and strange tables with mechanisms that have never been seen before.There is also the big lamp at the end of the bed, which projects light to the ceiling, making it seem like you can see the entire starry sky.These were beyond his imagination.There was a rustling sound on his wrist, and the obsidian-like bracelet suddenly came to life, transforming into a five-foot-long black dragon, leaping to his left and turning the doorknob respectfully.

There are dragons in this world?
The door opened in response, and "Chacha" walked down the spiral staircase.More novel things appear in front of you.The snow-white spirit beast jumped over, and the black dragon followed and tugged at its furry tail.It feels like living in a legend. "Chacha" continued to go downstairs, and at the bottom of the stairs stood a strangely dressed woman.

"Chacha, are you awake? I think I'm in good condition, so I made dinner." Ashe greeted Chacha for dinner, Bai Ze's whisper came from her mind, and she put her hands in front of her body vigilantly, "You are not Chacha, you are who?"

"I..." The other party paused, and raised his hand to draw the shape of the Longevity Talisman in the air. The bright red lines solidified in the air, which was Chacha's protective shield.

"Ah, I see." Ah Xue suddenly felt relieved, "You are Chacha's idol!"

"Idol?" The other party was puzzled.

"Idol is, she likes you very much." Axue carefully chooses words, she has never been a celebrity, so she doesn't know how to describe it for a while, "It's not the kind of love between a man and a woman. Well, it should be called admiration, She especially admires you." For a moment, Ashue seemed to see a blush on the other person's face, but she quickly returned to her original expression.

"How could I be in Chacha's body?" After finishing speaking, he felt that this sentence was a bit awkward.

"It's the Talisman of Immortality." The snow-white spirit beast suddenly spoke, and both of them were startled. "This is the only thing Chacha gives you. In theory, it is your only connection." The little black dragon followed Bai Ze's example, stretching his neck and trying to speak to show his presence, but found that his tongue was not suitable for pronunciation.It returned to its owner's wrist in despair.

Its owner didn't care, and continued to ask: "Can I go back?"

"You were summoned by Chacha. I don't know the reason." Bai Ze said truthfully, "The world you are in now is completely different from the original one."

"Well, I feel it." Chacha's idol was thoughtful, "Can you tell me about you?"

"Talking while eating." Ashe said, pointing to a large table of dishes in the living room.

Chacha was standing on the high platform, suffering from social phobia symptoms non-stop, and the hall of thinking was a mess.

Although relying on the skill of the brain-dead fans, he has initially grasped the current battle situation.

In terms of time, 24 hours in the magic world is equivalent to three days here. She just needs to wait until September and cooperate with the main force to go east.Even if he can't wait for Aidou to come back, the tricks he will use next are all in his head.

The only problem is, as an internet addicted girl who has never experienced war, she doesn't know anything about marching formations.Well, even if there was a mock training at 404, it was a long time ago.What's more, that kind of training is no different from clearing a strategy game.This is a living ancient battlefield, and every level is a cruel proposition.

Serious faces gathered together, Chacha not only had social fears, but also intensive fears followed.Her ears were buzzing, and she silently prayed that her idol could figure out the situation as soon as possible, and by the way, get rid of Prince Xavier who was trying to make trouble, and then send her soul back to Xingcha as soon as possible.

Damn it, I must not embarrass my idol.Chacha felt that she should say something, but the more nervous she became, the less she could say anything.The sky was like a cauldron tilted upside down above his head. The blue color suddenly turned black, and the color on the side of the pot turned blood red. Chacha had hallucinations.

Stars emerged from the dark surface of the pot, and the starlight from hundreds of years ago traveled through space and projected into Chacha's eyes.The starry sky is as vast as a chessboard, and the eastern sky is occupied by the Canglong, and the stars from all directions gather in it, and the sun and the moon are majestic.Moving down the line of sight, the wildfire ignited from the corner, dodging and dodging skillfully to survive, the sharp minions hid in the dense dark clouds, waiting for the opportunity to move towards the direction of the dragon's heart.

Slay the dragon.Chacha repeated in her heart, and the trembling of her body slowly stopped.

The soldiers lined up neatly under the stage changed in Chacha's eyes. Those unfamiliar faces that were copied and pasted didn't seem to be living things, they alternated and changed like parts of mechs.Full liquid crystal window, multi-leaf electromagnetic gun, magneto-rheological damper, hydraulic rotating flywheel, cast into a complete war machine with unparalleled power, it will be wiped out wherever it goes.

The 3-minute silence made the eyes of the audience more concentrated.Chacha's blood gradually boiled, and the gorgeous rhetoric that had been buried deep in her memory popped up one after another.She was even thinking about whether to bring someone to copy some alchemy chambers, using materials that alchemists don't understand, to create a wave of perfect art before Aidou comes back.

A strange atmosphere enveloped the barracks, and Chacha skillfully drew out her sword and raised it above her head.The familiar line in the second grade echoed in his mind, with the long sword in hand, dare to bind the blue dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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